The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

fSee zAstFate. 1 SIT LHiIIj tsT Nelson. 4 P. M. cara.

ARtt 4 P. M. cars. iSSrVH. VNION.

Crooks, 6 P. M. iJltrl.rr.KRAN K. LYON. Ashbmy.

JP fS.T. FRANK CERES. Labarthe. lo A. M.

DONN A. McCombs, 6 P. M. ftf HM. M.

maremcBM at ocean steamers. "fro vit sTaTM. ln.NewOrlD.0lto Aug. 3 York. Aug.

6 Ti Bitt.FhUedelphls.. AO I (Sty o.ifjp. to 7 ston.New Tort Aug. i fork Liverpool Aug 45sa York 8an J0" Ao 3wLK BratosSantisco Aug. 14 Crux Ang.

14 Liverpool Aug. lr. vk 1 1. Livennol lt gtoB.Soothamptoo.lSe JoJv S' York A VI New York 3" 3J Liverpool Philadelphia a wrrTTCE To Passengers for Bay St Louis Until sJs er aurtice th mail boats for Mooile will land passei. "rrS Broedwelle and Martin a wharres.

on SATl SVW end MONDAY NWHI returning. rtKOLE will continue to atop reralarly at both wberve S. UfcDDLS. Agent. "TO eHil rfchJ BIT 1UU At Ut If miaed are advlaed by Car.

Lewia. of the ahavf ISdSoat, tkat all tha freight con.ignd to P'" bo efcTBatwaaatowedwith Meara.Wnite, Baldwin Jr. gmitb. Tlhreveport, and aubject to the ordrra of TU oalanca of the freight waa Torwarded by a keel boa' 4jeBenon. About twohlrda of the rjoa were aaverl nTpreteet waa aeat down by the H.

M. Wright, but wt In not adviaed to whom it addrewed. ir7tt H. M. ROBINSON eravier at.

GOSHEN BETTER Brkina V. 8. Exra ellow. rr cetved per ateanuhip Star of the rat, and for aalr by JOSEPH MARKS (af gt 7i and 7 Magatine alrert. iW lAlt lr''i a vi ry euperior article, fur ale JOSEPH MARKS it 7t and 7h Magnzine atrrrt "i i hark F.

Lenninc. and forasle by JOSEPH H. MARKS an 76 and 7 itrret. FOR BENT The four story Store, no. It Cmip if Iitreet, now occupied by the underaignad.

lmma 1 paantion can be had. liIJi HAHKISO XTOTICE The undersigned ha tbi day WDoiint with airaMr. EMiLE COLLON. and the businraa wiil be OBtjaaed under the firm of U. LAKOOSSI.M CO.

U. LAROCSS1N1. wQrleana. Auguet 1. lg ft.

mi lm Notice. lU P.rOM are retjaeated not to give credit to my wife 1 A. aa. ny account, a I will not be reapotwible for auy after thia date. wa HEM1T CI.IK irletaUrle Itaee Conrete.

There will be a Rare on a bourse on Bt lia i 4W V. sd inat, for a Puree' all trotting boraea; two nulr 'heata to harnraa. The entn has BJ Mir pen at John Allen's 7. lt4 Qravirr atrret Eatry, The entries must be made on Saturday by 7 o'clock P.M. oat W.

Proprietor. IMUCKI BAGGIG mm pircra for on time by WHEELER BDRKE. Brokrra. salIt It Bauk Place. 1SD1A BAQG 1 iuio bale for sale bv WHEELER BURKE, Broken.

Ml ltT a Bank, Flare. GDKNY BAGS loo balei foraa'e by WHEELER ft BURKE, Broken. oil It Bank Plare. SALT Cargoes of Maraaila and Turaa Itland 8at, fur tale by WHEELER BORKE, Broken, aal It If a Bank Plare. ONE well made FIRE ENGINE, on two wbrrla.

w'tli Weee, aoitable f.r plantations ar other iBolated p'acea fa sale oy OCHM1CHEN LOEFFLER. aal it 1 Cbartrra trrrt 0 ME two hone power STEAM ENGINE with Builer. all complete ana in gool ronaitmn. for sale at a low aritebv aal at iJ Chartrrs atrvrt. N'olire; la Hnfidei M.

QKAT.EP Propraala ir the building of Prison in the kj panan 01 Dt agreeaoiy to toe plan ana Bcntiona depoaited at the counting bouse of Mi asn Dattiy it Tremonlet, 14 Bienville street, will be received ky Use sndersiened opto the IRth day of August Address COCRTHOCSR, Post Office, pariah of St Cbulea EM1LS TARTET, Clerk Police Juu, Pariah of St. CBarlra. rariah of 8t Charles. Aurat 1,1 8Mv aui taul IT Floe Fruit. wl Just receive 1 per steamer Frank Lyon, a fine Jj supply of freah PEACHES ANDPEaRS.

I ion band, a fine variety of aaaorted Fruit, mhi li I offer for aale at my store. No. 14 St Cbarlea it street. Fear bra at 75c. and Nic.

per box. aal ASTHONT COGNEVICH. Ayer'ii Cherry Pectoral. T7H5E tbe rapid cure of Cougba. Coins.

Hoarseness, Kron cbitla. Whooping Cough. Asthma and Conanmi tion. is saiveraally known aa the beat remedy ever yet discovered for every variety of Pulmonary diaeaae. 80 Me i.

the field of ita oaefulneaa and so numerous tbe cases of it cars, that almost every aection of the country abounds in persons publicly known who have been restored froni alarming and even desperate diseases of tbe Inags by it. use. WlVen once tried its superiority over every other saedrcine of ita kind is too apparent to escape observation. sad where ita virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for tbe distressing aud dangeious affectiona of the pulmonary organs whir It are incident to our climate. By iu timely use, manv.

nav oimose ail, attacks of disease upon tbe lungs or throat are arrested, and thoa are saved many thousands every year nam a premature grave. family should be without it Asd AVER'S PILLS are equally valuable for all diseases at which a cathartic remedy ia required. by Dr. J. C.

At ER, Lowell. snd Id by 1. nruunx sad ill Prngglsts. aal lmdW Charley Blglione's Oyster Saloon, JTORMEKLY DICK NASH 8, 07 St. Charles street.

CHARLEY BIG LION E. late of the Varie ltv Eacbanae. baa tbe honor to inform the "public, that having leased tbe above Sa oon, ne ia prepared to accommodate those friends who mat wish to aive him a calL CHOICE LIQUORS, and the beat tbe markets afford, always on band, and will be aerved up In first rate sty le. Ltmck from 10 A. M.

to 1 P. M. A well ventilated Restaurant np stairs. Jy4 tf Tsirnip Seed Turnip Seed. Crop of lita.

i SPer steamship 8tar of tbe West The subscriber baa just received per above arrival, from the celebrated grounds of D. Landreth lc Son, tbe following varieties of Turnip Bred, vis Early Dutch White Flat Taraip. Red Top 0 o. Ru a Rags Large Norfolk do Wra White Glooe do. Also a few bushels of Landreth's celeorated Extra Early or 1 Dirty day PEAS.

For aale at the Seed Store of R. COLLIE, Jyto 'm 81 Gravier street. giHEATHINS COPPER 10 cases 14 oz landing and fetasieby SMITH. COOPER aal st 1W Tchoupitoulas street. Notlee.

rPHS THIRD JOSTIcE'8 COURT, at tbe corner of JL Customhouse street and Exchange Place, is now apea for business. Office houn from o'clock to 3 o'clock r. and from 4 to P. M. Jyi6 lm JOHN W.

ANDREWS. JTnmip Heed Growth of S5tf CST RECEIVED Per steamship Star of the WestA Early White Plat Dutch Turnip Red Top Turnip Large Norfolk Turnip; Yellow Dutch Turnip. For sale in quantities to suit purchase rs. 1 D. MAUPAY.

aal lot Kl Gravier street, near Camp. Infortnation Wanted fl'EM and GEORGE 8ADVEY, brothen, of French Canadian extraction, df the respective ages of S4 and 1 heard of (about 9 years since,) tbey were VIe bTT stable in New Orleans Any inf irmntion regarding them forwarded to the undenigned, at E'ora, Canada West, would be thankfuUy received. JOHN SADVEY. glora, C. July, ISM.

aul 'rs Pesu heo Feachen. Jost received per steamer Bella Donna, BO "'f 1 boxeo very fine large Preserving Peaches, at 41 1 SI S6 per box. 1 Pamlliea and Hotels will plrsse call immedl CONRAD BTREEDER. Agent. Jyl 1 40 Camp street, near Gravier.

tSreat Attraction. Mt'SIC MUSIC. OR one month only, the subscriber often for sale fine lot of Mnsicsl such aa SONGS WALTZES, POLKAS. composit ona by Beyer, Cra ei, Cserney, Burgmuller, Hers and otben Tbe great inducement ia that those buying one dollar's worth music, will receive one dollar's worth extra gratia. aT Please call it the Music Emporium, No.

aCampst. Jyai lnadp PH. P. werlein Centrlfnsjal itiachine, NEW, and ust received from New York. For sale by JOHN WATT CO JySO tf 3 Carondelet street I'nnnrr.

ANDING ex ships Silas Holmes and Atlantic, from new 1 orx. and ra store II cases Braziers' Copper, 0X60, assorted, 10, 11 and 1 2TB. 84X60, 10, Hand 1210. 30X60, 10, 11 and 1SIB. Wiuj 30XM, from 16 to I3U1D, rorsalebv PRTP.STf.FY m.

REIN. Jr et and 91 Camp street. fm mm ttttrtmrn. a 1 For aale, PIANO FORTES from I "CHICKERINe 0NB and NUNNS 1 Tfy(U Porhs months of July. August and aw aj 1 i v.

