How Does Morning Dew Help The Lawn? (2024)

Dew is a natural way Mother Nature can help “water” your lawn! Dew is the moisture that occurs from water vapor that condenses on cold surfaces. There are some plants that can absorb water from dew and help receive the moisture and nutrients it needs. Moisture from morning dew keeps the seed bed moist and the less intense sun rays slow the rate of evaporation. The soil temperatures are still warm and the cool rains make it beneficial for your lawn. Morning dew can also help with fertilizer, which creates enough moisture for the grass to take the fertilizer.

How Does Morning Dew Help The Lawn? (1)

Dew reduces water stress on your lawn and plants so when water is on grass, it reduces transpiration. Dew actually forms a protective shield on the leaf and transpiration will not occur until the dew evaporates. What this means is the grass or plants retain the moisture in its cell, making it more protected from hot, dry conditions. As the dew disappears, it cools the grass and plants down and reduces heat stress in warm environments. It also plays an important role in seed germination. If there is a significant amount of dew, it can provide moisture to help seeds germinate.

The post How Does Morning Dew Help The Lawn? first appeared on Lawn Buddies.

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Lawn Buddies Blog

03 Jun, 2024

If you're living in New Jersey, you know how delightful summers can be—long days, warm nights, and plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. However, these pleasures often come with an unwelcome guest: mosquitoes. As concerns about mosquito-borne illnesses and itchy bites rise, many homeowners are turning to professional mosquito control services. But do they really work? The answer is a resounding yes, and here's why. The Effectiveness of Mosquito Control Services Targeted Approach: Professional mosquito control services use targeted treatments that are far more effective than over-the-counter repellents. These treatments focus on both adult mosquitoes and their larvae, significantly reducing the population and preventing future breeding. Comprehensive Coverage: Unlike DIY methods, professional services cover all potential mosquito habitats in your yard. This includes treating areas of standing water, dense foliage, and other mosquito-friendly environments, ensuring no part of your property is left unprotected. Expert Knowledge: Pest control professionals understand mosquito behavior and breeding patterns. They use this knowledge to strategically apply treatments at the right time and places, maximizing the effectiveness of the service. Safe and Environmentally Friendly: Professional mosquito control solutions are designed to be safe for your family, pets, and the environment. These treatments are carefully formulated to target mosquitoes while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and wildlife. The Benefits of Mosquito Control for Your Home Health Protection: Mosquitoes are vectors for serious diseases such as West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and Zika Virus. By significantly reducing the mosquito population around your home, you lower the risk of these diseases. Increased Comfort: Nothing spoils a summer evening like a swarm of mosquitoes. Professional mosquito control services allow you to enjoy your outdoor spaces without constantly swatting away these pests or dealing with itchy bites. Extended Outdoor Enjoyment: With fewer mosquitoes, you can spend more time outside, whether it's having a barbecue, playing with your kids, or simply relaxing in your garden. Additional Pest Control: Many mosquito control services also target other pests, such as ticks. Ticks are another common problem in New Jersey, known for spreading Lyme disease. A comprehensive pest control service can protect your home from both mosquitoes and ticks, providing even greater peace of mind. Why Choose Lawn Buddies for Mosquito Control? At Lawn Buddies, we are committed to providing effective and affordable mosquito control services to keep your home and family protected. Our Special Offer: We are offering our first treatment for just $19.95. This introductory price allows you to experience the effectiveness of our service without a significant upfront investment. Free Service Calls: We stand by the quality of our treatments with free service calls between regular applications. If you notice mosquito activity between our scheduled visits, we'll come back and re-treat your property at no extra cost. Regular Maintenance: Our comprehensive mosquito control plan includes regular applications throughout the mosquito season, ensuring consistent protection. Our experts will work with you to create a customized schedule that meets your needs and keeps your property mosquito-free. Tailored Solutions: Every yard is different, and so is every mosquito problem. Our trained professionals will assess your property and develop a tailored treatment plan to effectively target mosquito hotspots and breeding areas. Commitment to Quality: Lawn Buddies uses only the highest quality products and the latest techniques in mosquito control. Our methods are safe, reliable, and designed to provide long-lasting results. Enjoy a Bite-Free Summer with Lawn Buddies Don't let mosquitoes take over your summer. With Lawn Buddies' professional mosquito control services, you can enjoy your outdoor spaces without worrying about pesky bites or dangerous diseases. Take advantage of our $19.95 first treatment offer and experience the difference for yourself. Contact us today to schedule your first treatment and enjoy a bite-free summer with Lawn Buddies.

