Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (2024)

Recruiting: We are looking for a prospective PhD student, expected to work on Generative AI and applications in Science.The Age of (Mobile) Generative AI: Representative Publications

Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore

Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (1)

Dusit (Tao) Niyato, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
President's Chair Professor in Computer Science and Engineering
College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS)
Nanyang Technological University

Mailing address:
College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS)
Nanyang Technological University
Block N4-02a-32, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Telephone: 65-6790-4121
Department fax: 65-6792-6559
Email: Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (2), Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (3)
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7442-7416
Home page: https://personal.ntu.edu.sg/dniyato/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=T8sVhLMAAAAJ&hl=en
SCOPUS https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8919714700
IEEE https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37296968900

Office: N4-02c-81 Map, Google Map


    Dusit Niyato (M'09-SM'15-F'17) is a professor in the College of Computing and Data Science, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received B.Eng. from King Mongkuts Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Manitoba, Canada. His research interests are in the areas of mobile generative AI, edge intelligence, quantum computing and networking, and incentive mechanism design.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (September 2005 - July 2008), Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    • Master of Science (September 2003 - August 2005), Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
      • Bachelor of Engineering (June 1995 - April 1999), Computer Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand

      Employment History

      • November 2022 - Present: President's Chair Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
      • September 2017 - Present: Professor, College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
      • May 2016 - present: Courtesy appointment, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
      • August 2013 - August 2017: Associate Professor, Networks and Distributed Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
      • July 2008 - August 2013: Assistant Professor, Division of Computer Communications, School of Computer Engineering (SCE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore


      • 2024 IEEE Stuart Meyer Memorial Award - for contributions to the development of intelligent radio resource management in vehicular networks and for exemplary service in the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
      • 2023-2017 Highly Cited Researcher (Computer Science), Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)
      • 2024 IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award - IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings)
      • 2023 Best Student Paper Award - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)
      • 2023 Best Paper Award - International Workshop on Social and Metaverse Computing and Networking (SocialMeta).
      • 2023 IEEE Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award
      • 2022 Outstanding Leadership Award - IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
      • 2022 Best Paper Award - International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP)
      • 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Board (APB) Outstanding Paper Award
      • 2022 Best Paper Award - IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain 2022) in IEEE Cybermatics Congress 2022
      • 2022 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society - Best Land Transportation Paper Award (paper)
      • 2022 Best Paper Award - AAAI 2022 Workshop: AI for Transportation, in conjunction with AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22)
      • 2022 The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Fellow
      • 2022 Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award (citation "Radio and Energy Resource Management for Sustainable Wireless Networks") - IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
      • 2021 Best Journal Paper Award - IEEE Communication Systems Integration and Modelling (CSIM) Technical Committee (TC), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
      • 2021 Best Paper Award - IEEE Signal Processing and Computing for Communications (SPCC) Technical Committee (TC), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
      • 2021 Middle Career Researcher Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing - IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (IEEE TCSC), IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS)
      • 2021 Best Paper Award - IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)
      • 2021 Best Student Paper Award (BPA) - 2021 International Conference on Advanced Technology for Communications (ATC)
      • EAI Fellows Class of 2021
      • 2020 Best Paper Award (BPA) winner - ACM DroneCom 2020
      • 2020 Best Paper Award - IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)
      • 2020 Best Paper Award - IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
      • 2020 Best Paper Award, EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Wireless Networks (6GN)
      • 2019 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Singapore Chapter Best Paper Award
      • 2019 Best Paper Award - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
      • IEEE Fellow (Class of 2017, through ComSoc) with the citation: "for contributions to resource allocation in cognitive radio and cellular wireless networks"
      • 2016 Best Paper Award - IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS)
      • 2012 Best Young Researcher Award - The 7th IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific (AP)
      • 2012 Best Paper Award - IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
      • 2011 Best Paper Award - IEEE Communications Conference (ICC)
      • The 2011 IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize Paper Award
      • 2006 Best Student Paper Award - ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC)

      • Advisor, "Enhancing Metaverse Social Networking via User-Centric Artificial Intelligence-Driven Eyewear," FIRST PRIZE in the 2024 ComSoc Social Network Technical Committee (SNTC) Student Competition
      • Advisor, "Customized Avatars for Social Networking in Mobile Metaverses," SECOND PRIZE in the 2024 ComSoc Social Network Technical Committee (SNTC) Student Competition
      • Advisor, "Artificial Intelligence-driven Eyewear: Keys to Metaverse," an Honorary Mention in the 2023 ComSoc Student Competition Communications Technology Changing the World
      • Ph.D. Advisor of the Recipient of "the 2022 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Aborad" by China Scholarship Council
      • 2022 Exemplary Technical Editor, IEEE Network
      • Nanyang Technological University Senator (2022)
      • Special Mention Research Award 2022, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
      • Guest Professor., Peking University 2022-2025
      • Ph.D. Advisor of the Recipient of "the 2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Aborad" by China Scholarship Council
      • Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society (2016-2017)
      • 2014 Exemplary Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Communications
      • Best Faculty Mentor, Temasek Foundation - LEaRN Programme
      • Most Popular Lecturer (2010-2011), School of Computer Engineering

      Major Services

      • Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST) - Impact Factor: 34.4
      • Editor-in-Chief (incoming), IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering(TNSE)
      • Area Editor (Wireless Networks and Mobile Services), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
      • Area Editor, (Distributed Computing and Autonomous IoT Systems), IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ)
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
      • Associate Editor and Special Topics Development Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Network
      • Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Data Descriptions
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)
      • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)
      • Lead Editor, IEEE Communications Magazine Series on Network Softwarization and Management

      • Members-at-Large to the Board of Governors, IEEE Communications Society (2024-2026)
      • Member, IEEE Communications Society, Fellow Evaluation Committee (2022-2024)