I V. eivta reduce his stock)' all classes of Pianos at 10 per xww ute ractory pricea. jMatock is large and well assorted. V2l7 HENRY PARSONS, 13 Camp street. fcJ received, from ERJBEN, New York, Parlor VIIWL Tuning ant ng and Repairing done as usual.

Beets, Bases and Brvatana, Al rr noicaaie. aw) Now landing from anip Norfolk, and In store, I I general assortsnent of BOOTS. SHOES. BRO 1 I 11 SANS, HATS. CAPS.

Ac Plantations aup Ped With prime DITCHING BOOTS. RC8 ltET BOOTS, BROGANS. WOOL. MEXICAN, ULJ'APL STRAW and CAMPEACHY HATS, at lowest market prices. HATS, CAP8, At, AT WHOLESALE.

jjv conataatly receiving general assortment of LeT? Caaaimere. Panama, Leghorn, Straw, Palm aMexksn and Wool HATSat the ia LOWEST MARKET PRICES. dplv FROST A 10 Magazine at. riso liiae 'rem vainea mjaaiaaippt River, to Wsshington, leaving s.ijv7,?' 'i 'ainesa uanaing every nusuAI, rtuin FsUDAT, 4 o'clock P. 'lowing towns, vtr.

Mooticello, Warren, gua Camden and Warhington, distance iso miles, Um hTkJ T' ting as Camden with ataga lino to and lISI Eldorado, Rock Port, Hot Springs fcr Waabington, connects with stages Art Tex Bhrevepovt. La, and Llttlo Rock, This Landing to Washington, SIS ith ael recently eatabUabed, and Is stocked toschI.TJrni,Da' 'w Concord bailt nine passenger ober. caref rjl and polite drive a. J. C.

BEEMAN A Proprietors, Camden, Ark. BEJUtT at WALLIS, Agents, Gaines's LandUg 1 MCbsjissicraMs1tOTla4a. 1 Sgrfw Salts ijiis gag; R. B. Sykes sells Groceries, Provisions snd Liquors at 10 o'clock, 4B Magazine street.

D. E. Morphy sel't eroceriea. Provisions, and Lrqaora, at 10 o'clock, at 40 Magatine street. D.

L. Shearer sella Furnltore, st 11 o'clock, a 7 Camp street. P. rernandes sells OH Paintings at 10 o'clock, at tbe cor nerof St, Louia and Chatties streets. IsV Bee Advertisem*nts.

Itlasonlo. LOUISIANA COUNCIL No. lS.Grsnd Lodge Hall, meet his evening. FRIENDS OF HARMONY LODGE No. oS.erand Lodge Hall, meets this evening.

Odd Kellnwa. WILDET ENCAMPMENT No. 1. Encampment Room, Odd Fellowa' Hall. ets this evening PELICAN ENCAMPMENT No.

Polar Star Hall, St Louis street, meets thia evening. Mural ltn.ll. The 8ECOND GRAND DRE5 SOIREE will be given at the CARROLLTON IlOlEL GARDENS, on SATURDAY EVENING. August 2, 1S, under tbe directien of the following gentlemen mausgrn Pierre Saave George Clark, 1.. L.

rerrier. r.sq., Hon. Gerard Stitb, Mr. W. P.

Colmisn, Mr. J. B. G. Arooult, Mr.

Pnscalis Labarre, Mr. Henry Florance, Col. J. G. Poindexier, Semi.

T. Jonra, Kq. Edward Fortier, L. C. Le Breton.

C01. Edwin bite. Hon. J. H.

Mebatfey, Mr. EdgnrDroue, Mr. E. Uuisson. J.

T. micnri, Mr. Daniel Kate. Invita'inn cards to ladies will be issued by tbe Managrr. only.

The tii at car for the city leaves at half past 1 or 1 o'clock, and passage free. Gentlemen's tickets to the Bsll and Supper. Ml; to be had at the Carrollton Hotel, and at Col. J. 6.

1'oin drxter's. 81 Commercial Dace SPECJiNO Bank of Louisiana, New Orleans, July, A aemi anuual dividend of 6 per also an riirn of 6 per have been declard by the Board of Directors 0 tbis Bank, both parable to the stockholder, on ar.d alur MONDAY, 4th ol August next Jv iM fit 11 R. M. DAV IS. Cashier.

FIRE. PELICAN HOOK AND LADDER F1I1E COMPANY No. 4 The otiicen and mrm ben of this company are requested to attend a regular monthly meeting at their Trurk nouae. on 11a 1 1 r. 1 tur tvu ln.t mt half nsst 7 o'clock.


The orh ren and meniberf of thia Company are here by notihed to attend the regular montuiy waahing, on SUNDAY, tbe Mi at a o'clock. A. M. Also, monthly meeting on MONDAY, tbe 4th at o'clock, P. M.

By older: am A. PITARD. Secretary. MECHANIC'S' F1KE COMPANY No. t.

The olficers and nieiuben of this conipsny are herrbv notified to attend a rrsniar monthly meeting, on SUNDAY MORN 1NU. tbe nd at o'clock, precisely Punctual attendance ia rrqurstrd. aul JOHN SPENCF.R. Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALES.

A. Bahier ys. K. K. A.

Tallarlc. FIFTH IISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS No. 11.2 19 By virtue of an order of seizure and sale, to me directed by tbe honorable tbe Fifth Diatrict Court of New Orleana, in tbe above cause, I will proceed to fell at public auction, at the Ci'y Hotel, Common street, be twecu C'ampand Magazine streets, on SATURDAY, the IA August. at li o'clock the following deacribed property, viz THREE CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, together with tbe buildiugs snd improvements thereon, situated in the First District of this city, in the square bounded by bt Joseph, Camp. Magazine and ulia streets, and detig nated by tbe Noa.

One, Two and Three, on a plan d'awn by L. Surgi aurveyor. on tbe iftb May. I84H, and de pcaited in the office of Philippe Lacoste, notary public, in tbia city. Said lota adjoin each other, and measure earn feet 4 Inches trout on Magazine street, by leo fret in depth between parallel lines, and are bounded in tbe rear by an alley five feet wide, opening on St.

Josrph street, aud common to said lots and others burdrriug thereon. Seized in tbe above suit. tT Terms Cash on tbe spot. JOHN M. BELL.

4 17 snl Sheriff of the Pari.b of Orleans. Bank of vs. F. Iv. rMeele.

FOURTH DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS a. 10, Md By virtue of a writ of provisional seizure, to me directed by the hononble the Fourth District Court of New Orleans, in tbe above c.use, and in pursuance of a rule taken before said court and made absolute, I will pro caed to sell at public auction on FRIDAY, the eth of August, IHta, at 10 o'clock A. at my warehouse, No. z3 Jefferson street, tbe following described property, viz A lot of Household Furniture snd movable effects, comprising Tables. Washstands, Reds and Bedding.

Sofas. Mahogany and Straw Chairs. Plated Spoons. Knives and Forks, Carpets, articles of Crockery, Alc, sa per iuventary filed in my office for reference. Provisionally seized in the above cause, at Terms Cssb, on the spot.

JOHN M. BELL. Jy27 nui 7 Sherig of ihe Parish of Orleana La Banqie de In Iouisiune vs. F. K.

Steele. aUATRIEME COCR DE DISTRICT DE LA NOU VELLE ORLEANS No. Io.jhh En vertu d'un writ de saisie provisoire a moi adresse' par I'bonorable tj.uatri rme Cour de District de la Nouvelle Orleans, dans I'artnire ri dessus. et par suite d'un rule prf drvaut le dite cour et rendu absoru, je procederal le VENDRRDI 8 Aoflt. iMri.

10 heurea du matin, men magasin de drpAt, No. 1 rae Jerterson, a lavente publique et adjudication de Un lot de meubleaet autresetfets mobiliers. comprrnant Tables. Lavaboa, Lits et Lltfrre. Sofas, Chaises en Arsjou et en Faille, Coutlers.

Fotirchettea et couteaux en plnqur. Tapis. Porcelaine et Fayence, Arc, selon inventaire di yjf en mon bureau poor recours. Saisi dans 1'arTaire ci desana. Conditions Comptaut, au moment de l'adjudlcstlon.

JOHN M. BELL. Jy27 ana 7 de la Paroitse d'Orleant. INIARSHAL'S SALES. Alex'r Norton fc Co.

yh. Steamer Duke. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Eastern District of Louisiana. No.

7iOi By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me directed, in the above entitled cause. 1 will sell to the highest bidder, on FRI DAY, tiie iid day of August, lano, at 12 o'clock at Hanks'a Arcade, on Magazine street, between Natchez and Gravier streets Tbe Eteamer DUK.E, with her Tackle, Apparel, Fumi tare, A c. Terms of sale One third rash on the spot, and the balance in two equal installments at fix and nine moutha respectively, on notes secured by stipulation of the pnr chaser, with endorse ra accepted by tbe Marshal, Justified fore a Commissioner ef tbe court. Jy22 td J. M.

TJ. 8. Manhal. O. 8.

Manhal's Office, New Orleans, July 21, ANCA TIN SO pigs and for sale by a Jill tuurtn at aul 3t Tchoupitoulas street. ZINC 20 casks X36, landing, and for sale by SMITH. COOPER A aul 3t 'O i Tcboupitoolas street. litoolas ftj cet. lauruif and I.ltLEU OIL oO bOIs.

Boiled and Ka i for sale by SMITH COOPER 1(W Tchoupitoulas street 2o0 bales Am Navy and Navy, lauding, aud KJ for sale by s.uiiri, LwrtK at am si 1U9 Tchoupitoulas street. Hough Seasoned Inch Board and One rind One quarter Inch Flooring. Innn ffl FEET ll and inch Seasoned Boards, superior quality. For sale by MERRITT A McCONNELL. comer of Howard and Calliope ata.

