Francis Harrison Pierpont (1814-1899) Papers (2024)

Series 6. Telegrams

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-001: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-002: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-003: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-004: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-005: Hand copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln A true copy of letter in President Lincoln's writing James C. Peirpont"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-006: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-007: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont. "Executive Mansion Washington, March 20, 1862. Hon. F. H. Peirpoint My Dear Sir; Yours of the 14th received. Make haste slowly. Things are improving by times. Draw up your proclamation carefully, and, if you please let me see it before issuing. Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-008: Photocopy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, July 28, 1862. Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] By telegraph from Washington 28, 1862. 9:30 AM It would be of great service here for us to know as fully as you can tell what progress is made & making in recruiting for old regts in your State also about what day the first new regt can move from you what the second what the third & so on this information is important to us in making calculations please give it as promptly and accurately as you can. A. Lincoln. 71G157pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-009: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Peirpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, July 28, 1862. Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] ('By telegraph from') Washington 28, 1862. 9:30 AM Quote It would be of great service here for us to know as fully as you can tell what progress is made & making in recruiting for old regts in your state also about what day the first new regt can move from you what the second what the third & so on this information is important to us in making calculations please give it as promptly and accurately as you can. (sig) A. Lincoln. 71 G 7 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-010: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 16 1862. Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] By telegraph from Washington 16 1862. 5:36 PM Your dispatch of today received I am very sorry to have offended you I appointed the collector as I thought on your written recommendation & the assessor also with your testimony of worthiness although I knew you preferred a different man I will examine tomorrow whether I am mistaken in this. A. Lincoln."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-011: Hand copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Peirpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 16 1862. Gov. Peirpoint By telegraph from Washington 16 1862. 5:36 PM Your dispatch of today received I am very sorry to have offended you I appointed the collector as I thought on your written recommendation & the assessor also with your testimony of worthiness although I knew you preferred a different man I will examine tomorrow whether I am mistaken in this. A. Lincoln. 57 G 117 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-012: Hand copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 23rd, 1862. Hon. F.H. Peirpoint ('By telegraph from') Washington 23, 1862. Your Letter of the seventeenth just rec(eive)d. When you come to Washington I shall be pleased to show you the record upon which we acted. Nevertheless answer this distinctly saying you wish Ross (?Rob) & Richie or any other two you really want & they shall be appointed. A. Lincoln. 48 G 111 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-013: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 23rd, 1862. Hon. F.H. Peirpoint ('By telegraph from') Washington 23, 1862. Your Letter of the seventeenth just rec(eive)d. When you come to Washington I shall be pleased to show you the record upon which we acted. Nevertheless answer this distinctly saying you wish Ross (?Rob) & Richie or any other two you really want & they shall be appointed. A. Lincoln. 48 G 111 pd True Copies James C. Peirpont"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-014: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Peirpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 23rd, 1862. Hon. F.H. Peirpoint ('By telegraph from') Washington 23, 1862. Your Letter of the seventeenth just recd. When you come to Washington I shall be pleased to show you the record upon which we acted. Nevertheless answer this distinctly saying you wish Ross & Richie or any other two you really want & they shall be appointed. A. Lincoln. 48 G 111 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-015: Photostat copy. From A. Lincoln, President, Washington, DC to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, Oct. 23rd, 1862. Hon. F.H. Peirpoint ('By telegraph from') Washington 23, 1862. Your Letter of the seventeenth just rec(eive)d. When you come to Washington I shall be pleased to show you the record upon which we acted. Nevertheless answer this distinctly saying you wish Ross (?Rob) & Richie or any other two you really want & they shall be appointed. A. Lincoln. 48 G 111 pd True Copies James C. Peirpont"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-016a - 09-016b: Photostat copy. Proclamation. "By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. Whereas, by the Act of Congress approved the 31st day of December, last, the State of West Virginia was declared to be one of the United States of America, and was admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original states in all respects whatever, upon the condition that certain changes should be duly made in the proposed Constitution for that state; And, Whereas, proof of a compliance with that condition as required by the Second Section of the Act aforesaid, has been submitted to me; Now, therefore, be it known, that I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do, hereby, in pursuance of the Act of Congress aforesaid, declare and proclaim that the said act shall take effect and be in force, from and after sixty days from the date hereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunder set my hand" On second sheet: "and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twentieth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States to eighty-seventh. Abraham Lincoln. By the President; William H. Seward, Secretary of State."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-017: Hand copy. From Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Alexandria, Va to Pierpont, "9 p.m. Alexa[ndria] April 9 1865 By Telegraph from War Dept. 9 1865 This department has just recd official report of the surrender this day of Genl Lee and his army to Lt. Genl Grant on the terms proposed by Genl Grant Details will be given speedily as possible. Edwin M. Stanton Secy of War Head Qrs Army of U.S. 430 Rm Hon. E.M. Stanton Secy of War Genl Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia this afternoon upon terms proposed by myself. The accompan+E438ying additional correspondence will show the conditions fully U.S. Grant Lt. Genl Apl 9 1865 Genl- I recd your note of this morning on the picket line whither I had come to meet you to asertain definitely what terms were embraced in your presentation of yesterday with reference to the surrender of this army. I now request an interview in accordance with offer contained in your letter of yesterday - for that purpose. Very Respy Your Off [???] R.E. Lee Genl CSA to U.S. Grant Comder US Army Apl 9 1865 Genl R.E. Lee Comdr CSA Your note of this date is but this moment (1158 am) recd in consequence of having passed from the Richmond [crossed out] and Lynchburg road to the E858Farquiville and Lynchburg road I am at this writing about four miles west of Walters Church and will push forward to the front of the purpose of meeting - notice sent to me on this road where you wish the interview to take place will meet me - Very respy your Off Genl U.S. Grant+E440 Appomattox CH Apl 9 1865 Genl R.E. Lee Comdr CSA In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst. I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Va on the following terms to wit Rolls of the all officers and men to be made in duplicate - One copy to be given to an officer designated by me the others to be retained by such officer or officers do you may designate - the officers to give their individual paroles not to carry arms against the Govt of the United States until property exchanged and each Co or Regt commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands - The Army's artillery and public property to be packed and stacked and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them - This will not embrace the side arms of the officers nor their private horses or baggage - This done - such officers and men will be allowed - to return to their homes not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside - Very Respy U.S. Grant Lt. Genl Hd Qrs Army Northern Va 9th Apl 1865 Lt General U.S. Grant Comdr USA Genl I have recd your letter of this date containing the terms of surrender of Army of Northern Virginia as proposed by you - as they are substantially the same as those proposed in your letter of the 8th Inst they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. Very Respy Your Off [???] R.E. Lee Lt. Genl"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-018: Hand copy. From Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Alexandria, Va., to Pierpont, "9 PM U.S. Military Telegraph Alex[andria] April 9 1865 By Telegraph from War Dept. 9 1865 To Gov Pierpoint This department has just recd official report of the surrender this day of Genl Lee and his army to Lt. Genl Grant on the terms proposed by Genl Grant Details will be given speedily as possible. Edwin M. Stanton Secy of War"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-019: Photostat copy. "Yours Truly, US Grant, Lt. Gen. Cmd. Richmond, Va. Apr. 24th 1866, Andrew Badeau, 3rd Col + Mil secy."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 1

    Item 09-020a - 09-020b: Photostat copy. From J. W. Dahlgren, Rear Admiral Washington, to Mrs. J. A. Pierpont. "Washington 29th Oct. 1866. Mrs. JA Peirpoint, Dear Madam, permit me to thank you for the note you were so good as to address to my wife and for the trouble you have taken to assure proper direction to the sum of money intended for the wife of Mr. Orrick. My object now to guard against mistake,-for I have no knowledge of the parties interests-if it were in my power, those" On second sheet: "who incurred the risk of re-moving the remains of my gallant son, should be pro-vided for,-but the income of a naval officer would be inadequate,- it only remains thereupon for me to assist when the means I have may permit- Mrs. Dahlgren is exceedingly obliged for your kind wishes in regard to her two little children, and waits with me in cordial reciprocation. I am with much regard your obedient JW Dahlgren R. Admiral."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-021: From Henry Washington Benham, Brigadier General, New York, to Peirpoint, Wheeling. "Gov. Pierpont, Wheeling July 2 1861. By telegraph from New York 1861. As soon as Genl Rosecrans specifications were examined I was released and am to go on duty. If you still desire that department & myself as commander an early effort may secure this. H. W. Benham Brig Genl 33w76&175 call"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-024: From John Jenk, Pittsburgh to Philip Daum, Captain, Wheeling. "Capt Daum Wheeling 1861. By Telegraph, From Pittsburgh, June 21 1861. Camp Carlile Have twenty five men you must arrange for passage at half fare by Railroad no train leaves before Monday morning. Jenk 20G55 pd." On Reverse: "Recd June 21st Jenk"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-025: From John S. Carlile, Benwood, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Recd June 22nd 12 m. Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 22nd 1861. By Telegraph, from Benwood 22 1861. Send writ for electing two 2 delegates for Hampshire to O D Downey Grafton today or tomorrow also send writ to me for senator & delegate from Lewis &c at same time Carlile" On reverse: " J.S. Carlile Jun 22"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-026: From Thomas Armstrong Morris, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Governor Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jun 23th 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton 23th 1861. There is a prisoner at Camp Carlile named Louis Stevens arrested by Col Kelly against whom I have no charges delegate AF Ritchie recommends his discharge will you please decide & order his discharge if you think best. T.A. Morris Brig Genl Cmdg 39gr122 paid" On reverse: "Recd June 24 1861. Genl. Morris"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-027: From Thomas Armstrong Morris, Brigadier General, Grafton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jun 23 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton 23 " 1861. Please send up tomorrow the Prussians to Clarksburg & instruct them to report to Col. Hewes TA Morris Brig Genl 16. gr 53 pd" On Reverse: " recd. June 24 1861. Genl Morris 11-Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thurs 14 21 15 24 17 25 18 19 20"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-028: From Presley M. Hale, Grafton, to John S. Carlile, Wheeling. "Hon. J. S. Carlile Wheeling June 25 1861. By telegraph, From Grafton 25 1861. Come by the first train Important business Col Dyler is here Arnold won't do bring order for election P. M. Hale 18 gr 59 pd" On Reverse: "P. M. Hale Jun 25 give Blank Writs for senator and delegate for Lewis County also give me notice to be served on Arnold"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-029: From G. B. McClellan, General, Grafton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Pierpont Wheeling Jun 26 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton 26 1981. I shall be here tomorrow and be glad to meet the adjutant General G. B. McClellan Maj Genl 14w47 Call" On reverse: " Gen. McClellan Jun 26"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-030: From Presley M. Hale, Grafton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F. H. Pierpont Wheeling Jun 26 1861. By telegraph, from Grafton " 26 1861. Send me an order for new elections in Lewis Arnold won't do Carlile should come here without delay important business that requires his presence P. M. Hale 24 Gr77pd" On reverse: "P. M. Hale June 26 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-031: From G. B. McClellan, General, Grafton to John S. Carlile. "Grafton, June 27 186. J. S. Carlile Frederic W. Landes McClellan w35call" On reverse: Genl. McClellan June 27"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-032: From G. B. McClellan, General, Grafton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy. FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 27 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton June 27 1861. Since I recognize you as the Governor of Virginia it devolves on you to appoint officers for the Regiment mustered into the US Service. The second & third Regiments are nearly formed & appointments required I suggest that elections of men be respected for company officers & that the best me you can find be selected for the field officers. The order of the president for three years volunteers does not recognize right of election, but leaves appointments of officers with Governor of the state. General " On reverse: "officers are appointed by the president. G. B. McClellan, Maj Genl USA 92Gr. 281 pd Genl. McClellan rec June 27 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-033: From William A. Harrison, Parkersburg, to Pierpont. "Parkersburg 27 June, 1861. Gov Pierpont When do you want me at Wheeling? Answer at Grafton. Wm. A. Harrison 10 p10pd" On reverse: "W.A. Harrison Recd June 27 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-034: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpont Wheeling July 1 1861. By telegram, from Parkersburg 1st 1861. Colonel Roberts a member of the convention from Roane county was captured near Spencer and carried off by secessionists on Saturday last. They are threatening other Union men troops should be sent at once to that vicinity the military men here say the have no power to send out detachments and there are no troops here to spare consult with Frost. P. G. Van Winkle" On reverse: "P.G. Van Winkle July 1st 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-035a: From James Oakes, Major, Pittsburgh to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 1 1861. By Telegraph, from Pittsburgh 1 1861. I will be in wheeling tomorrow morning remember Logan & Applegate are this evening. James Oakes Maj USA 13G41pd" On reverse: "Maj Oakes July 1st 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-035b: Hand copy. From John List, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, July 1, 1861. Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] ("By telegraph from") Clarksburg 1, 1861. Just leaving for Grafton, have twenty-seven thousand dollars. (sig.) John List."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 2

    Item 09-035cPhotocopy. From John List, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling, July 1, 1861. Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] By telegraph from Clarksburg 1, 1861. Just leaving for Grafton, have twenty-seven thousand dollars. John List."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-036: From Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 2nd 1861. Gov. Va. By Telegraph, from Washington, 2nd 1861. You are at liberty to publish the letter . Simon Cameron Secy of War. 8.935pd" On reverse: "Hon. S. Cameron Secy War July 2nd 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-037: From Charles W. Hill, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling July 2 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton, 2 1861. I sent your dispatch to Col Tyler. The best thing I could do. Chas W Hill Brig Gen. 13 W44Call" On reverse: "Genl. Hill July 2"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-038: From Charles W. Hill, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 3 1861. By Telegraph, from Grafton, July 3 1861. D. T. Hewes reports from Clarksburg that capt M.S. Hall has ninety (90) men ready to start for Hewes Camp from Ellenbino & he asks will the US receive them if you accept them, as a part of the Virginia Contingent & so direct I will send a train for them. Chas. W. Hill Brig. Genl. 52GR.161paid" On reverse: "Capt Oaks shall I answer yes to the within I do not understand why the question is asked. Hewes responded is of the discription of hoops he discribes. Return answer on this telegram. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]. Genl Hill July 3rd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-039: From Charles W. Hill, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 4 1861. If the regt of three 3 years volunteers through from Pittsburgh are offered by you as Virginia troops they will be received & Mustered accordingly. Chas W Hill Brig Genl. 24. gr77pd" On reverse: "Genl Hill July 4th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-040: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Mr. Frost, member Wheeling Legislature, Wheeling. "Mr. Frost Wheeling July 4 1861. Member Wheeling Legislature By Telegraph, from Pomeroy OH 1861. We hold here B.H. Hoyt as prisoner shall we discharge him. R.C.M Lovell 12We8X78col" On reverse: "R.C.M. Lovell July 4th 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-041: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 5th 1861. By Telegraph, from Pomeroy O 5th 1861. He has been a leading and dangerous secessionist up to the hour of his arrest. Enquire of Frost I write you by mail RCM Lovell 23w.102&122col" On reverse: "Peirpoint Peirpoint P John -ohn R.C.M. Sovell [Lovell] July 5th 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-042: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 5 1861. By Telegraph, from Parkersburg 5 1861. I will leave for Wheeling tomorrow. Harrison's letter was recd & attended to. PG Van Winkle 13w49 coll" On reverse: "P.G. Van Winkle July 5 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-043: From Seth Smith, Monmouth, Ill., to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 5 1861. By Telegraph, from Monmouth Ill 1861. Have you written to Boggess of this peace offering to accept volunteers Seth Smith 12ch 114 pd" On reverse: "Seth Smith July 5th Monmouth, Ill" Bottom right corner torn.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-044: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 7th 1861. By Telegraph, from Pomeroy 7 1861. Will send him Monday Wagoner & Miller released & home RCM Sovell [Lovell] 1"W5"87"col" On reverse "R.M.C. Sovell [Lovell] July 7th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-045: From B. F. Wade, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 7th 1861. By Telegraph, from Washington, 7th 1861. Your senators shall be admitted to their seats whenever they appear whether the old ones are vacated or not but I intend to have them vacated tomorrow. BF Wade 27W69&155col chq" On Reverse: "B.F. Wade July 7th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-046: From Jacob B. Blair, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. " Gov. F. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 8th 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 8 1861. Would advise you to do nothing as to matters in Weston until I arrive JB Blair 14d47pd" On reverse: "J.B. Blair July 8"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-047: From David T. Hewes, vol, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Pierpont Gov. of Va. Wheeling 8 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 8 1861. The Officers of the third regiment Virginia Volunteers have selected the following named gentlemen as their field Officers and respectfully request to acknowledge by telegraph their selection & to forward their commissions at your earliest convenience. Colonel David T Hewes Lieut Col Francis W. Thompson Major Charlie E Sweringen DT Hews [Hewes] Vol. 5"D155pd" On Reverse: "D.T. Hews [Hewes] July 8th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-048: From D. T. Hewes, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 8th 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 8th 1861. Tell me if there is two (2) majors elected in Virginia 3rd Regiment is the officers elected according to Virginia regulations. answer immediately. has the Virginia regulations two majors. DT Hewes 29D.91pd" On reverse: "D.T. Hewes July 8th Clarksburg, V"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 3

    Item 09-050: From Charles W. Hill Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F H Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 9th 1861. Gov By Telegraph, from Grafton 9th 1861. I have considered your note of yesterday & discussed the matter with Mr. Humphery shall by glad to do all in my power to advance your objects but at present have no disposable troops am trying to get some relief by placing home guards in care of portions of the road & am expecting troops from Ohio from both sources have to have" On Reverse: "means to accomplish your object as soon as it will be permitted for me to leave. I desire to call you and Gen Kelley for a brief consultation. Chas. W. Hill Brig Genl. 93 Gr284pd Genl. Hill July 9th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-051: From D. T. Hewes, Camp Hewes, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 10th 1861. By Telegraph, from Camp Hewes 10th 1861. Sir- I have Hiram A Doty and Benjamin F. Boggis arrested they have a pass purporting to be signed by Thomas S. Boggis of Marcus and SS Fleming[?] of Shinnston dated July 9th a member of the Shinnston Company thinks the signature spurious. Doty claims to be a citizen of Roane. Do you know anything of them answer soon. DT Hewes by order Col Com 61D183pd" On Reverse: "D.T. Hewes July 10th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-052: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 10 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy 10 1861. Wondering of Wise & Patter not satisfactory. Killing of forty 40 of the escorts confirmed. RCM Lovell" On reverse: "R.C.M. Lovell July 10th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-053: From Thomas Johnstin, Monmouth, Ill., to Daniel Lamb or WS Goshen, Wheeling "D. Lamb or WS Goshen Wheeling July 10 1861. By Telegraph, from Monmouth, Ill 1861. See Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] or Genl. Kelly & say that Baggs Co will be in Wheeling twentieth 20 inst certain will this do? answer immidiately Thos Johnstin 23ch191pd" On Reverse: "Thos. Johnstin Illinois July 10"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-054: From John List, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 10 1861. By Telegraph, from Parkersburg 10 1861. Money in special and individual deposit. If one other may shall I arrest Sheriff & take to Wheeling Jno List 18 q14pd. On Reverse: "John List July 10"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-055: From John Harper, Pittsburgh, to Daniel Lamb, Wheeling. "D. Lamb, Wheeling July 11 1861. By Telegraph, from Pittsburgh 11 1861. I will be over probably tomorrow to obtain ammunition. John Harker qw35coll" On reverse: "J. Harper July 11"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-056: From Edward M. Norton, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 12 1861. By Telegraph, from Washington 12 1861. Congress adjourns Thursday and Senator will be bitterly opposed. Brown & Credentials not arrived. Send implications by first mail to Carlile. EM Norton 21 W 57&173" On Reverse: E. M. Norton Washington July 12"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-057: From J. & A. Brakeley Rowlesburg to G. N. J. Micah[?], General, Wheeling "G N J Micah[?] Wheeling July 12 1861. By Telegraph, from Rowlesburg 12 1860. Can Civil Officers act Officially without taking oath prescribed by Wheeling Convention if they do are their acts valid. J&A Brakeley 19s62pd" On Reverse: " J&A Brakely [Brakeley] Rowlesburg July 12"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-058: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 12. 1861. Pomeroy 12. 1861. Your letter satisfactory- Who are appointed Lieut Col. & Major R.C.M. Lovell 111G50&70Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-059: From John Harper, Pittsburgh, to Daniel Lamb, Cashier, Wheeling. "Daniel Lamb Cashr Wheeling July 12th 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 12 1860. Adams Express will deliver the ammunition will write particulars J. Harper QW35col Chgd to Gov. Pierpoints account" On reverse: "J. Harper July 12"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-060: From D. T. Hewes, Clarksburg to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 12 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 12 1861. The officers (field) chosen by the Captains & Lieutenants of the third regiment was elected or recommended by the officers present as fellows for colonel & Lieut. Col was unanimous Major Sweringen read all but three votes present which was cast for J G Foly. The vote J Q Lamb second major" On reverse: "was unanimous the only dissatisfaction is in Capt Halls Company who are not altogether satisfied with the majors who are here recommended D T. Hewes 15D230pd D.T. Hewes July 12"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-061a: From John C. Fell, Marietta, OH to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 13 1861. By Telegraph, from Marietta, 13 1861. Are we to be furnished with rifles? JC Fell 7 Hw 50pd." On reverse: "J.C. Fell Marietta July 13"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-061b: From G. B. McClellan, General, Huttinsville, to Pierpont, Camp Near. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Camp Near 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinsville 14 1861. Have been to Cheat river today. Enemy retreated to Staunton. I advise you to proceed with the political organization of the country up to this point. G. B. McClellan, Maj Gen USA 2/1 D 83 pd" On reverse: "Gen. McClellan Huttinsville July 14"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-062: From D. T. Hewes, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling "His Ex. FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 13 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg, 15 1860. Capt Hall of my regt will visit you today for the purpose of trying to get out he is the man that raised all the difficulty if you let him out it breaks my regiment for Gods sake hold him & reply him to me I have issued an order for an election on Saturday next. D.L. Hewes [David T. Hewes] Col 3rd Regt 22 cmdg 511D173pd" On reverse: "Col Hewes Clarksburg July 15

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-063: From D. T. Hewes, Colonel, Clarksburg to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 16 1860. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 1. 1860. Will please send me blank forms for morning field report, Morning campaign report also any other blanks belonging to the regiment it is impossible to get along without them. D.T. Hewes Col Cmdg Post 30 D95pd" On Reverse: "Col Hewes Clarksburg July 16"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-064: From John W. Moss, Colonel, Clarksburg to James S. Wheat, Genl., Wheeling. "Genl. J.S. Wheat Wheeling July 17 1861. by Telegraph, from Clarksburg, 17 1860. I Sent a telegram to the Gov see him & render him any assistance you can. J.W. Moss, Col, 2d regt. VV 111d53 pd" On reverse: "Col. JW. Moss, Clarksburg, July 17"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 4

    Item 09-065: From D. M. Gang, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 18 1861. By Telegraph, from Fairmont, . 18 1861. Will you accept a three(3) years company raised in the state of Ohio any time within two (2) or Three(3) weeks answer D.M. Gang 21a68paid" On reverse: "D.M. Gang Fairmont July 18th 1861."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-066: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 18th 1861. By Telegraph, from Pomeroy, O 18 1861. Wrote you yesterday Delay appointments until you receive my letter written today RCM Lovell 12w78&78coll" On reverse: "R.C.M. Lovell Pomeroy O. July 18"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-067: From Oscar W. Gamble, Monmouth, Ill., to H. H. Boggess, Wheeling. "HH Boggess Care Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 19 1861. By Telegraph, from Monmouth, Ill 1861. We are ready & must start Monday night will posses be here answer OW Gamble Capt. 13 ch 121 pd." On Reverse: "OW Gamble Monmouth July 19"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-068: From D. T. Hewes, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 19 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 19 1861. Cavalry companies are coming here there will be five companies in a few days I would suggest you appoint some competent officer as Col & let him take charge of them as they arrive the sooner this is done the better. DT Hewes 41D133pd" On reverse: "Col Hewes Clarksburg July 19"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-069: From J. Frazier, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adj't Genl. Wheat Wheeling July 20 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 20 1861. There is a part of a cavalry company here and they want to be mustered into the service & want forage for their horses must I give it to them? Jas Frazier Col 4th Va. V. 31 D 98 pd" On reverse: "Jas Frazier Clarksburg July 19"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-070: From G. B. McClellan, General, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 2... By Telegraph, from Beverly 20... Telegram recd. I Regret that... Cannot visit Wheeling now… Found it necessary to… march to the Kanawha… complete our work and... establish your authority. GB McClellan Maj Genl. USA 8D8qpd" Badly damaged. In Mylar.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-071a - 09-071b: From J. R. Bell, Cameron, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 21 1861. By Telegraph, from Cameron 21 1861. A messenger came here this morning from Wetzel County three oclock and slated that a union had been shot the previous evening about eight oclock by two secessionists there is considerable alarm in that neighborhood on the account of it as there is considerable number of secessionists there & it is believed that the intend to kill or drive out the" On reverse: "Cameron (2) Union men in that locality they are led by Squire Colbert who is said to be a man of influence he was one of the men that shot Clayton, they sent over here for a force to go over and prevent further outrages the union men there are not well armed I am satisfied from what I have heard before this shortly that there is first cause for alarm and immediate action. I thought it would be best for you to order out a company from Camp Carlile to go out as far as Belton by the road as that is the nearest point it is only about eight miles from that place to Linn[?] Camp waters where this murder was committed plenty of guides will be furnished if necessary" On second sheet: "Clayton had two balls put into him we have plenty of men but no guns answer immediately what you can do. J.R. Bell. 209 423 Collect" On reverse: "J. R. Bell"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-072: From O. W. Gamble, Captain, Monmouth, Ill., to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling, July 22 1861. By Telegraph, from Monmouth, Ill 22 1861. My Company is full & want you to send passes & name the route immediately my men want to be off if not to your state I fear the will go elsewhere. OW Gamble Capt Pierpoint Guards 32ch254paid" On reverse: "OW Gamble Pomeroy Monmouth July 22"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-073: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 22 1861. By Telegraph, from Pomeroy O 22 1861. Wagoner declines appoint Starr Col Skinner Lieut Col. I muster one (1) Company today probably three more this week confidential R.C.M. Lovell 19 86&106Col" On Reverse: "R.C.M. Lovell Pomeroy July 22"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-074: From J. R. Nay, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 22 1861. By Telegraph, from Mannington 22 1861. A Messenger just arrived stated that one thousand secession troops under LJ Hall arrived at the farm of Elisha Morgan fishing Creek give us aid. J. R. Nay 21.Waspd" On reverse: "JR Nay Mannington July 22"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-075: From J. R. Nay, Mannington to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 22 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 22 1861. We have sent scouts & will answer when they return. J.R. Nay 10wi30pd" On Reverse: "J R. Nay Mannington July 22"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-076: From N. S. Barnes, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 23 1861. By Telegraph, from Fairmont 23 1861. Bad report here from Manapat give us the facts. NS Barnes qw35pd" On reverse: "N.S. Barnes Fairmont July 23"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-077: From D. T. Hewes Colonel, Clarksburg to Jas. S.. Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Jas S Wheat Adjt Genl Wheeling July 23 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 23 1861. I Have frequently seen Col Frazier here who says he has been appointed got the purpose of getting up the Fourth Regiment he is not the man for the place. I would therefore recommend the appointment of Col Cyrus Vance a gentleman every way qualified & who will get up a the regiment in a very short time. D.T. Hewes 57D176paid." On reverse: "Col Hewes Clarksburg July 23"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-078: From J. Plummer, G. L. B. Fetterman, and Thomas F. Wilson, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling July 23 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 23 1861. When will McClellan reach Wheeling when leave Wheeling for Pittsburgh Jos Plummer G.L.B. Fetterman Thos F Wilson 10G35pd" On reverse: "Jos Plummer Pittsburgh July 23"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-079: From George R. Latham, Colonel, Sparesville, to Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adj't Genl Samuels Wheeling July 23 186. By Telegraph from Sparesville 24 186. Major Owens Second 2nd virg infantry regiment accepted July fifth (5th) please fill the vacancy and notify me immediatly by telegraph fill no other vacancy until I write you Geo. R. Latham Col Cmdg 2nd Va. Vols 27B118pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 5

    Item 09-080: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H.R. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 24 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy 24 1861. Have you made those appointments according to my request? Answer immediately. RCM Lovell 11w 54&74 coll" On reverse: "R.C.M Lovell Pomeroy July 24"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-081: From C. Boake, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 25 1861. By Telegraph from New York 25 1861. Has the two members of your council left answer immediately C Boake 10G30pd" On reverse: "C. Boake New York July 25"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-082: From Charles W. Hill, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. 'Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] July 25 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 25 1861. Have only known him as a Lieut of cavalry here serving chiefly on scout & picket duty found him to be faithful courageous enterprising correct in deportment & habits & very intelligent. My impressions are that he would make a good colonel but I may not have sufficient opportunity to judge. Chas W Hill Brig Genl 52w761col" On reverse: "Genl Hill Grafton July 25"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-083: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Headquarters AOWV. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Headquarters AOWV 1861. By telegraph from Grafton July 26 1861. Last night I received the following despatch from Col W.H. Lytle tenth regiment O.V. Buckhannon July 25th 1861. By courier from Westin to Gen Rosecrans Sir- Upon recommendation of Col Withers & several other prominent union men of this town I have through Lieut Hoban taken possession of the records of the circuit and county courts of this county, it having been represented to me that the evidence of indebtedness towards union men would probably be destroyed- General may I respectfully suggest that Gov" On reverse: "Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] may be appraised of this seizing and may sanction it. Signed W. H. Lytle Col 10th Regt O.V. Will you please communicate your views on the matter to me. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl. USA. 111Gr. 33 pd Gen Rosecrans Grafton July 26"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-084: From Thos Boggess, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 26 1861 By Telegraph from Parkersburg 26 1861 Seventy five of the state volunteers are here to guard our muskets but are unable to return to Roan Co. on account of the superior forces of the rebels they are without provisions & money can you order provisions issued to them by marker master at this post this is suggested by Col" On reverse: "Dunning Commanding post. Thos Boggess 33w175coll Thos Boggess Parkersburg July 26"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-085: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Headquarters AOWV. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Headquarters AOWV 1861. By telegraph from Clarksburg 27 1861. The matter of regulating passes on the B.&O. RR was talked over with your friend Mr. Ford he promised in conjunction with yourself & others to indicate a suitable man whom I could appoint to vise the passes W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl U.S.A. 40D125pd" On reverse: "Genl. Rosecrans Clarksburg July 27"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-086: From J. J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Camp Cheat Mountain Pass, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 29 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Cheat Mountain Pass 1861. Can you confine the men named in Mr. Cranes letter to the Commander of Camp Beverly & keep them at Wheeling if we will arrest them & send them forward it will be troublesome for us to guard them here. J.J. Reynolds Brig Gen Cmdg 40D125pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-087: From W. S. Rosecrans, Clarksburg to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 29 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 29 1861. Gen Hill forward me your despatch to Grafton asking force twenty eighth Ohio will be in Wheeling tonight please let me know what is the matter & I will send necessary force W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl U.S.A 32D101pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-088: From Charles Kingsbury Jr. A. A. A. G., Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 30 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " 30 1861. Companies A I & H first Virginia Regt Volunteers under command Capt A. H. Breck will move at nine oclock this morning for Wheeling arrived there will report to Gov Pierpoint for further orders post Quartermaster will furnish transportation by order Brig Genl Rosecrans C. Kingsbury A.A.A.G. 44D137paid" On reverse: "Genl Rosecrans Clarksburg July 30"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-089: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Headquarters AOWV. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Headquarters AOWV 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 30 1861. The following despatch has been handed me. Orders have been countermanded stay there until I arrive will be there this evening. Signed I.W. Pumphrey The troops are now waiting for cars in pursuance of orders of mine last evening if anything has occurred to alter matters advise me immediately. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 50D155pd" On reverse: "Genl Rosecrans Clarksburg July 30th"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-090: From C. Kingsbury A. A. A. G., Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Headquarters AOWV. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Headquarters AOWV 30 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg July 30 1861. Capt A.H. Brecks orders number thirty-two (32) are so far modified that companies H & I will report to Genl Hill at Grafton for further orders who will select their camp by order Brig Genl Rosecrans C. Kingsbury A.A.A.G. 37D116pd" On reverse: "Genl Rosecrans Clarksburg July 30"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-091: From William F. Johnston and John Harper, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 31 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 31 1861. John McKinsty barkeeper at Sprigg House Wheeling as he alleges is held as a spy is he true or false he is just from Frederick Md. Wm. F. Johnson John Harper 30.G.75pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-092: From Culgan, Pittsburgh, to Kennedy, Wheeling. "Kennedy Wheeling July 31 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 31 1861. Please tell the Gov that Wm F Johnson is ex Gov of Penna & John Harper Cashier Bank of Pittsburgh & give answer quickly as possible Culgan"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-093: From N. Williamson, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] July 31 1861. Wheeling By Telegraph from Clarksburg 186. Send today by mail two 2 copies of Patsall[?] Bill. N Williamson pd" On reverse: "N. Wilkinson Clarksburg July 31.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-094: From W.M. Farrar, Zanesville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling, Aug 1st 1861. By Telegraph from Zanesville 1st 1861. I have a Company eighty five (85) me for artillery for three (3) years or the war will you accept & furnish us answer W. M. Farrar 20.z.55 paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 6