      Journal and IEEE Magazine

      1. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. SXiong, D. I. Kim, and K. B. Letaief, "Toward Scalable Generative AI via Mixture of Experts in Mobile Edge Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      2. S. Liu, H. Yang, M. Zheng, L. Xiao, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "UAV-Enabled Semantic Communication in Mobile Edge Computing Under Jamming Attacks: An Intelligent Resource Management Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      3. L. Cai, Q. Hu, T. Jiang, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain-enabled Secure Federated Learning for Digital Twin Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      4. Y. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, P. Zhang, and X. S. Shen, "Cross-Modal Generative Semantic Communications for Mobile AIGC: Joint Semantic Encoding and Prompt Engineering," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      5. X. Ju, C. Xing, H. Yan, S. Gong, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "A Framework for Multi-Functional Optimization in RIS-Aided Hybrid Analog-Digital MIMO Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      6. Y. Yin, L. Wang, D. T. Hoang, W. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Sparse Attention-driven Quality Prediction for Production Process Optimization in Digital Twins," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      7. X. Jin, S. Ke, J. An, S. Wang, G. Pan, and D. Niyato, "A Novel Consensus-Based Distributed Time Synchronization Algorithm in High-Dynamic Multi-UAV Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      8. R. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, A. Jamalipour, P. Zhang, and D. I. Kim, "Generative AI for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      9. G. Sun, Y. Wang, Z. Sun, Q. Wu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "Multi-objective Optimization for Multi-UAV-assisted Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      10. D. Deng, X. Wu, T. Zhang, X. Tang, H. Du, J. Kang, J. Liu, and D. Niyato, "FedASA: a Personalized Federated Learning with Adaptive Model Aggregation for Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      11. J. Yuan, Y. Cai, Y. Chen, N. Xie, P. Zhang, L. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Efficient Detection of Cooperative External Attacks in Wireless Localization Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      12. M. Gao, G. Xu, Z. Song, Y. Cheng, and D. Niyato, "Performance Analysis of Random 3D mmWave-assisted UAV Communication System," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      13. W. Jiang, C. Luo, J. Nie, D. Niyato, C. Pan, Z. Xiong, and P. Xiong, "Robust Beamforming Design for the STAR-RIS-assisted Secure SWIPT System," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      14. J. Zhang, M. Liu, J. Tang, N. Zhao, D. Niyato, and X. Wang, "Joint Design for RIS-Aided ISAC via Deep Unfolding Learning," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      15. J. Wen, J. Nie, Y. Zhong, C. Yi, X. Li, J. Jin, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Diffusion Model-based Incentive Mechanism with Prospect Theory for Edge AIGC Services in 6G IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      16. T. Liu, J. Liu, T. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Yuan, M. Xu, D. Zhai, T. Wang, H. Du, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain and Trusted Hardware enabled Data Scheduling for Edge Learning in Wireless IIoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      17. Z. Song, Y. Lu, X. Chen, B. Ai, Z. Zhong, and D. Niyato, "A Deep Learning Framework for Physical-Layer Secure Beamforming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      18. R. Zhang, H. Du, Y. Liu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, A. Jamalipour, and D. I. Kim, "Generative AI Agents with Large Language Models for Satellite Networks via a Mixture of Experts Transmission," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      19. J. Li, G. Sun, Q. Wu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, A. Jamalipour, and V. C. M. Leung, "Collaborative Ground-Space Communications via Evolutionary Multi-objective Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      20. S. Zhang, Q. Liu, K. Chen, B. Di, H. Zhang, W. Yang, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and H. V. Poor, "Large Models for Aerial Edges: An Edge-Cloud Model Evolution and Communication Paradigm," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      21. M. Wu, Z. Gao, Z. Wang, D. Niyato, G. K. Karagiannidis, "Deep Joint Semantic Coding and Beamforming for Near-Space Airship-Borne Massive MIMO Network," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      22. Q. Wang, S. Guo, C. Wu, C. Xing, N. Zhao, D. Niyato, and G. K. Karagiannidis, "STAR-RIS Aided Covert Communication in UAV Air-Ground Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      23. S. He, J. Ge, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Towards Symbiotic STIN Through Inter-operator Resource and Service Sharing: Joint Orchestration of User Association and Radio Resources," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      24. X. Li, B. Chen, J. Fan, J. Kang, J. Ye, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Cloud-Edge-End Collaborative Intelligent Service Computation Offloading: A Digital Twin Driven Edge Coalition Approach for Industrial IoT," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, accepted.
      25. C. Luo, W. Jiang, D. Niyato, Z. Ding, J. Li, and Z. Xiong, "Optimization and DRL Based Joint Beamforming Design for Active-RIS Enabled Cognitive Multicast Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      26. J. Zhang, W. Wang, Y. Gao, W. Lu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Robust Covert Multicasting Aided by STAR-RIS with Hardware Impairment," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      27. J. Xu, H. Yao, R. Zhang, T. Mai, S. Huang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Semantic-aware UAV Swarm Coordination in the Metaverse: A Reputation-based Incentive Mechanism," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      28. C. Ren, H. Yu, M. Xu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Z. Y. Dong, "Digital Twin-Driven Explainable and Secured Quantum Federated Learning for Voltage Stability Assessment in Smart Grids," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, accepted.
      29. Y. Zhao, J. Yang, W. Wang, H. Yang, and D. Niyato, "TranDRL: A Transformer-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning Enabled Prescriptive Maintenance Framework," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      30. Y. Huang, H. Du, X. Zhang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Wang, and T. Huang, "Large Language Models for Networking: Applications, Enabling Techniques, and Challenges," IEEE Network, accepted.
      31. C. Liang, H. Du, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, J. Kang, D. Zhao, and M. A. Imran, "Generative AI-driven Semantic Communication Networks: Architecture, Technologies and Applications," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      32. W. Wei, X. Pang, X. Qin, S. Gong, C. Xing, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Cramér-Rao Bound and Secure Transmission Trade-off Design for Semi-IRS-Enabled ISAC," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      33. J. Wen, R. Zhang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, H. Du, Y. Zhang, and Z. Han, "Generative AI for Low-Carbon Artificial Intelligence of Things with Large Language Models," IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, accepted.
      34. X. Yu, J. Xu, N. Zhao, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Security Enhancement of ISAC via IRS-UAV" IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      35. W. Men, J. Du, J. Yin, L. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Ren, and D. Niyato, "Joint Detection and Communication System Design via Combination of Index and Phase Modulations," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      36. N. Zhao, H. Zhu, Y. Sun, Y. Pei, and D. Niyato, "A Contract-Based Incentive Mechanism for Joint Data Sensing and Communication in Mobile Crowdsourcing Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      37. C. Zhao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. I. Kim, X. S. Shen, K. B. Letaief, "Generative AI for Secure Physical Layer Communications: A Survey," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      38. Y. Tong, J. Chen, M. Xu, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Yuen, and Z. Han, "Multi-attribute Auction-based Resource Allocation for Twins Migration in Vehicular Metaverses: A GPT-based DRL Approach," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      39. P. Wang, D. Han, Y. Cao, W. Ni, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Waveform Design for Multi-User and Multi-Target MIMO-ISAC Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      40. D. Zhai, J. Liu, T. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Du, T. Liu, T. Wang, C. Zhang, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "EPDB: An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Electric Charging Scheme in the Internet of Robotic Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      41. M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, Z. Han, D. I. Kim, and K. B. Letaief, "When Large Language Model Agents Meet 6G Networks: Perception, Grounding, and Alignment," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      42. Y. Qiu, M. Chen, H. Huang, W. Liang, J. Liang, Y. Hao, and D. Niyato, "Spotlighter: Backup Age-Guaranteed Immersive Virtual Vehicle Service Provisioning in Edge-Enabled Vehicular Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      43. Y. Liu, Y. Bi, X. Yuan, D. Niyato, K. Yang, X. Chen, and L. Zhao, "A Novel Multimodal Long-Term Trajectory Prediction Scheme for Heterogeneous User Behavior Patterns," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      44. C. Hu, Y. Lu, H. Du, M. Yang, B. Ai, and D. Niyato, "AI-Empowered RIS-Assisted Networks: CV-Enabled RIS Selection and DNN-Enabled Transmission," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      45. Y. Cao, S.-Y. Lien, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Toward Intelligent Non-Terrestrial Networks through Symbiotic Radio: A Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheme," IEEE Network, accepted.
      46. S. Feng, X. Lu, D. Niyato, Y. Wu, S. X. Shen, and W. Wang, "System-Level Security Solution for Hybrid D2D Communication in Heterogeneous D2D-Underlaid Cellular Network," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      47. Y. Cao, S.-Y. Lien, C.-H. Yeh, D.-J. Deng, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Learning-based Multi-tier Split Computing for Efficient Convergence of Communication and Computation," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      48. D. Luo, Y. Zhang, G. Sun, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "An Efficient Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain-Based Cross-Domain Authentication in Bandwidth-Constrained Wide Area IoT Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      49. K. Zeng, Z. Li, H. Zhao, K. Xie, S. Xie, D. Niyato, W. Chen, and Z. Zheng, "A Spatiotemporal Information-Driven Cross-Attention Model with Sparse Representation for GNSS NLOS Signal Classification," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      50. J. Du, J. Wang, A. Sun, J. Qu, N. Zhang, J. Zhang, C. Wu, and D. Niyato, "Joint Optimization in Blockchain and MEC Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      51. G. Sun, S. Liu, J. Li, S. Liang, Q. Wu, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "UAV-enabled Collaborative Beamforming via Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      52. J. Chen, Y. Shi, C. Yi, H. Du, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Generative AI-Driven Human Digital Twin in IoT-Healthcare: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      53. H. Qiu, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and B. Tang, "Resilient, Secure and Private Coded Distributed Convolution Computing for Mobile-Assisted Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      54. H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, P. Zhang, S. Cui, X. S. Shen, S. Mao, Z. Han, A. Jamalipour, H. V. Poor, and D. I. Kim, "The Age of Generative AI and AI-Generated Everything," IEEE Network, accepted.
      55. Y. Zhang, X. Gao, H. Yuan, K. Yang, J. Kang, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Joint UAV Trajectory and Power Allocation with Hybrid FSO/RF for Secure Space-Air-Ground Communications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      56. H. Qiu, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Secure and Flexible Coded Distributed Matrix Multiplication Based on Edge Computing for Industrial Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, accepted.
      57. J. Zhang, S. Gong, W. Lu, C. Xing, N. Zhao, D. W. K. Ng, and D. Niyato, "Joint Design for STAR-RIS Aided ISAC: Decoupling or Learning," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      58. Z. Li, W. Feng, W. Cai, H. Yu, L. Luo, G. Sun, H. Du, and D. Niyato, "Accelerating Geo-distributed Machine Learning with Network-Aware Adaptive Tree and Auxiliary Route," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, accepted.
      59. D. Kim, H. Jung, I.-H. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Novel Resource Allocation Algorithm for IoT Networks with Multi-Carrier NOMA," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      60. C. T. Nguyen, Y. Liu, H. Du, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. N. Nguyen, and S. Mao, "Generative AI-enabled Blockchain Networks: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Study," IEEE Network, accepted.
      61. F. Jiang, L. Dong, Y. Peng, K. Wang, K. Yang, C. Pan, D. Niyato, and O. A. Dobre, "Large Language Model Enhanced Multi-Agent Systems for 6G Communications," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      62. Y. Liu, G. Feng, H. Du, Z. Qin, Y. Sun, J. Kang, X. Li, and D. Niyato, "Adaptive Clustering based Straggler-aware Federated Learning in Wireless Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted.
      63. X. Yuan, W. Zhang, J. Yang, M. Xu, D. Niyato, Q. Deng, and C. Li, "Efficient IoV Resource Management through Enhanced Clustering, Matching and Offloading in DT-enabled Edge Computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      64. K. Lin, H. Yang, M. Zheng, L. Xiao, C. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Penalized Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy-Efficient UAV-RIS Assisted Maritime Uplink Communications Against Jamming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      65. Y. Yang, Y. Shi, C. Yi, J. Cai, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and X. S. Shen, "Dynamic Human Digital Twin Deployment at the Edge for Task Execution: A Two-Timescale Accuracy-Aware Online Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      66. J. Liao, J. Wen, J. Kang, C. Yi, Y. Zhang, Y. Jiao, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and S. Xie, "Graph Attention Network-based Block Propagation with Optimal AoB and Reputation in Web 3.0," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      67. Y. Qu, M. Ding, N. Sun, K. Thilakarathna, T. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "The Frontier of Data Erasure: A Survey on Machine Unlearning for Large Language Models," Computer, accepted.
      68. N. Zhao, H. Zhu, Y. Sun, Y. Pei, and D. Niyato, "A Contract-Based Incentive Mechanism for Joint Data Sensing and Communication in Mobile Crowdsourcing Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      69. Z. Jia, J. You, C. Dong, Q. Wu, F. Zhou, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Cooperative Cognitive Dynamic System in UAV Swarms: Reconfigurable Mechanism and Framework," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, accepted.
      70. Y. Yang, B. Zhang, D. Guo, H. Du, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Generative AI for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      71. Q. Li, D. Xu, L. Liu, J. Du, D. Niyato, M. Guizani, "Cooperative IRS and IOS-Aided Finite Blocklength Covert Communications in NOMA Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      72. J. Kang, X. Luo, Z. Xiong, T. Wu, H. Zhou, Y. Wang, D. Niyato, S. Mao, and S. Xie, "Blockchain-based Pseudonym Management for Vehicle Twin Migrations in Vehicular Edge Metaverse," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      73. B. Lyu, C. Zhou, S. Gong, W. Wu, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Energy-Efficiency Maximization for STAR-RIS Enabled Cell-Free Symbiotic Radio Communications," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      74. J. Cao, M. Zhou, D. Niyato, R. Zhang, and W. Nie, "Fast and High-Resolution Entangled Optical Quantum Radar Sensing Network for Complex Environment," IEEE Network, accepted.
      75. H. Du, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Lin, Z. Li, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Cui, B. Ai, H. Zhou, and D. I. Kim, , "Enhancing Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Tutorial on Generative Diffusion Models in Network Optimization," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, accepted.
      76. Y. Zhao, Z. Wang, C. Qiu, Q. He, D. Niyato, X. Wang, X. Wang, and Q. Hu, "A Socialized Learning-Based Scheduling Framework in Intricate Edge Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, accepted.
      77. J. Hu, D. Niyato, and J. Luo, "Cross-domain Learning Framework for Tracking Users in RIS-aided Multi-band ISAC Systems with Sparse Labeled Data," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      78. J. Cao, M. Zhou, D. Niyato, R. Zhang, and W. Nie, "Entangled Optical Quantum Imaging Method Assisted by AUVs Based on Underwater Light Transmission Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      79. N. Deng, J. Qi, H. Wei, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Modeling and Analysis of IRS-Assisted Networks Based on Gauss-Poisson Process," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      80. R. Zhang, H. Du, Y. Liu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, S. Sun, X. S. Shen, and H. V. Poor, "Interactive AI with Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Next Generation," IEEE Network, accepted.
      81. S. N. Paing, J. W. Setiawan, T. Q. Duong, D. Niyato, and H. Shin, "Quantum Anonymous Networking: A Quantum Leap in Privacy," IEEE Network, accepted.
      82. X. Zheng, G. Sun, J. Li, S. Liang, Q. Wu, M. Yin, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "Reliable and Energy-efficient Communications via Collaborative Beamforming for UAV Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      83. J. Zheng, B. Du, H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and H. Zhang, "Energy-efficient Resource Allocation in Generative AI-aided Secure Semantic Mobile Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      84. F. Chai, Q. Zhang, H. Yao, X. Xin, F. Wang, M. Xu, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Agent DDPG based Resource Allocation in NOMA-enabled Satellite IoT," IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted.
      85. Y. Qiu, M. Chen, W. Liang, D. Niyato, Y. Wang, Y. Li, V. C. M. Leung, "Reliable or Green: Continual Individualized Inference Provisioning in Fabric Metaverse via Multi-exit Acceleration," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      86. X. Wang, H. Du, Y. Gao, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, and K. B. Letaief, "Secure Body-Centric Internet of Things Networks: Physical Layer Security vs Covert Communication," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      87. K. Lin, H. Yang, M. Zheng, L. Xiao, C. Huang, and D. Niyato, and S. Xie, "Intelligent Energy-Efficient UAV-RIS Assisted Maritime Uplink Communications Against Jamming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      88. Q. Huang, Z. Song, Z. Xiong, G. Xu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Joint Resource and Trajectory Optimization in Active IRS-Aided UAV Relaying Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      89. Y. Yang, B. Zhang, D. Guo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Can We Realize Data Freshness Optimization for Privacy Preserving-Mobile Crowdsensing with Artificial Noise?," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      90. K. An, Y. Sun, Z. Lin, Y. Zhu, W. Ni, N. Al-Dhahir, K.-K. Wong, and D. Niyato, "Exploiting Multi-Layer Refracting RIS-Assisted Receiver for HAP-SWIPT Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      91. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, B. Ai, Z. Han, and D. I. Kim, "Generative Artificial Intelligence Assisted Wireless Sensing: Human Flow Detection in Practical Communication Environments," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted.
      92. B. Xu, J. Zhang, H. Du, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, D. Niyato, B. Ai, and K. B. Letaief, "Resource Allocation for Near-Field Communications: Fundamentals, Tools, and Outlooks," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      93. W. Su, Z. Li, M. Xu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and S. Xie, "Compressing Deep Reinforcement Learning Networks with a Dynamic Structured Pruning Method for Autonomous Drivings," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      94. J. Zhang, J. Xu, W. Lu, N. Zhao, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Secure Transmission for IRS-Aided UAV-ISAC Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      95. H. Qiu, K. Zhu, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, and Q. Wu, "Coded Distributed Computing for Resilient, Secure and Private Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Edge-Enabled Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted.
      96. H. Wei, W. Wang, W. Ni, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Functional RIS-Aided Cell-Free Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      97. Y. Long, S. Zhao, S. Gong, B. Gu, D. Niyato, and X. S. Shen, "AoI-aware Sensing Scheduling and Trajectory Optimization for Multi-UAV-assisted Wireless Backscatter Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      98. Y. Zhang, W. Ni, J. Wang, W. Tang, M. Jia, Y. C. Eldar, and D. Niyato, "Robust Transceiver Design for Covert Integrated Sensing and Communications With Imperfect CSI," IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted.
      99. M. Xu, Y. Guo, C. Liu, Q. Hu, D. Yu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and X. Cheng, "Exploring Blockchain Technology through a Modular Lens: A Survey," ACM Computing Surveys, accepted.
      100. Y. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, A. Jamalipour, and X. S. Shen, "ProSecutor: Protecting Mobile AIGC Services on Two-Layer Blockchain via Reputation and Contract Theoretic Approaches," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      101. M. Shen, Z. Tan, D. Niyato, Y. Liu, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, L. Zhu, W. Wang, X. S. Shen, "Artificial Intelligence for Web 3.0: A Comprehensive Survey," ACM Computing Surveys, accepted.
      102. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, S. Cui, X. S. Shen, and P. Zhang, "Generative AI for Integrated Sensing and Communication: Insights from the Physical Layer Perspective," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      103. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and Z. Zheng, "Blockchain-based Trustworthy and Efficient AIGC Services in Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, accepted.