Dressed F'lorida Flooring, "pf DDI, EET Dressed Inch Flooring, a choice tJ.UUU seasoned lot, just landing from Pensacola ex schooner Con toest. For sale by MERRITT A McCONNELL. corner nf Howard and Calliope sts. Vnzoo Uypreaa. FOR SALE st tbe Depot, corner of Howard and Calliope streets.

Twenty five thousand feet Cypress Weather Boards. Jy r. lm MERHITT A McCONNELL. HnilderM Hardware and rriHE attention of builden and property ownen is re 1 snectfullv invited to oor laree ana wen asonea noes of HARDWARE AND GRATES, amongst which we particularly mention Locks of every description Night Larches HUdine unnr rnmminea Hnta and Ulnars Bolts and Honks, Screws, Nails, 8sb Cord and Sash eishts. I'ullirs.

Ventilaton. arc. In fact every article in our line re luiaite for toe erection of buildings. are determined to give aausiacnon co our cuimmr not in tne quality ol our goooa as aiao our prices, which we have greatly reduced. IjUN E.9CI1UUS3 BKU9.

FlU vw ly iu Camp sL, opposite Lafayette Square. Pleasure Exraniion Twice a Weeks Across the Lake. Tbe elegant low pressure steamer ARROW. Chamberlain, master, will leave th. Pontr harteain Rail road every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, on tbe arrival of uK.tiKi A.

m. train, for Manaeville. until runner commencmg ou rriday.tbe isth Inst, lorthe purpose of giving an opportunity to those who may wish to visit their families, or to pleasure seeken who msy wish to enjoy few houn of the rfr.Hin. i.w. turning from Mandeviile tbe same day, in time to meet the half paat 4 o'clock train for the cltv gT This arrangement will not interfere with the regular rips of the boat aa advertised In her schedule.

Tickets. SI Dinner, eoc. Jyl6 tf 31rs. Turner. lno Canal street.

HAVING extensive orden in France, will be prepared to ofler to tbe ladies, in the Ml, an unnauailT larae and attractive stock of Goods, in PARIS MILLINERY BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. FEATHERS ANli HEAD DRESSES; CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS In the prevailing style and fashion; and Embroideries, direct from ananufactoren in Nancy. In thia department there will be mucb novelty. Jeji om 3dp Fishermen for tbe Lake. CARROLLTON AND LAKE RAILROAD, rv hi On Suodavs.

Trains will leave Ti JlH i "iiarr for tnc Lake at 6 and tf rr A M. to accommodate those who wish to go on fishing excursions. After tbst. the usual boors. Jvl8 SaASotf Oilman' Bagasse Fans ace.

If EPORTS in circulation by unscxupalooa parties to A.t tne enect utat my razent nagasae urnace am in fringement on some other patent, and thereby renden planters who msy use my Furnace liable to a suit far damages, have made It expedient for me to employ an eminent aud well known Patent attorney to examine ail tbe papers on file at the Patent Office in relation to the subject, and bia statement below is a sufficient comment upon the intelligence, or honesty of those who would preludico my business by sacs means SAMUEL H. OILMAN, i nstcues street, 91 sw wnesns. Wsshlnstoa. D. C.

Msrcn 14. 1866. To Bamael BL (IViman, air sugar piantera, can wren perrecs anrexy ana security contract with you far your improved Bagasse rarnaca it in no wise conn lets wltn any senaoie cuums held under exkctfne Datenta. To be still more explicit, if in no wise conflicts with any claim held under sitting patents. Respectfully yours.

THOA LINTON, 444 Seventh street, enhn tf opposite Patent Office. THE largest sad best aaaorted stock ef WaU Paper to the city, caa found at 4EWHALL HUYE'S, utA sn Jtls tm conitr of Old Irtree, KSaajSeSi, AUCTION SALES. Ursctnrst rnrisisH. R. B.

YK.ES.Auctkroeer Will be sold st sw. tioD rt 1, I. eA In.l 1 0 ni I. JLM OB BAlVAUAIi suction store, 46 Maaaxine ertreet If bags Rio Co nee 2n barrels Whits Sugar fn cask a Bacon Shoolde st bhls. and jar Bo.trr; so esses pints and half pints snd Atbburton ramblers; barrels Lard Oil 4w boxes Rsisins TtnA Oin Wnlakev.

Rice. Clarec UriM ttone Tubae. i i Are. aul co. j.raeeries Frovtaiions and Liquors.

BY D. R. MORPHY Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, 2d at 10 o'clock, at 4u Magazine atreet 20 barrels Mackerel 30 dozen Brooxs is barrels Beef; 2ft barrels Fiour; casks Baron 3D kegs nc Nl Hag. Coffee 20 boxes Ti bacco Brandy, Gin, Whiakey. Tea, Starch, Molasses.

c. aui Furniture furniture. 1)1 D. SHEARER R. M.

Montgomery, Auctioneer. Will be sold at auctiou on SATURDAY. 2d at 11 o'clock, at tbe Old Auction Mart, r7 Camp street A large and general assortment of new and second hand Furniture, compruing Mahogany aud alnut Bedsteads. Armoirs. Bureaus.

Washsiands, Sofas, Lounges. Centre, Card. Pier aud Dining Tables, Spring Seat Mahogany Chain, hookers and Easy Chain, Cortaius.CarpeU.Clocks, Looking Glasses, Cooking Stoves. Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Also Second hsnd Pisno Fortes.

KT Terms Cash. OH Paintings. BY FRANCIS FERNANDEZ Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, the 2d at in o'clock, at ids auction store, corner of St. Louis and Chartres streets. No.

12, without reserve A choice lot of Oil Painting, landing ship Glad Tidinzs.from New York, representing Landscapes, Ac Terms Cash. aul Pianos, Itlelodeons, efce. Geo. Prince At co. 'a CELEBRATED MELODEONS, with the latest improvements.

Besides lighte. New. on and Krad hury'a PIANOS, and ether celebrated uiakrn. Bole Wbolrsale and Retail Agent, PH. P.

WERLEIN. A Camp atreet. SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS, besidra rvrrj Kind of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and MERCHAN DISE fn aale mv3l I OR SALE, on moderate terms, GRAND PIANO, almost new. my7 tf Apply at tbis office. iUore Fruit than can be Used.

ANTHON COGNKV 1CM. No. 14 St. V.nsries street, rrreivra daily a large supply of line PEACHES and PEARS from Mississippi, Ala bama and which he otTen for sale at low profit in quantities to suit purcbasen. He takes tbis opportunity to inform bis friends and tbe public in general, that he has not purchased the crop or any orchard, but has bought the best the marketkan alTord.

2ft 1 Frnlt for the Million. PEACHES! PEACHES! PEACHES' The subscriber having contracted with Mr. E. B. Spence.

of Bay St. Louis, for the entire crop of his extensive orchard, consisting of Twenty seven Thousand Peach. Pear, ami Apple Trees In full bearing, respectfully informs the citizens of New Orleans that hr is now enabled toofl'er them a finer variety of fruits than waa ever sold in the Sonth before, and at pricea that come within tbe reach of all. The above are racked in boxes rf onvenient size for families, and will be drliveredto 1 1 tr.n rre of barge. This ista i hard supplying the city with ripe fruit pirkedfr a trees daily.

Jyl iml E. CI.OUD. 7 St. Charles st. I'nptier.

"1 Cfi SHEETS Braziers' Copper, 3ixo, inTU sheets. lOU iis II In wni 12TB Together with full saaortment. all sizes, to fHJ. Far sale by RICHARDS, SlOCOHB At CO Jy iH If II Chartres stirrt. Aston kidfge Seminary tor Vount Ladies, Rev.

K. S. HUNTINGTON. A. Principal.

'PHIS school has been in successful operation for nioe yean, and has long been rerommf nded for a rom bination of advantages, physical, mentM and rellgioua, such as few similar iLstitutiuns can present. It win roo mence ita neat session on th first WEDNESDAY ol September next, with increased advantages, with earlier, of such Christian character, refinement of manner, aad experience in teaching. place them in the tint rank in their profession, and with such a completeness of arrange nirnta in all respects for tie comfort and improvement of pupils aa i believrd to be hardly equaled In tbis country. SITUATION Aston Ridge is in Delaware county. 18 miles southwest from Philadelphia, and acreaiinle by railroad several times a day.

It is rive miles west of the Chewier station on tbe road to Baltimore, and one and a half miles east from the Rockdale ststion on the new road from Philadrlpbiato Westrliestrr. PHYSICAL ADVANTAGES The situation is very elevsrrd, commanding a prospect of thirty miles, and is remarkable for healthiness and beauty ef scenery. Its advantages over a city location are very obvious and important. "Here," says a parent, "the cheeks acquire a bloom and the frame a vigor. No rase of serious llinrss has ever occurred, and every pupil, without exception, bat improved in health.

The grounds and extensive lawns, adorned with walks, arbora. shrubbery and shade trees, afford a wide range for unrestrained exercise mountain air and fine scenery impart cheerfulness of spirits The retirement aecurea the pupils from unfavorable influences, and tne limited number and fsrai'y character of the school, afford them the many comforts and advantages of a quiet Christian home. REGULATIONS "Tbe law of the bouse," says patron, "is the law of love aod kindness happily edmin i.tered." Each teacher has the entire charge of a rertmin number of aupila in all things connected with health, comfort aud improvement; and the stric limitation of admissions to forty, with live teachen, aecurea to each pupil a large shsreof attention. THE BUILDINGS combine beauty of architecture with ample accommodations acd modern conveniences of bath rooms, furnaces, spring water un every Moor, terrace, verandah, sc. Arc The sl.eping rooms are commodious, well ventilated, handsomely furnished and confined to wo or three occupants; a conservatory connects with the library and parlor, and all tbe internal arrangements of the household are accordant with refined associations, aud conducive to refined tastes and habits among tne pupils, THE COURSE OF STUDY, aided by ectures an apparatus, comprises all tbe branches of a thorough Euglish Education, together with the Latin ai.d French Lao guages.