    Item 09-095: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Aug 1st 1861. Wheeling By Telegraph from Clarksburg 186. Will you please telegraph me full what cavalry troops have been authorized to be raised by consent of Secty of war in Virginia pd WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-096: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General Clarksburg to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 2 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 2 1861. What sort of material is the artillery company offered Yes I can arm but many artillery offers are made me & I wish to take care in the selection WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 29D92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-097: From Jas Lesley Jr., Chief Clerk, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 3d 1861. By telegraph from Washington 3 1861. You are authorized to raise & organize eight regiments of infantry & two regts of cavalry official letter goes forward tomorrow by mail by order of Secy of War Jas Lesley Jr Chief Clk 29 G73pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-098: From Jacob Dolson Cox, Brigadier General, Gauley Bridge, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Headquarters Kanawha Brigade186. By Telegraph from Gauley Bridge [aug] 4th via Galleopalis 3th 1861. I have about eight hundred 800 serviceable muskets with Bayonets taken from the enemy they are at your disposal for the purpose you mentioned. I would suggest the sending of some reliable Officer as agent to the Valley to act for you in the formation of companies of Union Home guards issuing commissions and arms & = numbers are anxious" On reverse: "to join in Fayette Kanawha & Nicholas counties as well as below some regular organizing should exist before issuing the muskets. J. D. Cox, Brig. Genl. Comdg 80w250&513-col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-099: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 4 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1861. Since my last despatch eleven active secessionists have arrived at Clarksburg with charge & witnesses offenses are various some being charged as spies others as preaching opposition to government they should be kept in some safe place not too many together they are now under guard in the brick remaining here & receive army rations" On reverse: "for which a cook is provided before I send them down to you advise me if you are ready to receive them WS Rosecans Brig Genl USA 77D 236 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-100: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]. Governor of Virginia Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 4 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1861. Had the pleasure of two interviews with Gen Wheat & Mr Wilkinson have agreed to have a regiment of three years men raised for the primary purpose of guarding Railroads. Consider Wilkinson proper person to command it recommend great care in the selection of officers if you will permit me to suggest names of persons who fall under my notice & whom I deem fitted for" On reverse: "commissioned officers I will do so I already suggested to Mr. Wilkinson one E J Cinger[?] who would I think make a good captain. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 90D278pd'

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-101: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 6 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 6 1861. Per your request I this day sent to Columbus eleven prisoners for military safe keeping charged with treasonable & seditious conduct G.F. Herndon J.S. Fisher, D Bazil, R Resor F.W. Fillmore, S. Lemsford of Buckhannon, J.H. Rhea F.A. Meeks of Sutton, G.S. Conway P. Evans & AE Pall of Central. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 57.D.176pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-102: From George H. Crosman Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 7 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton Aug 7 1861. Seventeen (17) Secession prisoners go up today in charge of a guard to be turned over to Capt Britt Commanding Camp Carlile by order of Brig Gen Kelley. Geo H Crosman Jr Asst Adjt Genl 27Gr86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-103: From George H. Crosman Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov of Virginia Wheeling Aug 7 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " 1 1861. Are there any troops at Camp Carlile except Capt. Britts Company when does their term of service expire two prisoners sent to Camp Carlile today whose names you will find written on an envelope containing papers in charge of the officer commanding guards & addressed to you are arrested for firing on our pickets they are bad men & require strict watch to prevent their escape" On reverse: "Gen Kelleys health is improving Geo H Crosman AA Gen 71gr218pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-104: From J.J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Huttinsville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 7 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinsville 7 1861. About Twenty prisoners left Beverly at two (2) oclock AM yesterday sixth for Wheeling via Grafton they are in charge of guard. J.J. Reynolds Brig Genl 22W71paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-105a: From Daum, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 12 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 12 1861. Please don't send Dr. Hanslentrie to my Battery Capt Daum WS V Artillery 8D35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-105b: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 12th 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 12 1861. Two 2 Virginia companies in Kanawha serve at Mason City & Point Pleasant & one at Grafton will make a regiment. Have any field officers yet been appointed for them If not I suggest a consultation with Maj Oakes RCM Lovell Mason City" On reverse: "I want to embody these troops WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 45 D 141pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-105c: From Lyman J. Jackson, Zanesville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 13 1861. By Telegraph from Zanesville . 13 1861. William Edwards of my company recommended to you by Maj Kingsbury for special business is here shall he be sent in Lyman J. Jackson 20W55col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-106: From J. G. Chandler, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 14 1861. By Telegraph, From Clarksburg . . 1861. Genl Rosecrans has been informed that you have been furnished by quartermaster Meigs with complete outfit for ten 10 Va Regiments. Many of the Virginia regiments now in the field are destitute any means alleviating present wants would be acceptable. Please inform me a QM at Headquarters what the chances are JG Chandler Capt ASM 50D155pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-107: From Jas Frazier, Colonel, Oakland, to Oakes, Brigadier General, Wheeling. "Brig Gen Oakes Wheeling Aug 14 By Telegraph from Oakland Aug 14 1861. Please send to Jacob Kepler authority to raise a company at Selby's Pont Maryland for fourth 4 Virginia requirement. Send it to Capt Snider at this place Col. Jas Frazier 25FN85pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-108: From George W. Jackson, Weston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 14 1861. By Telegraph from Weston " " 1861. I have been Notary Public to the bank in this place since its location here. I was advised by P.M. Hale to act as such until August Court which adjourned on yesterday. Shall I continue the duty until further instructed or not. Be pleased to reply before three 3 oclock P.M. tomorrow my Union friend advise me to make this request. Geo W Jackson 6g"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-109: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 15 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 15 . 1861. I shall today send you a number of prisoners with a statement of the cause of their detention. Numerous instances of malevolence & seditious talk against the general sort & the government of Western Virginia in the part of persons who have taken the oath of allegiance or given this parole are brought to" On reverse: "my notice from time to time they have been brought to the conclusion that it will be best hereafter to administer to them the oath of allegiance to the US & fidelity to the state of Western Va. As many of these will be required can you not furnish us some printed forms of the oath say two or three thousand WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 111G333pd[?]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 7

    Item 09-110: From W. Craig, Capt., Bellaire, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 15 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire " 15 1861. Capt W. Craig is absent no equipment of any kind in the Quarter Masters department W. Craig Capt & QM per Thornton 14j33pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-111: From George H. Crosman, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency the Governor Wheeling Aug 15 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Mr. Pumphrey left for Clarksburg this morning will be in Wheeling tomorrow evening by order Brig Gen Kelley Geo H Crosman Jr A.A.G. 17gr56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-112: From William Edwards, Zanesville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 15 1861. By Telegraph from Zanesville 15 1861. Will I need the assistance of another good man can I draw on you for fifty 50 to a hundred 100 to fit out have not received pay for services heretofore answer. Wm Edwards 30w75col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-113: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 15 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Have no official information of any cavalry company at Wheeling What does it mean? B.F. Kelley Brig Gen USA 14Gr47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-114: From W. K. Bosley, Colonel, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 17 1861. By Telegraph from Beverly " " 1861. Have Prisoners Dorsett and company arrived if so have they a trunk in company marked C.S.F. with white cover if so detain it & examine all baggage. If they have left for Columbus a telegraph same to Gov. Dennison Answer W.K. Bosley Col Comdg Post."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-115: From S. Crispin, Lieutenant, Bellaire, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 17 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire . 17 1861. I regret that my business compels me presence here today I will try to see you tomorrow. S Crispin Lt Ordinance 17j39paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-116: From George L. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. The commanding general directs me to inform you that he proposes to send you eight 8 prisoners for safe keeping only five 5 however will be forwarded to Wheeling through Genl Kelley today their names are David Nutter, Andrew Gaul, Burton Gaul, William Corder Benjamin Braden very respectfully, Geo L. Hartsuff AA Gen 46D143pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-117: From W.S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1861. I beg leave to call the attention of your Excellency to Capt Latham a man of activity & energy fitting him for a position of field officers in one of the new regiments should not others more eligible be found I have thought of him in connection with the regiment" On reverse: "forming as railroad guards. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 53D170pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-118: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg . . 1861. There are now seven companies on the Kanawha & Ohio without commanding officers. If you have not already selected them I recommend Lieut. N. P. Richmond thirteenth 13 Ind. Volunteers acting as my aid-de-camp. For a majority he completely understands infantry drill & is an energetic and able man. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Gen USA 48D149pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-119: From A. W. Gazzam, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont or Oakes, General, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] or Genl Oakes Wheeling Aug 18 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 18 1861. Will you accept a full regt of Pittsburgh Home guards to serve for six months this is the longest period of enlistment that can be promised at present answer immediately. AW Gazzam 30G.75pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-120: From Simon Cameron, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 18 1861. By Telegraph from Washington DC 1861. The Government desires to know immediately whether a requisition for the whole or a part of the uniformed militia or home guards of your state for temporary service would seriously retard or embarrass the enrollment & organization of the volunteer force now being enrolled for three 3 years or during the war the exigencies of the public service may require the utmost promptitude on your part. Please answer by telegraph and state your views Simon Cameron. 72G159pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-121: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. I have not the horses to supply Col Anisansel. I doubt my power to do so if I had them. In regard to Capt Keyes I will see you in person on Wednesday as I intend to accompany the first Va down. BF Kelley Brig Genl 42HI31col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-122: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " " 1861. By law the president alone has power to receive six 6 months troops I must get an answer from the Secretary of War before I can accept WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 26P83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-123: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierponit [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg Aug 19 1861. I think the young man will answer well for the Lieut. Colonelcy Capt. J. S. Hill of Burning-spring has had a detachment of some forty 40 horse employed as mounted guides & scouts for the last six weeks he says he can fill it to a hundred cavalry by saturday I have directed Capt Jackson of Parkersburg to muster in his detachment as soon as it reports. Hill is willing to take first" On reverse: "Lieutenantcy if he can first rate man for captain W.S. Rosecrans Brig Gen USA 81PL284pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-124a: From John Harper, et al, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By telegraph from Pittsburgh 19 1861. Capt WJ Koung[?] wanted to know how many of our home guards would volunteer to hold Parkersburg for thirty days in what conditions until the services of a regt be accepted for such a service & time you might depend upon a regiment in a few days if necessary Please answer" On Reverse: "John Harper Saml Riddle CL Magee Members of Committee of Home Defense 56G177pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-124b: From Jacob B. Blair, Parkersburg to A.I. Boreman, Member of the Convention, Wheeling. "A.I. Boreman Member of Convention Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg " " 1861. Can you prevent a justice from setting on the bench who has not taken the oath before the governor issues his proclamation declaring his office vacant answer at once J.B. Blair 29G97pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-124c: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy Aug 18 1861. We need money badly R. C. M. Lovell 4W50&70col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 8

    Item 09-125: From Frank Beall, Columbus, The Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpoint Wheeling Aug 10 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 1861. Send me order for Battery by first mail I have nothing to do with Debecks Company Frank Beall 16D68pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-126: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy " " 1861. The Company of sharp shooters raised on Elk River is full numbering one hundred & one 101. Have you those rifles. I have ordered them to Mason City to be mustered answer RCM Lovell 30W130&105Col" On reverse: "RCM Lovell"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-127: From R.C.M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpoint, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy 1861. Tell Oakes to send only one company to fill our Regiment I have a prospect of an other here I will write you today. RCM Lovell 23W103 & 122"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-128: From George H. Crosman, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton VA 1861. William Corder Parton Gaul & Andrew Gaul of Barbour County sent to Camp Carlile from Clarksburg. Three 3 Union men neighbors of the above whose names are Francis E Paine, Hamilton J Partlett & Abraham Saunders called on me today & stated that the prisoners are not dangerous men but simply voted for the Ordinance of Secession I think they should be released on taking the Oath. Pass them up to this plaint when released. By Order George H Crossman AAG 76gr233pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-129: From Henry Anisansel, Colonel, Penwood, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Penwood 1861. Respectfully I suggest your sending today OM Patterson Steubenville Ohio Authorization to raise one or more companies as agreed Henry Anisansel Col 1st Virginia Cavalry 20W45coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-130: From Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 20 1861. We may avoid all necessary foreign militia urge the speedy organization of volunteers Do nothing in regard to temporary forces unless a formal requisition is made by the president Simon Cameron Secy War 29G73pd:

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-131: From Jacob Dolson Cox, Brigadier General, Gauley Bridge, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Gauley Bridge 19 via Gallipolis 20th 1861. It is impossible for me to make any change in the position of my forces at present. JD Cox BG Cmdg 17W78&137 Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-132: From George L. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierponit [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " " 1861. An officer will be sent to Muster in Colonel Zeiglers command very respectfully Geo L Hartsuff Asst Adjt Genl 13G44pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-133: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 21 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " " 1861. Col Lightburn has been ordered to Point Pleasant to take command of the last & the Y companies of his regiment on the Kanawha 3 more companies will be required to fill the regiment one 1 of which I suppose is Dalton[?]. I will be much obliged if you will indicate the companies you have selected and the names & dates of the Lieut Colonel" On reverse: "& major & adjutant & quartermaster commission 70 so that I may have the entire regimental organization. For the organization of the next Regt there seems to be nearly companies enough already reported about to ask for a mustering officer. I beg your excellency to hurry up those organizations. Genl Kelley has been directed as soon as notice is given to detail an officer to muster them in. Q-Master Ransom will be directed to furnish camp equipage & your Excellency has the clothing & equipment. Arms to be supplied on requisition by Lieut Crispin who will have orders to that effect W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl. USA 163P494pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-134: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, to James Oakes, Major, Wheeling. "Maj James Oakes or Gov F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 21 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy " " 1861. Vances company is not complete if you will send clothing camp equipage & guns for eighty three 83 it can be in a few days. The cavalry company is short ten 10 men can you send this equipment for seventy nine 79 & it will be complete in several days. R.C.M. Lovell 47W151&218Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-135: From Langley & Kinkaid, Cincinnati, to Lewis Ruffner, Wheeling. "Lewis Ruffner, Wheeling Aug 21 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati " " 1861. If thousand three dollars Rifling one twenty five 125 graduated eight 2 dollar each Langley & Kinkaid 13W59col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-136: From R. L. McCook, Colonel, New Creek, to John Michael, Member of Legislature, Wheeling. "John Michael, Mem of Legislature Wheeling Aug 22 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek " " 1861. Night before last a party of fifty Secessionists came into the north side of Hardy County to take James P. Babb. Twenty of the Home Guard intercepted them by a mountain path and killed all of them but six. It is said there is a large force of" On reverse: "48 men eight miles south of Petersburg Sending out foraging parties to gather supplies for the army at Monterey. Get arms for Auberry by all means. The home guard in Hardy should have the means of protecting themselves and the neighborhood R. L McCook Col 9 Ohio 88Bn274pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-137: From G. L. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 22 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. I What condition is McArthur's Company with respect to Horses & Equipment. If ready for Service transportation will be furnished it immediately by order Genl Rosecrans. Geo L Hartsuff AAG 26883pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-138: From W. M. S. Kellin, Cornwallis, to N. Wilkinson, Lieutenant Colonel, Wheeling. "N Wilkinson Lieut Col. Wheeling Aug 22 1861. By Telegraph from Cornwallis " " 1861. We will lack a few of the number of a company but trust to make up the balance in short time and in order to save all we have will you come and muster us into service at Cairo on saturday next answer immediately W.M.S Kellin 44MS.142pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-139: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Headquarters, District of Kanawha Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Aug 22 186. By Telegraph from Headquarters dist Kanawha Gauley 22 186. I desire to recommend as officers for the thirteenth 13th Va Infantry Capt Wm R. Brown Fourth Va Infantry for Col. James R. Hall of Point Pleasant for Leiut Col. Calvin A Shepard as Major & Lieut CB Blake D.A. Russell and S. Stewart as Capts these are good men" On reverse: "I dislike to take them from the fourth 4th but for the benefit of the service I recommend them Wm S Hutchins is wanted as adjt J. A. J. Lightburn Col Cmdg District 76D233pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 9

    Item 09-140: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 22nd 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " " 1861. Why not put Raytons company in to make the 10th of the fourth 4 Regiment our officer has gone to Ceredo to muster those in He is in Portsmouth by this time. 6 Experienced men would make good noncommissioned officers but can we find capable men for commissioned officers. If so I have a battery for them. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 56D173pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-141: From W.S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 22nd 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 22 1861. Capt Trimble of the 1st Va regt would I think make a good major if you will commission him for the three years service I will order him down to Parkersburg & thence to muster in one hundred & fifty men already organized & go forward with the raising" On Reverse: "of a battalion possibly a regt the sooner this is done the better. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 51D158pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-142: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 22nd 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 22 1861. Col Frazier called on me today stating that he had been promised a colonelcy but was refused subsequently because I objected to his appointment. I told him my objection was made because I had supposed he was in too feeble health but that all I presumed to recommend to" On reverse: "your Excellency was first that we should have physical ability sufficient joined to military knowledge & experience if we could get it that if we were obliged to take me without military knowledge we should by all means take young men & that I would say this to you. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 98D299pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-143: From George H. Crossman Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to George S. Trimble, Major, Wheeling. "Maj Geo. S. Trimble Camp Carlile Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Litter and instructions will be up the Sevan Horse Parkersburg by this evening Geo H Crossman Jr. AAG 13Gr44pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-144: From George H. Crossman, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to George S. Trimble, Captain, Wheeling. "Capt. Geo. Trimble Camp Carlile Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Obtain muster-rolls &c from Doctor Logan. You are to be Major by order Geo H Crossman Jr. 14Gr47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-145: From George H. Crossman Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to George S. Trimble, Major, Wheeling. "Maj Geo. S. Trimble Camp Carlile Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Special order No 11. Capt G S Trimble 1 Va Volunteer Infantry will proceed without delay to Parkersburg thence to Spencer and muster into the United-States service for three 3 years the home guards there with the understanding that unless from urgent necessity they will not be called on to serve out of Western Virginia by command of Brigadier Genl Kelley Geo H. Crossman Jr Asst Adjt Genl 60Gr1.85pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-146: From L. M. Harrison, Georgetown to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 23d 1861. By Telegraph from GeorgeTown 23 1861. Yes will leave here tomorrow morning L.M. Harrison 6W31&91col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-147: From George L. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " 1861. Capt MacFeely asst Commissary of Subsistence U.S.A is ordered to report to you immediately for the purpose of mustering in & out your troops very respectfully Geo L. Hartsuff, Asst Adjt Genl 217D86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-148: From J. A. Herron, Captain, Pittsburgh, to Henry Anisansel, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col H Annisansel [Anisansel] Wheeling Aug 23d 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 1861. We are already sworn into US service but not attached to any regiment how will we have to proceed to join you we will muster a full company answer immediately J.A. Herron Captain J. K M Cavalry 30G75pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-149: From James A. Herron, Captain, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh " " 1861. I wish to join your forces must I obtain leave from the commanding officers here in order to do so James A Herron Captain JKM Cavalry 20G55pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-150: From R. MacFeely, Captain, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair 23 1861. Being an officer of the subsistence department I am prohibited by the general regulations of the army from giving an order to any officer I have therefore no authority to send any officer to muster in a company of volunteers R MacFeely Capt..& C/S 110J85pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-151: From L. Ruffner, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 23 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg " " 1861. No rifles at Command now will furnish shortly help now if possible L. Ruffner 12 w 41col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-152: From R. C. M. Lovell, Pomeroy, OH, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 24th 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy 1861. A german artillery company six 6 of whom served six 6 years with Genl Seigil [Franz Sigel] in the artillery offers to join our Regiment will you accept them answer RCM Lovell 26 H 115&134 Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-153: From W. P. Richmond, Indianapolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 24 1861. By Telegraph from Indianapolis 24 1861. Sir By order of Gen Rosecrans I reported to you by letter on twentieth inst please inform me whether you received my letter Your obd Servt W.P Richmond 26B155pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-154: From Thornton, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 24 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair 24 1861. Capt Craig is absent Cannot answer your question. Thornton Sj23pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 10

    Item 09-155: From B.F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to D. Lamb and P.G. Van Winkle, Wheeling. "D. Lamb & P.G. Van Winkle Wheeling Aug 25 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " 25 1861. I do not think it practicable nor advisable for the Government to arm Equip & clothe troops for sixty days service. There is no act of Congress authorizing such a proceeding that I know of if the home guards Pittsburgh are not armed & equipped better than you suggest they would not be effect[...] at any [...] therefore we must depend [...] our resources [...]" On reverse: "them [...] Kelley Brig Genl 66Gr203paid" In poor condition. Sections of text missing.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-156: From W. T. Wornall, Floyd Clarkson, and C. Huggins, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 26 By Telegraph from New York 26 1861. Has Col JD Williamson your authority to raise men here for a western Virginia Brigade & will any arrangements we make with him as to such companies be all right? WT Wornall Floyd Clarkson C Huggins 31G8spd" On reverse: "Answered"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-157: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 26 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Please discharge Burton M Gall Andrew J Gall and E Nutter and Wm Corder prisoners from Barbour County Va by their taking the oath pass them to Grafton Brig Genl BF Kelley Comd District of Grafton Va 28 Gr89pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-158: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 26 1861. By Telegraph from Headquarters " " 1861. Point Pleasant Va. Via Gallipolis I wrote for commissions for field officers Wm HH Russel Lieut Col and Jno J Hall Major. Please send them soon as Genl Cox wants me to report them Please answer J.A.J. Lightburn Col 4 Ca Col 32HM12Spd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-159: From H. A. Duhan, Grafton, to Peirpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 27 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 27 1861. Send me the names Company regiment and cause for those nine men so I can fill up the order & send it down in the mail. H A Duhan Agt Govt Railway 21Gr83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-160: From Ephraim B. Hall, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 27 By Telegraph from Fairmont 27 1861. Please answer dispatch sent last night EB Hall 5A35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-161: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 27 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 1861. Send those recruits up by the train tomorrow BF Kelley Brig Genl 8 Gr 35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-162: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 27 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 27 1861. Capt Debeck has called on me & presented his papers this morning. Organize his company give him Captains Commission & Harrison first Lieutenant & I will have them mustered into service & equipped as soon as they can be got ready" On Reverse: " WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 41D128pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-163: From J. N. Dary, Ceredo, Va., to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 28 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Peirpoint Ceredo Va 27 1861. Joint Hill is now occupied by our forces Huston Spurlock Jesse Spurlock & several others are prisoners. Four 4 rebels killed one wounded. all quiet at present. JN Dary"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-164: From William Dennison, Jr., Gov. Columbus to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 29 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 29 1861. Danl Basil is at Camp Chase W Dennison 5d50PD"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-165: From George L. Hartsuff, Assistant Adjutant General, Camp Benham, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling Va Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Aug 29 By Telegraph from Camp Benham, via Clarksburg The Muskets have already been sent to the company of Fourth 4th Regiment Capt Crispin & ordered to turn over one hundred 100 muskets to you on your requisition by order Geo L Hartsuff AAG 29D92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-166: From Larkin Peirpoint, Cornwallis, to B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton. "Received at Grafton Aug 30th 1861. By telegraph from Cornwallis To Genl Kelley The Company made up by Col D V Cox is quartered at Ritchie Court House & has been for the last two days waiting to be mustered into service let me know how soon Col Wilkinson can muster us in. L Peirpoint 40Gr85Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-167: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 1861. I have ordered one half of the Ohio 30th to stop at Mannington & the other half at Fairmont. I think the people are more scared than hurt BF Kelley Brig Genl 27Gr81pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-168: From Edward M. Norton, et al, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpont, Wheeling Va. Aug 31 Late 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. D[ea]r Sir etc. have undoubted information by scouts & by telegraph from Genl Kelley that there are four hundred 400 rebels at Worthington. Genl Rosecrans left here today leaving only parts of three 3 companies here arouse your people send up two 2 companies at once to Fairmont and march on Worthington & Shinnston send all the force you can to this point I shall immediately march a company from here to anticipate to your movement from Wheeling. Genl Kelley came over" on reverse: "afford no support let me hear from you immediately. A Large amount of Government property is here to be protected EM Norton DT Hewes Thos. L. Moss RH Howard C Lieb"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-169: From S. Crispin, Captain, Bellaire, to Pierpont, Wheeling. " Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire 31 1861. Telegram received please send an agent to consult with me relative to arms S Crispin, Capt Ordnance 13 J31pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 11

    Item 09-170: From George H. Crosman, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Sent 200 by todays train. Geo H. Crossman, Jr. AAG 6Gr 35 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-171: From W. Dennison, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus " " 1861. Will be glad to give all aid in my power W. Dennison 10D50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-172: From Ephraim B. Hall, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Fairmont 31 1861. I guess the report is true. Notified General Kelley who we think has little force to spare. Cant you send us some force answer EB Hall 24 A 13 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-173: From James O. Hawley, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By telegraph from Columbus 31 1861. Please dispatch to the Gov of this state immediately showing by what authority I am acting James O Hawley 16.w.68 col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-174: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 1861. Sent one 1 company to reinforce the troops at Mannington & Burnt Bridge all I can spare tonight BF Kelley Brig Genl 17Gr56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-175: From Fontaine Smith, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 31 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington " " 1861. A man is just here in fast haste and reports that there is a force of four hundred 400 in Worthington en route for Railroad Can you send assistance. I think the information reliable without doubt F. Smith 35 Hi80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-176: From D. T. Hewes and Charles Lieb, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph, from Clarksburg 1861. A Special Messenger has just arrived here with a letter from SS Flemming John A Ogden and AW Spim who state that the secessionists have taken possession of Worthington taken down the Stars & Stripes are pressing Union men into Service and that they expect the Rascals at Shinnston tonight cannot you send a force to Worthington Col Ewing is determined to join Genl Rosecrans and leaves in an hour" On reverse: "so that we have no effective force here and will be obliged to depend upon the citizens of the town to protect Clarksburg. Answer quick. Large amount of property here DT Hewes Chas Lieb 94 D277pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-177: From George H. Crosman, Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton - 1861. Have ordered one thousand blankets from Clarksburg for you. Geo H. Crosman AAG 9Gd35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-178: From J. F. Donnely, Cameron, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Cameron Have no company. Disbanded & men are in country the guns are here are out of order no ammunition Jas F. Donnely 19W43pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-179: From Henry C. Hagans, Cumberland, to Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adjt Genl Wheat Wheeling Va. Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Cumberland 1861. We have been notified to make out our pay Rolls Muster Rolls & monthly Reports to be ready for pay master all according to army Regulations this we cannot do without the blanks & have not succeeded in getting them from any source as yet if you will forward us the necessary blanks we can comply with the regulations. HC Hagans Com Post 57H228coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-180: From D. T. Hewes, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Wheeling Gov. Pierpont, Wheeling Va. Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. Can you not correspond with the troops at Fairmont & let me know when they can be at Worthington or Shinnston I am prepaired to march from here but am too weak unless strengthened from your side give us more we await with impatience. Our pickets have just been driven in send on the troops immediately DT Heughs [Hewes]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-181: From D. T. Hughes and E. M. Norton, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Va. Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. Send us word at what moment the troops at Fairmont will arrive at Worthington or Shinnston we will meet them from this point in front with a company of infantry and thirty cavalry send balance of regt here immediately DT Hughes [Hewes] & EM Norton 39D112pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-182: From E. M. Norton, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va Sept 1 1861. By telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. 4 oclock Am Pickets driven in Ohio 30th just this moment arrived we are safe give yourself no further trouble EM Norton 11D51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-183: From George H. Crosman Jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. The 30th Ohio is at Clarksburg and under special orders from Gen Rosecrans. All safe down the road this morning by order Geo H Crosman Jr AAG 23Gr74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-184: From Fontaine Smith, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Dated Mannington Sept 1st 1861. to F. H. Pierpoint About five oclock AM 2 Pickets Capt Craig 60 Ohio was driven in who reported a body of 37 Rebels were organized but no attack no damage to road as yet reported from the appearance of the ground which the pickets say the Rebels occupied there is no doubt but that there was a force of some size F. Smith"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 12

    Item 09-185: From James S. Wheat, Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va. Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 1861. Before Leaving Mannington I dispatched an order to Capt West[?] to assemble his company tomorrow & report to Fontain Smith at Farmington I met a force sent by Genl Kelley who with some troops at Mannington expect to capture the rebels at Worthington tonight James S Wheat Adjt Genl 44 H 137coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-186: From Charles Leib, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va. Sept 1st 1861. By Telegram from Clarksburg 1st 1861. the Ohio Thirtieth have arrived Norton & myself have just returned with a company the rebels retreated will march Shinnston at seven (7) oclock to meet them Chas Leib Capt AQM 26 D83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-187: From James S. Wheat, Adjutant General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va. Sept 1 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington " " 1861. All is quiet here but a messenger just arrived informs me that the secessionists are in possession of Worthington about fifty strong I shall go on to Grafton and in my return will leave an order for Capt Wests company to report here James S. Wheat Adjt General 43wi96coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-188: From J. F. Donnely, Cameron, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 2 1861. By Telegraph from Cameron . 2 1861. Can you send us forty (40) guns & ammunition by the ten oclock train today we can raise the men if we get the guns JF Donnelly 24W53col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-189: From John B. Trothingham, Major, Columbus, to James S. Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "James S. Wheat, Adjt Gen. Wheeling Sept 2 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus Sept . 1861. State of Virginia General Kelley approves of the arrangement proposed by you & requests me to communicate with you further will the arrangement be new[?] made if I come to Wheeling? Maj. John B. Trothingham 28W104col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-190: From Oliver Jackson, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 2 1861. By Telegraph from Fairmont 1861. Col Ja D Evans has just left en route for Worthington with two 2 pieces of artillery & two hundred 200 men. Nothing reliable from Worthington since morning. O Jackson 26 A 83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-191: From O. H. Patterson, Steubenville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va Sept 2nd 1861. By Telegraph from Steubenville 2nd 1861. Cannot collect my men before Wednesday when I will report O. H. Patterson 10Bn25pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-192: From Henry Anisansel, Colonel, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3rd 1861. By Telegraph from New York 3 1861. If you wish to send Mrs Peirpoint to my house she will find it comfortable & secure for her & children if so Mrs A who is here will immediately return home I am better If can be of use to you personally in any capacity command me I will" On reverse: "sacrifice my interests in Europe at once answer Col Henry Anisansel 58G176pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-193: From S. P. Kemble, Webster, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from Webster " " 1861. Sir The US Office here arrested & delivered to the civil authorities one person for furnishing whiskey to U.S. wagoners the same person has never paid a state license there is a number of persons selling without license. As we have no organized court jail or sheriff we appeal to you for instructions in these cases S.P. Kemble 56sk17"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-194: From Daniel Polsley, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant Via Gallipolis Frederick Dories of Ohio a member artillery thirty one (31) months service desires to raise an artillery Company for service in Virginia his recommendations are of the highest character will his company be received & in what regiment answer quick D Polsley 37Am128pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-195: From Benjamin F. Hawkes, Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. by Telegraph from Grafton 3 1861. Will you place Capt JS Hickman of Morgantown under my orders as drill master. Genl Rosecrans having left Clarksburg Brig Genl Kelly [Benjamin F. Kelley] per BF Hawkes Acting AAGenl 25Gr80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-196: From Warren Lazell, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from New York . 3 186 Tell Mr Crothers the contract for blankets & talmas is secured Warren Lazell for The Gutta Percha Manfg Co 11G32pd" [Talma - a kind of long cape worn by calvarymen]