      104. N. T. T. Van, N. C. Luong, S. Feng, S. Gong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "SWIPT-Enabled MISO Ad Hoc Network Underlay RSMA-based System with IRS," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      105. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, M. Zhou, J. Kang, and H. V. Poor, "Acceleration Estimation of Wireless Signal Propagation Path Length Changes for Indoor Integrated Sensing and Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      106. T. H. Nguyen, H. L. N. Tri, H. L. Hoang, J. Tan, N. C. Luong, S. Xiao, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Coded Distributed Computing For Vehicular Edge Computing With Dual-Function Radar Communication," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      107. B. Zhang, X. Zhao, J. Nie, J. Tang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Epidemic Model-based Network Influential Node Ranking Methods: A Ranking Rationality Perspective," ACM Computing Surveys, accepted.
      108. X. Ren, H. Du, C. Qiu, T. Luo, Z. Liu, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Dual-Level Resource Provisioning and Heterogeneous Auction for Mobile Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      109. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Rajan, S. Mao, and X. S. Shen, "A Unified Framework for Guiding Generative AI with Wireless Perception in Resource Constrained Mobile Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      110. W. Su, Zhenni, M. Xu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and S. Xie, "Compressing Deep Reinforcement Learning Networks with a Dynamic Structured Pruning Method for Autonomous Driving," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      111. P. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Wu, L. Qian, R. Yu, D. Niyato, and X. S. Shen, "Filling the Missing: Exploring Generative AI for Enhanced Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Devices," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      112. W. Wei, X. Pang, C. Xing, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "STAR-RIS Aided Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.
      113. M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z.Xiong, S. Guo, Y. Fang, and D. I. Kim, "Generative AI-enabled Mobile Tactical Multimedia Networks: Distribution, Generation, and Perception," IEEE Communications, accepted.
      114. J. Xu, X. Yu, L. Xu, C. Xing, N. Zhao, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "IRS-UAV Assisted Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      115. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Multi-Access Edge Computing for Real-Time Applications with Sporadic DAG Tasks – A Graphical Game Approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      116. J. Wen, J. Nie, J. Kang, D. Niyato, H. Du, Y. Zhang, and M. Guizani, "From Generative AI to Generative Internet of Things: Fundamentals, Framework, and Outlooks," IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, accepted.
      117. S. A. Khowaja, P. Khowaja, K. Dev, and D. Niyato, "SLIP: Self-supervised Learning based model Inversion and Poisoning Detection based Zero-Trust Systems for Vehicular Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      118. C. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Random Aggregate Beamforming for Over-the-Air Federated Learning in Large-Scale Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      119. R. Wang, X. Yu, Q. Wu, C. Yi, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Efficient Deployment of Partial Parallelized Service Function Chains in CPU+DPU-Based Heterogeneous NFV Platforms," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      120. X. Ren, M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, C. Qiu, and X. Wang, "Paramart: Parallel Resource Allocation Based on Blockchain Sharding for Edge-Cloud Services," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, accepted.
      121. H. Du, Z. Li, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, H. Huang, and S. Mao, "Diffusion-based Reinforcement Learning for Edge-enabled AI-Generated Content Services," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      122. J. Gao, H. Chen, B. Song, Y. Chi, Z. Qin, C. Yuen, R. F. Yu, G. Y. Li, and D. Niyato, "Distributed Task-Oriented Communication Networks with Multimodal Semantic Relay and Edge Intelligence," IEEE Communications, accepted.
      123. J. Chen, C. Yi, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, J. Cai, and X. S. Shen, "A Revolution of Personalized Healthcare: Enabling Human Digital Twin with Mobile AIGC," IEEE Network, accepted.
      124. X. Huang, P. Li, H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Y. Wu, "Federated Learning-Empowered AI-Generated Content in Wireless Networks," IEEE Network, accepted.
      125. Z. Wan, W. Jiang, J. Nie, D. Niyato, C. Pan, and Z. Xiong, "Min-Max Fairness based Joint Optimal Design for the Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      126. G. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. I. Kim, and X. S. Shen, "Semantic Communications for Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) Toward Effective Content Creation," IEEE Network, accepted.
      127. Y. A. Qadri, H. Jung, and D. Niyato, "Towards the Internet of Medical Things for Real-Time Health Monitoring over Wi-Fi," IEEE Network, accepted.
      128. G. Sun, L. He, Z. Sun, Q. Wu, S. Liang, J. Li, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in Aerial-Terrestrial UAV Networks with Edge and Fog Computing for Post-Disaster Rescue," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      129. C. Zhang, G. Sun, Q. Wu, J. Li, S. Liang, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "UAV Swarm-enabled Collaborative Secure Relay Communications with Time-domain Colluding Eavesdropper," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      130. Y. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. I. Kim, and A. Jamalipour, "Deep Generative Model and Its Applications in Efficient Wireless Network Management: A Tutorial and Case Study," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      131. J. Lee, Y.-J. Seo, T. Y. Kim, D. Niyato, and H. V. Poor, "Local Cache-enabled Mobile Augmented Reality in Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Communications, accepted.
      132. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, S. Mao, and X. S. Shen, "Guiding AI-Generated Digital Content with Wireless Perception," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      133. W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "Distributionally Robust Cost Minimized Edge Semantic Intelligence in the Sustainable Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
      134. N. Zhao, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Contract Incentive Mechanism for Joint Sensing and Computation in Mobile Crowdsourcing Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
      135. Y. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, S. Cui, X. S. Shen, and P. Zhang, "Optimizing Mobile-Edge AI-Generated Everything (AIGX) Services by Prompt Engineering: Fundamental, Framework, and Case Study," IEEE Network, accepted.
      136. V. Chamola, G. Bansal, T. K. Das, V. Hassija, S. Sai, J. Wang, S. Zeadally, A. Hussain, F. R. Yu, M. Guizani, and D. Niyato, "Beyond Reality: The Pivotal Role of Generative AI in the Metaverse," IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, accepted.
      137. L. U. Khan, Z. Han, D. Niyato, M. Guizani, and C. S. Hong, "Metaverse for Wireless Systems: Vision, Enablers, Architecture, and Future Directions," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      138. Y. Zhang, B. Ning, W. Ni, J. Wang, W. Tang, and D. Niyato, "Exploiting Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling for MIMO Covert Communications: A Low-Complexity Design," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted.
      139. J. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, S. Sun, B. Ai, and K. B. Letaief, "Flexible-Position MIMO for Wireless Communications: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future Directions," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      140. Z. Wang, J. Zhang, H. Du, W. E. I. Sha, B. Ai, D. Niyato, and M. Debbah, "Extremely Large-Scale MIMO: Fundamentals, Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      141. M. Xu, D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, X. Cao, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "Quantum-Secured Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Concept, Framework, and Case Study," IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted.
      142. X. Tan, W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and H. Yu, "Reputation-Aware Federated Learning Client Selection based on Stochastic Integer Programming," IEEE Transactions on Big Data, accepted.
      143. Z. Wang, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, S. Cui, B. Ai, M. Debbah, K. B. Letaief, and H. V. Poor, "A Tutorial on Extremely Large-Scale MIMO for 6G: Fundamentals, Signal Processing, and Applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1560-1605, thirdquarter 2024.
      144. J. He, B. Lai, J. Kang, H. Du, J. Nie, T. Zhang, Y. Yuan, W. Zhang, D. Niyato, and A. Jamalipour, "Securing Federated Diffusion Model with Dynamic Quantization for Generative AI Services in Multiple-Access Artificial Intelligence of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 17, pp. 28064-28077, 1 Sept.1, 2024.
      145. J. Huang, T. Yu, F. Yang, S. Zhang, W. Jiang, and D. Niyato, "AoI-Aware Resource Allocation With Interference Avoidance for Ultradense Industrial Internet of Things Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 17, pp. 28787-28797, 1 Sept.1, 2024.
      146. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Y. Gao, J. Wang, and A. Jamalipour, "Blockchain-based Semantic Information Sharing and Pricing for Web 3.0," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 3918-3930, Sept.-Oct. 2024.
      147. X. Ju, S. Gong, N. Zhao, C. Xing, A. Nallanathan, and D. Niyato, "A Framework on Complex Matrix Derivatives with Special Structure Constraints for Wireless Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 5145-5161, Aug. 2024.
      148. W. Guo, Y. Lu, H. Du, B. Ai, D. Niyato, and Z. Ding, "Hybrid MRT and ZF Learning for Energy-Efficient Transmission in Multi-RIS-Assisted Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 12247-12251, Aug. 2024.
      149. Y. Li, Y. Lu, B. Ai, Z. Zhong, D. Niyato, and Z. Ding, "GNN-Enabled Max-Min Fair Beamforming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 12184-12188, Aug. 2024.
      150. J. Xu, D. Li, Z. Zhu, Z. Yan, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Anti-Jamming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication via Aerial IRS," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 4607-4619, Aug. 2024.
      151. C. Li, N. Deng, C. Xing, H. Wei, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Performance Analysis of Cross-tier Interference Coordination for Mobile Users," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 5058-5072, Aug. 2024.
      152. C. Wang, Z. Xiong, M. Zheng, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Covert Communications via Two-Way IRS with Noise Power Uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 4803-4815, Aug. 2024.
      153. Z. Wan, W. Jiang, J. Nie, D. Niyato, C. Pan, and Z. Xiong, "Min-Max Fairness Based Joint Optimal Design for IRS-Assisted MEC Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 11949-11963, Aug. 2024.
      154. C. He, Y. Li, Y. Lu, B. Ai, Z. Ding, and D. Niyato, "ICNet: GNN-Enabled Beamforming for MISO Interference Channels with Statistical CSI," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 12225-12230, Aug. 2024.
      155. Y. Li, Y. Lu, B. Ai, O. A. Dobre, Z. Ding, and D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and S. Sun, "GNN-Based Beamforming for Sum-Rate Maximization in MU-MISO Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 9251-9264, Aug. 2024.
      156. Z. Ni, Z. Zhang, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and S. Feng, "Joint Client Scheduling and Quantization Optimization in Energy Harvesting-Enabled Federated Learning Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 9566-9582, Aug. 2024.
      157. S. Feng, X. Lu, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Covert D2D Communication Underlaying Cellular Network: A System-Level Security Perspective," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 9518-9533, Aug. 2024.
      158. Z. Liu, J. Zhang, Z. Liu, H. Du, Z. Wang, D. Niyato, M. Guizani, and B. Ai, "Cell-Free XL-MIMO Meets Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Architectures, Challenges, and Future Directions," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 155-162, August 2024.
      159. C. Xu, L. Xiang, S. Sugiura, R. G. Maunder, L.-L. Yang, D. Niyato, G. Y. Li, R. Schober, and L. Hanzo, "Noncoherent Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 10072-10090, Aug. 2024.
      160. L. Zhang, Z. Wang, H. Zhang, M. Min, C. Wang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Anti-Jamming Colonel Blotto Game for Underwater Acoustic Backscatter Communication," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 10181-10195, July 2024.
      161. Z. Ai, W. Zhang, J. Kang, M. Xu, D. Niyato, and S. J. Turner, "Identifier-Driven Resource Orchestration with Quantum Computing for Differentiated Services in IoT-MMEC Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 9958-9971, July 2024.
      162. W. Tian, C. Gu, M. Guo, S. He, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and J. Chen, "Large-Scale Deterministic Networks: Architecture, Enabling Technologies, Case Study and Future Directions," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 284-291, July 2024.
      163. R. Zhang, K. Xiong, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, X. S. Shen, and H. V. Poor, "Generative AI-enabled Vehicular Networks: Fundamentals, Framework, and Case Study," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 259-267, July 2024.
      164. M. Shen, J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, X. Tang, J. Kang, Y. Ding, and L. Zhu, "Secure Semantic Communications: Challenges, Approaches, and Opportunities," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 197-206, July 2024.
      165. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, A. Jamalipour, and X. S. Shen, "A Unified Framework for Integrating Semantic Communication and AI-Generated Content in Metaverse," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 174-181, July 2024.
      166. C. Xu, X. Zhang, H. H. Yang, X. Wang, N. Pappas, D. Niyato, and T. Q. S. Quek, "Optimal Status Updates for Minimizing Age of Correlated Information in IoT Networks with Energy Harvesting Sensors," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 06, pp. 6848-6864, June 2024.
      167. Y. Cheng, D. Niyato, H. Du, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Goal-Oriented Semantic Information Transmission With Message-Sharing NOMA," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 309-315, June 2024.
      168. H. Du, Z. Li, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, X. S. Shen, and D. I. Kim, "Enabling AI-Generated Content Services in Wireless Edge Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 226-234, June 2024.
      169. J. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, B. Ai, M. Debbah, and K. B. Letaief, "Mobile Cell-Free Massive MIMO: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 140-147, June 2024.
      170. Y. Lu, W. Mao, H. Du, D. Octavia, D. Niyato, and Z. Ding, "Semantic-Aware Vision-Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication: Architecture and Resource Allocation," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 302-308, June 2024.
      171. Y. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, C. Miao, X. S. Shen, and A. Jamalipour, "Blockchain-Empowered Lifecycle Management for AI-Generated Content Products in Edge Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 286-294, June 2024.
      172. Y. Cao, S.-Y. Lien, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Tier Deep Reinforcement Learning for Non-Terrestrial Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 194-201, June 2024.
      173. W. Wang, Y. Yang, L. U. Khan, D. Niyato, Z. Hang, and M. Guizani, "Digital Twin for Wireless Networks: Security Attacks and Solutions," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 278-285, June 2024.
      174. D. Luo, Q. Cai, G. Sun, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Split-Chain-Based Efficient Blockchain-Assisted Cross-Domain Authentication for IoT," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3209-3223, June 2024.
      175. Y. Cheng, D. Niyato, H. Du, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Resource Allocation and Common Message Selection for Task-Oriented Semantic Information Transmission With RSMA," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 5557-5570, June 2024.
      176. J. Liu, H. Zheng, Y. Hao, D. Niyato, S. A. Alqahtani, and M. Chen, "Big Fiber Slicing for Dynamic Multimodal Multipreference Applications of Smart Fabrics," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 22140-22152, 15 June, 2024.
      177. J. Kang, Y. Zhong, M. Xu, J. Nie, J. Wen, H. Du, D. Ye, X. Huang, D. Niyato, and S. Xie, "Tiny Multiagent DRL for Twins Migration in UAV Metaverses: A Multileader Multifollower Stackelberg Game Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 21021-21036, 15 June, 2024.
      178. J. Zheng, J. Xu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, J. Nie, and Z. Wang, "Trust Management of Tiny Federated Learning in Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 21046-21060, 15 June, 2024.
      179. N. V. Huynh, J. Wang, H. Du, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. N. Nguyen, D. I. Kim, and K. B. Letaief, "Generative AI for Physical Layer Communications: A Survey," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 706-728, June 2024.
      180. X. Yu, R. Wang, J. Hao, Q. Wu, C. Yi, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Priority-Aware Deployment of Autoscaling Service Function Chains based on Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1050-1062, June 2024.
      181. Z. Zhang, M. Liu, M. Sun, R. Deng, P. Cheng, D. Niyato, M.-Y. Chow, and J. Chen, "Vulnerability of Machine Learning Approaches Applied in IoT-based Smart Grid: A Review," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 18951-18975, 1 June, 2024.
      182. M. Xu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, Z. Han, A. Jamalipour, D. I. Kim, X. S. Shen, V. C. M. Leung, and H. V. Poor, "Unleashing the Power of Edge-Cloud Generative AI in Mobile Networks: A Survey of AIGC Services," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1127-1170, Secondquarter 2024.
      183. N. C. Luong, T. L. Van, S. Feng, H. Du, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Edge Computing For Metaverse: Incentive Mechanism versus Semantic Communication," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 6196-6211, May 2024.
      184. Y. Cheng, J. Lu, D. Niyato, B. Lyu, M. Xu, and S. Zhu, "Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Covert Mobile Edge Computing With RIS-Aided NOMA," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4212-4227, May 2024.
      185. N. H. Chu, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, K. T. Phan, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and Tao Shu, "MetaSlicing: A Novel Resource Allocation Framework for Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4145-4162, May 2024.
      186. C. T. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, and E. Dutkiewicz, "MetaShard: A Novel Sharding Blockchain Platform for Metaverse Applications," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4348-4361, May 2024.
      187. Y. Huang, M. Xu, X. Zhang, D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, S. Wang, and T. Huang, "AI-Generated Network Design: A Diffusion Model-based Learning Approach," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 202-209, May 2024.
      188. N. C. Luong, Q.-V. Pham, T. Huynh-The, V.-D. Nguyen, D. W. K. Ng, S. Chatzinotas, and D. Niyato, "Incentive Mechanism and Semantic Communication for Edge Computing-assisted Metaverse," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 277-284, May 2024.
      189. H. Du, R. Zhang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. I. Kim, X. S. Shen, and H. V. Poor, "Exploring Collaborative Distributed Diffusion-Based AI-Generated Content (AIGC) in Wireless Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 178-186, May 2024.
      190. Y. Zhang, B. Ning, W. Ni, J. Wang, W. Tang, and D. Niyato, "Exploiting Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling for MIMO Covert Communications: A Low-Complexity Design," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 7322-7327, May 2024.
      191. Y. Liu, H.-N. Dai, Q. Wang, O. J. Pandey, Y. Fu, C. C. Lee, N. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Spherical Stochastic Geometry-Based Uplink Connectivity Analysis," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1387-1402, May 2024.
      192. D. Deng, X. Wu, J. Zheng, T. Zhang, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "DecFFD: A Personalized Federated Learning Framework for Cross-location Fault Diagnosis," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 7082-7091, May 2024.
      193. L. Xia, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, D. Feng, L. Feng, and M. A. Imran, "xURLLC-Aware Service Provisioning in Vehicular Networks: A Semantic Communication Perspective," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4475-4488, May 2024.
      194. Y. Cao, S.-Y. Lien, Y.-C. Liang, D. Niyato, and X. S. Shen, "Collaborative Computing in Non-Terrestrial Networks: A Multi-Time-Scale Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4932-4949, May 2024.
      195. S. Feng, X. Lu, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and S. Sun, "Achieving Covert Communication in Large-Scale SWIPT-Enabled D2D Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 5272-5286, May 2024.
      196. T. Huang, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, F. R. Yu, and Y. Liu, "Hirail: Core-agnostic Deterministic Networks for Long-distance Time-sensitive IIoT Applications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 17198-17209, 15 May 2024.
      197. W. Ni, H. Ao, H. Tian, Y. C. Eldar, and D. Niyato, "FedSL: Federated Split Learning for Collaborative Healthcare Analytics on Resource-Constrained Wearable IoMT Devices," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 18934-18935, 15 May 2024.
      198. Z. Wang, Q. Hu, Z. Xiong, Y. Liu, and D. Niyato, "Resource Optimization for Blockchain-based Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 15166-15178, 1 May 2024.
      199. C. Wang, D. Xu, Z. Li, and D. Niyato, "Effective Intrusion Detection in Highly Imbalanced IoT Networks with Lightweight S2CGAN-IDS," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 15140-15151, 1 May 2024.
      200. X. Zhang, M. Xu, R. Tan, and D. Niyato, "Learning-based Auction for Matching Demand and Supply of Holographic Digital Twin Over Immersive Communications," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 26, pp. 5884-5896, 2024.
