The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (2024)

Class 6 Maths Poorvi Chapter 4 Worksheet The Unlikely Best Friends

Question 1.
Introduce your best friend to the class and tell your classmates about the activities you both like to do whenever you meet. Also, share the likes and dislikes of your friend.
Now, complete the table given below describing his likes and dislikes. Mention at least four of each.
The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (1)

Question 2.
The word ‘unlikely’ means ‘unexpected’ here.
(a) Write down three other synonyms of ‘unlikely’.
(i) ………………………..
(ii) ………………………..
(iii) ……………………….
Also use these words to make sentences.

(b) What do you actually think about an unlikely friend? Share your thoughts with your classmates and teacher.

The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (2)

Let us discuss

Question 1.
Write about at least four attributes that both Gajaraj and Buntee have in common. One has been mentioned below.
The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (3)

Question 2.
Why did Buntee run to the farmer?

Question 3.
How could you say that Buntee didn’t want to go with the farmer?

Question 4.
Do you really think that Gajaraj and Buntee were missing each other?

Question 5.
Why did the mahout ask Gajaraj and Buntee to eat first?

Think beyond

Question 1.
Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.
(a) “I wish I had a friend I can play with,” thought Gajaraj. One late evening, a dog strayed into the stable. Gajaraj could see that the visitor was tired and hungry. He pushed some of the food he was munching towards the dog.
(i) Who does T refer to in the given extract?

(ii) What was Gajaraj’s wish and why?

(iii) Gajaraj offered his food to the dog because it was ______________ and _________

(iv) Complete with one word:
Tired : ______________ :: hungry : satisfied

(b) By then the farmer who had followed the dog, joined him. The two of them watched with satisfaction the two friends eating food. “It’s not only Gajaraj who has found a friend,” said the mahout hugging the farmer, “I’ve also found one.
(i) Who was/were watching to whom with satisfaction?

(ii) Why did the mahout hug the farmer?

(iii) The mahout addressed the farmer as his _________ when he saw Gajaraj and Buntee.

(iv) Complete with one word:
Gajaraj: _________ :: farmer: mahout

Question 2.
Answer the following questions.
(a) Who was Gajaraj and why was he sad?

(b) What did the farmer do when he saw Buntee?

(c) How could you say that Buntee was not ready to go with the farmer?

(d) Do you think Gajaraj and Buntee were missing each other?

(e) Why did the author say the friendship of Gajaraj and Buntee ‘unlikely friendship’?

The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (4)

Let us learn

According to the story, Gajaraj needed a company of a friend because he was sad due to his loneliness. Here, company and loneliness are opposites. We can form opposites even by adding some prefixes like, un, in, im, il, dis, etc. for example: ununnecessary, in-invalid, im-immature, il-illiterate, dis-discontinue.
Now, take help of the hints given below to fill the opposites of the words in the grid.
1. stuffed
2. healthy
3. started
4. indifferent
5. forget

6. believable
7. shorter
8. loved
9. energetic
10. slight
The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (5)

Question 2.
Complete the paragraph using some of the words given in the above grid.
Once there was a _________ old and _________ lion. He had not eaten anything for a long period, so he was extremely He _________ his young days when he was very _________ but due to weakness, it was difficult for him to hunt. So, he ______________ hunting as he became when he ran after an animal.

Question 3.
Complete the spellings of the words below and rewrite them in the space provided.
(a) u_l_ke_y
(b) in_ige_ti_n
(c) m_h__t
(d) f_ie__sh_p v
(e) ac_ompan_
(f) sc__ter_d
(g) t_u_k
(h) _av_ur_ Je
(i) d ig_te_
(0) sa_is_a_ti_n

Question 4.
The words that tell us about an action are called verbs. The story tells us about the action happened in the past and to express those actions, the author has used the past form of the action words (verbs). There are three types of tenses in the past that we use frequently.
(i) To express an action completed in the past with reference to the time of speaking.
Example: Gajaraj lived in a royal stable.