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-197: From Fontaine Smith, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 1861. Capt West has sixty two 62 men F. Smith 1N 30Coll

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-198: From Fontaine Smith, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 3 1861. Capt West's Company has been here since yesterday noon awaiting orders. All is quiet. Answer F Smith 13W40coll

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-199: From Joseph Thoburn, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Va Sept 3 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 3 1861. "We are here on out way home Have Mr. Hornbrook ready to receive our guns &tc at noon. J. Thoburn 19 W48Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 13

    Item 09-200: From S. Crispin, Captain, Bellaire, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wh. Sept 4 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire 4 1861. I am authorized by Gen Rosecrans to issue to you one hundred 100 muskets on your requisition when do you want them S. Crispin Capt Ordnance 21JH7pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-201: From H. W. Crothers, Steubenville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 4 1861. By Telegraph from Steubenville 4 1861. Have telegraphed Genl Meigs to send gutta percha Have written explaining HW Crothers 10Bn23pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-202: From James H. Dayton, Captain, New Creek, Va., to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 4 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek Va 1861. May I be permitted to have one hundred and ten men in my company. They are anxious to enlist & will not join any other JH Dayton Capt 20 Bn80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-203a: From Perry G. West, Captain, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 4 1861. by Telegraph from Mannington . 186. Equipment not here yet will they be here today if not can my company leave this evening for home & hold themselves in readiness to obey your orders as we have just received news that the enemy is in our rear & no union men to defend us P.G. West, Capt 48W101Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-203b: From Leroy Cofran, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 4 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. The Three 3 ladies claim that you paid their fares to Grafton but only two 2 had their tickets the other one said you took her ticket with her permit. Conductor charges her fare. If you paid it I wish to refund Please answer L.R. Cofran"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-204: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 5 1861. By telegraph from Grafton 1861. Col Bruce of Cumberland at my request has sent a messenger to Governor Curtis of Pennsylvania for two 2 regiments to send to Cumberland by way of Bedford or Hagerstown. Please telegraph Gov Curtis yourself urging upon him the to importance of the measure to protect loyal western Maryland as well as to strengthen us at New Creek" On reverse: "& Camp Pendleton. I will write you by mail today B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 65 Gr 200 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-205: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Smith, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 5th 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Smith 1861. Sutton Va I will accept & advise the raising of good cavalry is regiments fully officered it is not advisable to have too many single Companies WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 24D87pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-206: From James A. Grover, Ceredo, Va, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By telegraph from Ceredo Va 6 1861. Your Letter rec'd as soon as I can possibly arrange matters at his point You will hear from me J A Grover, adjt act' ADC 19W44&67coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-207: From William H. Bisbee, Marietta, to William M. Bolles, Colonel, or Francis M. Paxton, Wheeling. "Col Bolles or Paxton care Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Marietta 6 1861. Hamilton reports his company ready to move on Monday answer him in regard to transportation he is at Hamden Bisbee 19HW86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-208: From W. Dennison. Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus " " 1861. Men arrested and taken to Cincinnati this morning. W Dennison 8D50 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-209: From Charles H. Grosvener, Major, Erastus A. Guthrie, Major; Timothy R. Stanley, Capt.; William E. Gilmore, Col., to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus " 1861. Genl Constable not safe will send papers C.[?] Grosvenor, Major 18th regt. Guthrie Maj 22nd Stanley Col 18 regt W.E. Gilmore Col 22d regt 19D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-210: From Ephraim B. Hall, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Fairmont 6 " 1861. Our Court awaits. Please answer by tomorrow certain if you are answered. Your letter is detained there for want of payment of postage so says notice to me by PM today EB Hall 31a98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-211: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. Shall I direct an officer to swear in JG Kelly as Lieut Colonel of Col Evans regiment there are four 4 captains organized & three 3 in camp here. I shall attend the Union meeting at Fairmont tomorrow if possible[?]. BF Kelley Brig Genl 39 Gr122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-212: From Montgomery C. Meigs, General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1861. By Telegraph from Washington " " 1861. Fwd from Steubenville telegram received waterproof blankets & talmas have been ordered for Western Virginia. Col Vinton has written you on the subject MC Meigs Q. M Genl 21W47Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-213: From W. Dennison, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 7 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus " " 1861. Men arrested & taken to Cincinnati this morning W. Dennison 8 D 50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-214: From H. W. Benham, Brigadier General, Big Birch, Va., to Silas N. Benham, Wheeling. "Silas N. Benham, Washington, PA Mail at Wheeling, Wheeling Sept 8 1861. By Telegraph from Big Birch Va. " 1861. Your letter is just received if you can get any commission as a Lieut from what I hear of you I will cheerfully appoint you on my staff Lieut Henderson says he thinks his uncle can help you HW Benham Brig Genl 38D119&3pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 14

    Item 09-215: From G. H. Crosman, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Sept 8 1861. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 8 1861. Your dispatch received will send clothing as soon as possible there is now great need of it in Washington G.H. Crosman Dept QMG 19G53"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-216: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Big Birch River, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 8 1861. By Telegraph from Big Birch River 8 1861. If you have authority to organize an artillery regiment I would like to have Loomis Daums & the Rich Mountain & another to be organized the guns now ready into a regiment it will greatly increase the efficiency of this arm of the service - if you have such authority to give a colonels commission to O Loomis & to Maj Bidwell a captaincy of the six 6 brass pieces at Cheat Mountain if you can please do this for Virginia WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 77D236paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-217: From J. M. Godwin, Rowlesburg, to N. Wilkinson, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col N Wilkinson Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Rowlesburg 9 1861. I am raising a company for your regiments. Reserve a place for me Jas M Godwin 13 S44pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-218: From Reason R. Henderson, Adjutant, Big Birch River, to Joseph Henderson, Wheeling. "Joseph Henderson, Wheeling Sept 9th 1861. Washington PA By Telegraph from Big Birch River Va 1861. It will gratify me much could you obtain a Lieutenants Commission from the Governor or President through your congressman for Silas N Benham. If so he will immediately be placed on Genl Benham's staff My love to parents & friends" On Reverse " your nephew RR Henderson, Adjt 13th regt 42D131pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-219: From R. C. M Lovell, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy 9 1861. Have you sent clothing arms &c for Vance company I am afraid they will disband answer RCM Lovell 17 HM 78 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-220: From C. W. McHenry, Pittsburgh, to Weston Rowand, Captain, Wheeling. "Capt West Rowand with J.W. Vance Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh . 9 1861. Nothing will suffice but the governors order the agents must have it as a voucher send it answer Chas W McHenry 18G.51paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-221: From Henry Nay, Captain, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 9 1861. I have over fifty (50) men officers elected send arms for seventy five (75) when will we receive them give me instructions we wish them immediately answer. H. Nay Capt 25w.60col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-222: From J. Thornton, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair 9 1861. No tent poles & pins on hand for Va volunteers that I am advised of. Large lot here but not accepted. J Thornton qm agt 21Jh45pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-223: From W. D. Ralsion, Sutton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]Wheeling Sept 9 1861. By Telegraph from Sutton Va 9 1861. Dear Sir, the union people in this county desire to know whether they have a right to pay taxes or not without security that the money will be paid in at Wheeling none of our officers have taken oath of office. Yours Resp. WD Ralsion 43w134coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-224: From Frederick W. Boggess, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington, 10 1861. Please notify Jesse Shaw that his wife is not expected to live answer F W Boggess 13Wi31pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-225: From Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 10 1861. You may raise & organize five batteries of artillery of six guns each four 4 to be six pounders and two twelve 12 pounders one hundred thirty men to each company as soon as organized to be placed under control of Genl Rosecrans we prefer independent batteries to" On reverse: "regiments of artillery will arrange today to give you two thousand of the guns at Bellair do you want us to furnish the artillery guns answer immediately Simon Cameron Secy war 73 G161"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-226: From Alexander L. Haskin, Marietta, to J. Hilderbrand, General, Wheeling. "Genl J. Hilderbrand Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Marietta . . 1861. Try obtain me commission as Major Cavalry or Infantry do your best I'm bound to fight A.L. Haskin 16HM74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-227: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton . . 1861. Will you investigate the case of Jamison Hill a prisoner at Camp Carlile from Barbour County. From What I can learn from his neighbors I think he ought to be discharged at once by taking the oath. Quartermaster Smith answered your dispatch in regard to blankets BF Kelly Brig Genl 46 Gr 143pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-228: From Charles Leib, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegram from Clarksburg 10 1861. Where were your blankets sent, during my absence at Washington five thousand were recd for me by Capt Chandler AQM & all save about fifteen hundred have been issued. none others have been recd since save horse blankets Chas Leib Capt & AQM 38D119pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-229: From John C. Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 10 1861. Tents & Camp Equipage wanted tomorrow for second Va cavalry J C Paxton Lt Col 10w40 Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 15

    Item 09-230: From David L. Smith, Lieutenant, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 10 1861. in answer to your despatch to Genl Kelly we have put[?] eight hundred blankets on hand Lieut D Smith AAQM 10 Gr 53 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-231: From Nathan Wilkinson, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " " 1861. General Wheat told me yesterday distinctly that Capt Snider was at Portland but he telegraphs him at Grafton before I could possibly get back to see him & asks whether Snyder wishes to go into Evans or my regiment. Snider's answer was not his own choice but dictated by others. If Grafton was the proper point to telegraph Snyder why was I directed to Portland N Wilkinson 65W200Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-232: From Daniel Polsley, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 3 1861. Frederick Dorris of Ohio a german artillerist thirty one 31 months service desires to raise an artillery company for service in Virginia. His recommendations are of the highest character will his company be recd and in what regiment? D Polsley 27HM158pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-233: From H. M. Fernis, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegraph from Beverly 11 1861. Would it not be better to postpone our election until matters are more quiet H.M. Fernis 14D47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-234: From Charles Leib, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegram from Clarksburg 11 1861. I cannot send the blankets without an order from Genl Kelly & a receipt from a quartermaster or colonel of a regt. C. Leib Capt. AQM 22D71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-235a: From J. Thornton, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair 11 1861. I will deliver tentpoles & pins on your order J. Thornton QM Agent 10J23pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-235b: From John C. Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 1861. By Telegraph from Marietta 11 1861. Some Companies ready must have tents & camp equipage at once when will get it JC Paxton Lt Col 2nd Va Cavalry 15W70col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-235c: From Joseph J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Cheat Mountain Pass, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegraph from Cheat Mountain Pass 1861. Gen Rosecrans is on the Gauley you will much oblige all concerned & facilitate the organization of the artillery regiment by communicating to me your decision in reference to the despatch of Gen Rosecrans asking a colonels commission for C.O. Loomis & a captains commission for Bidwell please answer J.J. Reynolds Brig Genl 50D155paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-236: From Henry S. Hamilton, Captain, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 12 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg, 12 1861. I am here with a Co for second 2d Va Cavalry ordered by Col Bolls have no subsistence tents or equipage. No officer here to muster men in and have no military control what shall I do? Answer immediately HS Hamilton Capt 38W128Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-237: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 12 1861. Seven 7 wall on Seventeen 17 small tents exclusive of two 2 wall tents for the commissioned officers BF Kelley Brig Genl 15W50Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-238: From John C. Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Sept 12 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 12 1861. When Will we have Quarter Master stores for Bolles & Constable men as both are here with men and no tents blankets or camp equipage answer J C Paxton 25 W 85col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-239: From John C. Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 12 1861. Five 5 Companies of Va 2nd Cavalry here now. Men on the way. What shall we do for tents &c must have officer for mustering in tonight J.C. Paxton 28W124Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-240: From Joseph J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Elk Water Camp, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Elk Water Camp 4 am 13th 1861. If you have any troops disposable send them at once to Beverly. Cheat Mountain is attacked in front & in flank & our communication temporarily cut off we will reestablish it today this post threatened by a strong force in front exchanged a few shots yesterday PM at long range and will hold the position at all hazards. J. J. Reynolds Brig Genl 56.D.173 paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-241: From C. P. Buckingshaw, Adjutant General, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 13 1861. Will send 2 Regiments as soon as transportation can be had of quartermaster Dickinson gw Dennison gone to Washington CP Buckingshaw, Ajt Gen 19D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-242: From C. P. Buckingshaw, Adjutant General, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 13 1861. We'll send two 2 Companies of cavalry and four 4 of infantry as soon as possible our regiments are organizing as rapidly as possible for defence of Western Virginia Your permit for raising regiments from Ohio Embarrasses us severely causes much delay one Regiment at Athens would be about full but for Mr. Constable interference and enticing men for his Regiment for Virginia it injures the " On reverse: "cause greatly & will not help Virginia but only postpone assistance from Ohio Gov Dickinson gone to Washington CP Buckingshaw AG 83D269pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-243: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, to Jonathan H. Lockwood, Wheeling. "J.H. Lockwood, Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton " 13 1861. If Captain Fishers Company can be spared from Camp Carlile have clothed & fully equipped & then ask the Governor to have it sent up to me B.F. Kelley, Brig Genl 27Gr86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-244: From B.F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton to J.S. Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "J. S. Wheat, Adjt Genl Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton . 13 1861. We have no ordnance stores except musket & Enfield Rifle Cartridges and fifty (50) horse pistols old turned in by the Ringgold Cavalry Equipments & Ordnance stores are plenty at Ordnance department at Clarksburg. BF Kelley Brig Genl 33Gr104pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 16

    Item 09-245: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 13 1861. The following just recd. Not bad. Dated Camp Pendleton 3 PM to Brig Genl Kelley Capt Bowen just in from Peterburg Cleared the town. Were five hundred 500 of the enemy five 5 of them were killed. Have five 5 prisoners including one 1 Captain. Captured five 5 six horse teams & about four hundred 400 bushels shelled corn. Took some arms & their tents one 1 of our men dangerously wounded. Particulars (over)" On reverse: "in letter signed Jas Cautill Commanding 4th Reg OV BF Kelley Brig Genl 15 Gr230pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-246: From B.F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph 13 1861. Nothing from Gen Reynolds Since twelve oclock purport of which was despatched to you B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 14Gr47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-247: From Robert C. Schenck, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 13 1861. On the road today I telegraphed Governor Morton of Indiana to know if he could send reinforcements to Genl Reyonld he replies that he will start three 3 Regiments tomorrow morning they will cross the River at Beuwood be ready with transportation for them from Beuwood to Grafton Robt C Schenck Brig Genl 47D146pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-248: From T. A. Scott, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 13 1861. I will telegraph Gov Dennison to let you have force will you need three 3 Regts? Thos A Scott 15Gr45pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-249: From J. Biskett, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 14 1861. By Telegraph from Beverly 14 1861. Is it absolutely necessary for me to be at Wheeling? My wife is very sick great imprudence in leaving home at this critical time. J. Biskett 24D80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-250: From William Loomis Debreake, Harinar[?], to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 14 1861. By Telegraph from Harinar[?] 14 1861. Have all my tents provisions & camp equipage men complain of cold at night send me blankets alone if you have not the rest have written you shall be up in a week order Harrison to join me at Camp immediately am drilling new very hard telegraph me Wm Loomis Debreake Comdg Camp Williamston via Independence 48HM202pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-251: From J.G. Stanley, Captain, Camp Scott, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 14 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Scott 1861. It is understood by Genl Rosecrans that Genl Meigs has provided you & placed in your charge a quantity of clothing camp & infantry equipage for ten infantry & one Cavalry regt if so please answer me at once J. G. Stanley Capt AQM 39D83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-251a: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Cross Lanes, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 14 1861. By Telegraph from Cross Lanes 1861. Dear Gov Please accept my thanks for the appointment of Jas Darr Jr as major first Cavalry authorized[?] I think it was done for the good of the public service I have nevertheless appreciated & accept it as a personal favor Capt McClure will be appointed vice Kounts resigned WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 49D152pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-252: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Cross Lanes, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Cross Lanes 16. 1861. Have ordered forces & home guards at Sutton & Flatwoods to set everything in motion to catch those rascals dead or alive W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 22D71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-253: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton . 16 1861. Quartermaster Smith has no money here BF Kelley Brig Genl 6w35colchg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-254: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 16 1861. No news from Gen Reynolds today Have been pushing troops to him rapidly. He is now safe I think. Please say to my son I am as comfortable this evening as could be expected BF Kelley Brig Genl 34Whorycol"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-255: From Charles Leib, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va. Sept 16 1861. By Telegram from Clarksburg 16 1861. Have no government money but will let him have one thousand (1000) dollars answer Chas Leib Capt & AQM 13WH44colchg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-256: From Charles Leib, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 16 1861. I have but few horses all of them unfit for cavalry. Seventy eight (78) came here this morning for I suppose first Va regiment of Cavalry two hundred (200) more expected tomorrow. the saddles & bridles &c will come from Lieut Crispin. C Leib Capt & AQM 48.W.128Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-257a: From L. Ruffner, Columbus, to D. Lamb, Wheeling. "D. Lamb Wheeling Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus O 1861. Can I get rifles when? how many answer quick L. Ruffner 9D 31 Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] W. Lamb is East please answer for him N. Campbell."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-257b: From J. O. Reanney, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 16 1861. Is there a man by the name of Redd a prisoner at Wheeling if so from what county JO Reanney 18D74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-258: From J. S. Carlile, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1861. Not poll books enough for this county send twenty nine (29) more you sent by me but seventy five they want one hundred & four (104). Jno S. Carlile 24w77Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-259: From G. H. Crosman, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1861. By Telegraph from Philada 17 1861. Telegram recd two thousand 2000 forage caps were sent to Capt Craig Bellair Ohio Twelfth 12 inst will send balance as soon as possible GH Crosman Dept QM Genl 22G59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 17

    Item 09-260: From J. Thornton, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair 17 1861. The box of sashes referred to I shipped to Capt W. Craig this morning did not know it was for Virginia volunteers J. Thornton 22J49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-261: From Henry Washington Benham, Brigadier General, Cross Lanes, to Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Col Wheat, AAG Wheeling Sept 18 1861. By Telegraph from Cross Lanes 18 1861. I am exceedingly obliged to yourself and Gov Peirpoint for your kindness in the two 2 commissions just received are the two 2 vacancies in the first as well as in the seventh 7and eighth 8 regiments if so I select first Lieutenants in them H W Benham Brig Genl 42 D 131Pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-262: From Presley Marton Hale, Weston, Va, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 18 1861. By Telegraph from Weston, Va 18 1861. Proclamation for election this day rec'd too late for ten 10 days notice will it answer to past notices today I was from home. PM Hale 23D74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-263: From J. Thornton, Bellair, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 21 1861. By Telegraph from Bellair " 21 1861. Sashes sent to Marietta will be returned I know nothing of caps you refer to I shipped large lot of goods to Capt Craig they may have been sent to him. J Thornton 30B65pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-264: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 21 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 1861. My information from New Creek is that quite a rebel force are concentrating at Romney & threatening my positions at New Creek & Camp Pendleton what information did you receive from Gov Curtin in regard to giving us some force by way of Bedford & Cumberland when will the first Va be ready to come up no news today from Reynolds he has however force enough to make him safe. BF Kelley Brig Genl 6Lg209pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-265: From Andrew G. Curtin, Pittsburgh, to J.S. Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "JS Wheat AAGenl Wheeling Sept 22 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 22 1861. All the volunteers in our camps are ordered to Washington by the war dept. A.G. Curtin 14G43pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-266: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Cross Lanes, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1861. By Telegraph from Cross Lanes 22 1861. Governor your position is very favorable for getting some choice men into service. Assistant Agjutant General & aid must be taken from Regimental officers if you give appointments to good men & assign to regiments you will do the service a great benefit & the regiments are certainly better off than they would be with inferior officers equally liable to be ordered Q" On reverse: "on dictates of service. On this ground I reccommend the appointments of Matthews a Lt of Infantry & of Joseph Darr Jr very able & efficient Provost Marshal a Major of Cavalry. This Gentleman is of uncommon ability and energy coupled with good judgment & would be an acquisition to the Virginia Service. Please let me know if you can commission him. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl 124D377pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-267: From H. W. Crothers, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirponit [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 23 1861 By Telegraph from Phila 23 1861 Depty Quartermaster Genl Crosman of Philada has telegraphed Capt Craig that all goods shipped to Bellair are for you he is the father of the Geo H. Crosman Jr of Grafton Va H N Crathers [H. W. Crothers] 311G75pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-268: From H. W. Crothers, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 23 1861. By Telegraph from Philadelphia . 1861. Commission Geo H. Crosman Jr as Assistant Adjutant Genl all will be made satisfactory to you. H. W. Crothers. 16G47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-269: From William C. Starr, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 23 1861. By telegraph from Pomeroy 23 1861. Capt Vance Senior company full eighty three 83 men & want to mustered in immediately please send clothing and arms telegraph when officer will be here Lovell Absent W.C. Starr 28HM122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-270: From William Craig, Captain, Marietta, to John Jenk, Lieutenant, Wheeling. "Lieut Jenk Wheeling Sept 25 1861. By Telegraph from Marrietta 25 1861. Have been disappointed in not receiving funds & have not been able to purchase the horses when I do I will let you know W Craig Captain AQM 24HM106pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-271: From J. S. Hill, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 25 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 25 1861. Three men Wilkinson Brown & Huff of Wirt County with others are arrested by citizens who demand their removal as dangerous to the public peace I hold them subject to your order their lives are threatened if released answer Capt J. S. Hill 39W127col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-272: From J. Dubois, Chief Clerk, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 26 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 26 1861. Capt Leib is at Cincinnati Cannot take the responsibility better get them from Capt Craig at once J. Dubois Chief Clk 17W39colChg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-273: From David L. Smith, Lieutenant, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Governor Wheeling Sept 26 By Telegraph from Grafton 26 1861. Yesterday Forwarded to Cheat Mt the clothing requested by Gov Morton Lieut D.L. Smith A.A.Q.M. 11Gr28pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-274: From Lt Col William C. Starr, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1861. By telegraph from Pomeroy 27 1861. Please send clothing blankets particularly by Liberty today. W.C. Starr 8Hm50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 18

    Item 09-275: From S. A. King, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 27 1861. Have soldiers who have always lived in the country a right to vote S A. King 13 wi36pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-276: From C. M. Woodruff, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 27 1861. Does the law require the election to be held open for three 3 days under any circ*mstances? C M. Woodruff 16wi42pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-276a: From unknown, Grafton, to J. S. Wheat, General, Wheeling. "Genl Wheat Wheeling Sept 27 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 27 " 1861. Our forces at New Creek & Camp Pendleton under the command of Lieut Col Cantwell of the Ohio fourth had a brilliant affair at Romney on Tuesday morning but on their countermarch were harassed by a large body of cavalry. Our position at New Creek is weak & must be reinforced as soon as possible"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-277: From J. L. Conley, Quartermaster, Parkersburg, to Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adjt Genl Wheat Wheeling Sept 28 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 28 1861. I shipped thirty six horses to Webster this morning please send duplicate receipts no blankets arrived as yet please answer dispatches of yesterday J L Conley Post QM 23q59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-278: From J.L. Conley, Quartermaster, Parkersburg, to Wheat, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adjt Genl Wheat Wheeling Sept 28 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 27 1861. Shall I furnish companies belonging to Genl Hildebrand's regiment with tents & rations J L. Conley Post QM 139 49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-279: From David L. Smith, Lieutenant, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 28 By Telegraph from Grafton 28 1861. We sent to Brig Genl Reynolds on twenty fourth ten hundred & twenty five shirts five thousand & forty drawers thirteen hundred & seventy nine blouses eighteen hundred & fifty six pants & one thousand knapsacks the Ohio twenty Fifth recd none from this point. DL Smith AAQM 45Gr140pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-280: From Thos. H. Hicks, Metinsoe[?], to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 30 1861. By Telegraph from Metinsoe[?] 30 1861. I have no forces at my command will advise Genl Dix who has charge of this division Thos H Hicks 17 W 19&105coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-281: From Newberry W. Wheeler, Lieutenant, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 30 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 30 1861. Hon Sir- Capt Harris has forty five 45 men mustered into cavalry service and can fill up in a few days. You will please arrange with Col Bolles if possible N.W. Wheeler 1st Lieut 29q97pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-282: From Newberry W. Wheeler, Lieutenant, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 1 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 1 1861. Capt Harris has now fifty five 55 men will have sixty by tomorrow N. W. Wheeler 1 Lieut 12246pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-283: From H. W. Crothers, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 2 1861. By Telegraph from Marietta 2 1861. Much of our clothing I am afraid has gone up Kanawha I will ascertain fully. HW Crothers 15W70Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-284a - 09-284b: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Top Big Sewall, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3 1861. By Telegraph from Top Big Sewall 3 1861. I respectfully recommend the appointment of James W Coning to the Colonelcy of the Seventh 7 Va Regiment w/h aty[?] he is an instructed soldier and has been serving in the Kanawha brigade as Asst Adjt Genl no young officer enjoys a higher reputation in this brigade as to the appointment of Capt Grinkle to the" On reverse: "artillery service I can only say he appears to be est'eemed by acquaintance an instructed soldier but the command of an artillery company requires talents equal to that of a first class field officer your Excellency will confer a favor by causing prompt report to be made to these headquarters of all troops mustered into the service of the US from Va since August fifteenth 15 and ordering that in future every mustering officer shall send the triplicate of his muster rolls promptly to the headquarters of this department you speak of an artillery company at Point Pleasant if it is in" On second sheet: "(2) the service of the U.S. the captain should return his morning report to these headquarters Genl Wheat will confer a favor by giving me a list of Va. commissioned officers with the dates of their commissions as early as possible this is absolutely necessary to enable us to detail them on court martial" On reverse: "or other duty WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 211D638pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-285a - 09-285b: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Top Big Sewall, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3 1861. By Telegraph from Top Big Sewall 3 1861. Your dispatch concerning blankets for Virginia troops rec'd though lines just open also you dispatch asking for cannon at mouth of Kanawha blankets are the[?] most difficulty clothing to provide[?] but I am informed that supplies will soon be ample distribution of clothing has had to give way to subsistence ammunition & camp equipage trust the transportation will soon be found" On second sheet: "in the meantime some entrenchments ought to be made but I have not an officer on my staff or in my dispatch that is competent for the duty. What was done with the case of Maj Frothingham? It is utterly impossible for me to render the services to my country I desire to do unless I am provided with men &" On reverse: "means to do it B. F. Kelley Brig Genl 118Gr241pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-286: From J.B.A. David, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1861 By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1861 A telegram in cipher has been sent me from Washington for you it should reach you in cipher Has Mr. Carlile a Key & shall I send to him JBA David"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-287: From James Evans, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1861. By Telegraph from Fairmont 4 1861. Examine and see if you are not mistaken in having signed Major Lackwoods Commission. Capt. Fisher said the Adjutant General told him it was made out but not signed James Evans 29W73Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-288: From H. C. Ransom, Captain, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 4 1861. I have no clothing at Wheeling will keep your requisite until some arrives or returns Capt HC Ransom AQM 16 Gr53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-289: From J. W. Regers, Chaplain, Benwood, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 186 By Telegraph from Benwood 4 186 Grant me the privelage to take the corpse sergt Rawkins seventh 7th Virginia Volunteers to Parkersburg free 44 J.W. Regers Chaplain Regt 16W40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 19

    Item 09-290: From S. Crispin, Captain, Bellaire, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 7 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire " 7 1861. I have three hundred thirty one 331 cavalry sabers on hand. S. Crispin Capt Ordnance 10J25paid?