      201. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, R. Deng, and X. S. Shen, "A Unified Blockchain-Semantic Framework for Wireless Edge Intelligence Enabled Web 3.0," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 126-133, April 2024.
      202. E. Shi, J. Zhang, H. Du, B. Ai, C. Yuen, D. Niyato, K. B. Letaif, and X. S. Shen, "RIS-Aided Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems for 6G: Fundamentals, System Design, and Applications," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 331-364, April 2024.
      203. M. Cheraghinia, S. H. Rastegar, V. Shah-Mansouri, H. Kebriaei, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Toward a Virtual Edge Service Provider: Actor-Critic Learning to Incentivize the Computation Nodes," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 24-38, Jan.-Feb. 2024.
      204. H. Nan, R. Li, X. Zhu, J. Ma, and D. Niyato, "An Efficient Data-driven Traffic Prediction Framework for Network Digital Twin," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 22-29, Jan. 2024.
      205. Y. Yang, J. Wu, T. Chen, C. Peng, J. Wang, J. Deng, X. Tao, G. Liu, W. Li, L. Yang, Y. He, T. Yang, A. H. Aghvami, F. Eliassen, S. Dustdar, D. Niyato, W. Sun, Y. Xu, Y. Yuan, J. Xie, R. Li, and C. Dai, "Task-Oriented 6G Native-AI Network Architecture," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 219-227, Jan. 2024.
      206. H. Luo, J. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Li, H. Yu, G. Sun, and D. Niyato, "ESIA: An Efficient and Stable Identity Authentication for Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 5602-5615, April 2024.
      207. S. Mao, N. Zhang, L. Liu, T. Liu, J. Hu, K. Yang, and D. Niyato, "Joint Beamforming and Reflecting Design for IRS-aided Wireless Powered Over-the-Air Computation," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 2216-2231, April 2024.
      208. A. Zheng, W. Ni, W. Wang, H. Tian, Y. C. Eldar, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Functional RIS: Signal Modeling and Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 5971-5976, April 2024.
      209. V. Gupta, A. Luqman, N. Chattopadhyay, A. Chattopadhyay, and D. Niyato, "TravellingFL: Communication Efficient Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 5005-5019, April 2024.
      210. Z. Zhuang, D. Wen, Y. Shi, G. Zhu, S. Wu, and D. Niyato, "Integrated Sensing-Communication-Computation for Over-the-Air Edge AI Inference," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3205-3220, April 2024.
      211. W. Han, J. Peng, J. Yu, J. Kang, J. Lu, and D. Niyato, "Heterogeneous Data-aware Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems via Meta-sampling in Artificial Intelligence of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 12755-12767, 1 April, 2024.
      212. I. Lotfi, H. Du, D. Niyato, S. Sun, and D. I. Kim, "On The Robustness of Channel Allocation in Joint Radar And Communication Systems: An Auction Approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3466-3483, April 2024.
      213. A. Asheralieva, D. Niyato, and Y. Miyanaga, "Efficient Dynamic Distributed Resource Slicing in 6G Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks with Online ADMM and Message Passing Graph Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2614-2638, April 2024.
      214. L. You, S. Liu, B. Zuo, C. Yuen, D. Niyato, and H. V. Poor, "Federated and Asynchronized Learning for Autonomous and Intelligent Things," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 286-293, March 2024.
      215. M. Xu, X. Ren, D. Niyato, J. Kang, C. Qiu, Z. Xiong, X. Wang, and V. C. M. Leung, "When Quantum Information Technologies Meet Blockchain in Web 3.0," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 255-263, March 2024.
      216. N. Zhao, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Contract Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsourcing Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 4511-4516, March 2024.
      217. J. Ji, L. Cai, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Decoupled Association with Rate Splitting Multiple Access in UAV-assisted Cellular Networks Using Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2186-2201, March 2024.
      218. W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, H. V. Poor, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "Stochastic Resource Optimization for Wireless Powered Hybrid Coded Edge Computing Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2022-2038, March 2024.
      219. W. Wang, Y. Yang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Footstone of Metaverse: A Timely and Secure Crowdsensing," IEEE Network, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 171-178, March 2024.
      220. J. Fan, M. Xu, J. Guo, L. K. Shar, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "Decentralized Multimedia Data Sharing in IoV: A Learning-based Equilibrium of Supply and Demand," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 4035-4050, March 2024.
      221. J. Chen, J. Zhang, N. Zhao, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Joint Device Participation, Dataset Management, and Resource Allocation in Wireless Federated Learning via Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 4505-4510, March 2024.
      222. J. Du, Z. Kong, A. Sun, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X. Chu, and F. R. Yu, "MADDPG-Based Joint Service Placement and Task Offloading in MEC Empowered Air-Ground Integrated Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 10600-10615, 15 March, 2024.
      223. M. Xu, D. Niyato, B. Wright, H. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "EPViSA: Efficient Auction Design for Real-time Physical-Virtual Synchronization in the Human-Centric Metaverse," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 694-709, March 2024.
      224. I. Lotfi, D. Niyato, S. Sun, D. I. Kim, and X. S. Shen, "Semantic Information Marketing in The Metaverse: A Learning-Based Contract Theory Framework," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 710-723, March 2024.
      225. C. Ren, R. Yan, M. Xu, H. Yu, Y. Xu, D. Niyato, and Z. Y. Dong, "QFDSA: A Quantum-Secured Federated Learning System for Smart Grid Dynamic Security Assessment," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 8414-8426, 1 March, 2024.
      226. B. Du, H. Du, H. Liu, D. Niyato, P. Xin, J. Yu, M. Qi, and Y. Tang, "YOLO-based Semantic Communication with Generative AI-aided Resource Allocation for Digital Twins Construction," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 7664-7678, 1 March, 2024.
      227. Y. Xiao, R. Xia, Y. Li, G. Shi, D. N. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and M. Krunz, "Distributed Traffic Synthesis and Classification in Edge Networks: A Federated Self-supervised Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1815-1829, Feb. 2024.
      228. M. Dai, G. Sun, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Maximize the Long-term Average Revenue of Network Slice Provider via Admission Control Among Heterogeneous Slices," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 745-760, Feb. 2024.
      229. Z. Q. Liew, M. Xu, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Mechanism Design for Semantic Communication in UAV-Assisted Metaverse: A Combinatorial Auction Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2236-2251, Feb. 2024.
      230. L. Xia, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, X. Li, and M. A. Imran, "Joint User Association and Bandwidth Allocation in Semantic Communication Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2699-2711, Feb. 2024.
      231. N. Xie, J. Zhang, Q. Zhang, H. Tan, A. X. Liu, and D. Niyato, "Hybrid Physical-Layer Authentication," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1295-1311, Feb. 2024.
      232. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, T. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Optimization of Image Transmission in a Cooperative Semantic Communication Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 861-873, Feb. 2024.
      233. G. Zhang, Y. Lu, Y. Lin, Z. Zhong, Z. Ding, and D. Niyato, "AoI Minimization in RIS-aided SWIPT Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2895-2900, Feb. 2024.
      234. J. Kang, J. Wen, D. Ye, B. Lai, T. Wu, Z. Xiong, J. Nie, D. Niyato, Y. Zhang, and S. Xie, "Blockchain-empowered Federated Learning for Healthcare Metaverses: User-centric Incentive Mechanism with Optimal Data Freshness," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 348-362, Feb. 2024.
      235. C. Ren, H. Yu, R. Yan, Q. Li, Y. Xu, D. Niyato, and Z. Y. Dong, "SecFedSA: A Secure Differential-Privacy-Based Federated Learning Approach for Smart Cyber–Physical Grid Stability Assessment," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 5578-5588, 15 Feb.15, 2024.
      236. R. Kaewpuang, M. Xu, W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, H. Yu, J. Kang, and X. S. Shen, "Cooperative Resource Management in Quantum Key Distribution Networks for Semantic Communication," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 4454-4469, 1 Feb., 2024.
      237. A. Asheralieva, D. Niyato, and X. Wei, "Ultrareliable Low-Latency Slicing in Space–Air–Ground Multiaccess Edge Computing Networks for Next-Generation Internet of Things and Mobile Applications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 3956-3978, 1 Feb., 2024.
      238. N. Deng, X. Shi, M. Shen, J. Liu, H. Wei, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Enhancing Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks via UAV-Borne Aerial IRS Swarms," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 524-538, Jan. 2024.
      239. X. Zhou, W. Wang, C. Yuen, and D. Niyato, "Bandwidth-Cache Pricing-Based Network Slicing for Partially Cached Video Streaming Delivery," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 334-347, Jan. 2024.
      240. N. C. Luong, L. K. Chau, N. D. D. Anh, N. H. Sang, S. Feng, V.-D. Nguyen, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal Auction for Effective Energy Management in UAV-assisted Vehicular Metaverse Synchronization Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 1207-1222, Jan. 2024.
      241. J. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and B. Ai, "Rate-Splitting for CF Massive MIMO Systems With Channel Aging," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 1485-1490, Jan. 2024.
      242. S. Feng, X. Lu, S. Sun, D. Niyato, and E. Hossain, "Securing Large-Scale D2D Networks Using Covert Communication and Friendly Jamming," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 592-606, Jan. 2024.
      243. X. Jin, J. An, C. Du, G. Pan, S. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Frequency-Offset Information Aided Self Time Synchronization Scheme For High-Dynamic Multi-UAV Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 607-620, Jan. 2024.
      244. L. U. Khan, M. Guizani, A. Al-Fuqaha, C. S. Hong, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "A Joint Communication and Learning Framework for Hierarchical Split Federated Learning," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 268-282, 1 Jan. 2024.
      245. J. Chen, J. Kang, M. Xu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Chen, A. Jamalipour, and S. Xie, "Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Avatar Migration in AIoT-Enabled Vehicular Metaverses With Trajectory Prediction," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 70-83, 1 Jan.1, 2024.
      246. J. Wang, H. Du, D. Niyato, M. Zhou, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and A. Jamalipour, "Through the Wall Detection and Localization of Autonomous Mobile Device in Indoor Scenario," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 161-176, Jan. 2024.
      247. C. Wang, C.-C. Wang, Z. Li, D. W. K. Ng, K.-K. Wong, N. Al-Dhahir, and D. Niyato, "STAR-RIS-Enabled Secure Dual-Functional Radar-Communications: Joint Waveform and Reflective Beamforming Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 4577-4592, 2023.
      248. S. Al-Maliki, F. El Bouanani, M. Abdallah, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and A. Al-Fuqaha, "Toward Improved Reliability of Deep Learning Based Systems Through Online Relabeling of Potential Adversarial Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 1367-1382, Dec. 2023.
      249. N. T. Hoa, D. V. Dai, L. H. Lan, N. C. Luong, D. V. Le, and D. Niyato, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Hop Offloading in UAV-Assisted Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 12, pp. 16917-16922, Dec. 2023.
      250. M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Sparks of Generative Pretrained Transformers in Edge Intelligence for the Metaverse: Caching and Inference for Mobile Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content Services," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 35-44, Dec. 2023.
      251. Y. Guo, Y. Lu, R. W. Liu, J. Nie, L. Lyu, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Haze Visibility Enhancement for Promoting Traffic Situational Awareness in Vision-Enabled Intelligent Transportation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 12, pp. 15421-15435, Dec. 2023.
      252. N. Xie, Z. Li, H. Tan, and D. Niyato, "Detection of Jamming Attacks for the Physical-Layer Authentication," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 9579-9594, Dec. 2023.
      253. B. Cao, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Kanhere, C. Sun, and D. Niyato, "Advanced Networking and Applications for Metaverse and Web 3.0," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 255-263, Nov. 2023.
      254. H. Du, B. Ma, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and Z. Yang, "Rethinking Quality of Experience for Metaverse Services: A Consumer-based Economics Perspectives," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 8-9, Nov. 2023.
      255. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, X. S. Shen, and D. I. Kim, "Exploring Attention-Aware Network Resource Allocation for Customized Metaverse Services," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 166-175, Nov. 2023.
      256. S. Gong, L. Cui, B. Gu, B. Lyu, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Age-of-Information Minimization in IRS-aided and Wireless-powered Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 8114-8127, Nov. 2023.
      257. X. Jiang, M. Sheng, N. Zhao, J. Liu, D. Niyato, and F. R. Yu, "Outage Analysis of UAV-Aided Networks With Underlaid Ambient Backscatter Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 7492-7505, Nov. 2023.
      258. T. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, S. Feng, T. H. Nguyen, K. Elbassioni, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Joint Rate Allocation and Power Control for RSMA-Based Communication and Radar Coexistence Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 14673-14687, Nov. 2023.
      259. Y. Yang, B. Zhang, D. Guo, R. Xu, W. Wang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Semantic Sensing Performance Analysis: Assessing Keyword Coverage in Text Data," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 15133-15137, Nov. 2023.
      260. T. Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Lian, H. Tian, J. Kang, X. Kuang, and D. Niyato, "When Moving Target Defense Meets Attack Prediction in Digital Twins: A Convolutional and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 3293-3305, Oct. 2023.
      261. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, Q. Wang, J. Ruan, and S. Wang, "DRL-Based Adaptive Sharding for Blockchain-Based Federated Learning," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 5992-6004, Oct. 2023.
      262. Z. Q. Liew, H. Du, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Economics of Semantic Communication System: An Auction Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 13559-13574, Oct. 2023.
      263. C. Xu, Y. Jia, S. He, Y. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Joint User Scheduling, Base Station Clustering and Beamforming Design Based on Deep Unfolding Technique," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 5831-5845, Oct. 2023.
      264. Z. Q. Liew, H. Du, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Economics of Semantic Communication System: An Auction Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 13559-13574, Oct. 2023.
      265. N. Zhao, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Incentive Mechanism for Multi-Task Federated Edge Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 13530-13535, Oct. 2023.
      266. P. Li, G. Cheng, X. Huang, J. Kang, R. Yu, Y. Wu, M. Pan, and D. Niyato, "Snowball: Energy Efficient and Accurate Federated Learning with Coarse-to-Fine Compression over Heterogeneous Wireless Edge Devices," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 6778-6792, Oct. 2023.
      267. X. Ren, C. Qiu, Z. Chen, X. Wang, D. Niyato, and W. Wang, "CompCube: A Space-Time-Request Resource Trading Framework for Edge-Cloud Service Market," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 3252-3264, Sept.-Oct. 2023.
      268. S. Zhang, W. Y. B. Lim, W. C. Ng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "Toward Green Metaverse Networking: Technologies, Advancements, and Future Directions," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 223-232, Sept. 2023.
      269. Y. Song, C. Yang, J. Zhang, X. Mi and D. Niyato, "Full-Life Cycle Intent-Driven Network Verification: Challenges and Approaches," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 145-153, Sept. 2023.
      270. M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Chen, H. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Generative AI-empowered Simulation for Autonomous Driving in Vehicular Mixed Reality Metaverses," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1064-1079, Sept. 2023.
      271. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Secure and Efficient Coded Mobile Edge Computing with Generalized Graph Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 5504-5524, 1 Sept. 2023.
      272. R. Wang, H. Wang, K. Zhu, C. Yi, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Mobile Charging Services for the Internet of Electric Vehicles: Concepts, Scenarios, and Challenges," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 110-119, Sept. 2023.
      273. L. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Xue, H. Zhang, Q. Liu, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Digital Twin-Assisted Edge Computation Offloading in Industrial Internet of Things With NOMA," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 11935-11950, Sept. 2023.
      274. Y. Zhang, Y. Lu, R. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Secrecy Energy Efficiency Maximization in RIS-assisted Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 12413-12418, Sept. 2023.
      275. J. Liu, J. Yu, D. Niyato, R. Zhang, X. Gao, and J. An, "Covert Ambient Backscatter Communications with Multi-Antenna Tag," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 6199-6212, Sept. 2023.
      276. Z. Gao, D. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Liu, D. Niyato, and C. Leung, "World State Attack to Blockchain based IoV and Efficient Protection with Hybrid RSUs," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 9952-9965, Sept. 2023.
      277. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and D. I. Kim, "AI-Generated Incentive Mechanism and Full-Duplex Semantic Communications for Information Sharing," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 2981-2997, Sept. 2023.
      278. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhang, and S. Shen, "Semantic Communications for Wireless Sensing: RIS-Aided Encoding and Self-Supervised Decoding," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 2547-2562, Aug. 2023.
      279. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, Y. Tu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, and H. Yang, "A Blockchain-based Semantic Exchange Framework for Web 3.0 toward Participatory Economy," IEEE Communications, vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 94-100, August 2023.
      280. Y.-J. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, G. Feng, J. Kang, and Z. Xiong, "Slicing4Meta: An Intelligent Integration Architecture with Multi-Dimensional Network Resources for Metaverse-as-a-Service in Web 3.0," IEEE Communications, vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 20-26, August 2023.
      281. W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, X. Cao, C. Miao, S. Sun, and Q. Yang, "Realizing the Metaverse with Edge Intelligence: A Match Made in Heaven," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 64-71, August 2023.
      282. M. Wang, S. Gong, B. Gu, W. Zhang, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Bayesian Optimization Enhanced Deep Reinforcement Learning for Trajectory Planning and Network Adaptation in Multi-UAV Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 10933-10948, August 2023.
      283. Z. Liu, J. Su, Y. Xie, K. Ma, H. Du, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Semantic Communication-Based Dynamic Resource Allocation in D2D Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 10784-10796, August 2023.
      284. T. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, S. Feng, K. Elbassioni, and D. Niyato, "Jamming-Based Covert Communication for Rate-Splitting Multiple Access," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 11074-11079, August 2023.
      285. J. Wang, H. Du, Z. Tian, D. Niyato, J. Kang, and X. S. Shen, "Semantic-Aware Sensing Information Transmission for Metaverse: A Contest Theoretic Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 5214-5228, Aug. 2023.
      286. Y. Jiang, J. Kang, X. Ge, D. Niyato, and Z. Xiong, "QoE Analysis and Resource Allocation for Wireless Metaverse Services," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 4735-4750, August 2023.
      287. M. Shen, A. Gu, J. Kang, X. Tang, X. Lin, L. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Blockchains for Artificial Intelligence of Things: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 16, pp. 14483-14506, 15 Aug. 2023.
      288. J. Zheng, H. Zhang, J. Kang, L. Gao, J. Ren, and D. Niyato, "Covert Federated Learning via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 4591-4604, August 2023.
      289. S. Zeng, Z. Li, H. Yu, Z. Zhang, L. Luo, B. Li, and D. Niyato, "HFedMS: Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Memorable Data Semantics in Industrial Metaverse," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 3055-3069, 1 July-Sept. 2023.
      290. H. Wu, J. Nie, Z. Xiong, Z. Cai, T. Zhou, C. Yuen, and D. Niyato, "A Game-Based Incentive-Driven Offloading Framework for Dispersed Computing," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 4034-4049, July 2023.
      291. K. Wang, D. Niyato, W. Chen, and A. Nallanathan, "Task-Oriented Delay-Aware Multi-Tier Computing in Cell-free Massive MIMO Systems," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 2000-2012, July 2023.
      292. H. Du, J. Liu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhang, and D. I. Kim, "Attention-aware Resource Allocation and QoE Analysis for Metaverse xURLLC Services," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 2158-2175, July 2023.
      293. J. Fan, W. Yang, Z. Liu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, K.-Y. Lam, and H. Du, "Understanding Security in Smart City Domains From the ANT-centric Perspective," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 13, pp. 11199-11223, 1 July, 2023.
      294. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, M. Guizani, and D. I. Kim, "Rethinking Wireless Communication Security in Semantic Internet of Things," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 36-43, June 2023.