Mosquito Problems in Summer: A Persistent Issue in New Jersey

03 Jun, 2024

Summer in New Jersey is a time for enjoying the outdoors, whether it's barbecues in the backyard, hiking in the beautiful state parks, or simply relaxing on the porch. However, these activities are often disrupted by an all-too-familiar nuisance: mosquitoes. These tiny, persistent pests not only cause itchy bites but can also pose significant health risks. The Mosquito Menace Mosquitoes are more than just an itchy annoyance. They are vectors for various diseases, some of which can have serious health implications. Health Risks Associated with Mosquitoes: West Nile Virus: One of the most common mosquito-borne illnesses in New Jersey. While many infected individuals may not show symptoms, severe cases can lead to encephalitis or meningitis. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE): Though rare, EEE can be severe and sometimes fatal. Symptoms range from mild flu-like illness to severe neurological damage. Zika Virus and Dengue Fever: Although less common in New Jersey, these diseases can be transmitted by mosquitoes and cause significant health concerns, especially for travelers. Why Are Mosquitoes So Prevalent in Summer? Warm Weather: Mosquitoes thrive in warm temperatures, making summer their peak season. Standing Water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, which can accumulate in items like bird baths, gutters, and plant saucers after summer rains. Humidity: New Jersey's humid climate provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, allowing them to multiply rapidly. Coping with Mosquitoes: Common Methods Many New Jersey residents take measures to protect themselves from mosquitoes, including: Using Insect Repellents: DEET-based repellents are effective but need frequent reapplication. Installing Screens: Keeping windows and doors screened can help keep mosquitoes out of the home. Eliminating Standing Water: Regularly emptying and cleaning items that collect water can reduce breeding sites. However, these measures are often not enough to keep mosquitoes at bay, especially during peak breeding times. How Lawn Buddies Can Help At Lawn Buddies, we understand the frustration and health concerns that come with mosquito infestations. Our mission is to provide you with a safe and enjoyable outdoor environment, free from the constant nuisance of mosquitoes. Our Comprehensive Mosquito Control Services Include: Targeted Applications: Our professional mosquito treatments are designed to target both adult mosquitoes and their larvae. By treating areas where mosquitoes breed and rest, we can significantly reduce their population on your property. Preventative Measures: Our experts will assess your property and provide recommendations to eliminate breeding sites, such as standing water and dense foliage, ensuring long-term mosquito control. Regular Maintenance: We offer scheduled applications throughout the mosquito season to keep your property protected. Our treatments are safe for your family and pets while being highly effective against mosquitoes. The Lawn Buddies "Bite-Free" Guarantee: Effective Results: We stand by our mosquito control services with a "bite-free" guarantee. If you experience mosquito problems between our regular applications, we offer free service calls to address the issue promptly. Customized Plans: Every property is unique. Our experts will tailor a mosquito control plan that meets your specific needs and ensures maximum effectiveness. Peace of Mind: With Lawn Buddies, you can enjoy your outdoor spaces without worrying about mosquito bites. Our reliable and professional services provide peace of mind, allowing you to make the most of your summer. Don't let mosquitoes ruin your summer fun. Contact Lawn Buddies today and discover how our customized mosquito control solutions can keep your property mosquito-free all season long. Enjoy a bite-free summer with Lawn Buddies, and reclaim your outdoor spaces from these persistent pests.