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-291: From J. Darr Jr., Major, Headquarters AM, to Anisansel, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Anisansel, Wheeling, Oct 8 1861. By Telegraph from Headquarter AM 1861. Mt. Core 8 - Capt Craig cannot purchase horses without the money according to his report & the general commanding yesterday evening telegraphed Genl Meig the necessity of furnishing it. I am going all I can to further full equipment of the regt am acting at headquarters as Provost Marshall will be glad to hear from you occasionally. Have arranged that Lieut Col Richmond at Clarksburg can use" On reverse: "the telegraph to communicate on military matters Maj Jo Darr Jr 71D218pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-292: From James Wolfe Ripley, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 8 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 8 1861. The horse equipments have been ordered JW. Riply [Ripley] BG 6G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-293: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Mountain Cove, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 8 1861. By Telegraph from Mountain Cove 1861. Gov. The seal & attention as well as the experience of H B. Hubbard seem to be worthy of employment in the military service of the state could you not give him the Lieut Colonelcy of the first Va or the seventh Va WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 42D131pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-294: From J. Darr Jr., Major, Camp Mountain, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 9 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Mountain 1861. The Commanding General directs me to inform you that the maximum number of companies for the majors of first Va Cavalry will be sixteen companies, for three majors twenty four companies Maj Jos [Jas?] Darr Jr 31D98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-295: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 9 1861. By telegraph from Grafton 9 1861. You will please have Wm Eperson & Braxton B Derritt of Barbour county now prisoners at Camp Carlile released. Have them sent up on tomorrow's train. You will have them take the oath of course BF Kelley Brig Genl 34 Gr107pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-296: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Mountain Cove, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 9 1861. By Telegraph from Mountain Cove 9 1861. Have a letter from Col Lightburn just returned from Roane he thinks the force left there will suffice I will however take further measures WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 25D80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-297: From John G. Chandler, Captain, Mountain Cove, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 10 1861. By Telegraph from Mountain Cove 10 1861. I sent a despatch today to adjt Wheat Wheeling Concerning clothing will you please answer it as he is absent I understand JG Chandler Capt & AQM 22D71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-298: From Thomas J. Treadwell, Lieutenant, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 10 1861. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 10 1861. The price paid contracts for cavalry equipment includes the articles you name is twenty seven 27 dollars & a half 1/2 TJ Treadwell 1. Lt of ord 19W53 &86Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-299: From J. A. Williamson, Wirt Court House, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Governor Wheeling Oct 11 1861. By Telegraph from Wirt CH 1861. I have just seen a dispatch to Capt Hill from Genl Rosecrans ordering him to report his Company at Clarksburg immediately which created considerable uneasiness among us in our present" On reverse: "threatened condition as it would leave us without protection the most of our Home Guard have volunteered in his Company. the secesh are collecting in considerable bodies around us & threatening an attack upon us. Can the order of Genl Rosecrans be countermanded until Capt Hill place be supplied by other troops yours respy JA Williamson 8492/12pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-300: From James S. Wheat, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 13 1861. By Telegraph from Charleston Va 11 1861. Via Gallipolis 13 Your Proclamation for the election of judge of the eighteenth circuit justices of the peace & other county officers for the twenty fourth inst would save much expense & promote public convenience Jas S Wheate [Wheat] 32W138&227"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-301: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 13th 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 15 1861. I gave orders several days since to the commanding officer at Parkersburg to draw rations & forage from the United States quartermaster & not from Mr. Conley. BF Kelley, Brig Genl 26W83Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-302: From Thomas Maley Harris, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Oct 14 1861. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 14 1861. I have five or six squads in different counties in this vicinity of from forty (40) to seventy (70) men will you order Lieut C.C. Whitson to muster them in & have them subsisted for two 2 weeks. T.M. Harris 36DH3paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-303: From Simon Cameron, Louisville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va. Wheeling Oct 17 1861. By Telegraph from Louisville " 16 1861. It will be impossible for me to stop at Wheeling on my return I will be in Cincinnati tomorrow evening at Six (6) PM & will be glad to see you. Simon Cameron 31L170pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-304: From Daniel D. T. Farnsworth, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 17 1861. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 1861. Poll Books Recd for & against new state none for congress or convention fourteenth for each required DDT Farnsworth 17D56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 20

    Item 09-305: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 17 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 17 1861. The rebels have appeared in great force in Wirt County. Hills command is reported cut to pieces we must have troops arms and ammunition without delay there are none here from Genl Kelley telegraphs he will send men from Wheeling they should go by special train to Walkers station tonight the railroad guard should be on the alert and a competent officers sent to take charge of the whole force. Communicate with" On reverse: "Kelley ascertain what he has done & urge haste. P.G. Van Winkle 80.q.250pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-306: From Henry J. Hoy, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint Wheeling Oct 17th 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 17th 1861. Shall I obtain wagons & rations here? H.J. Hoy Adjt 1W40Collect"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-307: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 17 1861. By telegraph from Grafton 17 1861. Lieut Col Richmond will take command of the troops you send to Parkersburg I have sent ammunition by this evenings train I think they are unnecessarily alarmed at Parkersburg. BF Kelley Brig Genl 28.W.89Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-308: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Thornton, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Thornton Wheeling Oct 17 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 17 1861. How many companies have you armed & ready? Send all you have by boat at once to Parkersburg that place is threatened answer BF Kelley Brig Genl 23.74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-309: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Dated Parkesburg Oct 18 1861. Received 11 o'clock 10 min AM to Gov F.H. Peirpoint The troops are here waiting orders. Hill was fighting yesterday this side of the oil wells with some loss. A messenger just from Webbs Mills says the same game is playing in that vicinity 30 or more rebels armed and mounted passed up the south fork of Hughes River yesterday they threaten to Rob the stores and shoot men who have acted as guides for our troops. The Railroad guards at Ellenborro are poorly supplied with ammunition. VanW

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-310: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 18 1861. A messenger just in from Hill he has got back to Elizabeth only two men wounded the rebels have withdrawn or dispersed . I think the troops here or a portion of them should go at once to the oil wells and remain there a while. P.G. Van Winkle 45W145Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-311a - 09-311b: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Oct 18 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 18 1861. The following is an extract from telegram just rec'd from Col Richmond Two 2 messengers have just arrived from Capt Hill he reports all quiet at Elizabethtown & that the rebels are in no considerable force at that point. You will therefore see by the above that the" On reverse: "people of Parkersburg are more scared than hurt. Col Richmond expresses opinion that it is perfectly useless for the troops under his command to move into Wirt or Calhoun unless they can remain there a month or two. I have ordered Capt Litinzer with his company & a part of Capt Peirpoints into Calhoun & Wirt I therefore shall not order the troops at Parkersburg to move until" On second sheet: "(3) Further ordered. You need not send the other company to Parkersburg until you hear further from me. BF Kelley Brig Genl 132Gr301pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-312: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18 1861 By Telegraph from 18 1861 Send Capt Boggs & Company to report to me at these head quarters though I have not much faith in him yet I will try & use him to advantage BF Kelly, Brig Genl 26.92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-313: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Tompkins, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Oct 18 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Tompkins 18 1861. Capt Crispin has been ordered to supply Col Bolles & the two Companies of Col Wilkinson as requested I have dispatched Lieut Conine to you with letters whom I recommended as Col of the ninth Va hope he will be able to proceed at once to Guyandotte & organize" On reverse: "this regt WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 51D158pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-314: From David A. Russell, Sergeant, Pomeroy, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18th 1861. By Telegraph from Pomeroy " 18th 1861. Capt Brown's company stationed at spencer Roane Co Va are out of provisions and I was dispatched to Parkersburg to get some & I cannot get any wagons or guards to take it to them & I want to know what to do immediately Russell Serg't Co C 4th Regt 44W184&206col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-315: From Johnson Saunders & Co., Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 18 1861. Gen Cameron left here this morning for Pittsburg via Steubenville Johnson Saunders & Co. 10W50Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-316: From P. G. Van Winkle, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 18 1861. No orders or any other communication has come from Genl Kelley what is the matter. P.G. Van Winkle 15W55Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-317: From Nathaniel P. Richmond, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Henry Anisansel, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col H Anisansel Wheeling Oct 19 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 19 1861. We leave at ten 10 oclock today for Wirt CH Capt Hill is surrounded but not cut up as reported. N.P. Richmond Lieut Col Comdg Detachment 20W70col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-318: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Cot 19th 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton Va 19th 1861. I ordered Col Richmond with the First Va to Elizabethtown he arrived there today at four (4) o'clock pm. I have not withdrawn all the force from Tucker county. Capt Snider will remain there until further orders. Do not suffer yourself to be annoyed or troubled by old Dr. Parsons. I have learned better. The expedition to Tucker was well executed & fully met my" On reverse: "my expectations. BF Kelley Brig Gen 65Gr200pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-319: From Samuel Crane, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 21 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 21 1861. Ten or twelve of the best of the citizens of Tucker County are here I have conversed with them Tucker County is quiet send no more troops there one company there now Sam'l Crane 32W101col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 21

    Item 09-320: From H. W. Crothers, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Oct 21 1861. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 21 1861. Six Hundred boxes clothing & Blankets shipped today to Capt Downing for you more tomorrow HW Crothers 11g45pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-321: From Joseph Darr, Jr., Camp Tompkins, to McElroy, Lieutenant, Wheeling. "Lieut McElroy, Care Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 21 1861. By Telegraph from Headquarters Dept Wva Camp Tompkins 21 1861. Special orders number eleven (11) Lieut McElroy Co B First Virginia is assigned to duty as mustering officer of the Virginia troops & will report to Gov Peirpoint for directions & will acknowledge the receipt of this order & correspond with the headquarters in the Execution of his duties by order" on reverse: "of Genl Rosecrans Joseph Darr Jr. A.A.A.G. 53D164pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-322: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Tompkins, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling Oct 21st 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Tompkins 21 1861. The appointment of that Capt of the fourth infantry who has been permitted to take service in the Va Vols to the command of the sixth Va at Charleston will solve the great difficulty Clements who has been Elected is in my opinion unfit for Colonel if you could appoint Capt Oley Lieut Col & Keenan Major & possibly Vice Versa I think the organization would be completed in a very short time & the regt becomes a valuable one. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 79D242pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-323: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Tompkins, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 21st 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Tompkins 21 1861. Have complied with your request and telegraphed order to Lieut McElroy please have filled in the order whether first or second Lieut & Whether infantry or Cavalry & direct Adjt Genl to telegraph same to these Headquarters W.S Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 36D113pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-324: From R. Fowkes, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "To Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 22 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 22 1861. I am not authorized to open a poll for congress send me the authority R Fowkes 14D47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-325: From J. Durand, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 23 1861. I sent you by Adams express on the ninth inst vouchers for transportation amounting to two hundred & twenty four dollars & fifty cents which I would be pleased to receive the account & find it correct" On reverse: "J Durand Supt M&C RR Co"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-326: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton . 23 1861. Are there any more companies of the first Virginia on the Island ready for service if so send them up here BF Kelley Brig Genl 21Gr68pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-327: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 23 1861. Can you furnish the seventh 7 Va with ninety eight 98 blouses and one hundred ninety six (196) overcoats ninety eight (98) of the overcoats to be sent to New Creek BF Kelley Brig Genl 26Gr831pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-328: From William J. Kelton. Captain, Cornwallis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1861. By Telegraph from Cornwallis 23 1861. Can all the men of my company who are entitled to vote do so at the nearest places of voting. I ask for the reason that many of my men are from a distance & some from others & adjoining counties. Wm J Kelton Capt Co D 6th Regt Va 41 W133Pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-329: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 24 1 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 24 1861. "I have rec'd here order from head quarters to send immediately my quarter master to Clarksburg to report himself to Capt Leib for these horses & ship them at once to Wheeling will your Excellency please see to it your most Respectfully" On reverse: "Hy Anisansel Col 1st VC 37C158pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-330: From Daniel C. M. Shell, Captain, Oakland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25 1861. By Telegraph from Oaklund 25 1861. Sir are you going to send ammunition to Home Guards Hardy Co & also clothing we need them answer immediately Capt Daniel CM Shell Hardy Co Home Guards 20Fn70pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-331: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1861. Telegram received you are authorized to call on Capt Crispin to inspect the saddles contracted for by you JW Ripley Brig Genl 18G.51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-332: From J. J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Huttinville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinville 25 1861. In accordance with the request of Genl Kelly I have ordered Capt Daums battery to Grafton he left yesterday morning & is probably at Grafton this evening. Capt Daum in deficient two Lieuts & having every confidence in the Captain I respectfully recommend that you commission the Gentlemen whose names he will submit." On reverse: "JJ Reynolds, Brig Genl 53D164pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-333: From John C. Rathbone, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Oct 26 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 26 1861. Have you any blouses & overcoats for co 'A' 11th regt at Spencer If so can you send me eighty eight 88 JC Rathbone, Lieut Col 21q70pd" On Reverse: "ans by me now here will be in day or two will send them HK Saunders Adjt Gen"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-334: From W. S. Rosecrans, Camp Tompkins, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 26 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Tompkins 26 1861. Line at last open again have ordered Col Anisansel to proceed with his command to Clarksburg with his entire command and encamp there a hospital will be established in Wheeling as soon as arrangements for that purpose can be made much obliged for your kind attentions WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 46D143pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 22

    Item 09-335: From J. Darr Jr., Camp Tompkins, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 26 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Tompkins By all means send the men to Clarksburg Jas Darr Jr AAAG 8D38pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-336: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Romney, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 27 1861. By Telegraph from Romney Va 26 1861. 6 oclock PM via New Creek 27 I left New Creek at twelve 12 oclock last night with my force and attacked the outposts of the enemy at three 3 oclock this afternoon and after a brilliant action of two hours completely routed them captured many prisoners much Camp Equipage and all of their cannon ammunition and wagons the rebels are in full retreat on Winchester this breaks the backbone of secession on the upper Potomac our loss is but trifling considering the length of time we" On reverse: "were engaged my officers & men without exception behaved nobly. BF Kelley Brig Genl 88RN274paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-337: From E. B. Tyler, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 28 1861. By Telegraph from Charleston 26 Via Gallipolis 28 1861. Appoint without delay an efficient man to command the eighth Va regt signed L Rubber.' I concur in above the necessity is great & a competent man should be appointed early. EB Tyler Col Cmdg Post 33Hm138pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-338: From H. W. Crothers, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 30th 1861. By Telegraph from New York 30 1861. Obtained sabers & accoutrements & awaiting arrival steamer Arazo for guns HW Crothers 10W30 &60coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-339: From J. Updegraff, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 30 1861. By Telegraph from New York 30 1861. Sir I will accept if allowed am just leaving for Boston harbor in charge of business of war will inform you when I can join on my return J Updegraff 28W61&50Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-340: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Oct 30 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 30 1861. I have no guns here except such as we captured from the rebels they are old flint locks & not worth having we have about three hundred of them BF Kelley Brig Genl 29Rn92paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-341: From H. W. Crothers, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 31 1861. By Telegraph from New York 31 1861. Got two thousand 2000 pistols today & working hard for guns HW Crothers 10G30pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-342: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 31 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 31 1861. I cannot go to Hills company before next week great to do here to prepare quarters for men by Special order of Genl Rosecrans I must got to Buckhannon immediately on special duty. Will telegraph Soon as I positively know where I shall winter. please send Quarter Master immediately. Send Saddles as soon as possible H. Anisansel, Col 1st V.C. 55D170pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-343: From B. F. Kelly [Kelley], Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 31 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 31 1861. I learn since I came over here that a young man by the name of Foster went through here yesterday with Col McDonalds trunk on his way to Wheeling. Foster has been heretofore employed in the hospital at Grafton. Have the baggage quickly seized & examine it fully and retain it there may be important papers" On reverse: "in the trunk BF Kelly Brig Genl 59Bn187pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-344: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint Wheeling Oct 31 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek Va 31 1861. Your kind letter received this evening on my return from Cumberland. I thank you for your Solicitude for my welfare and am exceedingly gratified to know that that my friends are feeling so much interest in my success I am doing all I can to procure reinforcements but I don not intend to be driven back even if I do not get them. Armstrong was not captured he fled to the mountains. I return to Romney tomorrow morning. BF Kelley Brig Genl 77Rn241Paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-345: From J. Darr, Jr., Camp Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley 1 1861. Discharge of Jn Esterbrook will be sent he gets his papers for pay from his regiment Jos Darr Jr AAAG 17D56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-346: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Thoburn, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Thoburn Wheeling Nov 1st 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 1st 1861. When will you be ready to come to me two 2 of of your companies arrived & marched to Romney yesterday I have ordered the other two 2 here from Wirt County. answer immediately BF Kelley Brig Genl 31Bn103paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-347: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Romney, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1 1861. By Telegraph from Romney 1 1861. You will cause the arrest of Jonathan Fuller wagon master of the Eighth Ohio & return him here with such property as he has in his possession as it is supposed he has some taken from here without authority of much value. Left New Creek this morning Brig Genl Kelley by Col Masn cmdg 411Bn148pd" On reverse: "Jonathan Fuller"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-348: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1st 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 1st 1861. Mrs. Hood of Marion County was here yesterday to see me in regard to her husband a prisoner at Camp Carlile I have referred her to you I have not time just now to give such matters my attention Whatever you do will be satisfactory to me. I sent the papers by mail. B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 53Bn169pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-349: From Jacob A. Muson, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1 1861. By Telegraph from Grafton 1 1861. Col Wilkinson informed me you had sent a man to muster the Company that Ephraim Bee was to see you about. He has not come. Will you send him immediately Jacob A Muson 30.95pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 23

    Item 09-350: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley 1 1861. No I cannot spare him & at this time an advance would not be advisable even with a much larger force WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 4D18pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-351: From T. R. Scott, Washington, to H.W. Crothers, Philadelphia. "73 Dated Washn Nov 1st 1861. Rec'd Phil'a, 1861, o'clock, min. M. To H.W. Crothers The guns by the Arego are all disposed of Shall be able to supply western devision very soon. T. A. Scott 18/62"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-352: From. H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 2d " 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 2 " 1861. Please send saddles as soon as possible we all have horses. Letter of Genl Samuels will be answered by tomorrow's mail. H Anisansel Col 1st VC 21D118pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-353: From James H. Dayton, Captain, New Creek, to Kelly, Lieutenant Colonel, Wheeling. "Lt Col Kelly Wheeling Nov 3 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 3 1861. Please send me one hundred & two 102 blue caps and one hundred 7 two 102 gutta percha blankets and I will receipt immediately Capt J H Dayton 22Bn 71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-354: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Romney, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1861. By Telegraph from Romney Va 3 . 1861. Via New Creek Send Fuller back here. BF Kelley Brig Genl Cmdg 4W40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-355: From Isaiah S. Hill, Captain, Camp Peirpoint, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Peirpoint Wirt Co Nov 3 1861. We have been ordered from this place to Clarksburg forthwith and are preparing to obey the same. this order has produced the most intense excitement in this town & vicinity so much so that a large portion of the best citizens of the town & county around are preparing to leave the county because they feel that neither their persons or property are safe a single day in the absence of the troops even the sheriff himself is preparing to leave. If either of my subalterns or any one else have reported to you or any of the military departments that there is nothing for us to do here I take it upon myself most unequivocally to say that it is false we have more work now before us at this particular time than we have ever had before this town is threatened more particularly now if the troops should leave than heretofore & those threats will most assuredly be carried out so soon as we" On reverse: "leave we have been in active[crossed out] active service from the twenty fourth of June & have not received one dime in the way of pay we also need our clothing & horses to be efficient in the service if we are to remain here the citizens are opposed to our removal yet so far as I am concerned I am perfectly willing to serve my country wherever I am so called I.S. Hill Capt 1st Va. C. 239.727paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-356: From Henry Anisansel, Colonel, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1861. Very Respectable and reliable men are here from Glenville asking for help I have no weapons nor horse equipments if you could send saddles bridles etc I could go myself into Gilmer Calhoun Braxton Counties with few companies and settle the whole matter forever three hundred 300 secessionists hare before Glenville Union men are asking for hundred muskets offering all kind of security can you send them to me for the time being Henry Anisansel Col 1st Va 72D221Paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-357: From G. T. A. Nixon, Sergeant, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov. Wheeling Wheeling Nov 4 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1861. Sir, I have on hand one hundred & eighty five (185) altered rifled muskets two hundred & eight (208) pistol carbines and fifty seven (57) holster pistols & holsters respectfully. G.T.A. Nixon Ordnance Sergt, USA 27.W.86col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-358: From H. W. Crothers, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. Written in crayon. "Nov 5/61 Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va here Telegraphed Pittsburgh to ship sabres and Pistols by Boat Bridge will not be repaired before last of the week they will go to Crispin if he comes up before I get there in the morning explain to him that they are for the 2d (illegible)" on reverse "I would like to send them & saddles both down this week Your G H W Crothers"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-359: From J. Darr, Jr., Camp Gauley Mount, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 5 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley Mount 1861. The Commanding Gen'l directs me to say that you can order Capt Boggs as requested Jos Darr Jr Maj & AAAG 15D50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-360: From John L. Zeigler, Colonel, Camp Peirpoint, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 5 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Peirpoint 1861. Via Gallipolis Nov 4 Recent developments in the Kanawha Valley suggests the propriety of strengthening my position send immediately if possible six brass field pieces also primers balls & grape shot John L Zeigler Col Cmdg 5th Va Regt 27Hw188pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-361: From G. T. A. Nixon, Sergeant, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 6 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 6 1861. I can turn over arms on order of Genl Kelly but have none on hand now having issued what I had to the fifth Ohio GTA Nixon Ord Sergt USA 25W55col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-362: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 7th 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1861. If I had equipments I would immediately go with sufficient force to Gilmer county I have here two hundred (200) Carbines the first hundred saddles must be for Rowand at Weston H Anisansel Capt 1st VC 30D95pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-363: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 8 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1861. Excellency my men are suffering much for want of boots mud here is very deep & they cannot ride horseback well with shoes. H Anisansel Col 1st VC 24D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-364: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 8 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1861. I have only Rec'd sixty saddles but no blankets they cannot be used without the blankets my men are barefooted where are the five hundred saddles of Capt JH Dickenson H Anisansel Col 1st VC 32D101pd" This telegram has 1860 written repeatedly down the left-hand margin.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 24

    Item 09-365: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Gauley Mount, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 8 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley Mont 6 1861. Via Gallipolis As to the battle at Gauley I am hardly able to report so far no body hurt except one killed and three wounded by bushwhackers firing across the river on Sunday last. since then there has been some cannonading in small way at our camp the enemy firing probably two hundred 200 rounds without effect W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl U.S.A. 54Hm24pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-366: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to H.W. Crothers, Wheeling. "HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 9 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 9 1861. Please see that boots be sent immediately it rains constantly men are in foot deep mud and barefooted do not send shoes to cavalry H Anisansel Col 1stVC 24D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-367: From William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 9 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 8 1861. Poyntons representations are all false send him safely to Provost Marshal Washington Wm H. Seward Secy State. 11G.37paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-368: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Camp Leib, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 11 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Leib near Clarksburg 11 1861. I have recd sixty saddles from Wheeling & five hundred more in one lot last week. I have also received an invoice from Capt Dickenson for seven hundred & fifty saddles are the last five hundred part of his invoice and if so I need the balance" On reverse: "H Anisansel Col 1st VC 47D141pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-369: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to H.W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 9 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 9 1861. I have rec'd an invoice for seven hundred & fifty saddles from Capt Dickerson Cenemnette[?] which were sent to Wheeling to me. If the last lot of five hundred I need are from Dickerson let him send the balance of invoice & take sixty out" On reverse: "of it so I will receipt only to one man H Anisansel Col 1st VC 53D170pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-370: From G. H. Crosman, Philadelphia, to H. W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 11 1861. By Telegraph from Philada 11 1861. Telegram rec'd part of the great coats sent fourth & fifteenth insts will send the rest of the supplies as soon as it is possible GH Crosman Dept QM Genl 25W115&110Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-371: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 12 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 12 1861. I have received sixty 60 saddles from you and five hundred 500 from Dickerson and no more I need two hundred and fifty 250 more. I need shirts socks and boots. H Anisansel Col 1st VC 28D.89paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-372: From H. Boker & Co., New York, to H.W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 12 1861. By Telegraph from New York 12 1861. We shipped pistols on the eighth (8) more will follow particulars by mail H. Boker & Co. 12.G.34paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-373: From S. Crispin, Captain, Bellaire, to W.H. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col W.H. Crothers Wheeling Nov 12 1861. By Telegraph from Bellaire 12 1861. I have received no invoice of the arms referred to ask Nixon by what authority he shipped them to me S Crispin Capt ordnance 20J40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-374: From Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 13 1861. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant, 12 1861. Send me two 2 pieces of artillery with ammunition. Guyandotte has been taken Ceredo threatened with three thousand 3000 rebels Gallipolis and Pt Pleasant in danger Col Lightburn 23 Hm102 paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-375: From T. M. Harris, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 13 1861. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 13 1861. Have nothing to do with Capt Tomlinson should he call on you until you hear from me T.M. Harris 17D56paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-376: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 13 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 13 1861. In a few days I shall have eighteen 18 companies if reports are true will give five of them third Va & one to Bolles so Bolles & myself will keep twelve each. Yours Respectfully H Anisansel Col 1st VC 35D110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-377: From William M. Bolles, Colonel, Catlettsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 13 1861. By Telegraph from Catlettsburg 12 1861. Via Portsmouth 13 A rebel force said to be five thousand is near Ceredo attack expected tonight about six hundred men soldiers & citizens comprises our force will stand at this place being the strongest position Wm M Bolles Colonel 2nd Va Vols Cav 33W228col'"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-378: From G. T. A. Nixon, Lieutenant, Clarksburg, to H.W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col H.W. Crothers Wheeling Nov 13 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 13 1861. But two hundred and fifty eight 218 of those guns are captured arms I will confer with Capt Crispin at Bellaire in regard to them Know nothing of the order. G.T.A. Nixon Ordnance Lieutenant USA 29W92Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-379: From Lucien Loeser, Fort Hamilton, to C. Leib, Captain, Wheeling. "Capt C Leib Wheeling Nov 14 1861. By Telegraph from Fort Hamilton 14 1861. I will accept the Infantry regt will start immediately Lucien Loeser 10G30pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 25

    Item 09-380: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 15 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 15 1861. I have here a female prisoner named Mary Jane Green which Genl Commanding directs me to send to Wheeling she is a strong minded & inveterate secessionist but offers to take the oath if released I will not administer it and await your orders. H Anisansel Col 1st VC 44D137pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-381: From J. D. Thurston, Operator, Gallipolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 15 1861. By Telegraph from Gallipolis 15 1861. Report Unfounded no news of interest either from Gauley or Ceredo reported here yesterday Jenkins property burned by Union men. JD Thurston Operator 20w90&155Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-382: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling nov 15 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 15 1861. Excellency I am sending Company Shuman to Weston & Company Rowand from Weston to Sutton tomorrow by order of Commanding Genl H Anisansel Col SVC. 21Df8pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-383: From A. Boyd Captain, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 15 1861. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 15 1861. The ordnance Dept supplies blankets A. Boyd Capt & AQM 5G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-384: From J. Darr Jr., Major, Camp Gauley Mountain, to Peirpoint, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 15 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley Mountain 14 1861. Commanding Genl could send Howard down in that direction but he thinks before can get there the guerillas will be gone & the battery Should not be broken up before it is well drilled. Ceredo & Point Pleasant are so far apart they would have to come in different directions. Jas Darr Jr Maj & A.A.A.G. 49 HM206pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-385: From Isaiah Hill, Wirt CH, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov FH Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Wirt CH 15 1861. I have not yet received winter clothing for my company an article which they are very much in need of and should have been furnished before this and the failure to do so has placed them in rather a destitute condition. The requisitions have been made & forwarded receipted for such clothing we need long ago but the requisitions have not been responded to Isaiah Hill Comdg Post Wirt CH 65q205pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-386: From John H. Oley, Charleston, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "H.J Samuels Adjt Genl Wheeling Nov 16 By Telegraph from Charleston 15 1861. Mr. Slack of Charleston told Capt Lee that Governor would appoint him Lieut Col he went to Wheeling today don't appoint him not competent John H Oley Comdg 24[scratched out] 24Hm106pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-387: From Abia A. Tomlinson, Major, Gallipolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Gallipolis 15 1861. We are reliably informed that the rebels numbering about twenty five hundred are at Wayne Court House and along the Tug fork of Laurel River the cavalry that attacked Guyandotte are there. AA Tomlinson Major 5th Va 32 Hm 138 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-388: From J. J. Reynolds, Brigadier General, Huttinsville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinsville 16 1861. Will try to attend to your request in a few days will telegraph you again in the subject J J Reynolds Brig Genl 18D59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-389: From L. D. Karns, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 16 1861. Leidill Mason & party Captured prisoners at Fortress Monroe. Good. LD Karns Willards Hotel 10W35&70Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-390: From Arthur D. Eells, Parkersburg, to Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Wheeling. "Lieut Col Paxton 2d Va Cavalry Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 16 1861. McLure House arrangements made Eells & Andy Scott full companies for muster AD Eells 10C60pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-391: From Jonathan H. Lockwood, Major, Romney, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 16 1861. By Telegraph from Romney 16 1861. Capt Moore has fifty 50 men at Grafton. Can you furnish them blankets and clothing J.H. Lockwood Maj Comdg 7th Regt 14z56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-392: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to H. W. Crothers, Wheeling. "HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1861. Please hurry up socks drawers & pants It is getting very cold here. H Anisansel Col 1st V C 13D44PD"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-393: From P.V. Hagner, Major, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 17 1861. By Telegraph from New York 17 . 1861. Can probably send tomorrow or next day. PV Hayner [Hagner] Maj Ordnance 7G30pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-394: From A. Boyd, Captain, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 18 by telegraph from Philada 18 1861. The horse shoe nails shipped today. A Boyd Capt & AQM 6G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 26

    Item 09-395: From Henry Anisansel, Colonel, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 19 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 19 1861. A man of the name of B. P. Snyne is here prisoner of his own accord and wishes to go to Pennsylvania where he is from shall I let him go or send him to Wheeling under guard Henry Anisansel Col 1st VC 37D116pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-396: From Alfred A. Corrello, 1st Lieutenant, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 20 1861. By Telegraph from New Creek 20 1861. via Piedmont We are here to escort the mustering officer to Greenland he is not here when will he be here. Answer quick A.A. Corrello 1st Lieut Greenland Guards 19.W.76Col."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-397: From Lewis McKenzie, Mayor, Alexandria, to Pierpont, Washington. "Dated Alexandria Nov 21st 1861. Rec'd Washington, 1861. , o'clock, min. M. To Gov Pierpont Some Hotel How long will you remain. Want see you. Our City Council under wheeling Government organizes tomorrow Ten oclock Can you come. Lewis McKenzie Mayor 21/42 C/G"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-398: From J. H. Hayer, New York, to H.W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 23 1861. By Telegraph from New York 23 1861. No truck loaders nor short Enfields in market may send some in Tuesday J H Hayer 13G36pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-399: From J. Darr, Jr., Major, Camp Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 24 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley 24 1861. Commanding Genl Directs me to say if Capt Baggs & his men are in the service of the US they must act by his orders & be subject to his command from what he learns of the captain & his men he is of the opinion that they need supervision in their movements & he cannot consent to their roaming the country without" On reverse: "full knowledge of their intended proceedings Jos Darr Jr Maj & AAA Genl 70 Hw290pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-400: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to H.W. Crothers, Wheeling. "H.W. Crothers Wheeling Nov 24 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 24 1861. What does it mean I have rec'd from Crispin about three hundred 300 revolvers four 4 inches playthings for children. I have refused them such weapons not intended for a regiment which intend to do good faithful service H. Anisansel Col 1st Va Cav 37D116pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-401: From William S. Purdy, Corporal, and Jacob C. Clark, Corporal, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wh Nov 24 1861. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 24 1861. By your order we have arrested and confined in Jail at this place Wm. G. Pierson Enoch Cunningham & Christian Simon. What shall we do with them? We await your further order. Corporal W.S. Purdy & Corporal J.C. Clark 3rd Va Vols 32D101pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-402: From J. Darr, Jr., Major, Camp Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 25 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley 24 1861. The Commanding Genl directs me to say that with regards to reported number of troops and doings of rebels about Logan he thinks it well to let them live upon their friends the more to disgust them he thinks the forces at Ceredo if watchful & prepared sufficiently to check attempts at" On Reverse: "present that can be brought to dislodge them whenever it is ascertained that the enemy is in such force as to make it an object a complete surprise for them can be planned and he thinks successfully carried out the fifth Va Companies now at camp Piatt are ordered back to Ceredo. Jos Darr Jr Maj & AAAG 104Hw4211pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-403: From Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpont Wheeling Nov 25 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1861. Sir. It is found by experience that competition by agents of states authorized to purchase arms in competition with agents of the gov't is highly detrimental to the public service as it advances prices both to the states & the US the loss of which may ultimately fall upon the general govt to arrest this competition you" On Reverse: "are request [scratched out] respectfully requested to withdraw all agents from the purchase of arms in order that the govt of the US may make all such purchases with the greatest possible economy & remove the present inducement for speculators to withhold arms from the service the arms will be distributed to the troops of the several states as soon as rec'd Simon Cameron Secy War 111G247pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-404: From H.C. McWhistes, et al., Pomeroy, to Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adjt Genl Samuels Wheeling Nov 25 1861. By Telegraph from Romney 25 1861. Capt Spencer & Company wants to be mustered into the tenth are there any hindrances answer by telegraph HC McWhirter Lieut Spencer Co A & WC Starr Col 10th Va 25Hm110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-405: From P.V. Hagner, Major, New York, to Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Crothers Wheeling Nov 26 By Telegraph from New York 26 1861. Must await orders have applied supply here insufficient P. J. Hagner Maj Ordnance 8W30&60col." On Reverse: "106 500 25 131 840 209"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-406: From William S. Purdy, Corporal, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]Wheeling Nov 27 1861. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 27 1861. What should be done with the prisoners answer quick Corporal Purdy 9D35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-407: From G. H. Crosman, Deputy Quartermaster General, Philadelphia, to H. W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 29 1861. By Telegraph from Philada 29 1861. How many men in the battery Let me know by telegraph that the supplies may be sent GH Crosman Depty QM Genl 17G49pd" On reverse: "140 artillery jackets pantaloons boots overcoats SP Talmas gloves 50 artillery blankets"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-408: From P. V. Hagner, Major, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 29th 1861. By Telegraph from New York 29 1861. No orders yet for your arms from Washington PV Hagner Maj Ordnance 8W30&60Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-409: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to H. W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 30 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 30 1861. Please see that Mr. Playford be immediately commissioned if such is the pleasure of his Excellency he cannot give receipt for anything without commission. He is the choice of the whole regiment. H Anisansel Col 1st V.C. Comdg Post 33D104paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-410: From G. H. Crosman, Philadelphia, to H. W. Crothers,, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col HW Crothers Wheeling Nov 30 1861. By Telegraph from Philada 30 1861. Telegram recd artillery blankets are furnished by the ordnance dept see regulations the rest will be sent. GH Crosman 17G49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 27