      295. M. Shi, M. Yang, H. Yuan, X. Gao, K. Yang, and D. Niyato, "Spatio-Temporal Analysis of D2D Networks in Finite Areas," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 8239-8243, June 2023.
      296. Y. Liu, G. Feng, D. Niyato, S. Qin, J. Zhou, X. Li, and X. Xu, "Ensemble Distillation based Adaptive Quantization for Supporting Federated Learning in Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 4013-4027, June 2023.
      297. Y. Gao, Y. Xiao, X. Lei, Q. Zhu, D. Niyato, K.-K. Wong, P. Fan, and R. Q. Hu, "Pricing for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Networks: Models and Principles," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 102-110, May/June 2023.
      298. D. Kim, H. Park, D. Niyato, and J. Choi, "Worker Assignment for Multiple Masters to Speed Up Coded Distributed Computing in Heterogeneous Clusters," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 2283-2298, 1 May-June 2023.
      299. H. Tan, N. Xie, and D. Niyato, "Generalized Tag-based Physical-Layer Authentication under Frequency Selective Fading Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 2876-2890, May 2023.
      300. R. Kaewpuang, S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, and H. Yu, "Evolutionary Carrier Selection for Shared Truck Delivery Services," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 6778-6782, May 2023.
      301. N. Ngoenriang, M. Xu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, H. Yu, and X. S. Shen, "DQC2O: Distributed Quantum Computing for Collaborative Optimization in Future Networks," IEEE Communications, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 188-194, May 2023.
      302. H. Wu, H. Zeng, T. Zhou, Z. Cai, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "From Eye to Brain: A Proactive and Distributed Crowdsensing Framework for Federated Learning," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 8202-8214, 1 May, 2023.
      303. B. Clerckx, Y. Mao, E. A. Jorswieck, J. Yuan, D. Love, E. Erkip, and D. Niyato, "A Primer on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Tutorial, Myths, and Frequently Asked Questions," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1265-1308, May 2023.
      304. M. Montazeri, H. Kebriaei, B. N. Araabi, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Distributed Mechanism Design in Continuous Space for Federated Learning Over Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 4196-4206, April 2023.
      305. Y. Lin, J. Kang, D. Niyato, Z. Gao and Q. Wang, "Efficient Consensus and Elastic Resource Allocation Empowered Blockchain for Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 5513-5517, April 2023.
      306. A. P. Kartun-Giles, K. Koufos, X. Lu, and D. Niyato, "Two-Hop Connectivity to the Roadside in a VANET Under the Random Connection Model," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 5508-5512, April 2023.
      307. N. Q. Hieu, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. N. Nguyen, D. I. Kim, and A. Jamalipour, "Joint Power Allocation and Rate Control for Rate Splitting Multiple Access Networks with Covert Communications," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 2274-2287, April 2023.
      308. C. T. Nguyen, D. N. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, K. T. Phan, D. Niyato, H.-A. Pham and E. Dutkiewicz, "Elastic Resource Allocation for Coded Distributed Computing over Heterogeneous Wireless Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2636-2649, April 2023.
      309. V. N. Vo, L.-M.-D. Nguyen, H. Tran, V.-H. Dang, D. Niyato, D. N. Cong, N. C. Luong, and C. So-In, "Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Cognitive Radio Systems with UAV Relay: A Machine Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 435-451, April 2023.
      310. W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Miao, Z. Han, and D. I. Kim, "Stochastic Coded Offloading Scheme for Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle-Assisted Edge Computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 5626-5643, 1 April, 2023.
      311. Z. Zhang, S. Ma, Z. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, Y. Wu, K. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Robust Semisupervised Federated Learning for Images Automatic Recognition in Internet of Drones," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 5733-5746, 1 April, 2023.
      312. S. D. Okegbile, J. Cai, D. Niyato and C. Yi, "Human Digital Twin for Personalized Healthcare: Vision, Architecture and Future Directions," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 262-269, March/April 2023.
      313. J. Tang, J. Nie, Y. Zhang, Y. Duan, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Air-Ground Collaborative Edge Intelligence for Future Generation Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 118-125, March/April 2023.
      314. W. Yang, H. Du, Z. Liew, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, X. Chi, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "Semantic Communications for Future Internet: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 213-250, Firstquarter 2023.
      315. M. Xu, W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Q. Yang, X. S. Shen, and C. Miao, "A Full Dive into Realizing the Edge-enabled Metaverse: Visions, Enabling Technologies, and Challenges," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 656-700, Firstquarter 2023.
      316. J. Li, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, W. Su, W. Feng, and W. Jiang, "Relay-Assisted Partial Interference Elimination Schemes for K-User Delay-Sensitive Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1633-1647, March 2023.
      317. Y. Xiao, Z. Sun, G. Shi, and D. Niyato, "Imitation Learning-Based Implicit Semantic-Aware Communication Networks: Multi-Layer Representation and Collaborative Reasoning," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 639-658, March 2023.
      318. M. Shi, K. Yang, D. Niyato, H. Yuan, H. Zhou, and Z. Xu, "The Meta Distribution of SINR in UAV-Assisted Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1193-1206, Feb. 2023.
      319. A. Asheralieva, D. Niyato, and Z. Xiong, "Auction-and-Learning Based Lagrange Coded Computing Model for Privacy-Preserving, Secure, and Resilient Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 744-764, 1 Feb. 2023.
      320. Y. Tao, Y. Jiang, F.-C. Zheng, P. Zhu, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Content Popularity Prediction Based on Quantized Federated Bayesian Learning in Fog Radio Access Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 893-907, Feb. 2023.
      321. X. Shi, N. Deng, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Coverage Enhancement in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks via Distributed IRSs," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1153-1167, Feb. 2023.
      322. P. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, and B. Ai, "RIS-Aided 6G Communication System With Accurate Traceable User Mobility," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 2718-2722, February 2023.
      323. Y.-A. Xie, J. Kang, D. Niyato, N. T. T. Van, N. C. Luong, Z. Liu, and H. Yu, "Securing Federated Learning: A Covert Communication-based Approach," IEEE Network, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 118-124, January/February 2023.
      324. W. Wang, Y. Cao, M. Sheng, J. Tang, N. Zhao, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "Secure Beamforming for IRS-Enhanced NOMA Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 134-140, February 2023.
      325. M. Xu, D. Niyato, Z. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. I. Kim, and X. S. Shen, "Privacy-preserving Intelligent Resource Allocation for Federated Edge Learning in Quantum Internet," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 142-157, Jan. 2023.
      326. Y. Han, D. Niyato, C. Leung, D. I. Kim, K. Zhu, S. Feng, S. X. Shen, and C. Miao, "A Dynamic Hierarchical Framework for IoT-Assisted Digital Twin Synchronization in the Metaverse," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 268-284, 1 January 2023.
      327. H. Zhou, Y. Long, S. Gong, K. Zhu, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Hierarchical Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient Hybrid Computation Offloading," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 986-1001, Jan. 2023.
      328. M. Shi, J. Li, X. Gao, K. Yang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Load Distribution in Poisson Networks with Spatially Coupled Users," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 1331-1336, Jan. 2023.
      329. C. Wang, X. Chen, J. An, Z. Xiong, C. Xing, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Covert Communication Assisted by UAV-IRS," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 357-369, Jan. 2023.
      330. Y. Jiang, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X. Ge, Z. Xiong, C. Miao, and X. S. Shen, "Reliable Distributed Computing for Metaverse: A Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 1084-1100, Jan. 2023.
      331. J. Kang, H. Du, Z. Li, Z. Xiong, S. Ma, D. Niyato, and Y. Li, "Personalized Saliency in Task-Oriented Semantic Communications: Image Transmission and Performance Analysis," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 186-201, January 2023.
      332. T. Zhang, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and N. C. Luong, "Trajectory Design and Power Control for Joint Radar and Communication Enabled Multi-UAV Cooperative Detection Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 158-172, Jan. 2023.
      333. T. Zhang, C. Xu, P. Zou, H. Tian, X. Kuang, S. Yang, L. Zhong, and D. Niyato, "How to Mitigate DDoS Intelligently in SD-IoV: A Moving Target Defense Approach," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1097-1106, January 2023.
      334. N. Xie, W. Xiong, M. Sha, T. Hu, P. Zhang, L. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Physical Layer Authentication with High Compatibility Using an Encoding Approach," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 8270-8285, December 2022.
      335. Z. Yang, D. Li, N. Zhao, Z. Wu, Y. Li, and D. Niyato, "Secure Precoding Optimization for NOMA-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communication," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 8370-8382, December 2022.
      336. Y. Liu, Z. Xiong, Q. Hu, D. Niyato, J. Zhang, C. Miao, C. Leung, and Z. Tian, "VRepChain: A Decentralized and Privacy-preserving Reputation System for Social Internet of Vehicles Based on Blockchain," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 13242-13253, December 2022.
      337. E. Seo, D. Niyato, and E. Elmroth, "Resource-efficient federated learning with non-IID data based on an auction theoretic approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 24, pp. 25506-25524, December 15, 2022.
      338. Z. Li, W. Su, M. Xu, R. Yu, D. Niyato, and S. Xie, "Compact Learning Model for Dynamic Off-chain Routing in Blockchain-based IoT," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 3615-3630, December 2022.
      339. S. Ma, J. Nie, J. Kang, L. Lyu, R. W. Liu, R. Zhao, Z. Liu, and D. Niyato, "Privacy-preserving Anomaly Detection in Cloud Manufacturing via Federated Transformer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 8977-8987, December 2022.
      340. H. Yang, K.-Y. Lam, L. Xiao, Z. Xiong, H. Hu, D. Niyato, and H. V. Poor, "Lead federated neuromorphic learning for wireless edge artificial intelligence," Nature Communications, 13, 4269 (2022).
      341. N. T. T. Van, H. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, N. M. Tien, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Intelligence Reflecting Surface-Aided Integrated Data and Energy Networking Coexisting D2D Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 10035-10049, November 2022.
      342. Y.-A. Xie, Z. Liu, S. Wang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, K. Y. Chan, and D. Niyato, "Secure Information Transmission for B5G HetNets: A Robust Game Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 21, pp. 21505-21519, 1 November, 2022.
      343. B. Yang, X. Cao, C. Huang, C. Yuen, M. D. Renzo, Y. L. Guan, D. Niyato, L. Qian, and M. Debbah, "Federated Spectrum Learning for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Aided Wireless Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9610-9626, November 2022.
      344. H. Han, Y. Cao, M. Sheng, J. Liu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "IRS-Aided Secure NOMA Networks Against Internal and External Eavesdropping," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 7536-7548, Nov. 2022.
      345. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, X. Cao, J. Jin, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Reputation-aware Hedonic Coalition Formation for Efficient Serverless Hierarchical Federated Learning," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 2675-2686, November 2022.
      346. Y. Cao, Y. Zhao, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, D. Niyato, and L. Hanzo, "From Single-Protocol to Large-Scale Multi-Protocol Quantum Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 14-22, September/October 2022.
      347. J. Lee, Y. Cheng, D. Niyato, Y. L. Guan, and D. Gonzalez G., "Intelligent Resource Allocation in Joint Radar-Communication with Graph Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 11120-11135, October 2022.
      348. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Optimizing Age of Information and Security of the Next-Generation Internet of Everything Systems," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 20331-20351, October 2022.
      349. K. Aghababaiyan, H. Kebriaei, V. Shah-Mansouri, B. Maham, and D. Niyato, "Enhanced Modulation for Multiuser Molecular Communication in Internet of Nano Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 19787-19802, October 2022.
      350. W. Yang, Z. Q. Liew, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, X. Chi, X. Cao, and K. B. Letaief, "Semantic Communication Meets Edge Intelligence," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 28-35, October 2022.
      351. H. Du, D. Niyato, Y.-A. Xie, Y. Cheng, J. Kang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance Analysis and Optimization for Jammer-Aided Multiantenna UAV Covert Communication," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2962-2979, October 2022.
      352. J. Kang, X. Li, J. Nie, Y. Liu, M. Xu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Q. Yan, "Communication-Efficient and Cross-chain Empowered Federated Learning for Artificial Intelligence of Things," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 2966-2977, September-October 2022.
      353. K. Xie, Z. Zhang, B. Li, J. Kang, D. Niyato, S. Xie, and Y. Wu, "Efficient Federated Learning with Spike Neural Networks for Traffic Sign Recognition," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9980-9992, September 2022.
      354. J. Li, T. Liu, D. Niyato, J. Li, and Z. Han, "On Sidechain-Assisted Transaction Service Management for Internet of Things: A Random Contract Approach," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 3437-3453, September-October 2022.
      355. S. Feng, X. Lu, S. Sun, and D. Niyato, "Mean-Field Artificial Noise Assistance and Uplink Power Control in Covert IoT Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 7358-7373, September 2022.
      356. H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, J. Zhang, and D. I. Kim, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Joint Radar and Covert Communications: Fundamentals, Optimization, and Challenges," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 54-64, September 2022.
      357. N. Zhao, Z. Ye, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Offloading in UAV-assisted Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 6949-6960, September 2022.
      358. X. Tu, K. Zhu, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, Y. Zhang, and J. Li, "Incentive Mechanisms for Federated Learning: From Economic and Game Theoretic Perspective," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1566-1593, September 2022.
      359. Z. Li, Y. He, H. Yu, J. Kang, X. Li, Z. Xu, and D. Niyato, "Data Heterogeneity-Robust Federated Learning via Group Client Selection in Industrial IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 17844-17857, September 2022.
      360. K. S. H. Ong, W. Wang, N. Q. Hieu, D. Niyato, and T. Friedrichs, "Predictive Maintenance Model for IIoT-based Manufacturing: A Transferable Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 15725-15741, September 2022.
      361. Y. Wang, M. Chen, T. Luo, W. Saad, D. Niyato, H. V. Poor, and S. Cui, "Performance Optimization for Semantic Communications: An Attention-based Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2598-2613, September 2022.
      362. C. T. Nguyen, N. V. Huynh, N. H. Chu, Y. M. Saputra, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, Q.-V. Pham, D. Niyato, E. Dutkiewicz, and W.-J. Hwang, "Transfer Learning for Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 110, no. 8, pp. 1073 - 1115, August 2022.
      363. Md. Shirajum Munir, K. T. Kim, K. Thar, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Risk Adversarial Learning System for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Charging," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 15184-15203, 15 August, 2022.
      364. C. Fan, C. She, H. Zhang, B. Li, C. Zhao and D. Niyato, "Learning to Optimize User Association and Spectrum Allocation With Partial Observation in mmWave-Enabled UAV Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 5873-5888, August 2022
      365. N. T. Thanh Van, N. C. Luong, S. Feng, H. T. Nguyen, K. Zhu, T. V. Luong, and D. Niyato, "Dynamic Network Service Selection in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Enabled Wireless Systems: Game Theory Approaches," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 5947-5961, August 2022.
      366. Y. Han, D. Niyato, C. Leung, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamics in Coded Edge Computing for IoT: A Fractional Evolutionary Game Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 15184-15203, August 2022.
      367. M. Xu, D. T. Hoang, J. Kang, D. Niyato, Q. Yan, and D. I. Kim, "Secure and Reliable Transfer Learning Framework for 6G-enabled Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 132-139, August 2022.
      368. N. Q. Hieu, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and C. Yuen, "Transferable Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Autonomous Vehicles with Joint Radar-Data Communications," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 5164-5180, August 2022.
      369. Z. Tang, L. Sun, D. Niyato, Y. Zhang, and A. Liu, "Jammer-Assisted Secure Precoding and Feedback Design for MIMO IoT Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 14, pp. 12241-12257, 15 July, 2022
      370. X. Jia, X. Zhou, D. Niyato, and J. Zhao, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Bistatic Backscatter Networks: Joint Beamforming and Reflection Design," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 799-814, June 2022.
      371. X. Tang, L. Zhu, M. Shen, J. Peng, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and A. A. Abd El-Latif, "Secure and Trusted Collaborative Learning based on Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence of Things," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 14-22, June 2022.
      372. Y. Zou, Y. Long, S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, K. Jin, W. Cheng, and D. Niyato, "Robust Beamforming Optimization for Self-Sustainable Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 856-870, June 2022.
      373. H. Qiu, K. Zhu, N. C. Luong, C. Yi, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Applications of Auction and Mechanism Design in Edge Computing: A Survey," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 1034-1058, June 2022.
      374. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, S. S. Wang, and S. X. Shen, "Joint Pricing and Security Investment in Cloud Security Service Market With User Interdependency," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1461-1472, May-June 2022.
      375. W. Wang, A. Leshem, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Decentralized Learning for Channel Allocation in IoT Networks over Unlicensed Bandwidth as a Contextual Multi-player Multi-armed Bandit Game," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 3162-3178, May 2022.
      376. T. T. Nguyen, K. Elbassioni, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Access Management in Joint Sensing and Communication Systems: Efficiency versus Fairness," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 5128-5142, May 2022.
      377. H. Du, J. Zhang, K. Guan, D. Niyato, H. Jiao, Z. Wang, and T. Kurner, "Performance and Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided THz Communications," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 3575-3593, May 2022.
      378. N. Ngoenriang, S. J. Turner, D. Niyato, and S. Supittayap*rnpong, "Joint UAV-Placement and Data Delivery in Aerial Inspection under Uncertainties," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 6389-6403, May, 2022.
      379. Y. Xu, J. Tang, B. Li, N. Zhao, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "Adaptive Aggregate Transmission for Device-to-Multi-Device Aided Cooperative NOMA Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1355-1370, April 2022.
      380. K. S. H. Ong, W. Wang, D. Niyato, and T. Friedrichs, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Predictive Maintenance Model for Effective Resource Management in Industrial IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 5173-5188, April, 2022.
      381. K. Zhu, Y. Xu, J. Qian, and D. Niyato, "Revenue-Optimal Auction For Resource Allocation in Wireless Virtualization: A Deep Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1374-1387, 1 April 2022.
      382. T. Li, K. Zhu, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, Q. Wu, Y. Zhang, and B. Chen, "Applications of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Future Internet: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1240-1279, Secondquarter 2022.
      383. S. Gong, J. Lin, B. Ding, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and M. Guizani, "When Optimization Meets Machine Learning: The Case of IRS-Assisted Wireless Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 190-198, March/April 2022.
      384. X. Lu, P. Wang, G. Li, D. Niyato, and Z. Li, "Short-Packet Backscatter Assisted Wireless-Powered Relaying With NOMA: Mode Selection With Performance Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 216-231, March 2022.
      385. W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, J. Jin, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Decentralized Edge Intelligence: A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for Hierarchical Federated Learning," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 536-550, March 2022.
      386. J. Tang, J. Nie, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Slicing-based Reliable Resource Orchestration for Secure Software Defined Edge-Cloud Computing Systems," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2637-2648, 15 Feb.15, 2022.
      387. Z. Tang, L. Sun, X. Tian, D. Niyato, and Y. Zhang, "Artificial-Noise-Aided Coordinated Secure Beamforming in Multi-Cell Multi-Antenna Networks with Limited Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1750-1765, Feb. 2022.
