Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (2024)

Some pets know an ability or two already when you tame them, but most pets need to be trained. In order to teach your pet a skill, you must first know it yourself. There are two ways for you to learn a pet ability: some abilities you can learn from a pet trainer in town, and some abilities you learn from taming creatures that already know the ability.

In comparison to the original Classic, there are six new pet abilities: Avoidance, Cobra Reflexes, Fire Breath, Gore, Poison Spit, and Warp. In original BC, Avoidance and Cobra Reflexes were added later (Patch 2.1) but will be available from the start in BC Classic.

Learned from wild creatures:

  • Bite
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Cower
  • Dash
  • Dive
  • Fire Breath
  • Furious Howl
  • Gore
  • Lightning Breath
  • Poison Spit
  • Prowl
  • Scorpid Poison
  • Screech
  • Shell Shield
  • Thunderstomp
  • Warp

Learned from the trainer:

  • Arcane Resistance
  • Avoidance
  • Cobra Reflexes
  • Fire Resistance
  • Frost Resistance
  • Great Stamina
  • Growl
  • Natural Armor
  • Nature Resistance
  • Shadow Resistance

Minimum pet level for learning each ability:

Pet LevelAbilities
1Bite 1, Charge 1, Claw 1, Fire Breath 1, Gore 1, Growl 1, Lightning Breath 1
5Cower 1
8Bite 2, Claw 2, Gore 2, Scorpid Poison 1, Screech 1
10Furious Howl 1, Great Stamina 1, Growl 2, Natural Armor 1
12Charge 2, Great Stamina 2, Lightning Breath 2, Natural Armor 2
15Cower 2, Poison Spit 1
16Bite 3, Claw 3, Gore 3
18Great Stamina 3, Natural Armor 3
20Arcane Resistance 1, Fire Resistance 1, Frost Resistance 1, Growl 3, Nature Resistance 1, Shadow Resistance 1, Shell Shield 1
24Bite 4, Charge 3, Claw 4, Furious Howl 2, Gore 4, Great Stamina 4, Lightning Breath 3, Natural Armor 4, Scorpid Poison 2, Screech 2
25Cower 3
30Arcane Resistance 2, Avoidance 1, Cobra Reflexes 1, Dash 1, Dive 1, Fire Resistance 2, Frost Resistance 2, Great Stamina 5, Growl 4, Natural Armor 5, Nature Resistance 2, Prowl 1, Shadow Resistance 2, Thunderstomp 1
32Bite 5, Claw 5, Gore 5
35Cower 4
36Charge 4, Great Stamina 6, Lightning Breath 4, Natural Armor 6
40Arcane Resistance 3, Bite 6, Claw 6, Dash 2, Dive 2, Fire Resistance 3, Frost Resistance 3, Furious Howl 3, Gore 6, Growl 5, Nature Resistance 3, Prowl 2, Scorpid Poison 3, Shadow Resistance 3, Thunderstomp 2
42Great Stamina 7, Natural Armor 7
45Cower 5, Poison Spit 2
48Bite 7, Charge 5, Claw 7, Gore 7, Great Stamina 8, Lightning Breath 5, Natural Armor 8, Screech 3
50Arcane Resistance 4, Dash 3, Dive 3, Fire Resistance 4, Frost Resistance 4, Growl 6, Nature Resistance 4, Prowl 3, Shadow Resistance 4, Thunderstomp 3
54Great Stamina 9, Natural Armor 9
55Cower 6
56Bite 8, Claw 8, Furious Howl 4, Gore 8, Scorpid Poison 4, Screech 4
60Arcane Resistance 5, Avoidance 2, Charge 6, Fire Breath 2, Fire Resistance 5, Frost Resistance 5, Great Stamina 10, Growl 7, Lightning Breath 6, Natural Armor 10, Nature Resistance 5, Poison Spit 3, Shadow Resistance 5, Warp 1
63Gore 9
64Bite 9, Claw 9, Scorpid Poison 5, Screech 5
65Cower 7
70Great Stamina 11, Growl 8, Natural Armor 11

Ability List

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (165)Arcane Resistance

Increases Arcane Resistance.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Arcane Resistance 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 5 TP. Increases Arcane Resistance by 30.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Arcane Resistance 2: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Increases Arcane Resistance by 60.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Arcane Resistance 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 45 TP. Increases Arcane Resistance by 90.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Arcane Resistance 4: Pet Level 50, Cost 90 TP. Increases Arcane Resistance by 120.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Arcane Resistance 5: Pet Level 60, Cost 105 TP. Increases Arcane Resistance by 140.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (166)Avoidance

Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of affect attacks.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Avoidance 1: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of affect attacks by an additional 25%.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Avoidance 2: Pet Level 60, Cost 25 TP. Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of affect attacks by an additional 50%.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (167)Bite

Bite the enemy, causing damage.