    Item 09-411: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 30 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 30 1861. Major Hagner has been ordered to send you arms. JW Ripley Brig Genl 9G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-412: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Camp Gauley Mountain, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 30 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley Mt 30 1861. Maj Darr has gone to Camp Chase & will order Miles Jacoby sent to Wheeling WS Rosecrans Brig Genl Comdg 15Hm70paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-413: From J. Legar, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec2 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 2 1861. Send certificate of my election Jos Legar 5w35&70coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-414: From K. V. Whaley, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 3 1861. By Telegraph from Marietta 3 1861. I shall be up on the first boat tell Ramsdell & Wheeler to remain there KV Whaley 14Hm64"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-415: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 3 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 3 1861. Thirty one hundred & forty 3140 rifles with sabre bayonets have been ordered to be sent to Allegheny Arsenal from New York subject to your order J.W. Ripley BG 24G63paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-416: From George K. Ackley, Point Pleasant, to Lightburn, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Lightburn Care Gov Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 5 1861. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 4 1861. See Dr Wirtz medical Director and get requisition for me instruments Geo K Ackley Surgeon 4th Va Regt 11Hm34 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-417: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 7th 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7th 1861. Have you appointed a third major yet if so I need his services immediately at Romney. Please answer your Respy H Anisansel Col 1st Va C 19D62pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-418: From J. Durand, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 7 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 7 1861. I now have the vouchers for transportation in regular order for payment are you prepared to pay please reply. J. Durand Supt."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-419: From T. A. Perkins, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 8 1861. By Telegraph from Charleston 8 1861. I am informed J. R. Blair MD has passed the board of examination at Wheeling is waiting to hear from me to be appointed. please appoint him regiment Surgeon and send him to Gen'l Cox Brigade Charleston Va on first boat answer. T.A. Perkins, Brigade Surgeon Kanawha Brigade 42.D.131pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-420: From J. H. Craver, Johnstown, PA, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 11 1861. By Telegraph from Johnstown Pa 1861. Is man named Capp prisoner war there from Wirt County Va? JH Craver 11G37pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-421: From B. H. Kelly, Brigadier General, Romney, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec11 By Telegraph from Romney 11 1861. I learn you will receive in a day two three thousand Enfield rifles the first & seventh regt require better guns will you send Col Crothers with one thousand Enfield rifles & receive here the inferior arms say five hundred for each regt Do not furnish the bridge regt with any of these" On reverse: "rifles at least until the other troops are supplied answer BH Kelley Brig Genl 64z250pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-422: From William King, Captain, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 14 1861. By Telegraph from Charleston Please answer my dispatch of yesterday immediately I am here waiting Capt. Wm King 11D38paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-423: From J. Durand, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 16 1861. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 16 1861. I telegraphed you on the seventh 7 inst asking if you were prepared to pay the vouchers in our hands I shall be pleased to hear from you. J Durand"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-424: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 17 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1861. I can turn over to you three hundred horse equipments do you want them Yours Respectfully H. Anisansel Col 1st V.C. 16D53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-425: From Lucien Loeser, Colonel, Buffalo Va., to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Dec 30 1861. By Telegraph from Buffalo Va 30 1861. When will you send us arms tis' dangerous to send parties out recruiting scouting without arms telegraph Lucien Loeser Col 8th Va 19W86&67coll" Telegram torn and stained.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 28

    Item 09-426: From P. M. Hall, Weston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpont Gov Wheeling Jany 1 1862 [1863]. By Telegraph from Weston 1 1862 [1863]. Our town is brilliantly illuminated tonight the crack of musketry is reverberating from hill to hill all is life and hilarity in honor of the new state happy new year to your Excellency PM Hall 33De175pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-427: From P. V. Hagner, Major, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Jany 11 1861. By Telegraph from New York " " 1861. Fifty Thousand 50000 cartridges intended for Western Virginia are in hands of Capt Downing Bellaire please take & receipt to this office for them. P.V. Hagner Maj of Ordnance 23.W.61&125 Collect"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-428: From John W. Beall, Huttinsville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 11 1862. By Telegraph from Huttinsville 11 1862. Our regiment twenty fifth Ohio is about to leave this point can I hear from you as to my immediate transfer to a Virginia regiment John W. Beall 25D80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-429: From J. O. Watson, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 13 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 13 1862. Shock stands in name of Literary fund not state send another proxie today J O Watson 14A47pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-430: From Harry M. McAbee, Patterson Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Jany 21 1862. By Telegraph from Patterson Creek 1862. Asst Surgeon Evoeks is sick can you supply a medical officer to report here immediately in his stead there are also two full Virginia batteries here that should also be supplied with a medical officer HM McAbee Medical Director 37z148pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-431: From J. L. Conley, Parkersburg, to Pierpoint, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 23 1861. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 23 1862. Have you rec'd package sent by me JL Conley 8q40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-432: From G.B. McClellan, Major General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Cypher Wheeling Jany 26 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 26 to Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Last news from Jackson that he had fallen back to Ungers I apprehend nothing from him. Measures had been taken to dispose of him had he advanced further G B McClellan Maj Genl USA"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-433: From H.W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 27 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 27 1862. Meigs went buy gauntlets telegraph Stanton to appoint me paymaster HW Crothers Willard Hotel 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-434: From P. Daum, Captain, Cumberland, to Pierpoint, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 27 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 27 1862. Why don't you send the horses I need them or have to give up the battery P Daum Capt Artillery 11z52pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-435: From T.A. Maulsby, Captain, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 29 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 29 1862. It is understood Capt Nays Company will be disbanded and he is going to return to secessionists their captured guns answer tonight Capt TA Maulsby 21A18pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-436: From H.W. Crothers, Colonel, Washington, to Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Wheeling. "Wheeling Jan 30 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 30 to Brig Genl Rosecrans M Phails money goes today. Tell Gov to send no papers here at present H W Crothers Col & ADC 13 Wh1&85coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-437: From J.M. Corley, Sutton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 1 1862. By Telegraph from Sutton Va 1 1862. An election was held in Clay Co for state Senator would a man with thirty eight majority be entitled to his seat in the senate answer telegraph JM Corley"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-438: From J. W. Boggess, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feb 6 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 6 1862. Capt Nay is returning Captured guns to secessionists JW Boggess 8A35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-439: From W.A. Stephens, Lieutenant, Cheat Mountain, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 9 1862. By Telegraph from Cheat Mountain 9 1862. Col Moss will endorse me for the captaincy of Company K Lt W.A. Stephens QM. 2nd Va Regt 11.D.38pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-440: From William Louis Peters , Baltimore, to Samuels, General, Wheeling. "Genl Samuels Wheeling Feby 11 1862. By Telegraph from Baltimore 11 1862. Ask Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] to telegraph Genl Dix to permit me to pass to Richmond also telegraph Genl McClellan Wm Louis Peters 18G51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 29

    Item 09-441: From S. G. Barstow, Assistant Adjutant General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Cypher Wheeling Feby 13th 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 13th 1862. To Gov. F. H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] No such man here as S Sprigg Francis Petticord is innocent is not Mike Perry one to be watched If no further information is attainable the matter must be pursued through the Post Office Dept S G Barstow Asst Adjt Genl"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-442: From N. P. Richmond, Clarksburg, to C. Goddard, Captain, Wheeling. "Wheeling Feby 17 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1862. to Capt C Goddard ADC Dr Fletcher is not here N P Richmond 4D35pd" In mylar.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-443: From L.A. Rollyson, Captain, Sutton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 21 1862. By Telegraph from Sutton 21 1862. I want to know if you are now ready to pay my company telegraph immediately L.[S.] A Rollyson Capt Home Guards 1550pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-444: From Lander, General, Paw Paw, to Pierpont Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 22 1862. By Telegraph from Paw Paw 22 1862. Forward me a schedule & direct proof I hear Dunning burned some houses against my orders. Send me the proclamation & I will publish it over your Signature my course has hitherto been very conservative if you desire it I will clean everything as I go from here to Winchester or to Moorfield act cautiously but if you have full proof direct me as a general appointed from the State of Virginia & I will carry out your views Gen Lander 79.w.316col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-445: From P. Daum, Lieutenant Colonel, Cumberland, to Pierpoint, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feb 25 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 25 1862. Capt Dacy is here and assumed command of company B Va Light Artillery P. Daum Lt-Col 73W52collchg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-446: From R. B. Marcy, Chief of Staff, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 26 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 26 1862. Can you inform me where to find a set of the reports of board of public works of your state can you send me a map of the James river canal or tell me where it can be obtained RB Marcy Chief of Staff 39"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-447: From Lander, General, Paw Paw, to J. Darr, Major, Wheeling. "Wheeling Feby 26 1862. By Telegraph from Paw Paw 1862. To Major Jas Darr Jno Marshall[underlined] Maj Chamberlain is here the trial waits for the arrival of Maj Armstrong from Wheeling will Terminate in three days if the witnesses arrive Gen Lander 24296pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-448: From H. Anisansel, Colonel, Paw Paw, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 27 1862 By Telegraph from Paw Paw 27 1862 According to your request I will state that my trial began Monday last witnesses against me have been examined please send counsel immediately H. Anisansel Col 1st Va. Cavy 23w92col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-449: From J. H. Brown, Charleston, to Pierpont Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 27 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 26 1862. Dr. Spicer Patrick, John M Dodderidge Frederick Walker Dr John Thompson Enos W. Newton directors for Kanawha river Respectfully Jas H Brown 20W100& 70 coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-450: From Charles R. Doran, Colonel, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feby 27 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 27 1862. Honored Sir I am awaiting an order from you upon the Secy of war to furnish me with clothing and rations also transportation the war dept will not recognize me without said order from your Excellency Chas R. Doran Col Comdg 13th Regt Va Vols 378DSt upstairs 36G87pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-451: From K.V. Whaley, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mar 1 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 1 1862. The thirteenth 13 Va Regt is a failure the commissions are yet in my possession Doren an imposter I will write you by letter . K.V. Whaley. 23W61&135col."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-452: From James Shields, Brigadier General, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 11 1862 By Telegraph from Martinsburg, Va 11 1862 I will do all in my power to protect public records the union sentiment seems to prevail strongly here at the present time James Shields Brig Genl 23W72coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-453: From H. Nay, Captain, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 13 1862. By Telegraph from Mannington 13 1862. Has paymaster Crothers left yet to pay the worthington company H. Nay Capt 10Wi30pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-454: From D. T. Hewes, Colonel, Camp Elkwater, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 14 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Elkwater 186. My quartermaster resigned good man appointed will you comm-ission him Col DT Hewes Comdg Post 10D33pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-455: From John Hall, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling March 16th 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 15 1862. Appoint Wm W. Minturn instead of John L Charles Collector of tolls for Kanawha river Point Pleasant John Hall 17c78pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 30

    Item 09-456: From George R. Latham, Cheat Mountain, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 19 1861. By Telegraph from Cheat Mountain 19 1862. Some of the officers of this regiment are resigning in consequence of the examination. I am left in temporary command will write you by first mail. A scouting party has just returned from Greenbank with one rebel captain one adjutant & two privates. No loss. Geo R Latham CoB 2d Va Regt"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-457: From E. R. Merriman, Captain, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 20 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 20 1862. Please send me one hundred blue overcoats my men have none but the mixed I will return the old ones E R Merriman Capt Comdg Co H 5th[?] V V 20. 70 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-458: From George D. Ruggles, Assistant Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Ecy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 20 1862. By Telegraph from Washington, 20 1862. How many companies in your battalion of cavalry- by order. Geo D Ruggles A.A.G. 10B35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-459: From L.C. Miller, Captain, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 21 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 21 1862 Send blue overcoats for my company I will return old ones. Capt L. C. Miller Company D 5th Va Regt 11Bn43pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-460: From Campbell Tarr, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Va Mch 28 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 28 1862. Send my cancelled check to Connelly for thirty nine hundred dollars Campbell Tarr 11 w 3P&p5col" On Reverse: "Campbell Tarr Washinton D.C. March 28 1862."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-461: From J. Segar, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 31 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 31 1862. Please say whether late elections for first Congressional district was not by your writ of election. Jos Segar 465 9th St. 16B.74pd joh"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-462: From A. I. Boreman, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 31 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 31 1862. The circuit court for Wirt County begins on Thursday next third of April. I have just been informed that there are no troops there. Since the shooting of the Sheriff of Pleasants the attorneys & suitors feel insecure without protection. Can you not get an order by Col Rathbone to have a company at Wirt CH on the first day of court to continue until it adjourns. A.I. Boreman 67W221col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-463: From R. H. Milroy, Brigadier General, Huttonville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Mch 31 1862. By Telegraph from Huttonville 31 1862. Did you receive my letter of the 21st relative to Lieut Baird If so what action have you taken RH Milroy Brig Genl 20D63pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-464: From D. T. Hewes, Colonel, Camp Elkwater, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Apl 3 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Elkwater 3 1862. For the constitution three forty six 346 against nine 9 Emancipation two eighty six 286 against twenty three 23 D.T. Hewes Col 3rd Regt Va Vols 15D50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-465: From L. Thomas, Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov of Virginia Wheeling Apl 3 1862. By Telegraph from Washington " 3 1862. Volunteer recruiting service will cease from this date. L. Thomas Adjt Genl 8 50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-466: From L. Thomas, Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Apl 3 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 3 1862. In reply to your telegram of April first the Sec'y of war directs that no additional troops be raised in Virginia L Thomas Adjt Genl 21B. 84pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-467: From T. M. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel, Weston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 4 1862. By Telegraph from Weston 4 1862. I desire to transport Company E from Russells Mills to this place to be mustered in also a company of fifty three 53 men from Harrisville to West Union to finish recruiting Can this be paid by my quartermaster upon my order out of the fund furnished him for the Contingent Expenses of the regiment. Please answer immediately as the Company is under marching orders for next Tuesday T. M. Harris Lt Col 10th Reg Va Vols 67.D.206pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-468: From S. W. Crawford, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 9 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 9 1862. The sec'y of war authorizes me to say that if you will specify the amt of artillery you desire to raise he will issue a special order for it no more cavalry or Infantry will be allowed SW Crawford 37W89&200coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-469: From S. W. Crawford, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 10 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 10 1862. The order for two 2 batteries to complete your quota will be issued tomorrow my nomination went to the Senate yesterday SW Crawford 20W55&120col" This telegram is torn along the bottom.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-470: From James A. Jarbo, Piedmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 12 1862. By Telegraph from Piedmont 12 . 1862. I have seen an order from War Department stopping all recruiting officers does this effect me- I have men here which I want subsistence for. Please answer. James A Jarbo 27W108Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 31

    Item 09-471: From John H. Oley, Major, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 16 1862. By Telegraph from New York 16 1862. Did you receive my letter Capt Crispin sent twenty five hundred 2500 Enfield Rifles yesterday to Genl Fremont will my regiment get some John H Oley Maj &c 22y54pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-472: From H. W. Crothers, St. Johns Run, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint, [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling, Apl 19 1862. By Telegraph from St. Johns Run 19 1862. We find in this county four local magistrates & clerk & circuit court they will organize on fourth 4 monday we Send you four copies acts assembly of Eighteen sixty one 1861 go to Martinsburg this evening H.W. Crothers. 35W150col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-473: From J. P. Taylor , Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 19 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 19 1862. Capt Burdetts commission & orders were sent to Baltimore Md care of Proprietor of the Fountain Inn copy of his orders forwarded to Punteytown, Taylor Co Va he is ordered to report in person at this office. Very Respectfully Your Obt Servant, J.P. Taylor CG 42G99pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-474: From J. H. Lockwood, Major, Winchester, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 22 1862. By Telegraph from Winchester 22 1862. Forwarded by telegraph to Col Kelley Strasburg. JH Lockwood Maj 7th Va Regt. 750col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-475: From Daniel Polsley, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 24 1862. By Telegraph from Martinsburg 24 1862. We have been successful in Morgan Barkley & Frederick, not in Jefferson & Clark Shall I remain here or join you in Wheeling or Washington reply immediately Care U.S. Hotel Danl Polsey [Polsley] 31W124Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-476: From Daniel Polsley, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 25 1862. By Telegraph from Martinsburg 25 1862. The people here want you to make them a speech on Monday shall I appoint in your[last two words scratched out] an hour & what hour. I start to Fairmont today. Crothers & Samuels left for Wheeling yesterday D Polsley 32m116pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-477: From W.S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Harper's Ferry, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, Apl 28 1862. By Telegraph from Harper's Ferry 28 1862. What I see & hear suggests these questions why not issue an address expl[crossed out] exhorting citizens of Virginia to resume civil government & all magistrates holding commissions under the Commonwealth & recognize the validity of their former oaths of office not having taken any to support the confederacy & resume the Exercise of their functions until lawful elections are proclaimed & held they may this secure their servant & protect their rights the government will I think aid & you need not exact any" On reverse: "test oaths now impracticable and involving in their opinion risk to person and property were this matter put in this shape it would I think do good at this time. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl U.S.A. 112W. 448col Just rec'd as putting on envelope- Worthy of consideration but ordnance of convention requires oath to USA."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-478: From H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling, to Pierpont, Washington. "9 Dated Wheeling May 2nd 1862. Rec'd Washington, May 2nd 1862. o'clock, min M. To Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] See about arms for first Virginia Infantry. Armstrong Genl Shields. Asst Adjt Genl is here for that purpose They have four or five (4 or 5) different kinds and all unfit for service. Also see about arms for first Virginia Cavalry HJ Samuels Adjt Genl 38/81ne" On reverse: "H. J. Samuels Wheeling Va May 22. 1862."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-479: From W. Angelo Powell, Acting Captain, Camp Piatt, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, May 06 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Piatt 6 1862. Hon Sir. I have come here & taken vote of this company company A first Va cavalry commissioned and non commissioned officers including forty five privates a majority have of their own free consent voted that I be commissioned immediately by you as captain so that I can organize the company for further and immediate duty Genl Cox advises me to assume command telegraph to you for the" On reverse: "commission I have officially informed him of the vote you are respectfully referred to maj RM Corwine Judge advocate Genl Fremonts staff Genl Fremont Genl Rosecrans hon L P Chase & Genl Cox Commanding this Dept your immediate action is respectfully desired for the good of the company Capt WA West and first Lieut Macey have been relieved by court martial witness second Lieut D Delancy Company A first Va Cavalry. W Angelo Powell Acting Capt. Co A 1st VC 142D431pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-480: From P. Daum, Lieutenant Colonel, Winchester, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont], Wheeling, May 7 1862. By Telegraph from Winchester 6 1862. Have you Commissioned Geo Hayco*ck[crossed out] Hayrack as first Lieut battery B first Va artillery First Lieut Keepers resignation has been accepted & need Hayracks commission immediately please answer by telegraph. P Daum Lieut Col 1st VC 31W134Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-483: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1862 By Telegraph from Charleston 8 1862 I have this day a Petition Presented by a large majority of the Company known as Capt Mists Cavalry to have him reinstated to his command there also accompanies the petition a Statement from Genl Cox relating to the matter all of which will be forwarded by mail I am requested to make this Statement that the Governor may not take action until said communication arrives Respectfully I remain your obt Svt JAJ Lightburn, Col 4th Va Vols Comdg 73D224pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-484: From Thomas M. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel, Clarksburg, to Weed, Major, Wheeling. "Maj Weed ADC Wheeling May 9 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 9 1862. See the Governor and get the Commission of Second 2 Lieutenant BW Shreve company E tenth 10 Va and Enter upon it certifi[?] of his mustering in & Send it to me it Showed Date April first 1 Eighteen Sixty two 1862. TM Harris Lit Col 10 Va 39D122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-485: From J. D. Cox, Brigadier General, Raleigh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1862. By Telegraph from Raleigh 9 1862. I am informed that the members of Co F first Va Cavalry have selected W Angelo Powell formerly Engineer attached to Genl Rosecrans staff for their Captain Vice Wm A West dismissed. I have no official notice of Capt West's dismissal & my information of the action of the company is also irregular. their action of course only a recommendation of which you" On reverse: "will probably get notice by mail. I would not advise acting upon until you are satisfied that it is maturely considered. Capt Powell would make a good officer but I hear there is dissention within the company. JD Cox BGenl 100D305pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 32

    Item 09-486: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint Wheeling May 10 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton 10 1862. On my way to Parkersburg where I am concentrating Some force to clean out the Guerrillas in Wirt Calhoun & Roane Counties have you any late news from there or any suggestions to make Telegraph me to Parkersburg BF Kelley Brig Genl 38Gr119pd" On reverse: "Ansd Gov was in Fairmont & could comte[communicate?] with him there FHS"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-487: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 10 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 10 1862. Will you please telegraph me if Capt W. Angelo Powell Shall retain command of Cavalry Company of First Va mounted men known as Company G late Capt W.A. West I wish to send them on important duty. J.A.J. Lightburn Col Comdg 3 Brigade 38.D.119pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-488: From J. D. Cox, Brigadier General, Raleigh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1862. By Telegraph from Raleigh 11 1862. Will have a Company at Hurricane bridge & Posts at Coals mouth Charleston Chapmansville & here with orders to officers to be extremely vigillent & en I think the people of the Lower Guyadotte are more Scared than hurt but will Spare no pains to protect them thoroughly JD Cox Bg Comdg 28D149pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-489: From W. Angelo Powell, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 12 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 12 1862. company G first 1st Va Cavalry is ordered on immediate Duty there is not authorized officer here to take command I wish to know about commission at once by Telegraph W Angelo Powell 29D92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-490: From E. B. Pendleton, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 12 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 11 1862. I Recommend to you D. Mayer assist Surgeon of the fifth 5 for Promotion in the sixth 6 Va E B Pendleton Brig Surgeon 18Br64pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-491: From Lewis McKenzie, Alexandria, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 13 1862. By Telegraph from Alexandria Va 13 1862. There is nothing in the existing laws of the state to prevent disloyal citizens from voting unconditionally at any of our elections some amendments to chapter three 3 page seventy three 73 code of eighteen hundred & sixty 1860 should be made by which every man shall be required to take the oath to the new government before he shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a citizen of Virginia unless this is done at once the union men of Eastern Va will be overwhelmed we send a communication tonight by mail Lewis McKenzie91G.197~"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-492: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 13 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 13 1862. I have not a man = two 2 Battalions of Sixth 6 cavalry not mounted Leave Camp Chase for Wheeling this evening David Tod Gov 18D7pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-493: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 14 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 14 1862. My dispatch of this morning Shows that no immediate danger to the Road need be apprehended General Kelley Reports from Burning Springs that he has found no Enemy yet & is Satisfied there is no force except the Returned refugees from the few neighboring counties he moves on to Spencer every precaution will be taken to protect Route & Stores JC Fremont Maj Gen Comdg 59G246paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-494: From J. H. Dickey, Captain, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling May 14 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 14 1862. General Kelly wishes me to telegraph You he has found no enemy at Burning Springs reported at Big Bend he intended to move in them yesterday by different routes. No damage done at Burning Springs but burning of govt barracks. he is of the opinion there is no other force in that region but the refugees from that place and" On reverse: "have returned under orders of Letcher to commence guerilla warfare Jno H Dickey Capt Comdg Post 67W211Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-495: From P. H. Rohrbacker, Ashland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 1862. By Telegraph from Ashland 14 1862. I accept the commission & Shall Start in morning PH Rohrbacker 9W60Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-496: From N. Williamson, Colonel, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F H Peerpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling May 14 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton 14 1862. If altops company is not mustered I cannot call them. Col N. Williamson 10Gr35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-497: From Lightburn, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 14 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 14 1862. I am much pleased with the arrangement Lieut col Richmond has made in reference to West Cavalry = Should be pleased to have the company official at once as I wish to use it this man Steel recommended as Capt has been Spoken of before Col Lightburn Comdg 4th Brigade 44D137pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-498: From Nathaniel P. Richmond, Lieutenant Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 14 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 14 1862. Wests cavalry company is in a demoralized condition have no officer of any experience are needed immediately for active Service please appoint W Angelo Powell as first Lieut think he is a good man for the place if Capt West cannot be reinstated please appoint Josiah Steel as Captain Steel is first Lieut of Co. C first Cavalry now on duty with the Col = the officer I Spoke to you of as belonging to capt Hills company. Please inform me immediately if Powell is appointed N.P. Richmond Lieutenant Colonel Comdg 86D263pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-499: From Albert Tracy, Assistant Adjutant General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 15 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 1862. Gen Kelley reports himself Satisfied that there is no Rebel force in his field of operation Some returning refugees are there Co Harris reports all right in his district Six hundred 600 Enfield rifles to be furnished Col Wilkinson's command by order Maj Gen Fremont Albert Tracy AAG 44Gr142pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-500: From Nathaniel P. Richmond, Lieutenant Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 15 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 15 1862. Please urge the commanding Genl to reinstate Capt West he is a good officer & I think has been harshly dealt with. the Company is badly in need of a commanding officer NP Richmond Lieut Col 32D101pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 33

    Item 09-501: From Charles W. Walker, Major, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 15 1862. By Telegraph from Martinsburg 15 1862. What are to be the instructions to the commissioners of Election for Berkley county I wish to act with them in preventing Disloyal men from voting. Chas W Walker Maj Comdg Post 26M114paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-502: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Spencer, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 15 1862. By Telegraph from Spencer Roan Co Va May 13th 1862. Just arrived by way of Reedy Creek the Column under command of Col Rathbone by way of Big Bend not yet in nor that under Lieut Col Hay by way of Smithville either. I trust they have found the enemy. I was attacked today about five oclock pm in a narrow pass on Reedy Creek by guerillas firing" On reverse: "from the mountain top but fortunately no men killed or wounded my men made a gallant charge up the mountain and returned their fire with so much spirit that the guerillas fled, & made their escape. I am satisfied there is no force in these counties but returned refugees probably three or four hundred BF Kelly Brig Genl 109W337Col Chg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-503: From R. M. Corwine, Major, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]Wheeling May 16 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 16 1862. If the report from Parkersburg is correct of the outrages of the bushwhackers in Wirt county decided measures should be taken to throw a force into that section adequate to Crush them out what is the fact? Advise me quick accompanied by your suggestions RM Corwine Maj & ADC 44W166coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-504: From Thomas M. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 17 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 17 1862. Who will pay my Regiment and when will he be here TM Harris Lieut Col 10 Va Comdg Cht mt Dist 11D38pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-505: From Robert C. Schenck, Brigadier General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 18 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 18 1862. Capt Shaw of third 3 va Cavalry having resigned and his resignation accepted it is very important to have his place filled at once the Sergeant who has been recommended is I believe a good and suitable man give us him or Somebody. Robt. C. Schenck Brig Genl 42Gs178pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-506: From Albert Tracy, Colonel, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 18 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 18 1862. An assistant Surgeon is Reported by the medical director as imperatively needed in the Eighth Va Regt. Will you please appoint & send forward. Albert Tracy Col & A.A.G. 24Gs106"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-507: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 18 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 18 1862. Will you appoint Alexander Weide as Capt and John L. Plunley as Second 2 Lieut of Shaws Cavalry company Capt Shaw and the Second Lieut have both resigned and there is none in the company fit to fill their places the men are in bad condition badly equipped and should be officered at once or mustered out of service J.C. Fremont Maj Gen Comdg. 67G278pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-508: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 19 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 19 1862. Just arrived have been Eight (8) days in the Saddle but have Stood in the Labor about as well as any of my officers or men = Have Dispersed the Guerillas but unfortunately have not been able to capture them = what is the news-did you get my Dispatch Some days Since BF Kelly Brig Genl 49D154pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-509: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 19 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 19 1862. The Col & Liet Col of the fifth 5th Ca have both resigned captains Latham & Gibson of that Regt are both Spoken of very highly be Genl Milroy will it Suit you to Promote them Please answer Immediately JC Fremont Maj Genl Comdg 38Gs152pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-510: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 19 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 19 1862. Lieut Keenan Mustered in according to date first 1st Lieut Eighth 8 Va there are two 2 first Lieut vacancies & one captaincy Vacant in fifth 5 Va Lieut Col Morgan has resigned from the Second Lt. Peay[?] have them filled Immediately by competent men the Regts Should not be without their officers in Presence of Enemy I will attend to Col Loesers case today answer JC Fremont 63Gs262pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-511: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 19 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 19 1862. Some time Since I gave you the names of Edward Hetcher & Seubat the first to be major and the Second Capt of Infantry both have Seen much active Service Speak English Like masters[?] & are much needed now will you Send commission also if you wish to Promote Keenan now first 1st Lieut Eighth 8 Va Send commission accordingly & I will muster him in JC Fremont Maj Genl Comdg 64Gs266pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-512: From T. M. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 19 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 19 1862. When Will Paymaster visit us- TM Harris Lieut Col 10th Va 5D35paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-513: From George B. Latham, Col, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 20 1862. Please commission Immediately for Co B Second Va regt for Captain Daniel Wilson First Lieut Amos B Hammer Second Lieut Asbury C Baker Day is not yet commissioned as Adjutant Please withold the commission for the present and Commission Alexander I. Pentecost for quarter master Geo B Latham Col 2 Va Vols 45Gs19paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-514: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Ex Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 20 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin Va 20 1862. List of vacancies in Virginia regiments Col JW Moss Second Va Infantry Lieut Col Robt Moran second Infantry first Lieut F N Cather second Infantry first Lieut B N Rogers fifth infantry first Lieut JM McKindry fifth Infantry Capt WB Shad" On reverse: "third Va Cavalry second Lieut JA Benson Third Cavalry first Lieut Jas Abbott Eighth Infantry. I respectfully recommend Ira Cole for appointment as Capt in place of Shaw third Va & Alexander Weide for second Lieut in same company John L Plumley second Lieut of Infantry will you please answer immediately JC Fremont Maj Genl Comdg 100Gs410pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-515: From J. C. Fremont, Major General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 20 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 20 1862. Upon fuller examination I ask you to Suspend the appointment of Capt Gibson as Lieut Col the Good of the Regiment may require another selection from among its officers JC Fremont Maj Genl Comdg 29Gs126pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 34

    Item 09-516: From R. H. Milroy, Brigadier General, Franklin, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 20 1862. By Telegraph from Franklin 20 1862. Resignations of Col and Lit Col of Second Va accepted I respectfully urge immediate appointment by telegram of Capt George R. Latham as Col and Capt Thomas Gibson Jr as Lt. Col in order that regiment may be at once reorganized & ready for Service RH Milroy Brig Genl 45Gs160paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-517: From Nathaniel P. Richmond, Lieutenant Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 22 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 21 1862. Will you Appoint W Angelo Powell first Lieut of West's Cavalry Company please answer I am I need of help. NP Richmond Lieut Col Comdg 20Hw90pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-518: From J. C. Harrison, Captain, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 22 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton 22 1862. Have the soldiers of the State a right to vote. They refuse to Let them Capt JC Harrison 17 W 56Collect"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-519: From H. W. Crothers, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 27 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 27 " 1862. Much excitement here can you induce organization in you vicinity HW. Crothers 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-520: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 27 1862. I am ordered to assemble a military court at this place for the trial of my prisoners from all I can learn young Lehty was on his way to surrender himself to the authorities when he encountered our pickets his case will be fully investigated. he is now on his parole to report to me daily also under honor to answer any proceedings against him by the federal court have you any news from Banks I cannot learn" On reverse: "where he is= in regard to the commandant of post will attend to it. B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 90.D.275pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-521: From G. McC. Parker, Hagerstown, to Samuels, General, Wheeling. "Genl Samuels Wheeling May 27 1862. By Telegraph from Hagerstown 27 1862. Has Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] gone east or given up the trip G McC Parker 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-522a: From Gilbert F. Watson, Williamsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 4 1862. By Telegraph from Williamsburg 4 1862. I arrived at this place yesterday shall today ascertain the condition of asylum will write you tomorrow full particulars. I was at Genl McClellans headquarters within two miles of the last battle I was in battlefield on monday answer Gilbert F Watson, MD 41 W101&481coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-522b: From George R. Latham, Colonel, Mount Jackson, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adjt Genl Samuels, Wheeling June 17 186. By Telegraph from Mt Jackson 186. First Lieut Smith Co F Second 2 Va has this day resigned I nominate for Immediate Promotion in this regt the following for Lieut Col Alexander Scott Capt Co F for Capt Co F David C Buclay first Lieut Geo D. for first Lieut Co F this B Smith Lieut Co F for second Lieut Co F John R Frisber first Sergeant Co F for first Lieut Co D Jos Buchfield Second Lieut Co D for Second Lieut Co D William Scholey" On reverse: "first Search[?] Co D have written you further by mail Geo R Latham Col 2 Va regt 92n286pd Alexander Scott Recommendation & others"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-523: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to P. Prentiss, Cleveland[?]. "P Prentiss Clevd June 23 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 1862. I have sent yourself and lady a pass=port by mail to Wheeling Va David Tod Govr 13D54pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-524: From T. M. Harris, Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 25 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 1862. Mr Boughman of Webster County is here he is an important witness against Dr. Hertzog on the charge of murder what shall I do with him can't you get authority for capt AC Moore to recruit an artillery company it is just the thing we need have guns horses and equipments but nobody to man them T.M. Harris Col 10th Va 58.D.O179pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-525: From T. M. Harris, Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 25 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 25 1862. Will Dr. Hertzog be tried by the military commission if so David Boughman of Webster County is here and would be an important witness he and Matthew Corbit a prisoner now at Wheeling will make statements convicting Hertzog of the murder of Garland Ferrell in Webster in March last. T.M. Harris Col 10th Va 48D153paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-526: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Mrs. Hays, Richmond[?]. "Mrs Hayes Care Monroe House June 26d 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 186 I have written the Governor fully today in regards to Mr Hayes and Mr Silcoch call and see him. BF Kelley Brig Genl 19.z76paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-527: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 26 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 26 1862. Will write you by mail this day in regard to Messr Hays & Silcott BF Kelley Brig Genl 14z56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-528: From J. C. Paxton, Lieutenant Colonel, Flat Top, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 28 1862. By Telegraph from Flat Top 28 1862. If any papers in regard to the colonelcy of our regt should come into your hands receive my letter of this date before acting JC Paxton Lieut Col 2nd Va Cavalry 24D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-529: From C. P. Wolcott, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Ex Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 28 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 27 1862. Urgent application is made for the discharge upon his taking the oath of allegiance of Pierre B Wetherall of Greenbrier County now held a prisoner at Camp Chase Please advise this Dept of your action upon the subject. Very Respectfully Your Obt Servant CP Wolcott Asst Secy of War 43B182pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-530a - 09-530b: From E. D. Morgan, Governor of New York, and A.G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling June 30 1862 By Telegraph from New York 30 1862 Private & confidential in View of the present State of military movements & the difficult condition of our efficient forces in the field revolting from the usual & unavoidable casualties of the Service together with the large numbers required to garrison the numerous cities & military positions that have been captured as well as to protect avenues of Supply in the enemy's country it is proposed to addup a memorial to Presdent today to be Signed by all the governors of the Loyal States & some other officials of the country requesting him at once to call upon the Several Loyal States for such Numbers of" On second page: "men as may be required to fill up all organizations in the field & add Such increased number of men to the army heretofore authorized as may in his Judgement be necessary to Speedily crush this rebellion & restore one Government the Decisive moment to act[crossed out] accomplish this end it is believed has arrived Shall we add your name to the memorial answer immediately ED Morgan Gov NY AG Curtin Gov Penna 173G356pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 35