Battling the Spotted Lanternfly Invasion in New Jersey

03 Jun, 2024

New Jersey, known for its beautiful landscapes and lush greenery, is under siege by an invasive pest: the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This pest, originally from Asia, has become a significant concern for homeowners, farmers, and environmentalists across the state. The Spotted Lanternfly not only threatens the health of trees and plants but also disrupts our outdoor activities and enjoyment of our gardens and parks. The Spotted Lanternfly Problem First detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, the Spotted Lanternfly has rapidly spread to neighboring states, including New Jersey. Its distinct appearance—grey wings with black spots, bright red hind wings, and a yellow abdomen—makes it easy to identify, but this doesn't make it any less of a problem. Why are Spotted Lanternflies a Threat? Destruction of Plants: The Spotted Lanternfly feeds on the sap of a wide range of plants, including grapevines, fruit trees, and hardwoods. This feeding weakens the plants, making them more susceptible to disease and other pests. Economic Impact: The agricultural industry in New Jersey, especially vineyards and orchards, is at significant risk. Crop yields can be drastically reduced, impacting local farmers' livelihoods and the state's economy. Nuisance Factor: Large infestations can make outdoor spaces unusable. The sticky honeydew excreted by the SLF promotes the growth of sooty mold, which can cover patios, furniture, and play areas, making them unattractive and unusable. Current Efforts to Control the Infestation State and local authorities have been proactive in trying to curb the spread of the Spotted Lanternfly. Measures include: Quarantine Zones: Establishing and enforcing quarantine areas to prevent the movement of materials that could harbor the SLF, such as firewood, landscaping waste, and outdoor furniture. Public Awareness Campaigns: Educating the public on how to identify and report sightings of the SLF to help track and control its spread. Biological Controls: Research is ongoing into natural predators and pathogens that could help control the population of the Spotted Lanternfly without harming the ecosystem. How Lawn Buddies Can Help Despite these efforts, homeowners often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of Spotted Lanternflies invading their properties. This is where Lawn Buddies steps in. We understand the frustration and damage caused by these pests, and we are committed to providing effective, customized solutions to protect your home and garden. Our Customized Spotted Lanternfly Applications Include: Soil Drenches: Our professional-grade soil drenches target the Spotted Lanternfly at its source. By treating the soil, we eliminate nymphs and adults as they feed on plant roots, providing a long-lasting solution that gets to the root of the problem. Foliar Sprays: Our targeted foliar sprays are designed to protect your plants without harming beneficial insects. We apply these treatments to the foliage of trees and plants, creating a protective barrier that deters the Spotted Lanternfly from feeding. Why Choose Lawn Buddies? Expert Knowledge: Our team is trained in the latest Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques, ensuring we use the most effective and environmentally friendly methods. Customized Plans: We understand that every property is unique. Our experts will assess your specific situation and develop a customized treatment plan to address your needs. Preventative Measures: Beyond immediate treatment, we offer ongoing maintenance plans to prevent future infestations, giving you peace of mind all year round. Don't let the Spotted Lanternfly take over your property. Contact Lawn Buddies today and let our experts help you reclaim your outdoor space with our professional, effective pest control services. Together, we can protect New Jersey's beautiful landscapes from this invasive menace.

Best Weed Control Products for Lawns

22 Mar, 2024

Maintaining a pristine, weed-free lawn is the goal of every homeowner who takes pride in their outdoor space. However, achieving this requires understanding the complexities of weed control and selecting the right products for the job. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of weed control for lawns, exploring the various types of weeds, the importance of mix rates, seasonality considerations, and why partnering with Lawn Buddies ensures a weed-free guarantee. Understanding Weed Control Products: Weed control products come in various formulations tailored to target specific types of weeds commonly found in lawns. Understanding the different types of weeds is crucial for selecting the appropriate product: Broadleaf Weeds: These weeds have broad leaves and include species like dandelions, clover, and chickweed. Grassy Weeds: Grassy weeds, such as nutsedge and dallisgrass, resemble grass but are undesirable in lawns due to their invasive nature. Selecting the Right Weed Control Product: The efficacy of weed control products depends on factors such as the type of weed, the concentration of active ingredients, and the application method. Key considerations include: Type of Weed: Choose a product specifically formulated to target the type of weed infesting your lawn, whether broadleaf or grassy. Mix Rate: Follow manufacturer recommendations regarding mix rates to ensure proper application and maximize effectiveness while minimizing the risk of damage to the lawn. Seasonality: Consider the season when applying weed control products. Some weeds may be more susceptible to treatment during certain times of the year, while others require targeted approaches for optimal results. Importance of Mix Rates: Mix rates refer to the concentration of active ingredients in the weed control product. Using the correct mix rate is essential for achieving effective weed control without harming the surrounding vegetation. Too high a concentration can damage the lawn, while too low a concentration may be ineffective against stubborn weeds. Seasonal Considerations: Seasonality plays a significant role in weed control efforts. Different weeds emerge at various times of the year, requiring tailored approaches for eradication: Spring: Spring is prime time for tackling annual weeds like dandelions and chickweed, as well as perennial weeds that begin actively growing. Summer: Summer calls for vigilance against warm-season weeds like crabgrass and nutsedge, which thrive in hot, dry conditions. Fall: Fall is ideal for targeting perennial weeds and applying pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weed seeds from germinating. Lawn Buddies: Your Partner for Weed-Free Lawns At Lawn Buddies, we understand the importance of effective weed control in maintaining a lush, healthy lawn. That's why we use a range of proprietary blends of weed control products tailored to target specific weed species and seasonal considerations. Our comprehensive approach ensures optimal results, backed by our weed-free guarantee. With Lawn Buddies, you can rest assured that your lawn will be free from unsightly weeds, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful outdoor space year-round. References: University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources, "Lawn Weed Control": [] Penn State Extension, "Weed Management in Turfgrass": [] University of Florida IFAS Extension, "Weed Management Guide for Florida Lawns": []

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How Does Morning Dew Help The Lawn? (2024)


How Does Morning Dew Help The Lawn? ›

Moisture from morning dew keeps the seed bed moist and the less intense sun rays slow the rate of evaporation. The soil temperatures are still warm and the cool rains make it beneficial for your lawn. Morning dew can also help with fertilizer, which creates enough moisture for the grass to take the fertilizer.