Can be learned by: Bats, Bears, Boars, Carrion Birds, Cats, Crocolisks, Dragonhawks, Gorillas, Hyenas, Nether Rays, Raptors, Ravagers, Serpents, Spiders, Tallstriders, Turtles, Warp Stalkers, Wind Serpents, Wolves

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (168)Charge

Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds melee attack power to the boar's next attack.

Can be learned by: Boars

  • Charge 1: Pet Level 1, Cost 5 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 50 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. Can be learned by taming:
  • Charge 2: Pet Level 12, Cost 9 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 100 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. Can be learned by taming:
  • Charge 3: Pet Level 24, Cost 13 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 180 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. Can be learned by taming:
  • Charge 4: Pet Level 36, Cost 17 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 250 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. No known training source.
  • Charge 5: Pet Level 48, Cost 25 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 390 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. Can be learned by taming:
  • Charge 6: Pet Level 60, Cost 29 TP. Charges an enemy, immobilizes it for 1 sec, and adds 550 melee attack power to the boar's next attack. Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (169)Claw

Claw the enemy, causing damage.

Can be learned by: Bears, Carrion Birds, Cats, Crabs, Owls, Raptors, Scorpids, Warp Stalkers

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (170)Cobra Reflexes

Attack speed increased, but damage done is reduced.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Cobra Reflexes 1: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Attack speed increased by 30%, but damage done is reduced.Can be learned from trainers.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (171)Cower

Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Cower 1: Pet Level 5, Cost 8 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 2: Pet Level 15, Cost 10 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 3: Pet Level 25, Cost 12 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 4: Pet Level 35, Cost 14 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 5: Pet Level 45, Cost 16 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 6: Pet Level 55, Cost 18 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:
  • Cower 7: Pet Level 65, Cost 21 TP. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (172)Dash

Increases movement speed for 15 seconds.

Can be learned by: Boars, Cats, Hyenas, Raptors, Ravagers, Tallstriders, Wolves

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (173)Dive

Increases movement speed for 15 seconds.

Can be learned by: Bats, Carrion Birds, Dragonhawks, Nether Rays, Owls, Wind Serpents

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (174)Fire Breath

Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 6 Fire damage over 2 sec.

Can be learned by: Dragonhawks

  • Fire Breath 1: Pet Level 1, Cost 5 TP. Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 6 Fire damage over 2 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Fire Breath 2: Pet Level 60, Cost 25 TP. Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 111 Fire damage over 2 sec.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (175)Fire Resistance

Increases Fire Resistance.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Fire Resistance 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 5 TP. Increases Fire Resistance by 30.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Fire Resistance 2: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Increases Fire Resistance by 60.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Fire Resistance 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 45 TP. Increases Fire Resistance by 90.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Fire Resistance 4: Pet Level 50, Cost 90 TP. Increases Fire Resistance by 120.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Fire Resistance 5: Pet Level 60, Cost 105 TP. Increases Fire Resistance by 140.Can be learned from trainers.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (176)Frost Resistance

Increases Frost Resistance.

Can be learned by: All Families

See Also

  • Frost Resistance 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 5 TP. Increases Frost Resistance by 30.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Frost Resistance 2: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Increases Frost Resistance by 60.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Frost Resistance 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 45 TP. Increases Frost Resistance by 90.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Frost Resistance 4: Pet Level 50, Cost 90 TP. Increases Frost Resistance by 120.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Frost Resistance 5: Pet Level 60, Cost 105 TP. Increases Frost Resistance by 140.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (177)Furious Howl

Party members within 15 yards receive extra damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.

Can be learned by: Wolves

  • Furious Howl 1: Pet Level 10, Cost 10 TP. Party members within 15 yards receive an extra 9 to 11 damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.Can be learned by taming:
  • Furious Howl 2: Pet Level 24, Cost 15 TP. Party members within 15 yards receive an extra 18 to 22 damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.Can be learned by taming:
  • Furious Howl 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 20 TP. Party members within 15 yards receive an extra 28 to 34 damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.Can be learned by taming:
  • Furious Howl 4: Pet Level 56, Cost 25 TP. Party members within 15 yards receive an extra 45 to 57 damage to their next physical attack. Lasts 10 seconds.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (178)Gore

Gores the enemy, causing damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage.