    Item 09-531: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Charleston, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "HJ Samuels Adjt Genl Wheeling July 1 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 1 1862. Who am I to regard as having the command of the Company of the eleventh Va regt Known as Youngs Company? Young or Brooks? It is necessary that some one should command & but one officer can be allowed please inform JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg 4th Brigade 47D131pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-532: From D. H. Strother [David Hunter Strother], Captain, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 1 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 1862. I am to be transferred to the Staff of maj Genl Pope I have heard nothing of the commission of Lieut Col yet please Telegraph me Capt DH Strother room 198 16G67pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-533: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 2 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 2 1862. Your dispatch rec'd your suggestions shall receive my prompt attention Mrs Haymond & Neeson shall be sent back beyond our lines BF Kelley Brig Genl 21z84pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-534: From H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 2 1862. By Telegraph from Martinsburg 2 1862. Mission performed. Exhausted commissions Leave at ten this morning for Washington. Let wife know. Operations at Richmond & in the Valley kept dark. HJ Samuels Adjt Genl 23W102col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-535: From Parker Whaley, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 3 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 2 1862. Genl desire to appoint Edward McMurdy Colonel of one new regt Letter soon Parker Whaley 13G41pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-536: From D. B. Dorsey, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 3 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 3 1862. My health is still very poor yet must return to the regiment tomorrow as I have not been detached by medical director as was intended can anything be done in the case in time DB. Dorsey Surgeon 3rd Va 35a110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-537: From D. B. Dorsey, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 4 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 4 1862. I go tonight please answer my telegram of yesterday immediately if convenient DB Dorsey 12a41pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-538: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 8 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 7 1862. 9. pm. You are requested to raise as soon as practicable for the United States service for three 3 years or during the war two 2 regiments of Volunteer Infantry being a part of your quota under the call of the President. C.P. Buckingham Brig Genl A.A.G. 43P182pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-539: From M. J. Robinett, Grafton, to C. W. Lewis or T. W. Horner, Wheeling. "C.W. Lewis or T.W. Horner Care Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 8 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton " 8 1862. Have you made mistake in handtrunk if so send back MJ Robinett 11Gr38pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-540: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 9 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 8 1862. 3.43 pm Order's have been sent today by telegraph to mustering officer to pay bounty. Same bounty applies to men going into old regiments. By order of Secy of War CP. Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 28B122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-541: From C. P. Woolcott, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Boddley[?] Pennsylvania FH Peirpoint John John W John P His Ex' Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 9 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 9 1862. The Department has not yet rec'd the letter which you stated you would write respecting the case of Pierre B. Witherel early answer is requested. CP Woolcott Asst Secy 25B110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-542: From W. P. Goff, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 11 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 11 1862. Col Hewes requests you to make no appointment of a major in regiment till you here from him. He will write by todays mail. WP Goff 24D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-543: From Thomas B. A. David to Pierpont. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 186 By Telegraph from July 15th 1862. This much was rec'd when the wire broke. Will get the remainder soon as possible. It came cipher to me. Very Respy Thos BA David Mngr Telgh Mn't Dept"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-544: From J. D. Cox, Major, Flat Top, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 15 1862. By Telegraph from Flat Top Mountain Va 14th 1862. The positions of the enemy are behind the East River Mountains and in the vicinity of Monroe Court House owing to the easiness of railroad communications his strength varies from time to time but is probably as great as our own a force of some three thousand men would probably answer" On second sheet: "for defensive purposes in this valley if nothing above the vicinity of Gauley Bridge were to be held there is of course some danger that the enemy might throw an expedient like Jackson or the recent one in Tennessee but the long and difficult line of communication reduces the risk" On third sheet: "their recruiting can be done in the usual way & their discipline & efficiency will be promoted by removing them from the neighborhood of homes JD Cox, Maj 75H302pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-545: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 16 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 16 1862. There is a rumor that there is a large force in the valley. Our troops were attacked at Middletown yesterday by a cavalry force & fell back to Winchester. I am ordered by Genl Wool to concentrate all of my available troops at New Creek but will leave the eighty sixth at Clarksburg until get further news what the strength" On reverse: "of the enemy. Col Harris has forces sufficient to protect his stores from any probable force that may be in the mountain. I have constantly cautioned him against accumulating stores & extra baggage at Beverly BF Kelley Brig Genl 95z380pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 36

    Item 09-546: From T. Morton, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling July 22 1862. By Telegraph from Beverly 22 1862. Will you give Genl Kelley official notice of my appointment as asst surgeon of third (3d) Va cavalry Capt Keys refused me discriptive list because he has not been officially notified. Thos Morton 3rd Va Cavalry 39D92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-547: From L. Thomas, Assistant Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency Gov of Virginia Wheeling July 25 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1862. The two (2) regiments are independent of Recruits for old regiments fill up old regiments in addition L. Thomas A.A.G 16B74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-548: From A. M. Reager, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 25 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 25 1862. please direct the commander of this post to give me transportation to come to Wheeling to be mustered into service if I am entitled to it answer immediately AM Reager 2nd Va 28D89pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-549: From E. D. Sufford, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 29 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 29 1862. Sir Your letter just rec'd will be up as soon as possible E.D. Sufford 12Q46pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-550: From John E. Wool, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 31 1862. By Telegraph from Baltimore 31 1862. 840 pm I have received your despatch. I have not three 3 regiments to give you John E Wool Maj Genl. 13B.62paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-551: From C. H. Woolcott, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 1 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 1 1862. A copy of your letter of twenty eighth 28th ulto[ultimo] has been transmitted by this dep't to the Post Master Genl with request that he will cause your recommendation to be carried out[crossed out] into effect the power to do so rests alone with that Dept by order of Secy of War C.H. Woolcott Asst Secy of War 50B210pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-552: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 4 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 1862. 11.35am Col Harris telegraphs me that the rebels are coming through Cheat Mountain pass in considerable force did you ask for the additional regiments. B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 22z88pd." On reverse: "Peirpoint Peirpoint Peirpoint Peirpoint"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-553: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Aug 5 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 5 1862. applications for men in field to officer new recruits are so numerous that great inconvenience and injury to the service must ensue if all are granted some general rule will be adopted soon & made known by order of Secy of War CP Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 43B182pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-554a - 09-554c: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 5 1862. By Telegraph from Washington, 5 1862. Sir the following has this day been issued ordered first that a draft of three thousand[crossed out] hundred thousand men be immediately called into the service of the united states to serve for nine 9 months unless sooner discharged the secretary of war will assign the quota's to the states and establish regulations for the drafts that's if any state shall not by the 18th of august furnish" Second page: "(Conlusion from part 1st) Wheeling Aug 1862. the quota of the additional three hundred thousand vol's authorized by Law the deficiency of volunteers in states will also be made up by special drafts from the militia the secretary of war will establish regulations for that purpose Instructions will be sent in a few day's the whole number of troops sent by the several states will be estimated" Third page: "(conclusion from part 2cd) Wheeling Aug 1862 and appointed & any supplies furnished by a state above its proportionate will be credited to that draft By order of Secy of War C.P. Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 137B614pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-555: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Oakland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 7 1862. By Telegraph from Oakland 7 1862. The following dispatch Just recd from Capt Stealy a QM will you please answer him. We are getting recruits here some arrangements should be to put them into camp the Governor should provide for them until mustered Let me hear at once Signed J.G. Stealy B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 48M192pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-556: From G. K. Stealy, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 7 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1862. We are getting recruits here they should go into camp but have no camp or garrison equipage can you furnish all we want I have just returned from the two upper counties I think we will recruit the two[crossed out] quota of all the counties G K Stealy Capt USA 43D14pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-557: From T. M. Marsh, Captain, Buckhannon, to Darnall, Captain, Wheeling. "Aug 8 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 1862. To Capt. Darnall In ch[ar]g[e] of prisoners For Wheeling Request Governer Peirpoint to grant no commission to one Jesse Hissam until he receives my letter . attend to this so soon as you arrive at Wheeling TM Marsh Capt

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-558: From Bingham, Cadiz Junction, to Pierpont and E.M. Norton, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] & EM Norton Wheeling Aug 11 1862. By Telegraph from Cadiz Junction 11 1862. I will be with you tomorrow. Bingham 6W30col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-559: From J. K. Moorhead, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 12 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 12 1862. Sorry to say I cannot be with you as I intended JK Moorhead 12W39Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 37

    Item 09-560: From George B. McClellan, Major General, Berkley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 13 1862. By Telegraph from Berkley Va 12 1862. Maj Woduz will in my opinion make an excellent Col of Volunteers he is a good soldier & reliable in all things. Geo B McClellan Maj Genl"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-564: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 13 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 13 " 1862. Sir. You are requested to notify this Dept as soon as possible how many volunteers are enlisted at twelve o'clock under the call of July second for three hundred thousand If you cannot give the exact figures give as close an approximation as possible the information is wanted for making some estimations. By order of" On reverse: "Secy of war CP Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 59G133pd 1 8 18_ _" Other marks also present on reverse.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-566: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 14 1862. By Telegraph from War Dept Washington 11 am 14 1862. Sir. If you have not reported the number of volunteers in reply to my telegram of yesterday please do so today as reports are wanted immediately to determine important questions. by order of Secy of War C.P. Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 36G87pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-567: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 18 1862. By Telegraph from Washn . 18 1862. appointment of Maj Darr has been made and sent by mail CP Buckingham Brig Genl and AAG 11B70pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-568: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 18 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 18 1862. 12.10 am Required to fill up your regiments in the field August thirteenth 13 eighteen hundred and sixty two 1862. five thousand five hundred eight three 5583 men. C.P. Buckingham Brig Genl & A.A.G. 23.B.102pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-569: From W. M. Paul, Newburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling[?]. "Dated Newburg Aug 18 1862. Rec'd 1862. o'clock min. M. to His Excellency Gov F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Can we organize with sixty six (66) men & elect the officers for said company if so I ask for our order for transportation from this place W. M. Paul 26 383pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-570: From Joseph Hough, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 18 1862. By Telegraph from Mannington 18 1862. Send arms and ammunition for this company on train tonight there is a general break of all the secessionists in this county we have taken six (6) prisoners this morning that revealed the whole secret they say these will be five hundred (500) of them they travel by[crossed out] at night" On reverse: "and lay by in day time Joseph Hough Depty M 55 M 120pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-571: From Spencer Dayton, et al., Phillipi, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Phillipi 18 1862. Sir, it is of the utmost importance to us that you should be here on the twentieth 20th inst can you come dispatch us an answer. a Hack and military escort will await you at Webster in the morning of that day or at such other time previous as you will signify to us 44 Spencer Dayton, Lewis Wilson D.J. Byron 55Gr170pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-572: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 19 1862. I suggest that you make an application at once to the secy of war for two (2) regiments of the new troops be sent into western Va the eighty sixth 86th & eighty fourth (84) regiments of Ohio are three (3) months men their time will expire about the eighth (8) or tenth (10) of september Col Harris at Beverly implore's for reinforcements and have none to send him B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 64z 256pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-574: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 19 1862. Sir, Please state first how many new regiments you have commenced under the Presidents last call for volunteers. Second how many of these are full. Third how many men are required to fill balance & how long will require to raise them. Fourth how many regiments" On reverse: "have gone to the field please answer by twelve tomorrow CP Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 57B238pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-575: From John Hall, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. We have now two hundred & seventeen 217 recruits in this county Gist labored hard they desire a field appointment for him I join in that desire John Hall 28D81pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-576: From M. S. Hall, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Beverly 18 1862. Will you not visit this point & speak if so I will send an escort for you to Buckhannon M.S. Hall Cmdg Post 19D62pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-577: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 19 1862. Lieut H. J. Roherbecker has reported to Col Paxton for duty as adj't who refuses to receive him having made another selection what shall I do in this case J.A.J. Lightburn Col Comdg 29D91pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-578: From Matthews, Lieutenant, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov of Virginia Wheeling Aug 19 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 19 1862. there are thirty (30) recruits in Jackson Co and will be fifty (50) Is the eleventh (11th) regt entitled to all recruits raised there. Lieut Matthews 23D68pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-579: From Unknown, Wheeling, to Hall, Captain, Clarksburg. "Peirpont R Robert[in margins] By Telegraph from Wheeling 19 1862. Capt Hall Clarksburg Va. Call on Agent B&OR.R. at Clarksburg. He will send your men down"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 38

    Item 09-580: From Lot Bowen, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg, 20 1862. The company is eighty four (84) strong can it be accepted as cavalry we wish to swear in on Friday can we answer immediately Lot Bowen 23D74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-581: From Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Grafton, to Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adj't Genl Samuel's Wheeling Aug 20 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton, 20 1862. Please commission no man in my regiment without my direction N. Wilkinson Col 6th Regt Va Infty 10Gr35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-582: From S. S. Slacke, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 20 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 20 1862. For first 1st or second 2nd surgeon thirteenth 13th regt Dr William Maris a virginian by birth reliably endorsed as Dr. Patrick Slacke N Whittaker Newton Hindman and others answer desired S.S. Slacke 28D148pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-583: From Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 21 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 21 1862. Your telegram just rec'd in relation to the enemy crossing Cheat Mt. Pass been referred to the commander in cheif Genl Halleck for such action as he deem's proper you will please communicate with him in Respect to military operations in your state Edwin M. Stanton Secy of War 43B123pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-584: From W. N. Hawking, Adjutant, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 21 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 21 1862. Sir We have recd one full company & organized it & have some twenty five (25) men for a second company Can you furnish some pants & sock's-reply W N Hawking Adjt USA 29D92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-585: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 22 1862. By Telegraph from Gauley 22 1862. I respectfully request that the Head Quarters of the thirteenth 13 regt be at Charleston to enable me to use the fourth 4th in front I can clothe & arm the regt any time it reports for duty JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg Dist Kanawha 35D110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-586: From A. S. Criss, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 22 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 22 1862. I have about one third 1/3 of the military in my district enlisted and can in a short time furnish my rolls if I am permitted to take the list from the rolls of the commandments of companies shall I do so what is the pay of those whom I may appoint to assist me report fully AS Criss Commissioner 57D176pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-588: From J. P. R. B. Smith, Point Pleasant, to G. W. Norton, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col. G. W. Norton Wheeling Sept 2 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 2 1862. Am advised of contents of your letter to dr Shaw you are authorized to inform Gov that I am at his service J.P.R.B. Smith 22 Hm98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-589: From J. A. Williamson, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 3 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 3 1862. A company recruited in Wirt co by Capt Hill and Stoddard was at Spencer waiting arms and clothing a large number of them escaped unparoled they desire you to arm them immediately and place them under the command of Capt Hill please answer immediately J.A. Williamson 44q142pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-591: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 4 1862. By Telegraph from Beverly, 4th 1862. Capt Dickey at Parkersburg reports Jenkins at Ravenswood if so he will cross the big Kanawha at or near Buffalo B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 20W65col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-592: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Gauley Bridge, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Gen H.J. Samuels A.G. Wheeling Sept 4 1862. By Telegraph from Gauley Bridge 4 1862. I understand Rathbone has surrendered cannot Jenkins be caught if forces could be sent to Weston I can head him off at Carnifex or Hughs Ferry I have reinforce Charleston & Summerville have forces in front to watch aught have more troops here. J.A.J. Lightburn Col Comdg Dist Ka. 45Hw190pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-593: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 4 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1862. May I ask you to use every exertion to have the two companies of cavalry sent to Wheeling by Capt Keys from Washington armed and equipped as soon as possible and sent to me please see Maj Constable & Capt Downing in regard to it if any authority is wanted by this officer telegraph Genl Wool for it we must have cavalry to prevent a repetition of Jenkins raid BF Kelley Brig Genl 693212pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-594: From C. P. Buckingham, Washington to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 4 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1862. Sir Recruits for old regits will continue & advance pay & bounty will be paid until further order's by order of secy of war CP Buckingham, Brig Genl & AAG 24B166pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 39

    Item 09-595: From J. H. Duval, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 5 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 5 1862. Will leave this evening give me a new regt if possible J.H. Duval 11G37 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-596: From J. B. Klunk, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 5 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 5 1862. The balance of my Regt will leave this PM there is much feeling in the regt about the defective arms can you send us something better and when please answer Jno B Klunk, Col 12th Va Vols 31D98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-597: From D. Frost, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 5 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 5 1862. Collecting what Force I can and will leave for Gallipolis this afternoon Jenkins commands rebels they destroyed al the stores & printing office at Ravenswood they crossed into Ohio and stole horses last night they marched for Pomeroy and Gallipolis can't you have Mulligan's regt sent to Buffalo D Frost 48W164Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-598: From Le Roy Kramer, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 5 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 5 1862. No guns here send requisitions & you can get the clothing Le Roy Kramer 11W37coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-599: From A. Montgomery, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh, 6 1862. Your telegram rec'd this morning ca furnish the Infantry clothing but have no cavalry clothing will telegraph QM Genl about the latter. A Montgomery QM USA 23G61pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-600: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 6 1862. By Telegraph from Gauley . 6 1862. I will do my best to catch Jenkins if he crosses the Kanawha river but the rebel force in front prevents me scattering my force J.A.J. Lightburn, Col Comdg 25W80Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-601: From John B. Klunk, Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 8 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon, 8 1862. We need a surgeon today for a detachment of the 12th regt at Beverly can you send one please answer John B. Klunk Col 12th Va ret 20D65pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-602: From A. Montgomery, Major, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 8 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 8 1862. Clothing for two thousand 2000 men were sent you last night through Capt Downing A Montgomery Maj & QM U.S.A. 13y41pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-603: From Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Sept 8 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1862. Flag committee Klunk's Regt requires transportation to Moundsville shall I give it to be settled by you N. Wilkinson Col 1W56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-604: From Daniel Frost, Lieutenant Colonel, Gallipolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 8 1862. By Telegraph from Gallipolis 8 1862. Jenkins is reported at his farm did not call at Pt Pleasant or here I will start for Winfield this evening D Frost Lt Col Comdg 11th Va 21W94&94col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-605: From W. D. Rolyson, Sutton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 8 1862. By Telegraph from Sutton Va 8 1862. The loyal citizens want to organize themselves into companies for home protection if the rebels are destroying all the property they can something will have to be done to save loyal citizens. Forty or fifty men can be raised for to scout the country. Want arms & ammunition. answer immediately WD. Rolyson 50D153pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-606: From E. W. Fletcher, Captain, Annapolis Junction, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 9 1862. By Telegraph from Annapolis Junction 1862. Adjt. Genl Townsend says my Exchange will be made within twenty 20 days letter by mail EW Fletcher Capt Co F 1st Va Vols 15G43pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-607: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 9 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 9 1862. Just arrived go to Clarksburg in the morning what is the condition of the fourteenth 14th Regt telegraph me to Clarksburg tomorrow morning and give me the new's all quiet at Elk Water and Cheat Mountain B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 34z117pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-608: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 12 1862. Don't send the fourteenth 14th Regt Va till ordered if rumored force is on Kanawha we will be compelled to fall back to the Ohio River B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 26z104pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-609: From John Hall, Gauley, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1862. By Telegraph from Gauley 10 1862. Col Frost here troops here & at Gallipolis seven Hundred & fifty 750 drove Jenkins across Kanawha col paxton attacked & routed him at Barbourville handsomely and still in pursuit up Guyandotte river John Hall 32W101col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-610: From A. Montgomery, Major, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 10 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 10 1862. Ninety one 91 boxes muskets were shipped to Capt Downing in the fifth inst via C&P RR. A Montgomery Maj & QM 19G51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-611: From S. Crispin, Captain, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1862. By Telegraph from New York, 10, 1862. Telegram rec'd I do not know of any short Enfield rifles I this market at present. S. Crispin Capt of Ord. 16Y42pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 40

    Item 09-612: From John E. Wool, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1862. By Telegraph from Baltimore 11 1862. I would not under the present uncertain state of affairs feel justified in removing from Harpers' Ferry or Martinsburg any of the forces stationed there John E Wool Maj Genl 24G63pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-613: From A. Montgomery, Major, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh . 11 1862. The cannon will be at Bridgeport at four (4) pm A Montgomery Maj QM USA 9G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-615: From John H. Symington, Colonel, Pittsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 11 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh . 11 1862. Your telegram to Maj Montgomery has been referred to me the guns were sent to you on the ninth 9th instant John H Symington Col of Ordnance 20 W 55 coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-617: From J. R. Hall, Lieutenant Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 11 1862. At a meeting of the officers of the thirteenth to take into consideration the propriety of recommending certain persons to be Colonel Major & Quarter Master of the regiment it was unanimously resolved that Capt WR Brown of the fourth Va be recommended as [page 2] a proper person to receive the appointment of Colonel Lieut Comstock that of Major & Lieut Maher quartermaster JR Hall Lieut Col Rest M J Matthews Adjt 63 Hm 262pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-618: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 12 1862. I have been anxious about Eastern Ohio and Western Virginia for a number of days and have already done everything in my power and all that I think is necessary for its protection David Tod Gov 33D119pd

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-620: From G. Slack, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston Va 12 1862. Our valley us threatened. We think we can hold Salt works & Charleston with aid of militia. Order them called at once & fed. Send aid if possible G. Slack 28W122&122col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-621: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Camp Piatt, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Piatt 12 1862. A column of eight thousand (8000) is now in valley floyd is advancing by way of wyoming Intending to cut us off at Coals Mouth I have been fighting them two (two) days commencing at Fayette my whole force is at this point which I will be compelled to evacuate tonight or have my retreat" On second sheet: "Intercepted I shall make a stance below Charleston I have orders from Genl Hallick to fall back to Point Pleasant if the force should bee too Heavy for me. our loss supposed to be near two hundred (200) not positively known J A J Lightburn Col Comdg 93Hm292pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-622: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Cumbd 12 1862. Is the fourteenth 14th in condition to go to Parkersburg & releive Mulligan's regt can they go by river I had attended to the scouts B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 25z100pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-623a - 09-623c: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpont Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 12 1862. our telegraphic & rail road connection between here and Martinsburg was cut last night we suppose about north Mountain section I presume I will be compelled to fall back from this place what is the news from Kanawha is there any Hope of Reinforcements from Ohio or Indiana If Ohio does not" On second sheet: "send us reinforcements to keep the enemy at Bay in the mountains she will have to fight him on her own soil I have not force enough to keep him back If the reports of his strength are correct ask the secretary of war to order Cox or Scammon to Kanawha their knowledge of the" On third sheet: "the country will be of Immense advantage let me hear from you BF Kelley Brig Genl 117z468pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-624: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 12 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 12 1862. Call out & arm all the militia you can raise there is no doubt but the rebel's are determined to recapture Western Virginia I have only one regiment here the eighty 84 fourth Ohio & their time has expired & they say they will leave tomorrow at nine 9 oclock I have the second 2nd Maryland and a raw New York" On reverse: "Regt the second 2nd Maryland I will be obliged to order here tomorrow to supply the place of the eighty fourth 84th see important dispatch to Mr. Ford BF Kelley Brig Genl 82z328pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-625: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirponint Wheeling Sept 13 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 13 1862. Your Information is incorrect the Rebel army are recrossing Into Virginia Lee & Jackson crossed yesterday near North Mountain Station & went towards Martinsburg Longstreet crosses today at or near Kanawha this is reliable BF Kelley Brig Genl 33z132pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-626: From Samuel B. Barnnett, Colonel, Weston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Weston . 15 1862. there is about four Hundred (400) men In my regt a large proportion of them secessionists shall I arm them or shall I call out only the loyal part Saml B Barnnett, Col 19th Regt Va State Militia 28W89col" On reverse: "19 111111 B Bengram"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-627: From J. T. Hoy, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 15 1862. I sent thirteen 13 men horse last night to Col Lightburn and also two 2 scouts today Col L reported to be retreating towards Ripley his strength dont know cant find out. Enemy's at thirteen 13 mile on Big Kanawha when last heard from JT Hoy Lt Col 41W133col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 41

    Item 09-628: From George C. Bruyer, Brigadier General, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Pt Pleasant 14 1862. Capt CW Nunehn aqm at Gallipolis will furnish our militia what we need on your order Geo C. Bruyer, Brig Gen Cmdg Militia 18W164col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-629: From J. P. R. B. Smith, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Pt Pleasant 15 1862. You instruct Quartermaster at this place to furnish us with rations tents & blankets he will furnish them upon your requisition Col Cmdg 10th Reg't VM 21W94&94col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-630: From A. G. Curtin, Governor, Harrisburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Harrisburg 15 1862. We are busy assembling forces in Cumberland Valley to prevent invasion from the powerful army of the enemy now at Hagerstown & vicinity within five miles of the line have not a regiment that can be shared until the result of McClellan's movements against" On reverse: "the rebel army is decided Please keep me fully advised AG Curtin 53G125pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-631: From N. Williamson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 15 1862. Moore's artillery company here order transportation they are awaiting it N Williamson Col Comdg 10W35col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-632: From J. W. Neal, Lieutenant, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 15 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 1862. Can I get permission to raise cavalry company. Think can do it in one week Please answer Pomeroy Lt J.W. Neal 18q64pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-633: From J. T. Hoy, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 16 1862. are we to have any ammunition I have been telegraphing two (2) days for it have none JT Hoy Lieut Col Com Post 16q58pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-634: From H. W. Halleck, General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from Washn, 16 1862. Genl Crooks & Genl Hartsuff are both fighting In the field at the present time & cannot now be reached can you name some other general for the Kanawha who is Familiar with the country HW Halleck Genl In Chief 35G85pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-635: From J. T. Hoy, Lieutenant Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg A messenger came this morning from Col Lightburn at Ravenswood saying Bill Jackson is marching on Parkersburg by webbs mills. Loring operating on Elk River towards Gallipolis O & Floyd gone down big Kanawha to Gallipolis. Had a fight at Charleston JT Hoy Lieut Col Comdg Post 41q133pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-636a - 09-636b: From J. B. Klunk, Colonel, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 16 1862. I call a meeting of the officers of the Regiment the unanimously agreed that they have seen no evidence of Disloyalty or Incapacity and that the only doubt they have are from reports which have never been investigated I send" On second sheet: "Wheeling Sept 16 1862. a committee of three (3) to Grafton & Clarksburg to make any investigations they desire Jno B Klunk com 54W167col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-637: From C. W. Hill, Adjutant General, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 16 1862. Have ordered Col G.W McCook commanding one hundred & twenty sixth 126 regt to report to you and indicate Parkersburg as the destination please instruct him by telegraph or at the Bridge. Chas W. Hill Adjt. Gen. O. 32D116pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-638a - 09-638b: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "HJ Samuels Adjt Genl of Va Wheeling Sept 16 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 16 1862. The term of service of the Eighty fourth (84th) & eighty sixth (86th) Regiments Ohio Vol Infantry having expired they were unwilling to remain longer In service the eighty fourth (84th) left here yesterday for Columbus & the Eighty Sixth (86th) will leave Clarksburg" On second sheet: "tomorrow Please Inform the Governor pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] If still at Columbus BF Kelley Brig Genl 50z160pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-639: From John B. Klunk, Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 16 1862. No Instruments or Medicine for the twelfth (12) regt have been received Jno B Klunk Col 12th Va regt 11W38col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-641: From George W. McCook, Steubenville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1862. By Telegraph from Steubenville 17 1862. Will move as soon as I can get transportation can you give me seven hundred & fifty haversacks to be turned in again or supplied by Ohio Geo W McCook 27W59coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 42

    Item 09-642: From D. [L.?] Ruffner, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 17 1862. What is being done to expel rebels from Kanawha no authority in this Department D. Ruffner. 15C70pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-643: From George W. McCook, Steubenville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 17 1862. By Telegraph from Steubenville 1862. Will leave Mingo at seven 7 oclock tomorrow morning how soon can you have coaches to take us on seven hundred & fifty 750 Geo W McCook 22 w49Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-644: From George W. McCook, Mingo, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 18 1862. By Telegraph from Mingo 18 1862. Will get off about half after Eight will want seven hundred & twenty haversacks & canteens G.W. McCook 16.W37Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-645: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov. Va. Wheeling Sept 18 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. Will you please inform me where genl Kelley is and whether he would have force enough to either make a feint or an advance towards Gauley also where is Col Mulligan & his forces JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg 34Hm 122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-646: From G. Perin, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 18 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 18 1862. Will send medical & Hospital supplies. To whom shall they be addressed? G Perin Surgeon USA Medical Purveyor 12C58pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-647: From Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Sept 18 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 18 1862. the Militia are not armed consequently not on active duty they drill in movements are getting good it may be necessary to move them to Bridgeport drinking water scarce here. Whats news N Wilkinson Col Comdg force 32D101coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-648: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 19 1862. By Telegraph from Pt. Pleasant 19 1862. Capt Young's Company is here he desires to go into the thirteenth 13th if it can be so arranged I think it will be best J.A.J. Lightburn Col Comdg 24M51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-649: From Gilbert F. Watson, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 19 1862. By Telegraph from Baltimore 19 1862. Genl McClellan reported at ten & half 10 1/2 AM that he is driving the rebels over the Potomac & that Maryland & Pennsylvania are safe. G.F. Watson, 24G63pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-650: From H. W. Halleck, General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 19 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 19 1862. Western Virginia is attached to the Dept of the Ohio headquarters Cincinnati Consult with Genl Wright about officers & troops to be sent to Col Lightburn HW Halleck Genl in Chief 27G69pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-651: From B. B. Stout, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Va Wheeling May 9 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 19 1862. Sir the militia of this county both armed & unarmed have been disbanded except one company is that your orders Capt BB[crossed out] Capt B.B. Stout 20D65pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-652: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Genl Samuels Wheeling Sept 20 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 20 1862. Has Carlins Battery been mustered into the service no report has been received B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 13Bn49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-653a: From P. F. Rohrbacker, Ashland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint Wheeling Sept 20 1862. By Telegraph from Ashland O 20 1862. Are there no orders yet to join my regiment answer P. F. Rohrbacker 10.Q65pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-653b: From J. Ruth, Captain, Fairmont, to H. J. Samuels, General, Wheeling. "Gen H.J. Samuels Wheeling Sept 20 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 20 1862. I am here with my cavalry company from Monongalia waiting transportation to Wheeling Jas Ruth Capt. 13a44pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-654: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 21 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 21 Enemy at Charleston from nine to twelve thousand strong with pieces of artillery under Genls Loring Williams Eckles & Jenkins Jenkins & Floyd was to cut off my retreat but failed I learn they are fortifying two miles below Charleston but have not advanced in" On reverse: "force below that point I am fortifying this point and organizing my command Gov Palsey leaves tomorrow with further particulars Charleston not burned as represented JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg 71Hm494pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-655: From J. B. Daniels, Harmar, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from Harmar O 22 1862. Sir. Will you accept a Cavalry company from Ohio please answer immediately JB Daniels"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-656: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 22 1862. I have no ammunition suitable for Carlin's Guns Maulsley's is also short of ammunition if it cannot be had any other way major constable must go in person at once for it BF Kelley Brig Genl32z106pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 43