      388. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Leung, C. Miao, "A Double Auction Mechanism for Resource Allocation in Coded Vehicular Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1832-1845, Feb. 2022.
      389. Y.-C. Liang, R. Long, Q. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Symbiotic Communications: Where Marconi Meets Darwin," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 144-150, February 2022.
      390. X. Pang, N. Zhao, J. Tang, C. Wu, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "IRS-Assisted Secure UAV Transmission via Joint Trajectory and Beamforming Design," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1140-1152, Feb. 2022.
      391. A. H. Khan, N. U. Hassan, C. Yuen, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, and Y. Zhang, and H. V. Poor, "Blockchain and 6G: The Future of Secure and Ubiquitous Communication," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 194-201, February 2022.
      392. S. Gong, Y. Zou, J. Xu, D. T. Hoang, B. Lyu, and D. Niyato, "Optimization-driven Hierarchical Learning Framework for Wireless Powered Backscatter-aided Relay Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1378-1391, Feb. 2022.
      393. C. Roy, R. Saha, S. Misra, and D. Niyato, "Soft-Health: Software-defined Fog Architecture for IoT Applications in Healthcare," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 2455-2462, Feb. 2022.
      394. L. U. Khan, W. Saad, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and C. S. Hong, "Digital-Twin-Enabled 6G: Vision, Architectural Trends, and Future Directions," IEEE Communications, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 74-80, January 2022.
      395. B. Yang, O. fa*gbohungbe, X. Cao, C. Yuen, L. Qian, D. Niyato, and Y. Zhang, "A Joint Energy and Latency Framework for Transfer Learning over 5G Industrial Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 531-541, Jan. 2022.
      396. F. Li, K.-Y. Lam, Z. Ni, D. Niyato, X. Liu, and L. Wang, "Cognitive Carrier Resource Optimization for Internet-of-Vehicles in 5G-Enhanced Smart Cities," IEEE Network, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 174-180, January/February 2022.
      397. J. Lee, D. Niyato, Y. L. Guan, and D. I. Kim, "Learning to Schedule Joint Radar-Communication with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 406-422, Jan. 2022.
      398. X. Lu, N. C. Luong, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, Y. Xiao and P. Wang, "Secure Wirelessly-Powered Networks at the Physical Layer: Challenges, Countermeasures, and Road Ahead," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 193-209, Jan. 2022.
      399. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, X. Cao, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and D. I. Kim, "A Hierarchical Incentive Design Toward Motivating Participation in Coded Federated Learning," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 359-375, Jan. 2022.
      400. X. Zhou, W. Wang, N. U. Hassan, C. Yuen, and D. Niyato, "Towards Small AoI and Low Latency via Operator Content Platform: A Contract Theory Based Pricing," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 366-378, Jan. 2022.
      401. D. C. Nguyen, M. Ding, P. N. Pathirana, A. Seneviratne, J. Li, D. Niyato, O. Dobre, and H. V. Poor, "6G Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 359-383, 1 Jan. 2022.
      402. X. Gao, D. Niyato, K. Yang, and J. An, "Cooperative Scheme for Backscatter-Aided Passive Relay Communications in Wireless-Powered D2D Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 152-164, Jan. 2022.
      403. W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, C. Miao, and X. Shen, "When Information Freshness Meets Service Latency in Federated Learning: A Task-Aware Incentive Scheme for Smart Industries," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 457-466, Jan. 2022.
      404. B. Yang, X. Cao, C. Huang, Y. L. Guan, C. Yuen, M. D. Renzo, D. Niyato, M. Debbah, and L. Hanzo, "Spectrum Learning-Aided Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 'Green' 6G Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 20-26, November/December 2021.
      405. C. Xu, Y. Xie, X. Wang, H. H. Yang, D. Niyato, and T. Q. S. Quek, "Optimal Status Update for Caching Enabled IoT Networks: A Dueling Deep R-Network Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 8438-8454, Dec. 2021.
      406. Z. Hou, C. She, Y. Li, D. Niyato, M. Dohler, and B. Vucetic, "Intelligent Communications for Tactile Internet in 6G: Requirements, Technologies, and Challenges," IEEE Communications, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 82-88, December 2021.
      407. R. Deng, B. Di, H. Zhang, D. Niyato, Z. Han, H. V. Poor, and L. Song, "Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces for Future Wireless Communications," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 126-131, December 2021.
      408. N. T. T. Van, N. C. Luong, H. T. Nguyen, S. Feng, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Latency Minimization in Covert Communication-Enabled Federated Learning Network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 13447-13452, Dec. 2021.
      409. D. C. Nguyen, M. Ding, P. N. Pathirana, A. Seneviratne, J. Li, D. Niyato, and H. V. Poor, "Federated Learning for Industrial Internet of Things in Future Industries," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 192-199, December 2021.
      410. W. Y. B. Lim, S. Garg, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Leung, C. Miao, and M. Guizani, "Dynamic Contract Design for Federated Learning in Smart Healthcare Applications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 23, pp. 16853-16862, Dec. 2021.
      411. V. Hassija, V. Chamola, A. Agrawal, A. Goyal, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, F. R. Yu, and M. Guizani, "Fast, Reliable, and Secure Drone Communication: A Comprehensive Survey," in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2802-2832, Fourthquarter 2021
      412. F. M. Awaysheh, M. Zlazab, S. Garg, D. Niyato, and C. Verikoukis, "Big Data Resource Management & Networks: Taxonomy, Survey, and Future Directions," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2098-2130, Fourthquarter 2021.
      413. J. Zheng, L. Gao, H. Zhang, D. Niyato, J. Ren, H. Wang, H. Guo, and Z. Wang, "eICIC configuration of Downlink and Uplink Decoupling with SWIPT in 5G Dense IoT HetNets," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 8274-8287, Dec. 2021.
      414. W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamic Edge Association and Resource Allocation in Self-Organizing Hierarchical Federated Learning Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3640-3653, Dec. 2021.
      415. X. Chen, N. Zhang, J. Tang, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "UAV-Aided Covert Communication With a Multi-Antenna Jammer," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 11619-11631, Nov. 2021.
      416. J. Ji, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Joint Communication and Computation Design for UAV-enabled Aerial Computing," IEEE Communications, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 73-79, November 2021.
      417. I. Lotif, D. Niyato, S. Sun, D. T. Hoang, Y. Li, and D. I. Kim, "Protecting Multi-Function Wireless Systems From Jammers With Backscatter Assistance: An Intelligent Strategy," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 11812-11826, Nov. 2021.
      418. W. Wang, N. Zhao, L. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Chen, and D. Niyato, "UAV-Assisted Time-Efficient Data Collection via Uplink NOMA," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7851-7863, Nov. 2021.
      419. H. Han, J. Zhao, W. Zhai, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, M. D. Renzo, Q.-V. Pham, W. Lu, and K.-Y. Lam, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Power Control for Physical-Layer Broadcasting," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7821-7836, Nov. 2021.
      420. X. Chen, M. Sheng, N. Zhao, W. Xu, and D. Niyato, "UAV-Relayed Covert Communication Towards a Flying Warden," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7659-7672, Nov. 2021.
      421. R. Zhang, X. Pang, W. Lu, N. Zhao, Y. Chen, and D. Niyato, "Dual-UAV Enabled Secure Data Collection With Propulsion Limitation," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 7445-7459, Nov. 2021.
      422. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Throughput-Efficient Lagrange Coded Private Blockchain for Secured IoT Systems," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 19, pp. 14874-14895, 1 Oct.1, 2021.
      423. X. Cao, B. Yang, C. Huang, C. Yuen, M. D. Renzo, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Aerial-Terrestrial Communications via Multi-Task Learning," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 3035-3050, Oct. 2021.
      424. Y. Gao, C. Yong, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, Y. Xiao, and D. Niyato, "Reflection Resource Management for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6971-6986, Oct. 2021.
      425. M. Shi, X. Gao, K. Yang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Meta Distribution of the SINR for mmWave Cellular Networks with Clusters," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6956-6970, Oct. 2021.
      426. X. Pang, M. Sheng, N. Zhao, J. Tang, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "When UAV Meets IRS: Expanding Air-Ground Networks via Passive Reflection," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 164-170, October 2021.
      427. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, B. Lin, and D. I. Kim, "Toward an automated auction framework for wireless federated learning services market," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 3034-3048, October 2021.
      428. T. Zhang, K. Zhu and D. Niyato, "Detection of Sleeping Cells in Self-Organizing Cellular Networks: An Adversarial Auto-Encoder Method," in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 739-751, Sept. 2021.
      429. L. U. Khan, Z. Han, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Socially-Aware-Clustering-Enabled Federated Learning for Edge Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2641-2658, Sept. 2021.
      430. J. Li, D. Niyato, C. S. Hong, K.-J. Park, L. Wang, and Z. Han, "Cyber Insurance Design for Validator Rotation in Sharded Blockchain Networks: A Hierarchical Game Based Approach," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 3092 - 3106, September 2021.
      431. W. Y. B. Lim, S. Garg, Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "UAV-assisted Communication Efficient Federated Learning in the era of the Artificial Intelligence of Things," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 188-195, September/October 2021.
      432. S. Feng, W. Wang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and S. S. Wang, "On cyber risk management of blockchain networks: A game theoretic approach," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1492-1504, 1 Sept.-Oct. 2021.
      433. Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and J. Zhang, "Contract design in hierarchical game for sponsored content service market," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 2763-2778, September 2021.
      434. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Dynamic resource management to defend against advanced persistent threats in fog computing: A game theoretic approach," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 995-1007, July-September 2021.
      435. S. Hu, Y.-C. Liang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for Dynamic Resource Sharing in 6G and Beyond," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 145-151, August 2021.
      436. K. Zhu, A. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Cost-Effective Active Sparse Urban Sensing: An Adversarial Auto-Encoder Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 12064-12078, August 2021.
      437. X. Jiang, X. Chen, J. Tang, N. Zhao, X.-Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "Covert Communication in UAV-Assisted Air-Ground Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 190-197, August 2021.
      438. X. Cao, B. Yang, C. Huang, C. Yuen, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Converged Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface and Mobile Edge Computing for Space Information Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 42 - 48, August 2021.
      439. D. C. Nguyen, M. Ding, Q.-V. Pham, P. N. Pathirana, L. B. Le, A. Seneviratne, J. Li, D. Niyato, and and H. Vincent Poor, "Federated Learning Meets Blockchain in Edge Computing: Opportunities and Challenges," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 16, pp. 12806-12825, August 2021.
      440. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, P.-S. Tan, P. Wang, and S. Nutanong, "Shipper Cooperation in Stochastic Drone Delivery: A Dynamic Bayesian Game Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 7437-7452, August 2021.
      441. X. Zhou, W. Wang, N. U. Hassan, C. Yuen, and D. Niyato, "Age of Information Aware Content Resale Mechanism with Edge Caching," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 5269 - 5282, August 2021.
      442. H. T. Nguyen, H. D. Tuan, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and H. V. Poor, "Improper Gaussian Signaling for D2D Communication Coexisting MISO Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 5186-5198, August 2021.
      443. W. Y. B. Lim, J. Huang, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X.-S. Hua, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Towards Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: A Multi-Dimensional Contract-Matching Approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 5140-5154, August 2021.
      444. X. Cao, B. Yang, C. Huang, C. Yuen, M. D. Renzo, Z. Han, D. Niyato, H. V. Poor, and L. Hanzo, "AI-Assisted MAC for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities," IEEE Communications, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. June 2021.
      445. P. Gorla, V. Chamola, V. Hassija, and D. Niyato, "Network Slicing for 5G with UE State Based Allocation and Blockchain Approach," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 184-190, May/June 2021.
      446. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, N. C. Luong, Z. Xiong, A. Asheralieva, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "A Comprehensive Survey on Coded Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Networking Applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1800 - 1837, June 2021.
      447. Z. Jia, M. Sheng, J. Li, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "LEO Satellite-Assisted UAV: Joint Trajectory and Data Collection for Internet of Remote Things in 6G Aerial Access Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 9814-9826, June 2021.
      448. Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, M. Yang, T. Wang, N. Wang, L. Lyu, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "Local Differential Privacy based Federated Learning for Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 8836-8853, June 2021.
      449. Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, J. Kang, Z. Zhang, D. Niyato, S. Shi, and K.-Y. Lam, "A Blockchain-Based Approach for Saving and Tracking Differential-Privacy Cost," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 8865-8882, June 2021.
      450. J. Li, T. Liu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, J. Li and Z. Han, "Contract-Theoretic Pricing for Security Deposits in Sharded Blockchain With Internet of Things (IoT)," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 10052-10070, 15 June, 2021.
      451. H. T. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "A Hierarchical Game Model for OFDM Integrated Radar and Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 5077-5082, May 2021.
      452. J. Ji, K. Zhu, C. Yi, and D. Niyato, "Energy Consumption Minimization in UAV-Assisted Mobile-Edge Computing Systems: Joint Resource Allocation and Trajectory Design," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 8570-8584, 15 May, 2021.
      453. H. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, C. Yuen, and R. Deng, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Massive Access Management for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 2977-2990, May 2021.
      454. N. Kim, D. Kim, J. Lee, D. Niyato, and J. K. Choi, "Incentive-Based Coded Distributed Computing Management for Latency Reduction in IoT Services - A Game Theoretic Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 8259-8278, 15 May15, 2021.
      455. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Fast and Secure Computational Offloading with Lagrange Coded Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 4924-4942, May 2021.
      456. N. C. Luong, N. T. T. Van, S. Feng, H. T. Nguyen, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamic Network Service Selection in IRS-assisted Wireless," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 5160-5165, May 2021.
      457. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, H.-N. Dai, Z. Xiong, J. Huang, D. Niyato, X.-S. Hua, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Joint Auction-Coalition Formation Framework for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2326-2344, April 2021.
      458. S. Feng, D. Niyato, X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamic model for network selection in next generation HetNets with memory-affecting rational users," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1365-1379, April 2021.
      459. N. C. Luong, X. Lu, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Radio Resource Management in Joint Radar and Communication: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 780-814, Secondquarter 2021.
      460. M. B. Mollah, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, Y. L. Guan, C. Yuen, S. Sun, K.-Y. Lam, and L. H. Koh, "Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles towards Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 4157-4185, 15 March15, 2021.
      461. J. Nie, J. Luo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and H. V. Poor, "A Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Game-Based Analysis for Incentive Mechanisms in Socially-Aware Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1457-1471, March 2021.
      462. H. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, Q. Wu, H. V. Poor, and M. Tornatore, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Anti-Jamming Communications: A Fast Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1963-1974, March 2021.
      463. Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, W. Y. B. Lim, J. Kang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "UAV-assisted Wireless Energy and Data Transfer with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 85-99, March 2021.
      464. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Bayesian reinforcement learning and Bayesian deep learning for blockchains with mobile edge computing," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 319-335, March 2021.
      465. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Learning-based edge computing resource management to support public blockchain networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1092-1109, March 2021.
      466. Y. Jiang, X. Chen, F.-C. Zheng, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Brain Storm Optimization-Based Edge Caching in Fog Radio Access Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1807-1820, Feb. 2021.
      467. J. Ji, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and R. Wang, "Joint Trajectory Design and Resource Allocation for Secure Transmission in Cache-enabled UAV-relaying Networks with D2D Communications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1557-1571, Feb. 2021.
      468. Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, L. Jiang, R. Tan, D. Niyato, Z. Li, L. Lyu, and Y. Liu, "Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for IoT Devices," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1817-1829, Feb. 2021.
      469. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, X. Li, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Optimizing Task Assignment for Reliable Blockchain-Empowered Federated Edge Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1910-1923, Feb. 2021.
      470. T. Sanguanpuak, D. Niyato, N. Rajatheva, M. Latva-aho, "Radio resource sharing and edge caching with latency constraint for local 5G operator: Geometric programming meets Stackelberg game," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 707-721, Feb. 2021.
      471. C.-Y. Lin, Y.-F. Chiu, L.-C. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Modeling of Multilayer Multicontent Latent Tree and Its Applications," IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 5-19, Feb. 2021.
      472. J. Tan, Y.-C. Liang, N. C. Luong, and D. Niyato, "Toward Smart Security Enhancement of Federated Learning Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 340-347, January/February 2021.
      473. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, S. Xie, and D. I. Kim, "Securing data sharing from the sky: Integrating blockchains into drones in 5G and Beyond," IEEE Network, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 78-85, January/February 2021.
      474. H. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, L. Xiao, and Q. Wu, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based IntelligentReflecting Surface for Secure Wireless Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 375-388, Jan. 2021.
      475. M. B. Mollah, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, K.-Y. Lam, X. Zhang, A. M.Y.M. Ghias, L. H. Koh, and L. Yang, "Blockchain for future smart grid: A comprehensive survey," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 18-43, Jan. 2021.
      476. Y. Jiang, H. Feng, F.-C. Zheng, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Deep learning-based edge caching in fog radio access networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 8442-8454, Dec. 2020.
      477. H. Yang, A. Alphones, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, J. Zhao, and K. Wu, "Artificial Intelligence-enabled intelligent 6G networks," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 272-280, November/December 2020.
      478. C. Qiu, H. Yao, X. Wang, N. Zhang, F. R. Yu, and D. Niyato, "AI-Chain: Blockchain Energized Edge Intelligence for Beyond 5G Networks," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 62-69, November/December 2020.
      479. H. Hu, Y. Wen, L. Yin, L. Qiu, and D. Niyato, "Coordinating workload scheduling of geo-distributed data centers and electricity generation of smart grid," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1007-1020, Nov.-Dec. 2020.
      480. S. Gong, X. Lu, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, L. Shu, D. I. Kim, and Y.-C. Liang, "Toward Smart Wireless Communications via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: A Contemporary Survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2283-2314, Fourthquarter 2020.
      481. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Reputation-Based Coalition Formation for Secure Self-Organized and Scalable Sharding in IoT Blockchains With Mobile-Edge Computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 11830-11850, Dec. 2020.
      482. W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, C. Miao, D. Niyato, Q. Yang, C. Leung, and H. V. Poor, "Hierarchical incentive mechanism design for federated machine learning in mobile networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 9575-9588, Oct. 2020.