Can be learned by: Boars, Ravagers

  • Gore 1: Pet Level 1, Cost 1 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 3 to 5 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 2: Pet Level 8, Cost 4 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 6 to 10 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 3: Pet Level 16, Cost 7 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 9 to 13 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 4: Pet Level 24, Cost 10 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 12 to 18 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 5: Pet Level 32, Cost 13 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 15 to 23 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. No known training source.
  • Gore 6: Pet Level 40, Cost 17 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 18 to 30 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. No known training source.
  • Gore 7: Pet Level 48, Cost 21 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 24 to 40 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 8: Pet Level 56, Cost 25 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 30 to 48 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:
  • Gore 9: Pet Level 63, Cost 29 TP. Gores the enemy, causing 37 to 61 damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage. Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (179)Great Stamina

Increases stamina.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Great Stamina 1: Pet Level 10, Cost 5 TP. Increases Stamina by 3.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 2: Pet Level 12, Cost 10 TP. Increases Stamina by 5.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 3: Pet Level 18, Cost 15 TP. Increases Stamina by 7.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 4: Pet Level 24, Cost 25 TP. Increases Stamina by 10.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 5: Pet Level 30, Cost 50 TP. Increases Stamina by 13.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 6: Pet Level 36, Cost 75 TP. Increases Stamina by 17.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 7: Pet Level 42, Cost 100 TP. Increases Stamina by 21.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 8: Pet Level 48, Cost 125 TP. Increases Stamina by 26.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 9: Pet Level 54, Cost 150 TP. Increases Stamina by 32.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 10: Pet Level 60, Cost 185 TP. Increases Stamina by 40.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Great Stamina 11: Pet Level 70, Cost 215 TP. Increases Stamina by 64.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (180)Growl

Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Growl 1: Pet Level 1, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 2: Pet Level 10, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 3: Pet Level 20, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 4: Pet Level 30, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 5: Pet Level 40, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 6: Pet Level 50, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 7: Pet Level 60, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Growl 8: Pet Level 70, Cost 0 TP. Taunt the target, increasing the likelihood the creature will focus attacks on your pet.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (181)Lightning Breath

Breathes lightning, instantly dealing Nature damage to a single target.

Can be learned by: Wind Serpents

  • Lightning Breath 1: Pet Level 1, Cost 1 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 11 to 13 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:
  • Lightning Breath 2: Pet Level 12, Cost 5 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 21 to 23 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:
  • Lightning Breath 3: Pet Level 24, Cost 10 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 36 to 40 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:
  • Lightning Breath 4: Pet Level 36, Cost 15 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 51 to 59 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:
  • Lightning Breath 5: Pet Level 48, Cost 20 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 78 to 90 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:
  • Lightning Breath 6: Pet Level 60, Cost 25 TP. Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 99 to 113 Nature damage to a single target.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (182)Natural Armor

Increases armor.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Natural Armor 1: Pet Level 10, Cost 1 TP. Increases Armor by 50.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 2: Pet Level 12, Cost 5 TP. Increases Armor by 100.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 3: Pet Level 18, Cost 10 TP. Increases Armor by 160.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 4: Pet Level 24, Cost 15 TP. Increases Armor by 240.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 5: Pet Level 30, Cost 25 TP. Increases Armor by 330.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 6: Pet Level 36, Cost 50 TP. Increases Armor by 430.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 7: Pet Level 42, Cost 75 TP. Increases Armor by 550.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 8: Pet Level 48, Cost 100 TP. Increases Armor by 675.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 9: Pet Level 54, Cost 125 TP. Increases Armor by 810.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Natural Armor 10: Pet Level 60, Cost 150 TP. Increases Armor by 1000.Can be learned from trainers.Can be learned by taming:
  • Natural Armor 11: Pet Level 70, Cost 175 TP. Increases Armor by 1600.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (183)Nature Resistance

Increases Nature Resistance.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Nature Resistance 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 5 TP. Increases Nature Resistance by 30.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Nature Resistance 2: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Increases Nature Resistance by 60.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Nature Resistance 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 45 TP. Increases Nature Resistance by 90.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Nature Resistance 4: Pet Level 50, Cost 90 TP. Increases Nature Resistance by 120.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Nature Resistance 5: Pet Level 60, Cost 105 TP. Increases Nature Resistance by 140.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (184)Poison Spit

Spits poison at an enemy, dealing Nature damage over 12 sec.