    Item 09-657: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 22 1862. Your Dispatch rec'd what is the calibre of Capt Carlin's guns I will supply at once if I have suitable ammunition If not he will remain at Wheeling until ammunition is forwarded[crossed out] provided BF Kelley Brig Genl 32z116pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-658: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 22 1862. Enemy returned in force at Sutton I am fortifying this point some points should be fortified to protect Railroad JAJ Lightburn Com Comdg 19Hm 86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-659: From Operator, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 21 1862. No Rebels there in force as late as yesterday morning reported two 2 regt's on way to Ripley operator 17W61coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-660: From H. G. Wright, Major General, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 22 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 22 1862. It is Impossible for me to send the regiments you requested at this moment HG Wright Maj Genl Comdg 14hq66pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-661: From G. J. Young, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 23 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 23 1862. Gov. Tod started to Altoona this morning. G.J. Young ADC 7D50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-662: From H. G. Wright, Major General, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati, 24 1862. I have not a man to speak from my command for western Virginia I have requested Genl Halleck to send troops there & he promises to do so H.G. Wright Maj Genl Comdg 28Hq188[crossed out] 122pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-663: From Watson Westfall, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va Sept 24 1862 By Telegraph from Buckhannon 24 1862 There are five hundred and forty state arms left here by the 12th Va Regt can I use them to arm my Regt Watson Westfall Col 133 Regt 23D74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-664: From William R. Brown, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 27 1862. Rebels are stripping Union men of Mason of horses our cavalry have taken twenty five horses which is placed in hands of our regiment to be disposed of as you may direct answer immediately they are much needed by the second Va cavalry Wm R Brown Col 5th Va Vols 43Hm182pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-665: From J. Winchester, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 29 1862. By Telegraph from Marietta 29 1862. Will you accept hundred & fifty men for Battery artillery & commission H Hoblitzell Captain can raise them three weeks on this side of river J Winchester 25Hm110pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-666: From W. C. Starr, Lieutenant Colonel, Point Pleasant, to H. W. Crothers, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col H W Crothers ADC Wheeling Sept 29 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. Col Dural started home today sick he will explain WC Starr Lt Col Comdg 9th Va Regt 9W50&50Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-667: From Q. A. Gilmore, Brigadier General, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Octo 1 1862. By Telegraph from Pt Pleasant 1 1862. I will be with you tomorrow Q.A. Gilmore Brig Genl 6W50&50Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-668: From Q. A. Gilmore, Brigadier General, Point Pleasant, to H. J. Samuels, General, Wheeling. "H.J. Samuels Wheeling Oct 1 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. Is Genl Milroy expected at Wheeling & when QA Gilmore Brig Genl 8Hm50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-669: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 2 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 2 1862. You are authorized to raise the battery of artillery as requested by your telegram of yesterday by order C.P. Buckingham Brig Genl & AAG 18G51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-670: From H. Hoblitzell, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3d 1862. By Telegraph from Marietta 3 1862. Is the battery accepted at Washington 44 H Hoblitzell 6Hm 50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-671: From H. G. Wright, Major General, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati, 3 1862. Gen Milroy not having yet reported is presumed to be still acting under instructions received from Genl in Chief but as you deem it so important for him to stop at Clarksburg please forward to him my request to do so if he is not acting under superior authority. unless he has a large force with which to operate from that point I do not understand the object of his stopping there. please explain at once. H.G. Wright Maj Genl Comdg 76.Hq.314pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 44

    Item 09-672: From Q. A. Gilmore, Brigadier General, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. At what points & in what numbers have we troops on the River between here & Wheeling QA Gilmore Brig Genl 17Hm78pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-673: From D. H. Chadwick, Philadelphia, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3rd 1862. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 3 1862. I am here to buy Goods will it be safe to take them to Morgantown Please answer respectfully DH Chadwick St. Lawrence Hotel 18G51pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-674: From G. Perin, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 3rd 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati, 3rd 1862. Medical and hospital supplies for four regiments addressed to you will be delivered to Quarter Master for transportation tomorrow. Delay occasioned by immense requisitions for Gen'l Buells army further by mail. G Perin Surgeon USA Med Div 30C130pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-675: From T. M. Harris, Colonel, Bulltown, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1862. By Telegraph from Bulltown 4 1862. Lieut Hebener has seventy recruits for a cavalry company wants assurance it will be accepted if filled up to the required number Please answer TM Harris Col 10th Va 24D77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-676: From Q. A. Gilmore, Brigadier General, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. Is Kelley's command included in the force you report I cannot leave here yet I want Capt Brook's here as soon as he can leave Wheeling Q.A. Gilmore Brig Genl Comdg 26Hm114pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-677: From H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 4 1862. By Telegraph from Pt Pleasant 4 1862. Take no action in regard to second Va cavalry Roherbacker case settled satisfactorily shall I commission Comstock vice Grant resigned H.J. Samuels AG Va 21W94&94coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-678: From Henry Newman, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 5 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 4 1862. I will leave for wheeling Monday Henry Newman 7q40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-679: From Lemuel J. Bowden and G. F. Watson, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 5 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 5 1862. Please telegraph at once Secy War to remove Col Campbell from Williamsburg & put such force there as will restore unionists to their homes & remove Letcher & Davis men appointed by Campbell to office answer Lemuel J. Bowden G. F. Watson 37G89pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-680: From Andrew McConley, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 6 1862. Is there a vacancy at Columbus for a Lunatic answer Andrew McConley 10De60pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-681: From H. W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 6 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 6 1862. Cox is appointed Maj Genl & to command the Dept of Western Va he will report to you Wednesday his division moves tonight via Hanco*ck to Clarksburg Genl Halleck warmly approves the army moving that way Crothers 36W87&200coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-682: From H. W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 6 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 6 1862. Commission recd & sent to Camp you should appoint him Lieut Col & James E Morrow Major. Hubbard resignation has been accepted. No danger of his death. Crothers 27W69&153coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-683: From H. W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 6 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 6 1862. The medical Purveyor at Cincinnati has been ordered to supply your regiments instantly Maj Hill has not notified the Dept that Dr. Frizzell has been mustered in his resignation will be accepted as soon as they have the record HW Crothers 39W93&215Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-684: From J. J. Jackson, Jr., Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 6 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 6 1862. Genl Milroy is stopped here by Genl Wright what is the reason it is important to move at once up Kanawha can't you have it done JJ Jackson Jr 26q88pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-685: From H. W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 7 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 7 1862. Have prepared for Genl Cox a statement of the strength & location of troops he will want to issue some orders to them while with you Crothers 26w67&150coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-686: From J. D. Cox, Major General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 7 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 7 1862. Please have for me when I reach Wheeling as complete a statement of the present position & force of all our troops in Western Va Infantry Cavalry & artillery & their Condition in all respects so that my stop at Wheeling may be very brief I shall reach there tomorrow" On reverse: "if no accident occurs Yours JD Cox Maj Genl 52G125pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 45

    Item 09-687: From H. Hoblitzell, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency the Gov of Virginia Wheeling Oct 7 1862. By Telegraph from Marietta 7 1862. Is the battery accepted all ready please answer H Hoblitzell Jr 8Hm50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-688: From George W. Hopper, Lieutenant, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 7 1862. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 8 1862. The brigade has left will you order company "a" first 1st Va cavalry to follow Lieut. G.W. Hopper, ADC to Milroy 14W52call"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-689: From T. M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov of Va Wheeling Oct 9 1862. By Telegraph from Washington, 9 1862. Capt EM Rosafy has been mustered out of service & is no longer recognized by the War Dept by order TM Vincent Asst AG 21G57pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-690: From H. W. Halleck, General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 10th 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 10 1862. A regular ordnance officer will be assigned for duty in Western Va HW Halleck Genl in Chief 12G39pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-691: From H. W. Crothers, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 11 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 11 1862. General Banks has just informed Mr. Holbrook & myself that the first Va Infantry is ordered to Wheeling Crothers 18W51&110Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-692: From J. D. Cox, Major General, Gallipolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 14 1862. By Telegraph from Gallipolis 14 1862. How many troops in your vicinity can be spared for concentration at Clarksburg please give the list of those not really needed as railroad guards &c JD Cox Maj Genl 26Hm114pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-693: From D. Hallsty, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 16 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. The thirteenth 13th Regt is only furnished with old condemned gun's it is a regiment of superior men and if possible ought to have good gun's immediately D Hallsty 26Hm114pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-694: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 18 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 18 1862. As the fifteenth 15th are under orders for New Creek I will let it come on but will act upon your suggestions as soon as I can arrange matters and order it back we are yet all quiet here but I am receiving constantly report of the enemy's approach via romney & moorefield I think however they have as much as they can attend" On reverse: "to just now without coming up after me B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 703Q96pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-695: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 22 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 21 1862. I thank you for your telegram Have done all in my power to hasten forward supplies for Genl Cox's Command. David Tod Gov 20D80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-696: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 22 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland, 22 1862. Have ordered capt Goodwin at Oakland to attend to your request at once all quiet here BF Kelley Brig Genl 16z64pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-697: From Erasmus D. Safford, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton Va 23 1862. For the sake of humanity and the honor of my profession I entreat you not to commission Dr. Dorener E.D. Safforn [Safford] 19Gr62pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-698: From T. B. A. David, Point Pleasant, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 23 1862. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 1862. John Hall shot Lewis Wetzel dead this morning the difficulty arose from an article that appeared in this morning's paper T.B.A. David"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-699: From Alexander C. Moore, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 25 1862. Sergt Nixon has been ordered to Wheeling by Liut Buffington. Please have him to remain with us we have just commenced drilling answer Alx. C. Moore Capt Co E 1st Va Artillery 23 Do 74 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-700: From L. Thomas, Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 25th 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1862. Augustus Hill can't be allowed a substitute universal rule against substitutes L Thomas AG 11G37pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-701: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Octo 27 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 10.10 pm 27 1862. The notorious guerilla Sam High of Hampshire Co. Va was killed today and his band dispersed he belonged to Imbodens Partizan Rangers B.F. Kelley Brig Genl22z88paid"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 46

    Item 09-702: From D. L. Starr, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 28 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 28 1862. We Have been informed by Dr Safforn [Safford] surgeon of the sixth 6th Va Regt that Dr Dorener is not a regular physician if he can pass the examination I shall be happy to receive him not without Col McCaslin concurs D.L. Starr 39W127 col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-703: From George R. Latham, Colonel, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 28 1862. By Telegraph from Beverly 28 1862. Maj Gibson has resigned hold up appointment for the present Geo R Latham Col Comdg 1st Brigade10 D35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-704: From W. D. Cunningham, Lieutenant, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 29 1862. By Telegraph from Fairmont 29 1862. I shall be under the necessity of a horse to go to country. I have the names of fifteen 15 men about twenty 20 miles from Fairmont you will oblige me by giving an order for the conveyance immediately Lieut W.D. Cunningham 37.W.116Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-705: From J. T. Close, Colonel, Alexandria, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Oct 30 1862. By Telegraph from Alexandria 30 1862. Regt mustered complete Maj Vincent says telegraph him to muster me as Colonel being necessary for regiment Jas T Close Col 16th Va Vols 17G49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-706: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 1 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 1 4.15 pm 1862. You are authorized to raise a company to relieve that of the fifteenth regt but the men must be lawful age. By order of the Secy of War C.P. Buckingham, B.G. & AAG 28G71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-707: From Lewis McKenzie, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 3 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 3 1862. Received letter mailed today before making field officer & appointments for sixteenth Virginia Lewis McKenzie 11G37pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-708: From B. C. Armstrong, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1862. See Commendatory letter from Senator Harlan & Gov Kirkwood Iowa BC Armstrong at Alex'andria 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-709: From Andrew S. Core, Clarksburg to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1862. I have formed the acquaintance of Dr. Gilles here of the first 1st Va who is willing to take the place of assistant second 2nd surgeon in this regiment I will write tomorrow in full your's A.S. Core 35DE194pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-710: From J. T. Close, Colonel, Camp Peirpoint, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 4 1862. By Telegraph from Headquarters 16th Va Regt Camp Peirpoint Via Alexandria 1862. The officers of my regiment have unanimously asked the appointment of Capt Gwynne as Lieut Col the papers are on the way to you send me a good major at once Jas T. Close Col 16th Va Regt 31W77&268ColChg"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-711: From Maxwell McCaslin, Lieutenant Colonel, and Milton Wells, Major, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 8 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 8 1862. Surgeon Starr is sick confined to his bed can you not appoint an assistant surgeon for the regt Dr Dorener is here hospital full of sick patients Lt Col. M. McCaslin & Maj. M. Well's 27Bn91pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-712: From R. H. Milroy, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 18 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek 18 1862. Is there a Capt S. C. Mean's in the cavalry from Va is do where is he R.H. Milroy Brig. Genl 17Bn61pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-713: From T. Bambrick, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 21 1862. By Telegraph from Columbus 21 1862. Sir, I have just recd a dispatch that my Daughter is not expected to live will you permit me to go see on parole & oblige Thos Bambrick of Hanco*ck Co Va 26D98pd" On reverse: "Joshua Peavey of Doddridge County. Jno McMillan of Doddridge"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-714: From C. L. Grasslin, Sir John's Run, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 21 1862. By Telegraph from Sir John's Run 1862. Can you order an Election for congressman in this - district CL Grasslin 10Ck50pd" On reverse: "Peirpoint Brown Byington Byington"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-715: From J. C. Paxton, Colonel, Summerville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Va Wheeling Nov 28 1862. By Telegraph from Summerville 27 1862. The second 2nd Virginia Cavalry under my command have made the most successful and extraordinary raid during the war I have one hundred ten (110) Prisoners one hundred (100) horses two hundred fifty 250 stand of arms destroyed their camps stores and wagon's and did not lose a man JC Paxton Col Cmdg 2nd Va Cava 48DE149pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-716: From H. Thrall, Assistant Adjutant General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 28 1862. By Telegraph from Baltimore 28 1862. The member from Northampton can't be found. Give me his name By Command of Maj Genl Wool H. Thrall AAG Provost Marshal 17G49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 47

    Item 09-717: From K. V. Whaley, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Nov 28 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 28 1862. Let me know when you convene legislature I let Capt Radcliffe have fifty dolls was it right K.V. Whaley 17G49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-718: From William King, Captain, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 1st 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 1st 1862. Genl Crook has Some arms captured by Col Paxton I need them badly Genl Crooks awaits your order to turn them over to me answer by telegraph Respectfully Capt Wm King 28De89pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-719: From John A. Dix, Major General, Fortress Monroe, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Ex F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 3 1862. By Telegraph from Fortress Monroe 1862. General Viele has not authorized the issue of any scrip of bond's I have ordered an investigation I have arranged to have an election of member of congress on the eighteenth 18th inst John A. Dix Maj Genl 32G79pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-720: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 4 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 4 1862. A Detachment of our cavalry composed of a portion of the Ringgold Battalion Command of Lieut Myer's of the Ringgold's yesterday with two 2 Companies of Stuart's Cavalry at Moorefield hardy Co Va Lieut Myer's attacked them and routed them completely capt[crossed out] compelling them to flee in every direction killed" On reverse: "& wounded several and captured capt McDonald with nine 9 of his men arm's horse's & co Lieut Myer's had one man wounded and three 3 horse's killed B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 86z344pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-721: From Campbell, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 6 1862. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 6 1862. Will you telegraph Gov Curtin to dissuade Stevens by dispatch from any amendments am delayed until Eleven oclock Campbell. 18w51&3col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-722: From John H. Oley, Lieutenant Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Va Wheeling Dec 8 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston 8 1862. Ordnance stores at this post belong to state Ohio I require your order to draw what I need please send it John H Oley Lt Col 8th Va regt 21 De 68pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-723: From H. G. Wright, Major General, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 10 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 10 1862. I have no authority for granting the leave you request application must be made to War Dept at Washington HG Wright Maj Genl Comdg 19Hq86pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-724: From Andrew S. Core, Colonel, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 12 1862. By Telegraph from New Creek, 12 1862. Is West Virginia Received A.S. Core Col Comdg Post 4Bn40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-725: From John A. Dix, Major General, Fortress Monroe, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 12th 1862. By Telegraph from Fortress Monroe 12 1862. Genl Viele has sent me your dispatch all civil power having been suspended in Norfolk & some adjoining Counties & the district being held by military occupation I considered myself authorized to give the people an opportunity of showing their fidelity to the government & of avoiding" On reverse: "the penalties of disloyalty leaving the result of their action to the wisdom of Congress John A. Dix Maj Genl 62W139&405coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-726: From A. Werninger, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 12 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 12 1862. Will you be kind enough to suspend the appointment of second 2nd Lt in Co B third3d Va regt for a few day's until I can lay proof before you to refute the base misrepresentations used against my son tomorrow I will furnish you by letter with a part of the testimony (over)" On reverse: "respectfully A. Werninger 52De161pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-727: From J. M. Westfall, Lieutenant, Buckhannon, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "HJ Samuels AG Va Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 16 1862. Made requisition for clothing have you recd please approve men are suffering Lt. J.M. Westfall 12 De41pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-728: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 16 1862. By Telegraph from Grafton, 16 1862. Your's in relation to Wilson swindler recd if it is deemed best by you to have him released upon his executing the proper bond I will not object I desire however that he be required to not return to Hampshire County but to reside at Evansville in Preston County Virginia B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 50z200pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-729: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Cumberland, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 16 1862. By Telegraph from Cumberland 16 1862. Your suggestions as to Bowen's company will be carried out BF Kelley Brig Genl 10z40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-730: From Patterson, Captain, Point of Rocks, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 16 1862. By Telegraph from Point of Rocks 16 1862. Please send my papers I can do nothing until I get them answer Capt Patterson 13W41&319coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-731: From James R. Hall, Lieutenant Colonel, Camp Piatt, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Dec 16 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Piatt 16 1862. There are seven (7) full companies not counting Capt Young's company & twenty 20 such recruited on the eighth we can get no more recruits in this valley JR Hall, Lt Col 13th Va 26 Hm114pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 48

    Item 09-732: From Samuels, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 17 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 17 1862. Will see Mr. P tomorrow morning have tried in vain refused Willey & Brown send first mail to me at Maltby House Balti. Your proclamation ordering election in Norfolk districts & writs of election Leave all dates blank proclamation necessary Leave all dates blank" On reverse: "certain Samuels 44w103&243coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-733: From Lot Bowen, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Govnr. Wheeling Dec 17 8 pm 1862. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17th 1862. Send me immediately ninety (90) french Carbines fifty eight (58) Caliber ninety (90) Cartridge & ninety (90) cap boxes ninety (90) straps. I have marching orders for Sutton Can you send them at once if so I will wait for them answer Lot Bowen Capt 3rd Va Cavalry 37Dc116pd" On reverse: "I want the French rifles and all other articles you have to fill the within requisition F.H. Peirpoint Respectfully Ret. to Gov F.H. Pierpoint The rifles belong to you and are only on Store here. I can furnish the accoutrements. Capt. Lot Bowen has Eighty eight Breech Loading carbines on the way here from the Frankfort arsenal & they will be forwarded to him as soon as received A.R. Buffington Lt. & Chf. of Ordnance West. Va, Jn J Mabhett Brown Chf. Clk. Ord Off. Wheeling Va Dec. 18/62"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-734: From John A. Dix, Major General, Fortress Monroe, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 20 1862. By Telegraph from Fortress Monroe, 20 1862. Genl Samuels has been here & all is arranged agreeably to your wishes the election will take place on Monday Jno A Dix Maj Genl 20w55&153coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-735: From C. L. Grafflin, Sir John's Run, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 23 1862. By Telegraph from Sir John's Run 23 1862. I learn an election for congress has been ordered for this district have you appointed commissioners for Morgan & Berkley Counties C.L. Grafflin. 22Ck.98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-736: From C. L. Grafflin, Sir John's Run, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 23 1862. By Telegraph from Sir John's Run 1862. Has there been an election ordered for congressman in this district answer CL Grafflin 12ck58pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-737: From T. M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, Washington, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "Adj't Genl of Va Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 23 1862. Please answer letter of december first 1st in reference to regiments & companies of troops that have left your state Thos M. Vincent asst adj't Genl 12G53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-738: From J. Combs, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 26 1862. By Telegraph from Beverly 26 1862. A squad of capt Hagan's co a first Va cavalry have just captured capt Parker B Crossman Brigade commissary and Lieut Jame's McGee acting asst QM to Jenkins also one Private of Imboden's J Combs 2nd Va Comdg Post 33De104pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-739: From Willey and Blair, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 27th 1862. By Telegraph from Washington, 27 1862. The president has strongly assured us of his desire to sign the bill if he can we are hopeful but not sanguine. Willey & Blair 22G59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-740: From J. B. Blair, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 29 1862. By Telegraph from Washington 29 1862. I have additional reason to believe that the president will sign our bill J. B. Blair 13w41&88col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-741: From J. C. Paxton, Colonel, Camp Piatt, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 29 1862. By Telegraph from Camp Piatt 29 1862. Will you commission the men I have asked for by mail so that I can muster them for Pay as I have assigned them JC Paxton Col 2nd Va Cav 24De77pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-742: From G. Slack, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov. Va. Wheeling Sept 27 1862. By Telegraph from Charleston Va 29 1862. The eighth 8th regiment ordered away would be full in ten 10 days if left please remonstrate G. Slack 15De50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-743: From H. G. Wright, Major General, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Dec 30 1862. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 30 1862. I have ordered Genl Cox not to send fifth 5th or eighth 8th Virginia regiments from Western Va. HG Wright Maj Genl Comdg 16 Hq63pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-744: Photocopy of 09-426. From P. M. Hall, Weston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpont Gov Wheeling Jany 1 1862 [1863]. By Telegraph from Weston 1 1862 [1863]. Our town is brilliantly illuminated tonight the crack of musketry is reverberating from hill to hill all is life and hilarity in honor of the new state happy new year to your Excellency PM Hall 33De175pd" Original is in box 9, folder 28

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-745: From D. T. Hewes, Colonel, Bull Town, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 1 1863. By Telegraph from Bull Town Va 1 1863. Unless you can have some cavalry sent here every horse in this section will be stolen. D T Hewes Col Comdg 16De53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-746: From F. C. Boggs, Sutton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 2 1863. By Telegraph from Sutton Va 2 1863. I have commenced collecting need stronger force at Sutton have at least two 2 companies infantry sent immediately FC Boggs IBC 17W56coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-747: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Harper's Ferry, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 6 1863. By Telegraph from Head Quarters Defense Upper Potomac Harper's Ferry 1863. The track of the B&O RR completed this evening at five oclock & fifteen 15 minutes the trains will move through tomorrow B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 23W102coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 49

    Item 09-748: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Harper Ferry, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 6 1863. By Telegraph from Harper Ferry 5 1863. I have not the power to order the eleventh 11th Virginia from the rail road without the authority of Genl Schenck what are the Ground's on which you formed the suggestion. is there any danger of a raid BF Kelley Brig Genl 36W154coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-749: From J. D. Cox, Major General, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Jany 8th 1863. By Telegraph from Marietta 8th 1863. The Eighth Va. Reg't is not ordered out of the district, but simply to another part of it. J.D. Cox Maj Gen 7Hm74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-750: From T. T. S. Laidley, Major, Philadelphia, to A. R. Buffington, Lieutenant, Wheeling. "Lt AR Buffington Wheeling Jany, 9 1863. By Telegraph from Philadelphia 9 1863. The carbines were not sent till the fourth 4th inst for want of swivels T.T.S. Laidley Maj 13W41&65coll" On reverse: "Respectfully referred to Gov Pierpoint. There is the answer to a telegram of last night enquiring for capt Bourns Carbines AR Buffington Ltnr W.V.A. QM office Wheeling DSE 9th 63"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-751: From T. M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov of Virginia Wheeling Jany 13 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 13 1863. Colonel Rathbone has been dismissed the service Thos M Vincent AA Genl 7B50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-752: From J. C. Paxton, Colonel, Charleston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wva Wheeling Jany 16 1863. By Telegraph from Charleston 16 1863. Please send surgeon McEwin Commission at once as we are in need. J.C. Paxton Col. 2 Va Cavalry 12DEx1pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-753: From T. M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov of Virginia Wheeling Wheeling Jany 19 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 19 1863. By direction of the Secy of War the colonel & chaplain of the 15th Virginia may be mustered a copy of this will be authority for the mustering officer Thos M Vincent AAG 29B126pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-754: From Lewis McKenzie, Alexandria, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 27 1863. By Telegraph from Alexandria 27 1863. Did you receive my letter & get bill passed to authorize delivery of my certificate of election see act of assembly reply my cost Lewis McKenzie 24B106pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-755: From Lewis McKenzie, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 29 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 29 1863. I send you by mail a Certificate from clerk of Alexandria court of my election send me at once the usual proclamation of my election which seems of more consequence than act of assembly Lewis McKenzie, Alexandria Va 34G83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-756: From J. B. Blair, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 20 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 20 1863. All right order will be sent today JB Blair 7W23&50coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-757: From George R. Latham, Colonel, Beverly, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 1 1863. By Telegraph from Beverly 23 1863. Through erroneous instructions the mustering officer failed to remuster the officers of this regiment shall they not receive pay in consequence major Hill can explain Geo R Latham Col Comdg 25De80pd" On reverse: "There are no instructions requiring a re-muster or promotion same regiment officers. Some officers of General Milroy's brigade state that it was the custom at Washington. I subsequently saw General Cox who informed me that it was not required. The rumor brought by Genl Milroy's officers seems to be the only foundation for the impression that it was necessary. I have however written to Washington to ascertain and this afternoon I telegraphed to that effect. B.H. Hill Maj USA Must Off"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-758: From B. F. Smith, Colonel, Martinsburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feb 23 1863. By Telegraph from Martinsburg 23 1863. The pay master left here for Winchester yesterday to pay two 2 Virginia Regiments will forward your despatches by messenger to Genl Milroy BF Smith Col 126O Vols Comdg post"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-759: From J. F. Harvey, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Feb 25 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 25 1863. You will please let me know if J. M. Jones has been exchanged for J Trahorn or not and let me know forthwith JF Harvey 23Gr74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-760: From K. V. Whaley, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling March 2 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 2 1863. Furlough granted Surgeon Gardner thirty 30 days & forwarded to him K.V. Whaley 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-761: From John Boggs, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mrch 4 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 4 1863. Have you shipped those arm's to me yet please answer John Bogg's 100W40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-762: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Harper's Ferry, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling March 5 1863. By Telegraph from Harper's Ferry 5 1863. I will communicate with Genl Milroy on the subject I think it can be done without difficulty BF Kelley Brig Genl 17z78pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 50

    Item 09-763: From J. F. Hoy, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 7 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 7 1863. I will answer tomorrow your's of fourth 4th. J. F. Hoy 8q40pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-764: From "Many Citizens," Charleston, to Pierpont or Samuel Crane, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] or Samuel Crane Wheeling Mch 7 1863. By Telegraph from Charleston 7 1863. Can either of you address the people Charleston March sixteenth 16th May Citizens 10 De 35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-765: From H. Winter Davis, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. Peirpoint Wheeling Mch 19 1863. By Telegraph from Baltimore 19 1863. I regret my inability to leave home at this time H. Winter Davis 10B50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-766: From L. Thomas, Adjutant General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 19 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 19 1863. The Genl in Chief says the order for Capt Thompson company to move cannot be countermanded but if circ*mstances justify it the Captain can have leave of absence L. Thomas AG 26B102pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-767: From A. D. Moore, Sheriff, Rowlesburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Mch 23 1863. By Telegraph from Rowlesburg 23 1863. It will not be safe to hold an election at, LH George without mlitary protection can get it AD Moore Sheriff Tucker Co 17 U 56Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-768: From A. Morr, Brigadier General, Buckhannon to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F H Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 23 1863. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 23 1863. None reliable will be apprised in time a preparing to meet any attempt A Morr Brig Genl 13De44pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-769: From Nathaniel P. Richardson, Colonel, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 25 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1863. Please telegraph Secy Stanton that it will afford you pleasure to recommission Capt CC Kepps first Va Cavalry & it will restore him please do this immediately. his attorney will see Stanton tomorrow NP Richardson Col 1st Va Cavlry 34Y83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-770: From Jacob Smith, Captain, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Mch 29 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 29 1863. Sir Wm P Greene sergeant Major of the Regt was elected second 2nd Lt in my company have you recd the Colonel's letter about it Jacob Smith Capt Co A 14th Regt Va Vols 24Bn82pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-771a - 09-771b: From E. P. Fitch, Captain, Gallipolis, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Hon F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov Wheeling Mch 30 1863. By Telegraph from Gallipolis 29 1863. Sir I have just arrived from Charleston Va with Steamer Victor number two 2 and steamer Genl Meigs was fired into by four hundred 400 rebels at Hall's landing thirty 30 miles below Charleston lost two 2 men & two horses Saved the boats and balance of crew" On second sheet: "communication between this & Charleston cut off. All praise is due to Capt Ford and Summers of the Steamboats for Bravery. E. P. Fitch Capt & A.Q.M. 66Hm274pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-772: From E. P. Scammon, Brigadier General, Charleston, to F. K. McCann, Wheeling. "F.K. McCann Esq Wheeling Apl 3 1863. By Telegraph from Charleston 3 1863. Yes when will you come EP Scammon Brig Genl 5W35coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-773: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excellency F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov. Va. Wheeling Apl 3 1863. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 3 1863. Please inform me if you have authority to convert any of the infantry regts of your state into cavalry organizations & if so whether any of command formerly Col Moore will be so converted B.S. Roberts Brig Genl 34.De.105pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-774: From N. Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Apl 6 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 6 1863. Please ask auditor Crane if he knows one John Brook's of Randolph has sandy whiskers Blue eyes about five 5 feet ten 10 high Represents himself as having been taken by Rebels in eighteen sixty one 1861 and lately exchanged is he right N Wilkinson Col 4 40W125coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-775: From Robert C. Schenck, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling April 1863. By Telegraph from Baltimore, 6 1863. Genl Scammon has been ordered to remove the fifth Va from Ceredo to Barboursville if he thinks such change advisable Robt C Schenck Maj Genl Comdg 20G53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-776: From Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Apl 20 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 20 1863. I sent a squad Saturday night to Johnstown & captured Maj Armesy & Lt Davis of rebeldom they are now en route for Balto arrested J Vance last evening on the strength of a sentence in a letter from Gordon to Armesy which reads thus- J Vance is gathering a large company to go out with us he says by your (Armesy's) authority N. Wilkinson Col Comdg 6th brigade 62W191coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-777: From Robert C. Schenck, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Apl 20 1863. By Telegraph from Baltimore 20 1863. What field officers are in commission for the first 1st Va artillery & where are the Head Quarters of the regt are there any companies of it except co A eleventh 11th army corps & Co B at Winchester Robt C Schenck Maj Genl 36B 154pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 51