Music and Drawing. Its completion is optional with parents, aud certified by a diploma. The Language is spoken by the principals. Mn Huntington has had the advantage of nine yean' reaidence in Paris. Tbe religious influence has been spoken of by clergy men, parents and pupils in such terms as the following: The church may be thankful for such a school." Never shall I forget the impressions I have received there at family worship "The minds and hearts cf pupils brer fruitsof admirable Christian training.

Sound evangel! ral instructions and a healthful religious influence an brought to bear directly on the forming character of the pupils." The pupils attend Episcopal services at tbe seminary, unless elsewhere directed by parents. Access in one hour and a half, via Media and Rockdale, from Eighteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia seven teen miles to the Rrrkdale atatiosi. and one mile and a half east from tbence, hy carriage or stage; or, in two and a half honn, via Chester, from Prime and Broad streets, Philadelphia ift miles to Chester, and 6 miles west from thence by carriage or atage. Terms per session of five months For Board and Tut trion, Si2ft; Music. La'in.

French and Drawing. each 12; incidentals, extra. To those who prefer a stated sum for every thing, including the use of school books, sheet music and drawiug materials, leaving no extra charge of any description whatever. 200 per session The sessions commence on the firat Wednesdays in Sep tember and February. Vacations in July and August.

References The school is strongly recommended by parents snd evahgeiicai clergymen of tbe Episcopal and other churches in nearly every State, whose nsmes, with all other information, will be furnished on application to the Principal. Address. Jyll 2m Rev. B. S.

HUNTINGTON. Village Green Fast Office, Delaware county. Pa. To Merrnanta and Planters.

Buuscnuer una on iianu mpmmi A. and ia conatantlv receivine a large and complete asaortment of rnuwieipuia disiiuih lumi rinn tation and Road WAGONS for hones and oxen. Cane and other CARTS. DRAYS. TIMBER WHEELS.

OX CARTS and WHEELS, JERSEY and BAGGAGB WAGONS, TRUCKS and WHEELBARROWS of all kinds, and all other articles in the hoe. made of tbe best material and workmanship, warranted to be superior to any otber manufacture, for tale on aa good terms and lower than any otber establishment. Fur chaaen will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID G. WILSON, 68, 70 and 72 Carondelet street.

BnT AU of the above articles are manufactured of tbe beat New Jeney white oak, with black locust hubs. tmT Also on band a large assortment of Sugar and Cotton Ploughs, at low pricea. Jvi ftfi Iv One Hundred Negroes Wanted. FOR which the highest caab price will be paid. Farai lies in the city having negroes for sale will do well to call and see us before tbev dispose of them.

Liberal terms will be mads with those wishing to sell, or have sold. BENJ. SCREWS CO. 3m If IW Gravter atreet. Notice.

ON and after this date, we. the undersigned. Proprietors and Lesaeea of Cotton Presses, do hereby give notice, that a charge of fifteen cents per bale will in every instance be made to the purcbasen of cotton, for use of the ysrd for classing and marking all cotton to be removed to any other press for compressing. L. LE BEAD, rresidcnt L.evee Btesm rrras.

FRERET A Freret's Press. J. C. VAN WICBLE A Canal street Frets. PASSMAN A YANCEY, Orleans Press.

FENN A RODES, Onion Press. JOHN HASK1NS, Per Parker A Haywood, Factors' end Louisiana Presses. 1 BELL A BOYD. 8hippen' and Merchants Presses. BARNES.

STANLEY A Mississippi and Commercial Presses. BOBT. ABATT A Plsnten' Press. MOORE A SIMMONS, Alabama and Brora ah Presses BTaw Orleans, April 19. api tf Rosewood and Iahojtany.

THE subscribers would inform the cabinet an facto rera, piano forte maken. aad otben of this city and vicinitv. that tbrv, have opened a yard with suitable build ings at No. 370 Washington street, in the city of New York, where tbey have on band a large and very superior st rck of tne finest wood to De found in tne niteo states. We offer feet fine and extra fine Rosewood Veneers. mottled Mahogany Veneers. 3o.600 Mshogany Shaded Veneers. 40,000 plsin os.ftoo Mahogany Crotch Veneen, various sizes. fine Drswbutt Veneers, so.ono extra fine 2K.O00 feet fine Blistered Figured Wsluut Veneers. 4O.O0O mottled n.ono Walnut Crotch Veneen, draw butt sizes.

various so.ono fine and extra fine latin Wood Veneers. Zebra Veneen. IZ'US Curled and Birdseye Maple Veneers. 77'000 Reasoned Rosewood. Mahogany and Sarin Boards Plank and Joist of all thickness.

Piano and Cabinet Mouldings, 7Vi different patterns, all uT, pricea and upon aa favorable terms as auy ment in 'ountry. Orders will be filled with the utmost care and despatch HAWES a WILLOUGHBY. 370 IV i between Beach jind North Moore streets. JyQ era New York ritv. Notice.

ORLEANS DRY DOCKS SUtAT REDUCTION HI DOCKAQK ROM and after the first 4lsy of Jane next the rates of dockage will bo fixed at AO per cent, lesa than tbe rates now estaousneo, ise onaemgnea nnvmg one large aad com rmodisus aocjf, in operation, snd one other in the coarse of construction, to be finished by the 1st of June next, of co parity aumclrnt lor use largest cia sresnisosn and an I pa, briii 320 fret length, and ft feet In width. Tbe great reJ QUriWII 1,1 iwuif talkig the re pain of steamboats, otTers great inducement to captains sad owners ef stesmboats. j. niusj at nsvaiB, i Propriervn. Algiers.

B. M. HARRISON A firav street, kgents. twOriJ AprS 1, ISM. api WANTS.

WANTED Imioediatrly.a firat rate Gardener. Satisfactory references lequin Apidy sn; st W. 8. DONN ELL. 1 12 Common street W1 ANTED A situation by a respectable girl to take nf children usd do plain aewlns or housework.

No objection to go in tbe country. Inquire at No. 17 Terpsichore street JyW ANTED Immediately to bite, a Colored una for In the eanntrv. Hlah wags will be paid for a suitable Address E. at tbis office.

Jj2 st a XV' ANTED TO PUROHASti An accomplished Man one who thoroughly unusntauds French cookery in all Ita We are willing to pay a liberal price in cash. Apply to J. RICKS ji ii t. WANTED A good colored woman, to cook, wash and iron.n private family. Apply st No.

11 Camp street. Jy22 tf ANTED Immediately, a Colored Wet Nnrse. Apply at NQ. 2M Prytsnia street. JyiQ ME "ANTED A situation by a young man, a resident of VV i.

4 i A An rinn. situation preferred. Address M. at this office. Jy7 tfiT RAILROADS, New Orleans, Jackson and tUreat Northern Kail road.

BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, From 1st April to 31st October. A raaaenger train leavea riew Orleans daily, at half past 3 o'clock P. si. and arrives st Obv ka. eighty eight miles from New Orleans, at a o'clock P.

Ueturnitig. leaves Otyka every morning st ti o'clock, and reaches New Orleans at 11 o'clock A. M. In addition 'to the passenger train, an extra train Waves New Orlrsns every Sundsy at 8 o'clock A. M.

for Oayka and Intermediate ststions, and. returning, reaches New Orlesus st half past o'clock P. M. the same day. Fare Three cents per mile each way.

Children under five yean of age free; children between five and twelve yean of age, aud colored persons, half price. Excursion tickets, (good on any train between Saturday afternoon snd Moudsy moraing, inclusive.) st half the foregoing rates. Season tickets may he obtained at the office of the com pany. No. 46 Carondelet street.

Alan family tickets, wholes or halves, in packages of twenty five, at a reduced price. Colored persons are not permitted to travel in tbe trains without a written pass exsrrssly authorizing them to do so. and naming the stations to and from which they may go. As tbe pass will be retained by the conductor, and will 1m good for a trip iu one direction only, those making a trip both ways will have to be provided witb two. A FHtlGHT TRAIN leavea New Orleans for Osyka and intermediate stations st 7 o'clock, A.

Tnes day, Thursday snd Saturday, snd leaves Osyka for New Orleans and iotermediatestations every Mondsy, Wednes day and riday mornings. R. P. GU YARD, d4 AA ly Jy Superintendent of New Orleans and Oarrollton Railroad. summer Arrangement from April 3d.

CARROLLTOX LINK. Departure of Trains From New Orleans (Corner of Baronne aad Perdido streets.) 8,9,10,11,12 A.M.. and 1. 1, 3, 4, 6,6,7, 8,9, Id P. M.

From Carrollton, 8, 8, 10, 11, It A.M., aud 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 6. 7,8,9 P.M Fare, 15 rente. Children under 12 yrara and servants. I cents.

Bandies of 2ft red tickers, S3. It A FA YE TTS L.ViB. Departures of Cars From the corner of Jackson sac Tchoupitoulas streets fijti, 6, 7 A. then every IA minutes until 8 P. then 8t, 9, lot P.

M. From Canal street 7, 7)4, 8 A. then every If minutes until 8 P. then 8J4. 10, II i P.

M. Fare, 10 cents. Tlrketa AO cents, in bundles nf tea Children under 4 yean, not occupying a seat, gratia. Note. Special night can for parties, balls, meeting Ac, supplied when required after tbe above mention boars.

Jefferson 6c Lake PontchartraJn Railway LV CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE. Departures of Trains From Tivoll Circle Week Daya c. 8 20, lotto A. 2:20.4:20. 6:20 P.

M. Bondays 6, 8:20, lilriii A. 1:20, 2:20. 3:2, 4:20, 6:20,6 20 auri 7:20 P. M.

From the Lake Week Daya A. M. 2:10, 4:10, 5:10. 7:10, 8)4 P. M.