(ii) To express habitual or regular action in the past.
Example: Gandhiji always spoke the truth.

(b) Past Continuous Tense
(Subject + was/were + 1 st Form of the Verb + ing + …)
To denote an action going on in the past.
Example: They both were eating happily.

(c) Past Perfect Tense
(Subject + had + 3rd Form of the Verb + …)
To denote the action or event which has been completed before some point of time.
Example: Buntee had not eaten anything for a long.

The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (6)

Question 5.
Now, underline the verbs given in past form in the following sentences. Write their types of tense in the space provided.
(a) The farmer tossed a rope round the neck of the dog
(b) Gajaraj loved to play with Buntee.
(c) the elephant had not eaten anything given to him.
(d) The farmer and the mahout were watching them.
(e) The elephant picked up the dog with his trunk.
(f) The dog had also not touched his food.

Question 6.
Choose the correct form of the verb from the brackets to complete the following passage.
Gajaraj _________ (felt/was feeling/had felt) sad when he _________ (saw/had seen) the farmer taking his friend Buntee away from him. The mahout _________ (gave/was giving/had given) him his favourite food but he _________ (denied/had denied) to eat it. The farmer, _________ (released/was releasing) Buntee so he could meet Gajaraj. In the end, the mahout said that he _________ (found/was finding/had found) a friend too.

Question 7.
In English, we often use either…or and neither…nor. They are correlative conjunctions used to express relationships between two alternatives in a sentence. They are often used to present choices or to indicate that two ideas are both false or both true.
(a) You can have either apples or bananas for breakfast.
This suggests a choice between two types of fruits.
(b) Neither the elephant nor the dog is allowed in the pond.
Both the elephant and the dog are not allowed in the pond.

Now, complete the following sentences with correct uses of ‘neither…nor’ or ‘either… or’.
(a) I know _________ your brother _________ your sister. Can you introduce me to them?
(b) You may choose _________ play with us ________ sit on the bench and watch.
(c) We can ________ eat at the restaurant ________ go home and have dinner there.
(d) ________ an elephant ________ a dog can climb a tree.
(e) If you are hungry, you can eat ________ a pizza ________ a sandwich.

Let us listen

Listen to the text and do as instructed.

Question 1.
Listen carefully as your teacher reads out a short story of a lion and a mouse. Use exact words from the story to fill up the missing details in the paragraph.
(Refer to the Page 105 for the transcript.)
The lion was sleeping in the jungle when a mouse started ________ over him. The lion became ________ and wanted to ________ it but the mouse begged his ________ and promise to ________ the lion one day. When the lion was ________ in a net, the mouse ________ it and ________ him.

The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (7)

Question 2.
After listening to the story, arrange the following sentences as per their occurrence in the story.

  • The mouse tore the net with its sharp teeth. ___________
  • The lion was angry and about to kill the mouse. _________
  • The lion laughed at the mouse’s thought. ___________
  • The lion was trapped in a hunter’s net. ____________
  • The mouse ran all over the lion. _______________

Let us speak

We all have one or more unlikely friend as Gajaraj and Buntee in our school life. Do you have such a friend whom you consider your unlikely friend? (You can also take example of your pet if you have any). Now, share your thoughts about ‘Friendship’.
Take help of the clues given below to share your thoughts.
The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (8)

Let us write

Write a short paragraph discussing the qualities of a true friend. You can take example of your friend and explain why you like him the most. Consider the following hints to write about him. Write it in your diary.
The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (9)

Let Us explore

Question 1.
Your grandparents might have told you some stories about the friendship. If you have forgotten the story, request them to tell it again and share it with the class.

Question 2.
Search for other unlikely friendship stories of animals with the help of the Internet or other storybooks. Discuss the story you find most interesting with your classmates.

English Poorvi Class 6 Worksheets

The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 Worksheet English Poorvi Chapter 4 (2024)
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