    Item 09-778: From Operator, Wheeling, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "1.30 am Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Monongahela House May 1st 1863. By Telegraph from Wheeling 1863. Sent your message to Capt Dod 15th US Infantry commanding at Cameron He answers as follows enemy are reported seven thousand 7000 strong at Mannington They have taken Fairmont & are marching this way Capt David telegraphs Genl Lightburn that Capt Hagan's company cavalry captured at Bridgeport five 5 miles east Clarksburg and Ball about opening there Operator 56W127pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-779a - 09-779g: From Robert C. Schenck, Major General, Harrisburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. In pencil at top of first page: "Genl Lightburn Mannington Following Message just recd" Telegram Body: "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 1 1863. By Telegraph from Harrisburg 1 1863. the Following Dispatch has just been recd from Genl Schenck to whom as well as the President I have sent the several dispatches recd from you & others relative to the threatened invasion of our state. Baltimore to Gov AG Curtin I have no respect[crossed out] report that Union troops have been repulsed any where except at Fairmont between" On reverse: "[on reverse] Gen Lightburn I send for your information the enclosed dispatches FH Peirpoint" Second sheet: "(2) Grafton & Wheeling where a party two 2 days ago guarding the Bridge over the Monongahela were driven off by largely superior numbers & the bridge destroyed other bridges near Littleton & Benton have also been burned the enemy are now around Clarksburg where Col Mulligan has gone to the Releif of Genl Roberts and whose I expect their combined" Third sheet: "(3) forces to drive & defeat the Rebels I hold Grafton & occupy all the Rail Road from here to that point the only serious damage on the line having been the burning of the Bridge over the Youghogheny which has already been rebuilt & was crossed this morning by cars & troops I have no reliable information of any invasion of Pennsylvania" Fourth sheet: "(4) I have heard of the rebel force at Morgantown & am not certain whether they are there yet or now down near the Rail Road west of Grafton or crossed over to Join the others near Clarksburg. The wild panic at Wheeling & at Pittsburgh has been to me all along unaccountable please pass this telegram on to Gov Pierpoint I find by report from Genl Kelley" Fifth Sheet: "(5) that the governor was entirely mistaken about seven thousand Rebels at Mannington I wish troops at Wheeling instead of sticking to the town would go out or send out & look along the Rail Road to help stop the mischief ir any still going on west of Grafton besides about forty five hundred" Sixth Sheet: "(6) troops of all arms with Roberts & Wilkinson at Clarksburg I have sent westward into the invaded district over six thousand 600 all I want & some cooperation from the direction of Penna & the Ohio river to beat & capture the enemy completely if he does not escape by Ca[crossed out] Clarksburg &Co[crossed out] at" Seventh sheet: "(7) once Robt. C. Schenk Maj Genl Comdg 349W703& 1486coll[crossed out]." In pencil at bottom of telegram: "sent for information of Gen Lightburn 370W545/ Jos Darr Maj & [?] Com"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-780: Sheet torn down left-hand side, obscuring text. From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 2 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 2 1863. …nes Passed my left by way of Bridgeport …ted enroute to Philippi Imboden & Jackson's …s are hovering about the country in guerilla …s if you can occupy Grafton and Clarksburg … militia it will enable me to move …d. Railroad communication to Baltimore …rsburg. B.S. Roberts Brig Genl Comdg …46pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-781: From G. Watson, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 2 1863. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 2 1863. Is Otis in Wheeling or have you heard from him G Watson Monongahela House 10G35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-782: From Waitman T. Willey, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 2 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 2 1863. I have arrived & am ready to receive any additional facts or suggestions Genl Schenck is acting & confident of success Willey 21.G.57pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-783a - 09-783b: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 3 1863. By Telegraph from Hd Qr's Clarksburg 3 1863. Can make no movement for several days for want of transportation & supplies everything has been sent from here. Jone's force's were last night as far in Return as Lead'sville [Elkins] between Philippi & Beverly I hear nothing today from Jackson & Jenkins force's that have been at Buckhannon I have thrown Col Lithams [Latham] regt & one 1 section" On second sheet: "of Battery to Bridgeport and Col Thompson with one 1 section of Battery to Jane Lieu [Jane Lew] today can furnish supplies no farther than those points at present the company of militia called out by your orders this morning refuse to obey the call the twelfth 12th Pa cavalry there hundred 300 strong reached me this morning very much broken down BS Roberts Brig Genl Comdg 114De347pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-784: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 3 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 3 1863. If you can come on to Clarksburg for a day or two I would like very much to see you on important matters. B.S. Roberts Brig Genl Comdg 23De74pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-785: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 3 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 3 1863. Can you come on here it is important that I consult with you in relation to the railroad defenses by the militia while I push all the troops to the front to drive the enemy out of the country & capture them BS Roberts Brig Genl 42De131pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-786: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 3 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 3 1863. When will the militia reach him I want them immediately that I may push on with my troops to the front rations will be here for them BS Roberts Brig Genl 27De88pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-787a - 09-787b: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Barracksville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 3 1863. By Telegraph from Burnt Bridge Barracksville 3 1863. I left one company Capt Scott at Cameron it having imperfect & useless arms one company near Littleton Lieut Moore in command is in the same condition. I have three 3 companies here one 1 four 4 miles east of Mannington one 1 two 2 miles west two 2 at churchs & one 1 at Littleton in all Eight companies numbering in all about two hundred" On second sheet: "are collected. Ohio must turn out to protect Parkersburg BS Roberts Brig Genl Comdg 117De35pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-788: From Waitman T. Willey, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1863. How many Virginia Infantry are there now in West Virginia will you undertake to provide horses to mount them if the US Government will pay for them Willey Ans 28.G71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-789: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1863. Imboden's force's are reported to me to be in Weston If this be true and the report comes from Col Thompson whose regiment moved out yesterday to Jane Lieu [Jane Lew] the movement is intended for Parkersburg. Ohio should throw troops in there at once. Concentrate your fifteen hundred militia at Fairmont for forces of cavalry" On reverse: "moving from Jane Lieu toward West Union may again strike across to Fairmont It may be Imboden's intention to break up your convention intended to meet there tomorrow. BS Roberts Brig Genl Comdg 79De242pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-790: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 4 1863. Ans[in pencil] Push in all the force you can raise & all the militia you can arm to Genl Roberts at Clarksburg. I have sent all I can possibly spare & yet he says the enemy out numbers him. Have you any news from Kanawha or from Parkersburg. Please advise me all quiet. I am threatened with a force moving down from Franklin have sent force to meet them at Greenland Gap" On reverse: "B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 70z280pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-791: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1863. One (1) of the most reliable union men of the country just in from Weston informs me that Imboden with Jacksons and Jenkins forces occupied that place on sunday in force his belief is they expect large reinforcements and intend to hold the country the militia must be called out" On reverse: "and marched to Protect this rail road to enable me to move against the enemy we need three thousand 3000 militia to protect the road from Grafton to Parkersburg you must make extraordinary exertions or your railroad will be cut up & your new state endangered answer what you can do BS Roberts Brig Genl Comdg 98De299pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-792: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1863. I have positive information from Lieut Col Thompson that Imboden Jenkins & Jackson are at Jane Lieu [Jane Lew] & Weston with a large force which we have underated & is continually being augmented by influx of rebel citizens. the only force which has left the county is Jones. I desire to have the militia to garrison & protect" On reverse: "the railroad that I may be able to move out I have not force to both protect the railroad & operate in the field will you send the militia as rapidly as possible BS Roberts Brig Genl 88De269pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 52

    Item 09-793: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg Va 4 1863. The Gunboat should by all means remain at Parkersburg Imboden Jackson & Jenkins are massing their forces at Weston. No doubt for another effort on the railroad towards Parkersburg and possibly on Parkersburg itself B.S. Roberts Brig Genl 34De107pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-794: From J. Caskaden, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 4 1863. Has Parkersburg Convention been postponed Jas Caskaden 6Bv40pd" On reverse: "Better not let the Battery go to Ohio from the within information then F. H. Peirpoint"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-795: From T. Cather, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 4 1863. I think the Militia had better report at different points in the railroad instead of at Bridgeport as the bridges are destroyed there already order me to that effect answer immediately Thos Cather Brig Genl Va Mil 32De101pd ans[in pencil]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-796: From B. F. Hoffman, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Columbus 4 1863. Sent copy of your despatch to Genl JD Cox at Cincinnati. Gov Tod is now at Cleveland Perhaps about starting for Columbus. BF Hoffman P Secy 23D89pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-797: From D. Frost, Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 4 1863. Send me my two 2 pieces of artillery & five hundred 500 guns for the militia I have but nine hundred 900 effective men the gunboat will remain. I am ordered by Genl Roberts to send out a force alone the Railroad D Frost Col 40w131coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-798: From Henry Haywood, Captain, Cincinnati, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Cincinnati 4 1863. I have just arrived where can I be of the most use Wheeling or Parkersburg Henry Haywood Capt 18th US Infy Burnt House 15c70pd Ans[in pencil]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-799: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 4 1863. All quiet here. Nothing from the enemy except a rumor of a small force near Evansville JAJ Lightburn Brig Genl 16W53Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-800: From T. H. Logan, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 186. By Telegraph from Fairmont 4 186. I think our regiment should be relieved a large number of men are here whose business is entirely suspended & at a heavy sacrifice I find it almost impossible to resist their applications for furloughs & yet to grant them makes dissatisfaction elsewhere. I do not believe the bridges on this end of the road are now in any danger order us home if possible T.H. Logan 65W218col m[in pencil]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-801: From T. H. Logan, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Fairmont, 4 1863. Will go to Wheeling tonight if I can get a train & come up with my men TH Logan 18a59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-802: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 5pm 4 1863. Two thousand 2000 light rifles and accoutrements will be sent to you at once from Washington and two hundred thousand 200,000 cartridges from Pittsburgh JW Ripley Brig Genl Chf Ord 22G59pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-803: From W. J. Sweeney, Colonel, Cameron, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Cameron 4 1863. Have recd orders at this point from Genl Roberts to pick up my regiment & report without delay to Clarksburg. Send at once springfield muskets for two companies to Clarksburg say two hundred 200 WJ Sweeney Col 4th Regt 35w71coll" On reverse: "Mary Prix"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-804: From P. H. Watson, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1863. The two thousand 2000 stand of arms with accoutrements have been forwarded by quick conveyance. P. H. Watson Asst Secy War 14G43pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-805: From P. H. Watson, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1863. Two thousand short french muskets & five hundred carbines were sent this Pm which are all the carbines we have in hand PH Watson Asst Secy War 22G59"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-806: From Arthur I. Boreman and Jacob B. Blair, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 5 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 5 1863. Genl Roberts has taken all troops from here except two hundred to West Union. We are without defense except a gunboat Can't you get aid through Gov Tod we have no arms for the militia answer AJ Boreman JB Blair 35q115pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-807: From Edward Lindner, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 5 1863. By Telegraph from New York 5 1863. Are the five hundred Lindners Carbines in the field & where please answer Edwd Lindner ae[?] then fire 13G36pd" On reverse: "Ansd there are 500 here HJS AG Va"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 53

    Item 09-808: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 6 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 3.40 pm 6 1863. Your telegram has been referred to the War Dept which declines to authorize the order you specify JW Ripley BG Chf Ord 17G49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-809: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 6 1863. By Telegraph from Columbus 1 1/2am 1863. Your dispatch recd have ordered a force of about four hundred 400 from Marietta to Parkersburg communicate with Col W R Putnam at Marietta David Tod Gov 23D89pd" On reverse: "Whelney- his name is Wich[?] Stone- has been in the Pine Center ans"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-810: From D. Frost, Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 6 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 6 1863. Col Latham is attacked at West Union by two 2 cavalry regts bridges destroyed between that place & Clarksburg & Ware's Cut Col Latham is asking for aid but I cannot give him any Can't you prevail upon Gov Tod to send me assistance D Frost 42W178&178Coll

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-811: From J. E. Wharton, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Jany 1 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 6 1863. Please request the Gunboat Bellson to fire thirty five 35 guns this evening J.E. Wharton Chmn Com. 13q49pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-812: From D. Frost, Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 7 1863. We have no telegraph communication East Richie Dodridge & Gilmore counties overrun by rebels I am still without guns for the militia D Frost Col 22C98pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-813: From Henry Nay, Colonel, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Mannington 7 1863. There is two 2 carloads of arms at Fairmont they are in danger. I have not got arms enough shall I get them. Henry Nay Col of 176 Militia 23 wi56pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-814: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1863. Have just recd information from West Union that the enemy destroyed two bridges east of West Union & then struck south & west to Harrisville or Ellenboro. BS Roberts Brig Genl 25De80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-815: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 7 1863. The fourteenth 14th Pa cavalry & the ninth 9th & tenth 10th Va Infantry are on the way what is Roberts doing with the force already sent here telegraphed Frost via Cincinnati that he must hold Parkersburg at all hazards B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 37z121pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-816: From John Allison, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1863. Sir the condition of my family renders it indispensably necessary for me to visit my home in Mason Co Va for not exceeding ten 10 days for which I only lack your permission. Cause sickness and death. John Allison Co E 8th Va Vols 36De 113pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-817: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 7 1863. Telegram recd the two thousand arms were shipped from this place on the third 3rd inst via Balto & Ohio RR in charge of Special agent & by passenger train JW Ripley Brig Genl 29G73pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-818: From John Allison, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1863. Dear Sir, I wish to know if my leave of absence can be granted Your Respectfully John Allison Co E 8th Va Vols 16De53pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-819: From Leonard Clark, Murfreesboro, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Murfreesboro 7 1863. Are the rebels in Force can I reach Wheeling in time to assist Leonard Clark Anderson Cavalry 3D85pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-820: From F. H. Pierpont, Wheeling, to J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington. "Wheeling, May 7th 1863. JW Ripley Brig Genl Chif of Ord. W City By what route did you ship the two thousand guns & accoutrements. Answer immediately FH Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Copy"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-821: From F. H. Pierpont, Wheeling, to Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg. "Wheeling, May 7th 1863. Col N. Wilkinson 6th Va Clarksburg Va You will please call on the AQM at Clarksburg to furnish such supplies of every kind to the Militia there now in service as they actually need subsistence & camp furniture & shoes if they need any. Jones sign the requisition Signed FHP [Francis H. Pierpont] Copy"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-822: From James S. Wheat, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 7 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 1863. Everything remains quiet our men are in good condition. Send us two 2 regimental flags in charge of some on James S. Wheat 19w62Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 54

    Item 09-823: From Nathan Wilkinson, Colonel, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Gov of Va Wheeling Jany 1 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 7 2863. A number of the militia sent here need shoes clothing and camp equipage the post Quartermaster cannot issue to them legally without the requisition being approved by you will you approve such requisitions as I may deem necessary to supply their actual wants answer fully so that no misunderstanding may occur with the post QuarterMaster issues have already promptly been made on my pledge of favorable reply N. Wilkinson Col Comdg-6th Brigade 28w209col" At top of telegram: "Am S orders[?]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-824: From B. S. Roberts, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8. 1863. Col Frost informs me by telegraph the advance of rebel cavalry is within twenty 20 miles of Parkersburg what has been done in Ohio by Genl Cox or Genl Burnside for the safety of Parkersburg and the Kanawha Valley? three 3 regiments of infantry & one 1 regiment of cavalry are on the way from Harper's Ferry to Grafton to enable me to reoccupy Beverly Buckhannon and Sutton and to reestablish forts and hold the country against further or renewed raids want of supplies cavalry and transportation and the impassible condition of all roads except to Cavalry and infantry prevent my doing anything to pursue attack of cut off the retreat of the rebel forces they will escape unless cut off by Milroys & Scammons forces the incessant rains of the last four days have rendered the roads impassible to wagons or artillery. I have not been able to gather supplies yet for any movement. BS Roberts Brig Genl Comdg. 151De408pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-825: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 8pm 8 1863. Arrived this evening not yet able to learn anything of the enemys whereabouts.. Have you any news from Parkersburg B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 19W43Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-826: From J. H. Furbee, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Mannington 8. 1863. Scouts just returned no enemy this side of Railroad they came on railroads East of West Union burned two 2 bridges and Captured twenty 20 guards and left there next morning towards Hughes River. J.H. Furbee. Agt."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-827: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, New Creek, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from New Creek 8 1863. I recd orders during the night to proceed to Grafton I leave for that point as soon as possible B.F. Kelley Brig Genl 19z67pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-828: From George W. Norton, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1863. AM) Send to this place immediately one hundred & fifty 150 guns ammunition for same also ball screws and wipers & one thousand 1000 gun slings - have no reliable information to communicate. Geo W Norton 29W92 Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-829: From Eli Slifer, Secretary of Commonwealth, Harrisburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Harrisburg 8 1863. The Gov is at Washington seeing after our wounded soldiers I forwarded your dispatch of yesterday to him he will doubtless bring the subject of your message to the attention of the authorities there we have no organized troops in this state to send you if the Pittsburgh regiment will volunteer to go to your assistance" On reverse: "the state will supply them with the necessary arms for the purpose. Eli Slifer Secy Commonwealth 68G151pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-830: From R. C. Schenck, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Baltimore 8 1863. I repeat Genl Lightburn was relieved & not authorized to take any troops whatever with him & if Capt Dod has withdrawn a single man from Fairmont or elsewhere except the force furnished by Gov Tod he has acted without any order from me RC Schenck Maj Genl 44G103pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-831: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Columbus 8 1863. I have just sent a dispatch to your care which you are at liberty to open. My Adjt Genl Hill is at Marietta organizing military forces communicate with him if necessary David Tod Gov 31D83pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-832: From W. Alexander, Moundsville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Moundsville 8 1863. I have sent scouts to the mouth of Fishing Creek in the Ridge & river roads W. Alexander 10W37coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-833: From R. E. Fleming, Captain, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1863. I earnestly request that no appointment for second Lieut Co G third Virginia Vol Infty be made you hear further from regimental headquarters. approved F.H. Thompson Lt Col RE Fleming Cap Co.G.3.V.V.I. 29De92pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-834: From Nathan Goff, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 8 1863. Luther Jones is here at Monongahela House Nathan Goff Pitts Trust Co 7w35&3coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-835: From T. M. Howe, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 8 1863. Are you advised of the massing of rebel troops at any point in Western Va menacing Penna? Any information you may give me will be used discreetly Thos M Howe AmS 27G69pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-836: From J. S. Wheat, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 8 1863. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 8 1863. The brigade is ordered to return to Wheeling & we hope to arrive on Monday before noon. All quiet the Rebels having retreated Jas S Wheat Brig Genl 23W74&3coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-837a - 09-837c: From Robert C. Schenck, Major General, Baltimore, to Pierpont, Headquarters. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Headquarters 186(3) By Telegraph from Baltimore May 8 186. Gen Lightburn was relieved from duty at his own request to return to Louisiana his leave of absence having expired he was directed to turn over his command to Col Mulligan & not instructed or authorized to take any troops back with him but Gov Tod complained that Capt Dod with the small number of Ohio troops which he had spared to go only to the border had been brought into the interior of West Virginia. I directed" Second Page: "Capt Dod therefore to return to Wheeling but have got Gov Tod to order him with whatever force he as immediately down the river to Parkersburg where they may be much more needed than at Grafton I have sent Genl Kelley to Grafton to assume the command in person & instead of diminishing I have been sending westward to that section every regt & man that I could let go safely" Third Page: "or by any possibility from other points Robt C Schenck Maj Genl Comdg 15 CG327pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-838a: From W. Alexander, Moundsville, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1863. By Telegraph from Moundsville 9 1863. One 1 of our scouts Mr. Swan is in he reports the rebels near Middleburn & advancing on New Martinsville. Refugees coming in to New Martinsville W Alexander 23W51coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 55

    Item 09-838b: From A. G. Curtin, Governor, Harrisburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1863. By Telegraph from Harrisburg 9 1863. I submitted your dispatch of the sixth inst to the Secy of War in his judgment a call of the militia for the purpose you suggest is not required I of course will not make the call without the approbation of the general government AG Curtin 44G103pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-839: From George W. Norton, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 9 1863. Our Regiments are en route for Fairmont. If guns are shipped shall I send them back to Wheeling. Answer at Fairmont Geo W Norton 29W.55col."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-840: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 9 1863. By Telegraph from Columbus 9 1863. Have the Ohio troops at Grafton reported to you if so what disposition was made of them David Tod Gov. 17D71pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-841: From James S. Wheat, Brigadier General, Shinnston, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 10 1863. By Telegraph from Shinnston 11am 9 1863. Under the orders of Genl Roberts this moment recd I am getting the column in motion and hope to arrive at Fairmont by nine (9) oclock tomorrow where I shall await your orders James S Wheat Brig Genl V M 32W111Coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-842: From G. R. Tingle, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "F. H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 10 1863. By Telegraph from Fairmont 1KAM 10th 1863. I have just arrived from Genl Wheat & am prepared to carry your orders to him before he arrives if necessary G. R. Tingle 21W68coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-843: From D. Frost, Colonel, Parkersburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1863. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 11 1863. The gunboat Bellson has guns aboard which can be replaced in Cincinnati If you can get permission to have two of them left here I can with the assistance of the crew of the Narum Keag put them in position to protect the town I have no artillery. D Frost Col …pd" On reverse: " Gen Barry C… you take any ste… to have those guns col… Frost speaks of retained at Parkersburg I think it important F.H. Peirpoint" Bottom left corner of document torn.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-844: From J. H. Furbee, Captain, Mannington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F. H. Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1863. By Telegraph from Mannington 11 1863. Our men who was not paroled have been doing duty if we are continued please provide some way for subsisting the men please answer JH Furbee Capt. 23W56coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-845: From J. S. M. Howe, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1863. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 11 1863. Are you advised of any fighting in Western Virginia since the date of your letter Jos SM Howe 10G45pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-846: From B. F. Kelley, Brigadier General, Grafton to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 11 1863. Col Frost asks that a battery now at Wheeling be sent to him what battery is it. All quiet here. B. F. Kelley Brig Genl 20z63pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-847a: From David Tod, Governor, Columbus, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 11 1863. By Telegraph from Columbus 11 1863. It is quite important to us that the forces under command of Capt Dod return at the earliest moment practicable If therefore quiet is restored with you please send them home David Tod Gov 31D113pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-847b: From R.F. Spalding, Washington, to Pierpont, Richmond. "Dated, Washington 24 Feb 1867 Received at Richmond Feb 24 To Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] No sir. It is too late R.F. Spalding 6Col75"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 56

    Item 09-847c: From Pierpont to Judge Fisher, Washington. "March 10, 1869 To Judge Fisher - Washington D.C. I am informed you have discharged a man from custody today who was arrested on my requisition, on the ground that Va was not a state. This is much higher ground than has yet been assumed by the Congress or Supreme Court of the United States. I must say that in my opinion your decision is arbitrary and without foundation in law [scratched out: or common sense] and I hope you will review it, and come to a more rational conclusion. F.H. Peirpoint, Gov."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-848: From John Symington, Colonel, Pittsburgh, to Pierpont, Allegheny Arsenal. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Allegheny Arsenal 1861. By Telegraph from Pittsburgh 3 1861. All horse equipments are sent to Washington by order as fast as made John Symington Col Ordnance 13W41Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-849: From R. Macfeely, Captain, Cincinnati, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 186. By Telegraph from Cincinnati, 19th 1861. Lieut Singleton ACS at Camp Carlisle should make a contract for furnishing rations to troops that have been mustered into the service of US the camps in this state are furnished by Contract at an average cost of thirteen & a half (13 1/2) cents per rations funds for the payment will be furnished from Washington or by myself upon estimates approved by Genl Rosecrans" On reverse: "no provisions at Bellaire R Macfeely Capt & CS 69W286col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-850: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 25 1861. Ten thousand cartridges have been ordered to you from the Allegheny Arsenal Pittsburgh JW Ripley Brevt Brig Genl 13G41pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-851: From J. David, Major, Camp Gauley Mount, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Camp Gauley Mount 1861. The QM Wheeling has authority to supply on proper requisition from Col Anisansel or Col Bolles all equipments for the first & second Va cavalry by order Genl Rosecrans Jos David Maj AAAG 30 Hw130pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-852: From J. C. Paxton, Columbus, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Columbus 22 1861. Send an order by mail to HL Hamilton Mc Arthur Ohio for one Co of Cavalry JC Paxton 11D18pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-853: From J. Thoburn, Colonel, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Va 2 1861. By Telegraph from Mannington 2 1861. We start from here at six thirty (630) AM Col Crosman left here five (5) hours we have no further news J. Thoburn Col Comdg 19h48Col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-854: From George H. Crosman, Fairmont, to James S. Wheat, General, Wheeling. "Gen JS Wheat Wheeling Va 1861. By Telegraph from Fairmont 1861. The Rebels some one hundred & fifty 150 strong are camped at Worthington. I attacked there at day break Geo H Crosman 19a62pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-855: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 17 1861. [Aug.] SB Reed has arrested us a secessionist who on being asked to take the oath of allegiance & fidelity to the govt of Va declined doing it the grounds I have taken in this matter are designed to protect mental reservations & deceptions hitherto practiced on me." On reverse: "If we are to have peace & law in Western Va men must acknowlidge its government those who are intelligent enough to understand this & will not do it are more or less dangerous & subject to such custody & surveillance as the public interest require. If he is satisfied to take that oath now I have no objections to his being released. WS Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 111D338pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-856: From T. N. Davey, Adjutant, Camp Pierpoint, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Whee 186. By Telegraph from Headquarters 21 Camp Pierpoint Via Gallipolis 22 1861. Two 2 companies scouting up Sand River a secession force was routed last Saturday Eleven 11 Killed & many wounded five 5 prisoners nine 9 horses nine 9 rifles captured. Col Zeigler went up Sandy yesterday another company is scouting up twelve 12 Pole are after the nonunion witches who leads a band of" On reverse: "desperadoes. We shall protect the polls in Wayne & Caball Counties shall clean out as we advance T. N. Davey Adjt 5th Va Regt 66Hm274pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-859: From W. S. Rosecrans, Clarksburg, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Headquarters 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 10 1861. [Aug.] Your letter of today was received accept my thanks I will enquire about those cavalry field officers & report to you the primary assistance I need is permission from the Government to employ drill masters & have a few Inspectors General. I think we shall be prepared for any force the enemy is likely to bring against us accepting you offer shall call upon you freely. W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 59D202pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-860: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, Clarksburg, to Pierpont. "Gov Pierpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 1861. By Telegraph from Clarksburg 27 1861. [Aug.] If possible let all the clothing come from that which was intended for the Virginia regts Capt Craig Clerk will attend to the whole and make the papers required regular thanks for your portrait, WS Rosecrans Brig Genl 34D107pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-861a: From Thos. A. Scott, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling WV 5 1861. By Telegraph from Washington 5 " 1861. Eight Hundred 800 smooth bores and two hundred 200 rifles for flanking companies will be packed today & sent you as early as possible. Thos A. Scott 33b 59 pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-861b: From J. D. Cox, Brigadier General, Flat Top, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 1862. By Telegraph from Flat Top 1862. the request that Maj Halls resignation been accepted has been sent to the Head quarters army of Va it will be doubley complied with JD Cox Brig Genl Comdg 25D80pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-862a: Unsigned, Marietta, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] [August 1862] By Telegraph from Head Quarter's 9 Marietta It is impossible to make any satisfactory change in regard to the eight 8th to countermand the second command for their moving would create great disaffection in the rest of the command they are needed in the Buckhannon region to prevent mischief arising from moving Kelley & Milroy east."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-862b: From A. G. Curtin, Governor, Harrisburg, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Sept 1862. By Telegraph from Harrisburg 1862. In the present emergency would it not be well that the loyal Governors should meet at some point in the border states to take measures for the more active support of the government an immediate answer is requested that as early a day as possible may be named" On reverse: "for the meeting if approved AG Curtin 53G121pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-862c: From S. B. Stidger, Cameron, to H. J. Samuels, Adjutant General, Wheeling. "HJ Samuels Adjt Genl Va Wheeling 24 1862. By Telegraph from Cameron 24 1862. Was in yesterday did not see you in tomorrow evening SB Stidger 10V25pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 57

    Item 09-863: From C. P. Buckingham, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 9 1862. By Telegraph from Washn 9 1862. Your Quota of three hundred thousand (300,000) militia is four thousand six hundred & fifty four (4654) regulations for draft will be forwarded to-day by order of[crossed out] Secy of War CP Buckingham Brig Genl & A.A.G. 27Qwchg adjt Genls Ofs B"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-864: From J. B. Klunk, Colonel, Buckhannon, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov. F.H. Pierpont [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling 24 1862. By Telegraph from Buckhannon 24 1862. I regret to say that no medicine or instruments have yet been furnished my regiment Jno B Klunk Col 12th Va 15D50pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-865: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Colonel, Point Pleasant, to John Hall, Colonel, Wheeling. "Col Jno. Hall Wheel 186. By Telegraph from Point Pleasant 18 1862. I have just arrived my command will be in tonight, I brought away all my artillery wagons and horses men not demoralized JAJ Lightburn Col Comdg 22w98&98col"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-866a: From Pierpont, Wheeling, to Schenck, Major General, Baltimore. "Copy. To Genl Schenck Balto-. I recd despatch of like import from Gov Tod. The troops will be here at ten oclock this PM. Boats are waiting to take them down immediately. They were Ex[pecting?] attack at Parkersburg this PM but no news of yet. I am satisfied Gen Roberts is not the man for place. He has not stirred a step making all so[rts?] of excuses. Gen Kelley should assume command at onc[e?] and attack them wherever they stop. they don't [word obscured] to fight until all the railroads are destroyed in the so[uth?] FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] (sent at 10.10 pm)" The right edge of this telegram is damaged, obscuring some words. Undated.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-866b: From C. Westbrook, Grafton, to Pierpont. "Dated Grafton 1 1863. To Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] From the last information Col Mulligan has they are in the Northern Vicinity of Beverly Stu is of opinion that they will establish a rendezvous for their plunder in that vicinity C Westbrook

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-867: From A. I. Boreman, Parkersburg, to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] 186. By Telegraph from Parkersburg 8 186. Are we to have no aid the enemy in force at Cairo yesterday & burnt railroad bridge Is Genl Roberts doing nothing there is great wrong somewhere AI Boreman 28W122&122coll"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-870: From Charles W. Hill, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov H Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling July 186. By Telegraph from Grafton 186. Your Dispatch recd. Had some intelligence yesterday took measures last night & this morning to examine the letters found nothing improper CW Hill"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-871: From Ephraim B. Hall, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 186[1]. By Telegraph from Fairmont 186[1]. Can & will you give Mrs. Drinkard a letter upon which she can at Washington DC secure a passage to Richmond - If answered yes - She will see you on her way tomorrow E.P. Hall [Ephraim B. Hall] 32W101pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-872: From I. W. Jennington, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling Aug 186. By Telegraph from Fairmont 186. I am in receipt of papers. Has your proclamation of the twenty ninth 29th superceded service notices or must I proceed & to what counties first instructions and law differ as to counties I. W. Jennington 32a101pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-873: From W. A., to unknown. "I expect momentarily another scout with later & fuller information the party is led by Bill Jackson as yet unestimated[?] W.A.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-874: From unknown, to B. H. Smith, Charleston. "John D Lewis Jack Ruffner John Hall Levi I. Woodyard---- Ayres- I think his name is Thomas but have it Blank. With authority for me or someone else to fill in the christian name. Enclose to me. BH Smith. Send to B. H. Smith Charleston"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-875: From W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, to unknown. "(2) for distributing all necessary clothing I will supply six pounder at the mouth of Kanawha as soon as I can get those twelve 12 pounders here where they are more needed W.S. Rosecrans Brig Genl USA 91D278pd"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-876: From P. G. Van Winkle, to Pierpont. "FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Hill encountered a Body of Seventy five 75 Rebels yesterday and a larger body is about him it is feared he is surrounded the troops here should go to Kanawha station & thence to the oil wells. Orders have just come from Kelly for the troops to remain here this may be the sacrifice of Hills command P.G. Van W [ Peter G. Van Winkle]"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-877: From F. H. Pierpont, to David T. Hewes, Clarksburg. "Col. Hews [David T. Hewes] -Clarksburg Va JB Frost[crossed out] Just learned from Fairmont that the Latest information from Worthington at 11 oclock last night reports from three to four hundred Rebels at that Place. It is the general opinion of the people here that there will be some trouble with them yet. S. Operator[crossed out] FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont]" [ca. 1861/08/31]

  • Mixed Materials Box: 9 Folder: 58

    Item 09-878: From George K. Leonard and M. H. Amiss to Pierpont. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] We advise to annul the authority of JP Kiger to enroll the militia of this county & continue Geo. K. Leonard M.H. Amiss Chairman Mil Committee 22q76pd"

  • Francis Harrison Pierpont (1814-1899) Papers (2024)
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    Name: Arline Emard IV

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