How does dew help grass? ›

Dew reduces water stress for plants by three main processes. Water deposited on grass and leaves reduces transpiration (the release of water into the atmosphere through pores in the plant's leaves). Dew forms a protective barrier on the leaf; transpiration will not occur until the dew evaporates.

Is morning dew enough for fertilizer? ›

Ideally, you shouldn't fertilize the lawn until the ground is consistently at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Early morning is a good choice so you can take advantage of the morning dew, which will help the fertilizer soak into the soil.

What does morning dew on the grass mean? ›

The presence of dew on the morning grass — or lack thereof — has even given rise to a saying about what it means for the day's weather. "When dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass. When grass is dry at morning light, look for rain before the night," is how the old saying goes.

Is dew enough for grass seed? ›

Morning dew sticks around longer in the absence of extreme summer temperatures, so seeds get the perfect amount of moisture for germination.

Is morning dew good for the grass? ›

Moisture from morning dew keeps the seed bed moist and the less intense sun rays slow the rate of evaporation. The soil temperatures are still warm and the cool rains make it beneficial for your lawn. Morning dew can also help with fertilizer, which creates enough moisture for the grass to take the fertilizer.

Does morning dew count as watering? ›

During cool nights, water from the air precipitates on plant leaves. Dew is not only aesthetic but is considered an important source of moisture and water for plant life.

Is it OK to cut grass with morning dew? ›

Short answer: No. Whether it's early morning and the lawn is still dewy, a rainstorm just ended, or you just ran your sprinklers, you should skip the mow for now.

How long does it take for grass to dry after dew? ›

Grass in a well kept lawn can dry in as little as an hour, or even less, if the sun comes out and there's a nice breeze and the humidity is low. Such conditions can and do occasionally prevail immediately after a thunderstorm.

How many minutes should I water my lawn after fertilizing? ›

The goal is to soak your lawn until the soil is moist to a few inches deep. The exact amount of time that this may take will depend upon your lawn and its sprinkler system. On average, it could take around 45 minutes to an hour. Of course, Mother Nature will hopefully also be doing some of the watering work.

How to know if dew will be on ground? ›

DEW AND FROST DEVELOPMENT. Morning condensation (dew) is very common in some regions and can easily be forecasted. The favorable weather elements for dew include clear skies, light wind, decent soil moisture, and low night-time dewpoint depressions. Dew forms when the temperature becomes equal to the dewpoint.

What time of day does dew evaporate? ›

Dew forms after sunset as atmospheric temperatures gradually drop and evaporates after sunrise as temperatures increase in the second morning.

Does dew happen when there is no rain? ›

Heavier dew will tend to occur when the wind is light as opposed to when the wind is strong. Dry regions that have not received rain in over a week or two are much less likely to have morning dew (especially a heavy dew).

Can I just throw grass seed down on an existing lawn? ›

Overseeding is spreading grass seed over an existing lawn. Done right, it's a straightforward process that gets results. As grasses mature, thinning is normal—especially if you enjoy your lawn and use it often. Overseeding keeps your lawn competitive and steeped in youth and vigor, without starting over from scratch.

Do you need to water grass when there is dew? ›

Water between the hours of 4am and 9am if possible.

Research has shown that watering when the lawn is already wet from dew does not contribute any more to the incidence of disease than would occur under natural circ*mstances.

What month should I put grass seed down? ›

The best month to put grass seed down depends on the type of grass you have and where you live. The best time to plant grass seed for cool-season grasses is in early fall or around September. For warm-season grasses, late spring or early summer (May to June) is the optimal time.

Is it good to cut grass with dew on it? ›

It's best to wait for wet grass to dry before mowing. Wet grass clippings can clog your mower, causing it to choke and spit out clumps of wet grass that could smother and kill your lawn if left unraked. It's best to wait for wet grass to dry before mowing.

Can you spray grass with dew on it? ›

There are two schools of thought when it comes to the effects of dew on herbicide performance. Leaf moisture that results in cuticle hydration can increase herbicide absorption into the plant. Others believe that the effects of dew are negative. In some scenarios, excessive leaf moisture can lead to herbicide runoff.

What are the benefits of dew drops? ›

Dew Drops helps the body to maintain softness and fluidity. It is especially good for people who feel dry due to aging or weather conditions, such as experienced often in California and other dry regions.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.