Sundays 5,8:10, 10:10 A.M.: 12:10, 1:10. 2:10,3:10, 4:10, 6:10, 6:10, 7:10, 8), P. M. The Trains taks ap paaaengera at the Hone Statlos Jackson street and Carroilton. tmT Freight and Baggage received only at the Depots Fare Between New Orleans and Carrollton, 15 cents sach way.

Between CarroUton sod tbe Lake. 10 cents each way. tf treat Southern and Inland and PASSENGER ROUTE FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW lUltn. Leaving Daily at 4 o'clock P. M.

52 Via Mobile. Montgomery, fPas ta. Augusta, ilmington, Wei don, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Kw Vnrk From Montgomery, paasengen have choice of routes, via est Point and Atlanta, or via Columbus and Macon to Augusta time and fare the tame, and the tame ticket good over either route. From Weldon. North Carolina, paasengen hsve choice of routes, vis Petersburg.

Richmond and Washington to Baltimore, or via Portsmouth and Bay ateamen to Baltimore. Leavea New Orleana daily at 4 o'clock P. M. for Mobile, and from Mobile dally to Montgomery by Cox, Brainard a Co. 's line of very superior psssenger steamers, connecting at Montgomery with morning express trains for New York.

There sre two trains dally from Montgomery to New York time from Montgomery to New York three daya twenty houn, fare S37 1 time from New Orleana to New York tlx days, fare 83. For further information pleaae call st the company's Bice, No. 63 St. Charles street. apl WM.

B. PHILLIPS. Agent. Ureat Centra Route. 0 4 The SHORTEST.

CHEAPEST. AND ONLY RELIABLI LINE, FROM NEW ORLEANS TO Chicago,, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, New Ysrk, Bos ton, Philadelphia, Montreal, Saratoga Springa, the hite Mountains, Ate A splendid passenger steamer leavea New Orleans dally at A o'clock P. for Cairo, from which point there it continuous railway communication with all Northern aad Eastern cities. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD.

Two tralna leave Cairo daily Morning Expreaa at A. M. Evening Express at 1:10 P. M. Connecting at SANDOVAL with Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, for St Louia; at PANA with Terre Haute and Alton Railroad, for Louisville and Cincinnati; at DECATUR with Great Western Railroad, for Springfield, Jack sonville and Naples; at LASALLE with Rock Island Railroad, for Rock Island, Davenport and Peoria; at MEN DOTA with Chicago and Burlington Railroad, foe Galeaburg.

Burlington, tuincy and Central Iowa, arriving st DUNLEITH in 2 4 noun One of tbe Minnesota racket Company's steamers leavs Dunieitb for St. Paul, and all intermediate landings, on arrival of tbe ran from Cairo. Going East, there ia no change of ran between Cain and Chicago, and but three from Cairo to New York. Through to Chicago in 20 boura Niagara Falls 38 hoani Hew York no noun. Raifiu checked thrnneh.

saT For through tirketa. or Information, apply at the Illinois central Konroad xicxet umce, nnaer we a Charles Hotel, It. Charles street. New Orleans. F8fi ly W.

E. REDDING. Agent For Lake Borsrne and Units MEXICAN GULF RAILWAY. Depot, comer of Good Children st. and Champs Elyceea BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, waw To Froctorville.

Lake Borme. dietaries tf Ltft I I miles. Fare through, 60 cents; children sad ssa wiavee. nan price. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS DAILY.

Onandafterthe 10th of April. Prom the cltv. at 10 o'clock A. M. and bk o'clock P.

From tbe Late, at 6 o'clock A. M. and o'clock P. M. star Office, so Common street.

For all business of tb. Railroad Department, or any otber business connected wits tne estate or tne laze Alexander xoruon, appiy to W. G. BAKEWELL, Executor. nV Omnibuses leave Canal street every fifteen minutes, lor the depot.

lei 54 1 Now Orleans, Opelonsas and Ureal Wesu CIU rArBUIIVOHJ. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and alter the 7tn 01 June neat paaaenger traina will leave the Depot at Alcien eveiy day A. la.e Gretas everv dav at ....7:40 A. Arrive at Bayou Botui every day at.

.11:30 A. M. Returning: Leave Bayou Bn uf. 13:16 P. Arrive lirrtns.

4 P. M. at Allien P. M. Excursion tickets to goto the regular stations snd back tbe same day will be issued as follows To Boutte tl 25 To Bayou dea Allemands 1 60 To Raceland, Lafoarche Crossing, and Terrebonne AO To 3 no To Bavon Bumf 3 50 Between intermediate regular atatiana, pricea proportional.

A ferrr Boat will connect with the Passenger Trains, leaving the foot of St Ana street every morning at 7 O'clock precisely. Freieht will be recelvedforBsvoa Brruf and Intermediate Stations bv tbe Cosnnanv on tbe wharf at tbe toot of St. Louis street every dsy until 3 o'clock P. M. All op freight most be paid by the sbippen, aud freight to be delivered at au other stations man Bayou nee Aiiemaunes.

no. land, Lafourche Crossing, Terrebonne, Tigerville ano Bayou Botuf( where tha Company have Agents) most be pre paid. Printed Roles, and Rates of Freight to bad on ppl cation at the office of the Company. my2 tf A. B.

SEGER. Vice President. The Mammoth Washlna; Establishment. rnHI! nndeniened heas leave to Inform the public that 1 his SOUTHERN MAMMOTH WASHING ESTAB LISHMENT, on Perdido atreet, between Jonnaon ana Prieur streets. Is now in successful operation.

After yean of diligent attention to the business, tbe erection of spacious buildings, and the purchase of new and costly machinery, never before1 used in any establishment of the kind, either in this country or Europe, he is now prepared to execute all orden entrusted to him witb rapidity hitherto unheard of, and In a style far superior to any efforts made by the most careful and skillful hand process of women. Tne advantagea to be derived from tne Southern Mammoth Washing Establishment are too clear to require demonstration. Clotbeeof every description, from the roughest sheetings to the finest cambrics used by ladies, are not only washed better tban by the hand process, but sre so little injured by the operation, that one hundred wash ings would not do the articles at much injury aa one wash ing done by tbe most careful and skillful washerwoman on a wash board. Tbe rapidity, too, witb which the work is done, will at once commend itself to steamboat owners, hotel and boarding house keepers, and families, who, fmm any csuae, have to leave the city suddenly for an order, however extensive, even if it amounted to a thousand pieces, can be executed and tbe clothes returned to the ownen In TWO HOURS after it bas been given. Faml liea and otben, who desire it, can have their clothes BLEACHED, as the neat and well trimmed bleaching grounds adjoining the establishment sre the finest in tbe Southern country.

In few dsyt boxes for orders will be placed in prominent places in the city, for the convenience of tbe public, of which dne notice will be given. In the mean time orden may be left at this office. P. CASSERLY, southern Mammoth Washing Establishment, Perdido street, between my 18 ft ly Johnson snd Frleor. Prof.

Mohr's Uerman Fly Paper, "LTOR the sure and certain deatruction of Flies, Roaches. Ants, Bugs, Mosquitoes, Ate This valuable article ia offered to the public as a Deadly Poison for tbe above named pests to all boosekeepera and families. It ia per frrtlv almnle and aafe. vet sure and certain in Ha action There is likewise no danger to be apprehended from tbe Insects poisoning anything tbey msy come in contact wren after leaving tne paper ana ii (wsiwa a great aa an age over all other poisons. In its not oemg liable ta be mistaken, thereby preventing those serious accidents which are of almost daily occurrence.

It caa be buns on tbe walla of tbe room, or in the win sow, ont of tte reach of children, alrfaotighi little tear neea nc apprenenoed of its injnnog inem. roraaie, oy tne aoire or single snrei, oy y. I. WRIGHT A Jy lm tl and lot Chartres street. where toll dlraethMis will be given for its use OlWousbbls.

Boiled and kaw, tending aa( tor sals by IMITH. COOPER A JMrstt 100 TdMMSitosisS DTt, FOR SALE. For Hale. A GOOD STEAM ENGINE, new, snoot 20 horse rower, suitable for saw mill or a tern wheel boat, witb or without Boilers Apply to COOK. A FALLON, Belleville Iron Worke, Jylft lm or Office.

No. 12 Commercial Place. Steamboat for ale. fpaw A light draught 8TEAMB0AT (n in I oJV7 full length cabin fully furnished, lfiO afY i zbas' length of keel, fH feet depth of hold. a.uume euziur, 16 inch cy linden 61 tee*tstroae, 2 boilera ii fret long, 24 inches diameter, square stern; capacity 3.

0 tons. For further particulara appiy to aul tf JOHN E. HYDE at CO Poydrattt. For Male on account ot departure. A hoe pair of light well brote HORSES will be disposed qjwith or without Buggy arness, Ac.

Apply to U. rA. BLUtUltlD, Jylei tf 11 Chartres street. For Kale or Charter, me steamer ST. CHARLES, in good 'runuing order, as she now lies at the foot of wwu.mwuv succ or particulars apply on boaru, or lo JellT T.

B. SMITH. 12 New Levee. For Male, The steamboats C. AY8 and J.

MORRIS ETT, both in good running order. For terms, apply to CON VERS, KENNETT A 3 Front street. Jyll tf Tf Fire Knttinc for Male. A tint elaca Silver Mounted FIRE EN G1NE is for aale. nearly new.

Apply to F. L. H. LODW IGSEN, 104 Magazine street; JOS. F.

or H. L. GOODRICH. Common street. Jv jo For Male.

A vrrv snnerior naciux HORSE, fine size, car riagr and action a well made light TOP RIIUG Minor and Stevens's make, iu xood or er to M. R. BELL, st tbe Union Stables. 148 Carondelet street myltl tf Mhip Alnsls lor Male. 1ECE1VED by the Northern Railroad, 9 Mast Sticks, 1 28 30 inches diameter, 70 to no feet long, of the best long leaf pine.

ntrac.ts wiil tie made for Hie delivery of all sizes of Musts, bpais aod Ship Timber alo. of Sawed Lumber. T. DUTAL. Calliope street.