Can be learned by: Serpents

  • Poison Spit 1: Pet Level 15, Cost 5 TP. Spits poison at an enemy, dealing 25 Nature damage over 8 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Poison Spit 2: Pet Level 45, Cost 20 TP. Spits poison at an enemy, dealing 90 Nature damage over 8 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Poison Spit 3: Pet Level 60, Cost 25 TP. Spits poison at an enemy, dealing 120 Nature damage over 8 sec.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (185)Prowl

Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed. The first attack from stealth receives a bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.

Can be learned by: Cats

  • Prowl 1: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 50%. The first attack from stealth receives a 20% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.Can be learned by taming:
  • Prowl 2: Pet Level 40, Cost 20 TP. Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 45%. The first attack from stealth receives a 35% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.Can be learned by taming:
  • Prowl 3: Pet Level 50, Cost 25 TP. Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 40%. The first attack from stealth receives a 50% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (186)Scorpid Poison

Inflicts Nature damage over time. Effect can stack up to 5 times on a single target.

Can be learned by: Scorpids

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (187)Screech

Blasts a single enemy for damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range. Effect lasts 4 sec.

Can be learned by: Bats, Carrion Birds, Owls

  • Screech 1: Pet Level 8, Cost 10 TP. Blasts a single enemy for 7 to 9 damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by 25. Effect lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Screech 2: Pet Level 24, Cost 15 TP. Blasts a single enemy for 12 to 16 damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by 50. Effect lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Screech 3: Pet Level 48, Cost 20 TP. Blasts a single enemy for 19 to 25 damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by 75. Effect lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Screech 4: Pet Level 56, Cost 25 TP. Blasts a single enemy for 26 to 46 damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by 100. Effect lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:
  • Screech 5: Pet Level 64, Cost 29 TP. Blasts a single enemy for 33 to 61 damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by 210. Effect lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (188)Shadow Resistance

Increases Shadow Resistance.

Can be learned by: All Families

  • Shadow Resistance 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 5 TP. Increases Shadow Resistance by 30.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Shadow Resistance 2: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Increases Shadow Resistance by 60.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Shadow Resistance 3: Pet Level 40, Cost 45 TP. Increases Shadow Resistance by 90.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Shadow Resistance 4: Pet Level 50, Cost 90 TP. Increases Shadow Resistance by 120.Can be learned from trainers.
  • Shadow Resistance 5: Pet Level 60, Cost 105 TP. Increases Shadow Resistance by 140.Can be learned from trainers.

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (189)Shell Shield

Reduces all damage your pet takes by 50%, but increases the time between your pet's attacks by 43%. Lasts 12 sec.

Can be learned by: Turtles

  • Shell Shield 1: Pet Level 20, Cost 15 TP. Reduces all damage your pet takes by 50%, but increases the time between your pet's attacks by 43%. Lasts 12 sec.Can be learned by taming:
    • Kresh (Turtle, 20, Wailing Caverns (Dungeon))
    • Aku'mai Fisher (Turtle, 22-23, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon))
    • Aku'mai Snapjaw (Turtle, 23, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon))
    • Ghamoo-ra (Turtle, 23, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon))
    • Snapjaw (Turtle, 30-31, Hillsbrad Foothills; Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Dungeon))
    • Cranky Benj (Turtle, 32, Alterac Mountains)
    • Ironback (Turtle, 51, The Hinterlands)

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (190)Thunderstomp

Shakes the ground with thundering force, doing Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. This ability causes a moderate amount of additional threat.

Can be learned by: Gorillas

  • Thunderstomp 1: Pet Level 30, Cost 15 TP. Shakes the ground with thundering force, doing 67 to 77 Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. This ability causes a moderate amount of additional threat.Can be learned by taming:
  • Thunderstomp 2: Pet Level 40, Cost 20 TP. Shakes the ground with thundering force, doing 87 to 99 Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. This ability causes a moderate amount of additional threat.Can be learned by taming:
  • Thunderstomp 3: Pet Level 50, Cost 25 TP. Shakes the ground with thundering force, doing 115 to 133 Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. This ability causes a moderate amount of additional threat.Can be learned by taming:

Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (191)Warp

Teleports to an enemy up to 30 yards away and gives the pet a 50% chance to avoid the next melee attack. Lasts 4 sec.

Can be learned by: Warp Stalkers

  • Warp 1: Pet Level 60, Cost 1 TP. Teleports to an enemy up to 30 yards away and gives the pet a 50% chance to avoid the next melee attack. Lasts 4 sec.Can be learned by taming:

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Petopia BC Classic: Pet Family Abilities (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.