      483. W. Y. B. Lim, N. C. Luong, D. T. Hoang, Y. Jiao, Y.-C. Liang, Q. Yang, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Federated learning in mobile edge networks: A comprehensive survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 2031-2063, thirdquarter 2020.
      484. J. Ahn, J. Lee, D. Niyato, and H.-S. Park, "Novel QoS-Guaranteed Orchestration Scheme for Energy-Efficient Mobile Augmented Reality Applications in Multi-Access Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 13631-13645, Nov. 2020.
      485. Y. Zou, S. Gong, J. Xu, W. Cheng, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Wireless Powered Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Enhancing Wireless Communications," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 12369-12373, Oct. 2020.
      486. S. Idrees, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and D. Niyato, "Design of ambient backscatter training for wireless power transfer," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 6316-6330, Oct. 2020.
      487. Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, R. Deng, and J. Zhang, "Reward Optimization for Content Providers with Mobile Data Subsidization: A Hierarchical Game Approach," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2363-2377, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
      488. J. Ji, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and R. Wang, "Probabilistic cache placement in UAV-assisted networks with D2D connections: Performance analysis and trajectory optimization," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 6331-6345, Oct. 2020.
      489. S. Gong, Y. Zou, D. T. Hoang, J. Xu, W. Cheng, and D. Niyato, "Capitalizing backscatter-aided hybrid relay communications with wireless energy harvesting," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8709-8721, Sept. 2020.
      490. X. Lu, E. Hossain, T. Shafique, S. Feng, H. Jiang, and D. Niyato, "Intelligent reflecting surface-enabled covert communications in wireless networks," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 148-155, September/October 2020.
      491. J. Kim, D. Kim, and D. Niyato, "Market analysis of distributed learning resource management for Internet of Things: A game theoretic approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8430-8439, Sept. 2020.
      492. H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, S. Bu, R. Yu, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Distributed resource allocation for data center networks: A hierarchical game approach," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 778-789, July-Sept. 2020.
      493. T. Cao, C. Xu, J. Du, Y. Li, H. Xiao, C. Gong, L. Zhong, and D. Niyato, "Reliable and efficient multimedia service optimization for edge computing-based 5G networks: Game theoretic approaches," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1610-1625, Sept. 2020.
      494. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Data Services Sales Design With Mixed Bundling Strategy: A Multidimensional Adverse Selection Approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8826-8836, Sept. 2020.
      495. Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, H. V. Poor, and S. Xie, "A multi-dimensional contract approach for data rewarding in mobile networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 5779-5793, Sept. 2020.
      496. G. Li, X. Lu, and D. Niyato, "A bandit approach for mode selection in ambient backscatter-assisted wireless-powered relaying," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 9190-9195, Aug. 2020.
      497. Y. Liu, J. Peng, J. Kang, A. M. Iliyasu, D. Niyato, and A. A. Abd El-Latif, "A secure federated learning framework for 5G networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 24-31, August 2020.
      498. C. Zhan, H. Hu, X. Sui, Z. Liu and, D. Niyato, "Completion time and energy optimization in UAV-enabled mobile-edge computing system," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7808-7822, Aug. 2020.
      499. H. Yu, Z. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Chen, M. Cong, X. Weng, D. Niyato, and Q. Yang, "A sustainable incentive scheme for federated learning," IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 58-69, July-Aug. 2020.
      500. J. Ji, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and R. Wang, "Joint cache placement, flight trajectory and transmission power optimization for multi-UAV assisted wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 5389-5403, Aug. 2020.
      501. S. Gong, Y. Xie, J. Xu, D. Niyato and Y. -C. Liang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Backscatter-Aided Data Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 106-113, September/October 2020.
      502. Z. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Guan and D. Niyato, "Robust Secure Transmission and Power Transfer in Heterogeneous Networks With Confidential Information," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 11192-11205, Oct. 2020.
      503. Y. Liu, J. J. Q. Yu, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and S. Zhang, "Privacy-preserving traffic flow prediction: A federated learning approach," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7751-7763, Aug. 2020.
      504. H. Kebriaei, A. Taghizadeh, and D. Niyato, "Mean field game for equilibrium analysis of mining computational power in blockchains," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7625-7635, Aug. 2020.
      505. M. Asghari, S. Yousefi, and D. Niyato, "An analysis of service bundles of mobile network operators with free services included," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1789-1803, Aug. 2020.
      506. D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, M. A. Alsheikh, S. Gong, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, ""Borrowing Arrows with Thatched Boats": The art of defeating reactive jammers in IoT networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 79-87, June 2020.
      507. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Combining contract theory and Lyapunov optimization for content sharing with edge caching and device-to-device communications," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1213-1226, June 2020.
      508. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Y. Zhang, and B. Lin, "A Stackelberg game approach for sponsored content management in mobile data market with network effects," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 5184-5201, June 2020.
      509. G. Dandachi, A. De Domenico, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "An artificial intelligence framework for slice deployment and orchestration in 5G networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 858-871, June 2020.
      510. A. Ndikumana, N. H. Tran, T. M. Ho, Z. Han, W. Saad, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Joint communication, computation, caching, and control in big data multi-access edge computing," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1359-1374, June 2020.
      511. J. Tan, L. Zhang, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Intelligent sharing for LTE and WiFi systems in unlicensed bands: A deep reinforcement learning approach," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 2793-2808, May 2020.
      512. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Y. Zou, Y. Zhang, and M. Guizani, "Reliable federated learning for mobile networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 72-80, April 2020.
      513. M. A. Alsheikh, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. Leong, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Optimal Pricing of Internet of Things: A Machine Learning Approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 669-684, April 2020.
      514. S. Feng, D. Niyato, X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamic game and pricing for data sponsored 5G systems with memory effect," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 750-765, April 2020.
      515. Y. Han, X. Wang, V. C. M. Leung, D. Niyato, X. Yan, and X. Chen, "Convergence of edge computing and deep learning: A comprehensive survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 869-904, Secondquarter 2020.
      516. Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and V. H. Poor, "Cloud/edge computing service management in blockchain networks: Multi-leader multi-follower game-based ADMM for pricing," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 356-367, March-April 2020.
      517. J. Xu, S. Gong, Y. Zou, W. Liu, K. Zeng, and D. Niyato, "Redundant sniffer deployment for multi-channel wireless network forensics with unreliable conditions," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 394-407, March 2020.
      518. Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Z. Han, and Y. Zhang, "Dynamic pricing for revenue maximization in mobile social data market with network effects," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1722-1737, March 2020.
      519. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Distributed dynamic resource management and pricing in the IoT systems with Blockchain-as-a-Service and UAV-enabled mobile edge computing," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1974-1993, March 2020.
      520. N. C. Luong, Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim and Z. Han, "A machine-learning-based auction for resource trading in fog computing," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 82-88, March 2020.
      521. C. Zhan, H. Hu, Z. Wang, R. Fan, and D. Niyato, "Unmanned aircraft system aided adaptive video streaming: A joint optimization approach," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 795-807, March 2020.
      522. M. K. Farshbafan, V. Shah-Mansouri, and D. Niyato, "Reliability aware service placement using a Viterbi-based algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 622-636, March 2020.
      523. W. Tushar, T. Kumar Saha, C. Yuen, M. I. Azim, T. Morstyn, H. V. Poor, D. Niyato, and R. Bean, "A coalition formation game framework for peer-to-peer energy trading," Applied Energy, vol. 261, no. 1, March 2020.
      524. M. K. Farshbafan, V. Shah-Mansouri, and D. Niyato, "A dynamic reliability-aware service placement for network function virtualization (NFV)," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 318-333, Feb. 2020.
      525. Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Information trading in Internet of Things for smart cities: A market-oriented analysis," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 122-129, January/February 2020.
      526. Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and N. Guizani, "The best of both worlds: A general architecture for data management in blockchain-enabled Internet-of-Things," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 166-173, January/February 2020.
      527. P. Cheng, Z. Chen, M. Ding, Y. Li, B. Vucetic, and D. Niyato, "Spectrum intelligent radio: Technology, development, and future trends," IEEE Communications, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 12-18, January 2020.
      528. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, B. Lin, and D. I. Kim, "Mechanism design for wireless powered spatial crowdsourcing networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 920-934, Jan. 2020.
      529. Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, V. H. Poor, and D. I. Kim, "A game-theoretic analysis for complementary and substitutable IoT services delivery with externalities," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 615-629, Jan. 2020.
      530. N. ul Hassan, Y. Chau, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain technologies for smart energy systems: Fundamentals, challenges and solutions," IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 106-118, Dec. 2019.
      531. S. Gong, L. Gao, J. Xu, Y. Guo, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Exploiting Backscatter-Aided Relay Communications With Hybrid Access Model in Device-to-Device Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 835-848, December 2019.
      532. N. C. Luong, D. T. Hoang, S. Gong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Y.-C. Liang, and D. I. Kim, "Applications of deep reinforcement learning in communications and networking: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 3133-3174, Fourthquarter 2019.
      533. N. C. Luong, P. Wang, D. Niyato, Y.-C. Liang, F. Hou, and Z. Han, "Applications of economic and pricing models for resource management in 5G wireless networks: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 3298-3339, Fourthquarter 2019.
      534. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, S. Xie, and J. Zhang, "Incentive mechanism for reliable federated learning: A joint optimization approach to combining reputation and contract theory," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 10700-714, Dec. 2019.
      535. M. Shi, K. Yang, Z. Han, and D. Niyato, "Coverage analysis of integrated sub-6GHz-mmWave cellular networks with hotspots," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 8151-8164, November 2019.
      536. N. Zhao, Y.-C. Liang, D. Niyato, Y. Pei, M. Wu, and Y. Jiang, "Deep reinforcement learning for user association and resource allocation in heterogeneous cellular networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 5141-5152, November 2019.
      537. S. M. Zafaruddin, I. Bistritz, A. Leshem, and D. Niyato, "Distributed learning for channel allocation over a shared spectrum," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 2337-2349, Oct. 2019.
      538. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Game theory and Lyapunov optimization for cloud-based content delivery networks with device-to-device and UAV-enabled caching," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 10094-10110, Oct. 2019.
      539. J. Xu, J. Li, S. Gong, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Passive relaying game for wireless powered Internet of Things in backscatter-aided hybrid radio networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 8933-8944, October 2019.
      540. A. Asheralieva and D. Niyato, "Hierarchical game-theoretic and reinforcement learning framework for computational offloading in UAV-enabled mobile edge computing networks with multiple service providers," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 8753-8769, October 2019.
      541. X. Gao, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, K. Yang, and Y.-C. Liang, "Dynamic access point and service selection in backscatter-assisted RF-powered cognitive networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 8270-8283, October 2019.
      542. A. Ali, M. E. Ahmed, F. Ali, N. H. Tran, D. Niyato, S. Pack, "NOn-parametric Bayesian channEls cLustering (NOBEL) scheme for wireless multimedia cognitive radio networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 2293-2305, October 2019.
      543. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Z. Han, and D. I. Kim, "Joint traffic routing and virtualized security function activation in wireless multihop networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 9205-9219, September 2019.
      544. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and K. Suankaewmanee, "Auction mechanisms in cloud/fog computing resource allocation for public blockchain networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1975-1989, September 2019.
      545. S. Gong, J. Xu, D. Niyato, X. Huang, and Z. Han, "Backscatter-aided cooperative relay communications in wireless-powered hybrid radio networks," IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 234-241, September-October 2019.
      546. N. V. Huynh, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal and low-complexity dynamic spectrum access for RF-powered ambient backscatter system with online reinforcement learning," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5736-5752, August 2019.
      547. M. Asghari, S. Yousefi, D. Niyato, "Pricing strategies of IoT wide area network service providers with complementary services included," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 147, pp. 102426, 2019.
      548. J. Li, H. Zhao, S. Zhang, A. S. Hafid, and D. Niyato, "Cross-layer analysis and optimization on access delay in channel-hopping based distributed cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 4654-4668, July 2019.
      549. J. Chase, D. Niyato, P. Wang, S. Chaisiri, and R. K. L. Ko, "A scalable approach to joint cyber insurance and security-as-a-service provisioning in cloud computing," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 565-579, July-August 2019.
      550. L. Zhang, J. Tan, Y.-C. Liang, G. Feng, and D. Niyato, "Deep reinforcement learning based modulation and coding scheme selection in cognitive heterogeneous networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 3281-3294, June 2019.
      551. C. Xu, J. Wang, Z. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Energy-efficient WLANs with resource and re-association scheduling optimization," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 563-577, June 2019.
      552. Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, R. Deng, P. Wang, and L.-C. Wang, "Deep reinforcement learning for mobile 5G and beyond: Fundamentals, applications and challenges," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 44-52, June 2019.
      553. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, P.-S. Tan, and P. Wang, "Joint ground and aerial package delivery services: A stochastic optimization approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 2241-2254, June 2019.
      554. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, W. Wang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Cloud/fog computing resource management and pricing for blockchain networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 4585-4600, June 2019.
      555. Z. Jiang, C. Xu, J. Guan, and D. Niyato, "Stochastic profit maximization of service provider in millimeter-wave high-speed railway networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 5059-5075, May 2019.
      556. J. Nie, J. Luo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, M. Guizani, "An incentive mechanism design for socially-aware crowdsensing services with incomplete information," IEEE Communications, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 74-80, April 2019.
      557. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, D. Ye, D. I. Kim, and J. Zhao, "Toward secure blockchain-enabled Internet of Vehicles: Optimizing consensus management using reputation and contract theory," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2906-2920, March 2019.
      558. X. Gao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, K. Yang, and J. An, "Auction-based time scheduling for backscatter-aided RF-powered cognitive radio network," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1684-1697, March 2019.
      559. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, A. Leshem, and Z. Han, "Joint sponsored and edge caching content service market: A game-theoretic approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1166-1181, February 2019.
      560. J. Xu, Y. Zou, S. Gong, L. Gao, D. Niyato, and W. Cheng, "Robust transmissions in wireless powered multi-relay networks with chance interference constraints," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 973-987, February 2019.
      561. N. Raveendran, H. Zhang, D. Niyato, F. Yang, J. Song and Z. Han, "VLC and D2D Heterogeneous Network Optimization: A Reinforcement Learning Approach Based on Equilibrium Problems With Equilibrium Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1115-1127, February 2019.
      562. J. Nie, J. Luo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "A Stackelberg Game Approach Towards Socially-Aware Incentive Mechanisms for Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 724-738, January 2019.
      563. W. Wang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang and Z. Han, "A hierarchical game with strategy evolution for mobile sponsored content and service markets," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 472-488, January 2019.
      564. S. F. Abedin, M. G. R. Alam, S. M. A. Kazmi, N. H. Tran, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Resource allocation for ultra-reliable and enhanced mobile broadband IoT applications in fog network," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 489-502, January 2019.
      565. S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, A. E. Shafie, A. D. Domenico, E. C. Strinati and J. Hoydis "Introduction to the special section on deep reinforcement learning for future wireless communication networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1019-1023, Dec. 2019.
      566. Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Toward a Perpetual IoT System: Wireless Power Management Policy With Threshold Structure," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 5254-5270, December 2018.
      567. L. Liu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Scalable traffic management for mobile cloud services in 5G networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1560-1570, December 2018.
      568. N. V. Huynh, D. T. Hoang, X. Lu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Ambient backscatter communications: A contemporary survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2889-2922, Fourthquarter 2018.
      569. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. Nguyen, E. Dutkiewicz, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "A dynamic edge caching framework for mobile 5G networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 95-103, October 2018.
      570. Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "When mobile blockchain meets edge computing," IEEE Communications, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 33-39, August 2018.
      571. H.-B. Kong, I. Flint, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and N. Privault, "Fog radio access networks: Ginibre point process modeling and analysis," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5564-5580, August 2018.
      572. H.-B. Kong, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and Y. Cheng, "Physical layer security in wireless networks with Ginibre point processes," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5132-5147, August 2018.
      573. A. Ali, N. H. Tran, Z. Han, D. Niyato, F. Zeshan, K. S. Kwak, and D. Y. Suh, "RaptorQ-based efficient multimedia transmission over cooperative cellular cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 7275-7289, August 2018.
      574. W. Wang, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang and D. I. Kim, "Stackelberg game for distributed time scheduling in RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5606-5622, August 2018.
      575. W. Nie, V. C.S. Lee, S. Nutanong, D. Niyato, Y. Duan, and K. Liu, "A quality-oriented data collection scheme in vehicular sensor networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5570-5584, July 2018.
      576. X. Lu, D. Niyato, N. Privault, H. Jiang, and P. Wang, "Managing physical layer security in wireless cellular networks: A cyber insurance approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1648-1661, July 2018.
      577. S. Gong, X. Huang, J. Xu, W. Liu, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Backscatter relay communications powered by wireless energy beamforming," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 3187-3200, July 2018.