Jyni tf optmsite N. J. and G. N. R.

tliollcrs for Mole. rnWO of 44 inch diameter by 30 feet long, double flued. second band. Two nf 42 inch diameter by 28 feet long, double flued, second hand. Two of inch diameter by 20 feet long, double flued, second hand.

One of 34 inch diameter by 16 feet long, double flued. second bsnd. Also, the following, new Two of 3K inch diameter by 20 feet long, with two 11. inch diamrtcr flues in rach. Apply to the Bellevlllaaron Works.

Algien, or to cook, a fallon, Jyll lm If Office No 12 Commercial Place. For Male DELIGHTFUL SEA SHORE RESIDENCE AT MISSISSIPPI CITY. To be sold on reasonable terms, the property at Mississippi City situated next to Mr. Bame's, and within three minutes' walk of tbe wharf. Tbe bouse is commodious and in excellent repair.

The furniture can be taken at valuation, if required. For particulan, apply to JAMES HARRISON A Jr7 t.f 4M CuHUimtinuH. atreet For Male or Kent. MA very desirable Residence, si'uated on Canal Avenue. Carrollton.

about ten minutea' wa from tbe depot, and twrnty minutes' drive from the city hy the Common street road. Tbe House is well built, sir) snd very commodious, containing sll tbe conveniences requisite for large family. There are also Stables, Car riuge Houae. Poultry House, br rants' House, Tbe grounds sre very extensive, tastefully laid out and well stocked with a variety of choice roses and other plants orange freea, some in full bearing, Ac together wn a large Kitchen Garden. The terms will he very librral.

For further particulara, apply to FELLOWES A Jy3 im 14'J Common street. Valuable J'roperty for Male. MThe two story Frame Building on the corner ol Tnton Walk and Philippe streets, in square bounded by Julia and Circus streets, having a front on Triton Walk of 50 feet, hy li if) feet front on Phiiippast The lower Hoor It used as a large family grocery the upper story and two wings at dwelling apartments. The location of this property is prominent and desirable, and will be told at a price to yield an income of 16 per cent, upon tbe investment. For further particulan.

inquire of S. L. HILL, Real Estate Broker. Jy2 ImlT in Commercial Place. Faintly Residence lor nnie.

fOss A very pleasant and comfortable FAMILY KES1 r'T3 DENCE, situated on Louisiana Avenue, the first 11 Ml bouse from the corner of Nayades street, towards Magazine atreet; three lota, measuring ISO feet in depth Toe building, a very substantial one, cmtainsten rooms two parlon, chamnen, dining room, kitchen, servants rooms, hath room, Ac. The garden is handsomely laid out. with great variety of fruit trees and shrubbery Apply to W.P.JOHNSTON, ojft tf Picayuoe offiee. For Male. AVERY DESIRABLE 8EA SHORE RESIDENCE situated on a high bluff at Bay St.

Louia. Tbe im Sroveaienta are extensive and in tbe best order. The gar ens are in a high state or cultivation, and tbe property altogether very suitable for a large family residence. To guod purchaser liberal credit will be given. Apply to dll J.

A BEARD A MAY. 8 Banks's Arcade. IRON WORKS. Mteam Boiler Itlannfnctory, 171 Baronne street, between Pnydraa and Hevia streets. New Orleans.

rpHE undersigned Is prepared to furnish Low Pressure Locomotive, Flued and Cylinder Boilrn Also, Claritirrs, Fiiteren snd Juice Boxes He will also make contracts for Boilen and all the necessary connections, such as Fire Fronts, Grate Ban, Steam and Stand Pipes. Vslvea. Ac, Chimneys and Breeching, all of which will be famished at the lowest foundry prices All work done at this establishment will be guaranteed equal in point of workmanship snd material to any in the city, or elsewhere. Planters and merchants are respectfully Invited to call and examine the works and prices. sr Prompt attention paid to rrpslrs.

rr ly DAVID FOWLER. rtlerilla Iron Fine Worsts. M' ERRIL A JAUUES, 142 Centre street. New York M.nnf.. turera snd Dealen in WROUGHT IRON i a ciivriVUB I tt Man A ri nlmn a li e.

i 0, iwmj. 1 apparatus connected with Steam, Water and Gas. for heating and lighting Steamen. Churches, Hotels, Private Dwellings, Hospitals, Asylums, Villages, Factories snd Halls Also, Valves, co*cks, Pumps, Gsoges, Boilera and Bailer Flues made to order. Oar Screw Cutting Machines are entirely new, and ow own Patent warranted to do double tbe work of any other Invention.

Orden solicited from all sectloss of the country, and promptly attended to. Jeao 65 ly J. Navuniiller. a. H.

GeodwytL Baarnf Her As tJoodwyn. Manufacturm ef Iron eranuana. nai lines. Office Railings, Vaults, Doors an. bntten, Btraigbt and circular zroa Stain, and Builden' Iron Work Is general.

Also. Hoist Wheels and Derrick Machines. goT Bo. 7 Carroll street, between Poydraa and Perdido. eaat of tbs Poydrns Market.

New Orleans oA Aft ly fiellevllle Iron Worsts, Alsjiers. COOK A FALLOTi. Iron Founden. and Mans facturen of Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Vscuum jfg Vmnm. Cotton iases.

Saw Mills, Draining Ma Wchinea. and Machiuery of every description. Iror Vjr grasg Castings made to order. Steamboat Cotton Press, Railmsd and Plantation work executed witb care and the utmost despatch. Metallic aod Compos! Lioe Tacking for Steam Cylinders, of all kinds, made to order at the shortest notice.

Grate Ban of variona patterns and B.inM l.n.A mr rnnilanliv (in ha.nd Iron Fronts snd Builden" Castings furnished with despatch snd the best possible style. P6 68 ly Luther Homes flnrcessur to Homes At Bennett. Foundry and Ornamental Iron Works, corner of Bentos and zvupnrosine screcis. Office. No.

106 St. Cbarlea street. sa. Manufactures the latest and moat approved pat Jt rema of Railinea. Verandaba.

Doors. Shutters, sSV A mA Clrrnl.r a.rira 8 tore Fronts, Capitals, and all other kinds of work used for building purr. ore. Kmi.IlI. RH' HARDWARE.

The largest and most complete assortment to be found in toe city, lor aais at tne oia oCTftA ly 106 8T. CHARLES STREET. Yost's Patent Floutfl and Semper. THE GREAT LABOR SAVING IMPLEMENT.

rney can ae useo on any ana kind of soil where any I sera per can be used, snd sn highly recommended. For Sals WATERMAN A BROTHER, ne. corner of Common B. T. Bennett.

Francis urges. NEW ORLEANS Ornamental Iron Works. The undersigned beg leave to inform the public jm and builden generally, that they are manotac MS Amrini .11 kinds of and Building Iron tiy Work, at Nos. rv and 57 Circus street, sui aa Verandaha, Railing, Shutters. Sate and Bant Doors, Straight and Circular Stairs, Iron Bridges, Roots.

They keep constantly on hand Cast and Wrought Iron cninn.n. VM.Hl.tnra and Sash Weiehts. snd nil all orden of'every descriptioa of Castings, Columns, Store and House Fronts, witb despatcn. otft lv BENNETT A CO, Stoves, Tin and Japanned Ware Ho. 1 Front Levee, corner nf Customhouse street, Have constantly on nana ana are aauy maata factoring every description of TIN WAR, whicb, together with their stock of STOVE compnaes the most complete assortment of any Mlahlkhmelit In the citV.

Their stock of Stoves are of every variety of patterns, of both Eastern and Western xanufacture, consisting of Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves. They invite country merchants and othen to call and examine their stock snd prices before purchasing elsewhere. Their prices are low snd terms easy. o2 ftft ly J. A Simonds.

Jsmes Mschinsou. J. M. MImonds etc comer of Customhouse and Levee streets, COPPER. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK EOS, BRASS FINISHERS.

AND WORKERS IN GALVANIZED IRON, sw Manufacture ra of every description of Plants tlon. Steamboat. Mill and Refinery Brass, Copper 3 0k and Sheet Iron Work. yy We constantly keep on hand a complete assort fcr merit of Wrought iron Pipe. Tees snd Elbows.

Brass Flsnges snd Gas Vslves, Cylinder. Bibb and Stop co*cks, Steam hurtles snd Vslves, Well snd Fire Pumps, Steam Pujnps, Powder Magazinea, Porch Baskets, Rubber Hose, Cast and Sheet Iron Cooking and Headug lovea. Common and Planished Tinware, Ac Worken in Galvanized Iron. They will psy particular attention to all Plantation and Steamboat orden, snd execute the work In the oeat style of the art. They employ the most skillful workmen, snd hope, by strict attention, to merit the patronage of the pubic mhld tf Cqnitable Fire Insurance Company, of London Capital SJAiolOO HEW YORK.

LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Accumulated Fund. SIwr. TNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Ct. FIRE Invorance and Insurance npon aiTHv'Mt Banking and Insurance Agency, Irti lmf street.

Lilshtnlnar Uoda Lilshtnlnar Kods. BPRATT'S SUPERIOR LIGHTNING RODS PKJKrSWWiuiis; proe war um sua prvpciry from tbe toast fearful element, lightning can be ac commodated ny leaving aroers az we fopot, its. rue st, Charies atrset, oppotit* tit St. Charles Theatre. dill Tm' s.vwaz,avu.

COMMERCIAL, OFFICE OF THE PICAYUNE, 1 Friday Evening, August 1, 1868. Jo.t raw in to dote bas been period of moderate activity fa some articles whicb "qnest for export, among which are b(" prfaclpaj cotton, rnmnV m. h' "Kht supplies snd trifling receipts. Provision, have been quiet, though they are generally held with firmness. The Atlantic wag to leave Liverpool for New York on the 23d ult, and by her we shall probably receive our next advices from Europe.

The health of our citizens continues excellent, and no apprehension of any epidemic tint season is entertained by any. COTTON We have again to report a dull and inactive week in the Cotton market, attributable to the same difficulties which have heretofore existed, a reduced stock, meagre assortment, and also an advancing tendency in freights, the two former, however, being sufficient to prevent the execution of the few orders on hand. The total tales have been barely 2700 bales, of which 2350 for the four days ending on Wednesday evening, 250 yesterday, and barely 100 tcwiay, taken mainly for Great Britain. In prices there is little or no alteration, and our previous quotations are repeated. One bale of new crop has been received (from Texas,) making the receipts Urns far only 2 bales against 13 bales to the corresponding date last year.

SSI Good Sula.K.,aS"" "var iw i uunu narir mu. Vffl 3. A ka Jill low wi5siks Sz The receipts of the week are 1077 bales sgainst 438o for the corresponding week last year. The total receipts since 1st of September have been bales against last year to same date 1,241,003 bales The exports of the week embrace 13,986 bales, of which 12,005 to Liverpool; 15 to Havre; 71 to Vera Cruz; 412 to New York; 138 to Boston, and 12 bales to Brazos Santiago. The exports of the corresponding week last year were 16,291 bales, and the total exports last year to date were 1,244,645 bales.

STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stork on band 1st September, 186ft. 38 201 Arrived since 1.746.3;ej Arrived to day 301 1.7U4.894 I.7tt.9AO IS 1.784.96 2 Exported to Exported to day Stock on band and on shipboard net 9.932 TOBACCO The receipts being small, the stock reduced, and tbe crop accounts still very unfavorable, factors have been asking higher prices, and in consequence the demand being checked, the week's sales have not exceeded 600 including only 45 lilnla. to day at Za 11 Jc. Its.

The market closes very firmly at the annexed quotations Lugs Factory 6 SS ILesi Fsir. Uf 9 Planten n47M Fine wi aml Leaf Inf. to V'hJjI ltitlt The week's leceipts are 1047 against 574 for (he corresponding week last year. Total receipts since 1st of September 54,283 against 49,631 to same date last season. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO.

Stork on hand 1st September, hbdt. 1 1. Poo Arrived since 6l.i:i8 Arrived to dsy. 2i6 Exported to 54.910 Exported today 6 54.9IA Stock on baud and sn shipboard not n.3',7 SUOAR The Sugar market has generally remained in a very quiet slate this week, and prices have not been so fuileustained for tbe medium and lower qualities. The.

week's sales and resales sum op about 800 and the closing rates are as follows Inferior 8fiPrime and Choice. 8Ti8 9U Common Clarified 9 Fair to F. Choice Week's receipts 893 hbdt. Exports 39 hhds. MOLASSES The market, with very scanty receipts of the better descriptions, has been dull, and prices little better than nominal, at a range of 30 4Hc.

gallon for inferior, fermenting, kc, to prime and choice reboiled. Of city refined aome 250 bblt. have been sold at 483 52c. for barrels, and 54 36c. 3p gallon for half barrels.

Week's receipts 1,077 bbls. Exports 24 bbls. FLOUR A good export demand continuing to prevail, the Flour market has generally maintained quite a firm appearance, and up to last evening about 10,000 bbls. bad been at a range of $6 624 6 87)6 for superfine, some small lots of good to choice extra bringing tS7 bbl. Yesterday, however, the ruling rate for superfine was 96 75, the stock.

being considerably reduced. To day we notice sales, of 276 bbls. superfjne at $6 75, and 1,000 and 300 bbls. at the same price. Week's receipts 15,417 bbls.

Exports 19,905 bbls. CORN With only trifling receipts the rates have advanced, and some 7,000 sacks were sold at 58968c for ordinary mixed to prime white and yellow, including yesterday 1500 at 65368c. To day prices have gone up again, 70c. being refused for 2300 sacks, and 411 white told at 72c. bushel.

Week's receipts 7524 tacks Exports 8817 sacks. WHEAT The receipts have been nearly all sold, but easier rates for prime, until to day tbe sales up to last evening, comprising about 8500 sacks at (I 25 for inferior and ordinary np to $1 45 bushel for prime red and white. Yesterday's sales comprised 2250 sacks good to prime at sod those of to day 4053 sacks new and mostly white, and 1617 (of which about 1400 prime white) said to be at 1 55 bushel. Week's receipts 20,444 sacks Exports 17,636 sacks. OATS The sales sum up about 7,000 sacks at 47c.

for Ohio, up to 50952c. for St. Louis Including today some small lots at 51952c bushel. Week's receipts 10,621 sacks Exports 671 sacks. BRAN Prices have advanced, and the ruling rates recently are 1 00 100 IB.

HAY Prices have not been fully sustained, and several flatboat loads were taken early in the week at about $24 50. PORK The market has continued generally dull, tome 250 to 300 bbls. mess having been sold at $209 20 25, though the ruling retail rates have still been 20 50920 75 bbl. To day we hear of only a few retail transactions. The stock at the Inspection Ware houses on the 1st inst.

comprised 11,660 bbls. of ail kinds, including only 2,385 mess snd 8.552 bbls. on storage, Le. Week's receipts 703 bbls. Exports 209 BACON The stock of prime meat being much reduced, prices have improved for aides within a day or two, ribbed having brought 10 a 101 and clear 0 3llc, while shoulders have commanded 8 5 9c.

to. Hams dull at 93 913 and 14c. for plain to the best sugar cured. Yesterday 30 casks clear sides sold at 10 911c, and to day a few shoulders at 9c. 16 Week's receipts 423 casks Exports 485 casks.

BEEF Some 200 packages were told early in the week at $149 14 50 for mess and family mess in and 5091 in half bbls. The stock at the inspections this morning was 2,350 bbls. of all kinds, including 119 mess and mess ordinary, 1,128 prime, 1,128 not inspected, fcc. Week's receipts 95 bbls. Ex.

ports 154 bbls. LARD The market, in the absence of any demand for Havana, has been very quiet, and the transactions confined mostly to small parcels, at about 12Hc for prime in bbls, aod WHMc. 16 in kegs. To day we bear of nothing of importance dsing. Week's receipts 71 bbls.

and tierces, 63 kegs Exports 1003 bbls. and tierces.530 kegs. BUTTER AND CHEESE Prices still range nominally from 16 a 18c for Western Butter, andl0tt12c. 16 for Cheese. BAGGING AND ROPE Kentucky Bagging hat been in more request, with tales of about 1500 pieces, at 17919c.

for band loom, and 199191s and 20c. yard for power loom. For India Bagging the inquiry has been active at daily advancing prices, and about 4500 bales have been sold and resold, tbe opening rates being 18918VC, and the closing figures yesler dsy J4C yard for light snd heavy parcels. Bale Rope has been very firm, and selling at 10 9 104 for band spun, and 11911 He. 16 for machine.

To day 177 bales India Bagging sold, in two loU, at 21c. GUNNY BAGS These articles have also advanced, and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday some 1200 bales were sold at 12H913c for light and fair weight, and 13 9 14c for extra heavy. To day 170 bales fair weight were taken at 134c, equal to cash. WHISKEY The market has remained in a very dull state, and moat of the time quotations little bet ter than nominal, at 32933c. for rectified, and 3393ue.

for raw. On Wednesdsy 130 bbls. rectified sold at 32C. gallon, but to day we do not hear of a sale or any note. Week's receipts, 1365 bbls Exports, 363 bbls.

SALT We hear of but little doing la Liverpool, excopt a very limited retail business irom wareuouae at previous rates. Early in the week sn ordinary cargo of Mediterranean (CagUari) was sold at 18c fv bushel, and yesterday a cargo of 5000 sacks Liverpool coarse, to arrive, at 1 sack. COFFEE The Rio Coffee market bas continued lo wear quite a doll appearance, bat without particular change in pricea, whicb range from 8Hllc. 4 16 for inferior to prime, with aales of about 1500 bags only for the whole week, besides some shipments to tbe West. No more cargoes have been received, and tbe stock in first and second hands Is now 34,600 bags, against 31,000 at tbe same dale last year.

RICE The market baa been very dull, tbe range of prices being 4 95 IB for fresh Carolina. STAR, CANDLES There is very Utile doing, but the nominal rates are stul 25 26c. for light snd fuH weight. NAVAL STORES During tbe week some 850 bbls. Spirits Turpentine have been sold at 31 931 4U and some small parcels at gsllon snd lorin i.v.1.

it. T.r i ftl 25 bbl. Kosln bring tSl 2091 45 for eommon snd No. 3, and sl 60 92 25 for good to fine No. 1.

ALCOHOL Some 250 tDtt. were sum week 6868 nnaTOc railon, 1 TALLOWTS aiou. i tUj rsnusmi wa rvtiuuTS Have been inactive, but roe orally Pclt1e6d0rf'Tt 8hiP' forv.7 pool at 7 16d. for Cotton, Sa. 6d.

for Floor mmA as sr. Wheat. To ay we hear of neVotLot EXCHANGES Thae. arty very limited, and tbeelotiog miawaTfol parti), per cent rem. MARINE NEWS.

PICAYUNE OFFICE, August S. CLEARED YESTERDAY. 8tmsliip 'Star of the West, Patterson, New York via Jenninss, Lausblsad Ace Scnr Star, tiammsn. Brazos Santiaso, floUenbow A Lesparrs kb, ARRIVED. Peteno111 nays fin PeMtttol.

to niAtter Peeuter, Christy, fm pearl River. Pelican, ewmau. fm Biloxl Eudora, Pearl River. Aleck Scott. Fithlanto Linda.

Harlan, fm HarrisooburT' Frank Lyon. Aahbury. fm MilUken's Bend. Jr. I.anoue.

fm feavou SaraT Oregon, Myers, fm Mohlle. EXPORTS. NEW YORK Stesmsbin Star of the West In haiku BRAZOS SANT1AOO Bcbr Star bales ccttoaTm balea and hhds tobacco, 1 bhda tngar, kegs paint, too jars oil, 460 bxs wine, loo bgs coffee, 60 bbls floor, tubbta liquors, 160 bxt soap, lo boxes sugar, a cks rice, au pkfs mdse. IMPORTS. PENSACOLA Schr Fanny 60,600 ft lumber UfiOO laths Pooley, Nicol Acq.

RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. MILLIKF.NS BEN Steamer Frank Lyon bales cotton Ward, Saunders A Hunt 20 Jackson Aco 17 1 Bell Aco a Byrne, Vance Aco 6 Oakey Hawkins 1 Carroll, Pritchard Aco 3 Buckner, Stanton A Newman I Cuddy, Brown Aco 1073 pkgs fruit, order Total las orfler. HARR1SONBC RQ Steamer Linden bales cotton Watt Aco So Henderson At Pealo 10 st Gillis Atco bbls and 11 hf molasses Arthur Aco Total S3 bales cotton. ST LOOIS Steamer Aleck Scott bhds tobacco 1SOT bbls flour Hewitt, Norton Aco 20 hhds tobacco Rodewald A Piderit 10 do Brander, McKenna A Hubbard 6 do Sliort Aco 7 do Levy A Bummere leo bbls fleer Keep, Bard Aco AM do 8 Kennedy Aco 101 do I cks bacon Helm A Cbism 16 bbla wniskey Martin, Owen A Cobs MO bats Hour UW ska com Price, Converse Aeo at bets pork HoBbla flour Hurley Aco 7Sclt rope Hscgerty A LaUine 1 hi do Kennett, Dix Aco 100 do do Jennings, Laughland Aeo 40 bales hemp I Smith 1 bbls floor 8 cans oil Twrcheli Aco llo bbls do FerdresavlUe, Bro Aco AO obit whiskey is tea hsms Voorhles, Grirrs Aco' cks baron 8 Wrbjht Aco IS do Eaton A Henderson so do Cook Aro 3 ekt bacon Jackson Aco It do Robertson A McDougall bbls esst 4 do apples See land 34 do ere 4 do besns hf dobutter Schneider 40 ks do A Grierf Aco do I Adams 30 do bxs mustard Dolsen A Son 74 bbls potatoes Grevc A Werle do IlufTy Aco 123 do Benton co 87 do OBrien mi do Toranto Jo rolls leather Pierre 3 pkgs mdse Heddes 10 do Weisbaar 1 bx mustard Beeos Aco 3 do mdae Perkins Aco 4 bbls apples Sotdlna de potatoes Anderson A Metcair at balea cotton hv I Aco 114 do Cuddy, Brown Aco sundries, order BxYeatman der Totai sugars to 113 osies cotton boas tobacco. BAYOU SARA Steamer Jr 6 hhds sugar oyrne, ance stco ia oois oo 13 oois mo lass A Putnam lot of fruit aod sundries, order.

Receipts at the New Basin. PEARL RIVER Schr Eudora 30,000 ft lumber W.W Carre Aco. PEARL RIVER Schr Feelster M.090 ft lumbar to Pooiey. Nlcoi Aco. B1LOXI Schr Pelican 30,000 ft lumber, Toumads.

Per PontchBrtrsln Rail road. MOBILE Steamer Oreron 3 cotton sins and 1 mill to A May Aco lot frnlt and sundries, order. MEMORANDA. y. Domestic Forts.

NEW YORK, July Cld bark Hannah Tborttton, Tsylor. NOrlt Arr barks Realm, Burgess, and Cornier, gbnroad, NOtIs. Below ship Mamphia, fm NOrls. Iilat of VenavolA Cleared staid Sailed for Now OrtMBSs Correotsd tor the Dally Picayune, August IMA, COAITWlll PORTS NEW YORK. Ship Far West, Bennett Ship Virksbnrg, ShipOpbir, Byrne Ship Westminster, smack Ship Andover.

Berrv cldJulylS July It July July July 14 Bark St Lawrence, Stetson eldJalvt Bark Hannah Thornton, Bark Fowler. Palmer BOSTOH. Ship Rubicon, Beckett Ship Inca, Dennison Ship Abby Brown, Ship Colchis. Ship Minnesota. Snip Crimea, Poor Ship Franconia.

White Bark Delphoa, Soule PHILADELPHIA. Ship Geo West, Couch Bark Hand, Marsh man Bark Brilliant, Silsbee BALTIMORE Bark Dennis Kelly. Corson Schr Conception. Peterson July 8 July 19 sld Jaly is July 17 July Jane tt July Jane SO June ST July Jaly 14 FOREIGN PORTI. LIVERPOOL.

Ship Sir Cbas Napier eld July IO Ship Kate Dyer Jmy tt Ship Aabland Jaly tl 4 Snip Mary A Susan. Scott. aid one 8hip Marcia Greenleaf. Merry man aid Jane Sbip California, Marby, via Millard Haven aid Jane S3 Ship EIltabetlKHelsing aid Jaas as LONDON. Ship Africa Msy 8 CARDIFF.

(Wales, Ship Merwin, Merwia tld Jobs Ship Mary McNear sld May Ship Indian Hunter, Mvrick sld May IT Bhip Mackinaw. Robinson Msy IT BORDEAUX. Bhip Helen A Milter, Gait eld Jane Ship Early Bird sld Juno IS Ship Victoriae, Mowry sld Jane 10 Ship Manilla aid Jans ST NEZAIRE ROADS. Bhip Manila daisy 4 GIBRALTAR, Ship Courier, Robinson Marti Ship Margarette. Beel eld May 11 MARANHAM.

Ship Pathfinder sld May JEWELRY. Tm Htore No. 3 Camp tj azztBejun. as euovsi Deslera In SWATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, euns.

And everv varletr of Fancy Goods of tbs aeweet aa styles, which wa offer at low rates. Having enajesred tbe services of Mr. Joseph B. False, an experienced Watch Maker, we are prepared to do ail kinds of work in that una. Also, Diamonds mounted and Jewelry masafacsare to orN.

B. Old Gold and Sliver bought. ds as ly Ta Western Merr banta. CLOCKS AND TIME PIECE JC. BROWN.

No. Coortlandt street. It iwT aft, manufacturer and dealer In Clocks snd Tins FWirsa, would cail the attention of Western merchants to kds larjeMdweU assorted stock of all doacrtptAone, wksltssls aaT Merchants aad dealers will do well to call awJara porcnasing eisewnere. Jswsirv i IT. CHARLES LOAN OFFICE.

34 ST. CHARI.EJ uimits Br. charlea HoteL fie WATCHES AND" JEWELRY. tn. k.o..

1 aelllna' WateBSS St tail, at the folio wing remarkably low Stints, Saf man sny Fine Gold Lepins Wascaes, i A rnul. for Gold Hunting English Patent Levers, for Sent! Gold Hunting Watcses wzucn ran eigni aara, enld Watches in magic cases, blc CAsnfS tmto aWtJ liffereot watches. a old Watches which wind Jtracd act sands wllAtal atry key. Also A large asaortment of rich sew style Carbsaclas, aorta, snd 8eU in fruit styles, lately received JULES JERaVENBEN WATCHEt. with certlflcates from him with each watch, parsttt at ao keepers.

Mantle Clocks, from (1 as. COOPER WATCaTES; Duplex and Levers, some ia haati cases, perjass kPer'nfDE PENDENT SECOND WATCHER, for timing horaes. in gold and aUver cases. Splendid Gold Pocket Sold snd Silver Levers, Detsched Levara, LaptBSI, aad all other styles of Watches. All of the above for sale at retail, mack laa tbaatka aaBlnvicaa.

Also, sll kinds of mnmivnvm. JEWELRY, OlMtond Rlsgs snd Pins. aujuv oz wvets). All ktads of gold Chain pars sold tt aV sadsuvst? gold Keys and Seala, gold Pens and ana re 'ec a.sod I imfMea, znamona zungt ana Bracelets, Gold Lock eta, Cuff Pins, Earrings. Gold and Silvsr Bpect cies, S' Rlnsa.

kil.aT Frait Kaivaa. SSertins I Spoons, Caps, Forks, a macn leas tban tke oa al price. Watches and Jewelry exchanged. All WaaBO Tar ran ted to keep good Utae. or exchanged.

Watcbea, Clocks aad Jewelry repaired ka tha beat attst aer; at much leas than the asual pricea, JOSEPH RAFEL, 34 St. Cnssiss st eet, Importer ef Watcbes and Jewelry, wholetale aad rotaa. ds 'M tf Wsuekea Watehee. a i a. it Id (F Watches, ta besvy baas i a SO ins I Hooting Silver Utaold Leptoe Wstcbesi Jewelry, of every so scriptioni flne Poeke CatlavrratPistosi sad Fancy Can td sr t.

as Vv la Tne sobacriTter, hsvinf boea apsotntaa seta as sat tor i 'Kew' BrEsiB of tbe highly naoactaMe sad wan known 1 i lnwSEURE A Growers and Wtatt iTcb nta, aits Borgaady. begs to caU the seteedlea of tb. public to the llll Lan teare, Vteax Cent) Amber Win, extr. CAte Pete Wtae, Red flpau llng iiiisuse. nu tuuijita.

tfta I ur Vooeaot, lUcaooar. Pommard, ate I WHITE WINES of Cbabrta. MONTRACWT I FRENCH WIS CI, CLARK IS snd BRANi'i'A Jk A. CA8.B.I KR. saOiS Ll.

Liatad Warreuita. rmr HIGHEST market rates paid far f. JZZZXtm ali kinds of Uaeurraat Ss Jlsa. tola. aaa swaaaad sr.

MrMItv C0.ii, tl Ke ly Stan, svooav 1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.