      578. W. Wang, A. Kwasinski, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Learning for robust routing based on stochastic game in cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2588-2602, June 2018.
      579. A. Asheralieva, T. Q.S. Quek, and D. Niyato, "An asymmetric evolutionary Bayesian coalition formation game for distributed resource sharing in a multi-cell device-to-device enabled cellular network," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 3752-3767, June 2018.
      580. X. Lu, D. Niyato, H. Jiang, P. Wang, and H. V. Poor, "Cyber insurance for heterogeneous wireless networks," IEEE Communications, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 21-27, June 2018.
      581. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, S. Feng, and D. Niyato, "Profit maximization mechanism and data management for data analytics services," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 2001-2014, June 2018.
      582. X. Lu, D. Niyato, H. Jiang, D. I. Kim, Y. Xiao and Z. Han, "Ambient backscatter assisted wireless powered communications," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 170-177, April 2018.
      583. X. Lu, H. Jiang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Wireless-powered device-to-device communications with ambient backscattering: Performance modeling and analysis," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1528-1544, March 2018.
      584. S. Phoemphon, C. So-In, D. Niyato, "A hybrid model using fuzzy logic and an extreme learning machine with vector particle swarm optimization for wireless sensor network localization," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 65, pp. 101-120, 2018.
      585. D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, M. Maso, and Z. Han, "Wireless powered communication networks: Research directions and technological approaches," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 88-97, December 2017.
      586. N. C. Luong, D. T. Hoang, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Applications of economic and pricing models for wireless network security: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 2735-2767, Fourth Quarter 2017.
      587. M. Saffar, H. Kebriaei, and D. Niyato, "Pricing and rate optimization of cloud radio access network using robust hierarchical dynamic game," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 7404-7418, November 2017.
      588. I. Flint, H.-B. Kong, N. Privault, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Analysis of heterogeneous wireless networks using Poisson hard-core hole process," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 7152-7167, November 2017.
      589. I. Flint, H.-B. Kong, N. Privault, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Wireless energy harvesting sensor networks: Boolean-Poisson modeling and analysis," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 7108-7122, November 2017.
      590. H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, S. Bu, D. Niyato, R. Yu, and Z. Han, "Computing resource allocation in three-tier IoT fog networks: A joint optimization approach combining Stackelberg game and matching," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1204-1215, October 2017.
      591. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Ambient backscatter: A new approach to improve network performance for RF-powered cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 3659-3674, September 2017.
      592. T. LeAnh, N. H. Tran, W. Saad, L. B. Le, D. Niyato, T. M. Ho, and C. S. Hong, "Matching theory for distributed user association and resource allocation in cognitive femtocell networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 8413-8428, September 2017.
      593. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Gu, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "A hierarchical game framework for resource management in fog computing," IEEE Communications, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 52-57, 2017.
      594. F. Sangare, Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Mobile charging in wireless-powered sensor networks: Optimal scheduling and experimental implementation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 7400-7410, August 2017.
      595. H.-B. Kong, P. Wang, D. Niyato, "Performance analysis of multihop relaying systems in an alpha-Ginibre field of interferers," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 7573-7577, August 2017.
      596. T. Z. Oo, N. H. Tran, W. Saad, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and C. S. Hong, "Offloading in HetNet: A coordination of interference mitigation, user association and resource allocation," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 2276-2291, August 2017.
      597. R. Kaewpuang, D. Niyato, P.-S. Tan, and P. Wang, "Cooperative management in full-truckload and less-than-truckload vehicle system," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 5707-5722, July 2017.
      598. Z. Zheng, L. Song, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Resource allocation in wireless powered relay networks: A bargaining game approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 6310-6323, July 2017.
      599. M. A. Alsheikh, D. Niyato, S. Lin, H.-P. Tan, and D. I. Kim, "Fast adaptation of activity sensing policies in mobile devices," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 5995-6008, July 2017.
      600. CT. Do, NH. Tran, EN. Huh, CS. Hong, D. Niyato, and H. Zhu, "Dynamics of service selection and provider pricing game in heterogeneous cloud market," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 5072-5083, June 15, 2016.
      601. M. A. Alsheikh, S. Lin, H.-P. Tan, and D. Niyato, "Rate-distortion balanced data compression for wireless sensor networks," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 5072-5083, June 15, 2016.
      602. M. A. Alsheikh, Y. Jiao, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. Leong, and Z. Han, "The Accuracy-Privacy Trade-off of Mobile Crowdsensing," IEEE Communications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 132-139, 2017.
      603. J. Chase and D. Niyato, "Joint optimization of resource provisioning in cloud computing," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 396-409, May-June 2017.
      604. H.-B. Kong, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and Y. Cheng, "Modeling and analysis of wireless sensor networks with/without energy harvesting using Ginibre point processes," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 3700-3713, June 2017.
      605. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and L. B. Le, "Optimal data scheduling and admission control for backscatter sensor networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 2062-2077, May 2017.
      606. N. C. Luong, P. Wang, D. Niyato, Y. Wen, and Z. Han, "Resource management in cloud networking using economic analysis and pricing models: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 954-1001, Secondquarter 2017.
      607. M. A. Alsheikh, D. Niyato, D. Leong, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Privacy management and optimal pricing in people-centric sensing," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 906-920, April 2017.
      608. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Optimal wireless energy charging for incentivized content transfer in mobile publish-subscribe networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 3420-3434, April 2017.
      609. H. Hu, Y. Wen, and D. Niyato, "Spectrum allocation and bitrate adjustment for mobile social video sharing: A potential game with online QoS learning approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 935-948, April 2017.
      610. D. Niyato, D. T. Hoang, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Cyber insurance for plug-in electric vehicle charging in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems," IEEE Network, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 38-46, March/April 2017.
      611. H. Chen, B. An, D. Niyato, Y. Soh, and C. Miao, "Workload factoring and resource sharing via joint vertical and horizontal cloud federation networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 557-570, March 2017.
      612. H. Hu, Y. Wen, and D. Niyato, "Public cloud storage assisted mobile social video sharing: A supermodular game approach," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 545-556, March 2017.
      613. S.-C. Zhan and D. Niyato, "A coalition formation game for remote radio heads cooperation in cloud radio access network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1723-1738, February 2017.
      614. D. Niyato, M. Maso, D. I. Kim, A. Xhafa, M. Zorzi and A. Dutta, "Practical Perspectives on IoT in 5G Networks: From Theory to Industrial Challenges and Business Opportunities," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 68-69, February 2017.
      615. H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, L. X. Cai, D. Niyato, L. Song, and Z. Han, "A multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game for resource management in LTE unlicensed," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 348-361, January. 2017.
      616. H.-B. Kong, I. Flint, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and N. Privault, "Exact performance analysis of ambient RF energy harvesting wireless sensor networks with Ginibre point process," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3769-3784, Dec. 2016.
      617. N. C. Luong, D. T. Hoang, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Data collection and wireless communication in Internet of Things (IoT) using economic analysis and pricing models: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2546-2590, Fourthquarter 2016.
      618. A-L. Jin, W. Song, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and P. Ju, "Auction mechanisms toward efficient resource sharing for cloudlets in mobile cloud computing," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 895-909, November-December 2016.
      619. Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Dynamic energy trading for wireless powered communication networks," IEEE Communications, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 158-164, November 2016.
      620. W. Wang, A. Kwasinski, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "A survey on applications of model-free strategy learning in cognitive wireless networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1717 - 1757, Thirdquarter 2016.
      621. H. Kebriaei, B. Maham, and D. Niyato, "Double-sided bandwidth-auction game for cognitive device-to-device communication in cellular networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 7476-7487, September 2016.
      622. Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, K.-C. Chen, L. A. DaSilva, and Z. Han, "Enhance device-to-device communication with social-awareness: A belief-based stable marriage game framework," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 36-44, August 2016.
      623. D. Niyato, X. Lu, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Economics of Internet of Things: an information market approach," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 136 - 145, August 2016.
      624. Z. Cao, H. Guo, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, and U. Fastenrath, "Improving the efficiency of stochastic vehicle routing: A partial Lagrange multiplier method," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 3993-4005, June 2016.
      625. Z. Cao, H. Guo, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, and U. Fastenrath, "Finding the shortest path in stochastic vehicle routing: A Cardinality minimization approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1688-1702, June 2016.
      626. M. A. Alsheikh, D. Niyato, S. Lin, H.-P. Tan, and Z. Han, "Mobile big data analytics using deep learning and Apache Spark," IEEE Network, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 22-29, May-June 2016.
      627. X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Wireless charging technologies: Fundamentals, standards, and network applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1413-1452, Secondquarter 2016.
      628. X. Lu, I. Flint, D. Niyato, N. Privault, and P. Wang, "Self-sustainable communications with RF energy harvesting: Ginibre point process modeling and analysis," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1518-1535, May 2016.
      629. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal energy management policy of mobile energy gateway," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3685-3699, May 2016.
      630. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, W. Saad, and Z. Han, "Mobile energy sharing networks: performance analysis and optimization," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 3519-3535, May 2016.
      631. D. Niyato, D. T. Hoang, N. C. Luong, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Smart data pricing models for the Internet of Things: A bundling strategy approach," IEEE Network, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 18-25, March-April 2016.
      632. N. D. Duong, AS Madhukumar, and D. Niyato, "Stackelberg Bayesian game for power allocation in two-tier networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 2341-2354, April 2016.
      633. H. Zhang, D. Niyato, L. Song, T. Jiang, and Z. Han, "Zero-determinant strategy for resource sharing in wireless cooperations," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 2179-2192, March 2016.
      634. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "The PHEV charging scheduling and power supply optimization for charging stations," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 566-580, Feb. 2016.
      635. Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and L. DaSilva, "Dynamic energy trading for energy harvesting communication networks: A stochastic energy trading game," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 2718-2734, December 2015.
      636. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Offloading in mobile cloudlet systems with intermittent connectivity," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 2516-2529, December 2015.
      637. P. Wang, W. Song, D. Niyato, and Y. Xiao, "QoS-aware cell association in 5G heterogeneous networks with massive MIMO," IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 76-82, November-December 2015.
      638. X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Resource allocation in wireless networks with RF energy harvesting and transfer," IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 68-75, November-December 2015.
      639. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance analysis of wireless energy harvesting cognitive radio networks under smart jamming attacks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 200-216, June 2015.
      640. D. T. Hoang, X. Lu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Applications of repeated games in wireless networks: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2102-2135, Fourthquarter 2015.
      641. I. Flint, X. Lu, N. Privault, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Performance analysis of ambient RF energy harvesting with repulsive point process modeling," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 5402 - 5416, October 2015.
      642. M. A. Alsheikh, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, S. Lin, and H.-P. Tan, "Markov Decision Processes with applications in wireless sensor networks: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1239-1267, thirdquarter 2015.
      643. L. Militano, D. Niyato, M. Condoluci, G. Araniti, A. Iera, and G. M. Bisci, "Radio resource management for group-oriented services in LTE-A," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3725-3739, August 2015.
      644. D. Niyato, P. Wang, H. P. Tan, W. Saad, and D. I. Kim, "Cooperation in delay tolerant networks with wireless energy transfer: Performance analysis and optimization," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3740-3754, August 2015.
      645. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance optimization for cooperative multiuser cognitive radio networks with RF energy harvesting capability," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 3614 - 3629, July 2015.
      646. X. Lu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Wireless charger networking for mobile devices: Fundamentals, standards, and applications," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 126 - 135, April 2015.
      647. X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Wireless networks with RF energy harvesting: A contemporary survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 757-789, Secondquarter 2015.
      648. C. Lee, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A real-time group auction system for efficient allocation of cloud Internet applications," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 251-268, March-April 2015.
      649. W. Xia, C. H. Foh, H. Xie, D. Niyato, and Y. Wen, "A survey on software-defined networking," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 27-51, Firstquarter 2015.
      650. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Opportunistic channel access and RF energy harvesting in cognitive radio networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 2039-2052, November 2014.
      651. M. A. Alsheikh, S. Lin, D. Niyato, H.-P. Tan, "Machine learning in wireless sensor networks: Algorithms, strategies, and applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1996-2018, Fourthquarter 2014.
      652. R. Kaewpuang, S. Chaisiri, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and B. S. Lee, "Cooperative virtual machine management in smart grid environment," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 545-560, October-December 2014.
      653. K. Zhu, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, "Pricing, spectrum sharing, and service selection in two-tier small cell networks: A hierarchical dynamic game approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.13, no.8, pp.1843,1856, August 2014.
      654. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance analysis and optimization of TDMA network with wireless energy transfer," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 4205 - 4219, August 2014.
      655. L. Song, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and E. Hossain, "Game-theoretic resource allocation methods for Device-to-Device (D2D) communication," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 136-144, June 2014.
      656. X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and E. Hossain, "Dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks with RF energy harvesting," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 102-110, June 2014.
      657. D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Delay-limited communications of mobile node with wireless energy harvesting: Performance analysis and optimization," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1870-1885, May 2014.
      658. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance modeling and analysis of heterogeneous machine type communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 2836-2849, May 2014.
      659. Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and K.-C. Chen, "Secondary users entering the pool: A joint optimization framework for spectrum pooling," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 572-588, March 2014.
      660. X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A layered coalitional game framework of wireless relay network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 472-478, January 2014.
      661. R. Kaewpuang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "A framework for cooperative resource management in mobile cloud computing," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 2685-2700, December 2013.
      662. S. Guruacharya, D. Niyato, M. Bennis, and D. I. Kim, "Dynamic coalition formation for network MIMO in small cell networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 5360-5372, October 2013.
      663. Y. Zhang, C. Lee, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Auction approaches for resource allocation in wireless systems: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1020-1041, Third Quarter 2013.
      664. Y. Li, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A hierarchical cooperation formation model for downlink data transmission in mobile infostation networks," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 144-152, June 2013.
      665. M. Hosan, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, "Random access for machine-to-machine communication in LTE-Advanced networks: Issues and approaches," IEEE Communications, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 86-93, June 2013.
      666. K. Akkarajitsakul, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, "Cooperative packet delivery in hybrid wireless mobile networks: A coalitional game approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 840-854, May 2013.
      667. S. Guruacharya, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and E. Hossain, "Hierarchical competition for downlink power allocation in OFDMA femtocell networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1543-1553, April 2013.
      668. D. Niyato, Q. Dong, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "Optimizations of power consumption and supply in the smart grid: Analysis of the impact of data communication reliability," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 21-35, March 2013.
      669. K. Akkarajitsakul, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, "Coalition-based cooperative packet delivery under uncertainty: A dynamic Bayesian coalitional game," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 371-385, February 2013.
      670. L. B. Le, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, D. I. Kim, and D. T. Hoang, "QoS-aware and energy-efficient resource management in OFDMA femtocells," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 180-194, January 2013.
      671. D. Niyato, X. Lu, and P. Wang, "Adaptive power management for wireless base stations in a smart grid environment," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 44-51, December 2012.
      672. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "Auction-based resource allocation in cognitive radio systems," IEEE Communications, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 108-120, November 2012.
      673. Z. Yuan, D. Niyato, H. Li, J. B. Song, and Z. Han, "Defeating primary user emulation attacks using belief propagation in cognitive radio networks" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1850 - 1860, November 2012.
      674. Y. Xiao, G. Bi, D. Niyato and L. A. DaSilva, "A hierarchical game theoretic framework for cognitive radio networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 2053 - 2069, November 2012.
      675. K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Dynamic service selection and bandwidth allocation in IEEE 802.16m mobile relay networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1798-1805, October 2012.
      676. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "Reliability analysis and redundancy design of smart grid wireless communications system for demand side management," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 38 - 46, June 2012.
      677. H. Dong, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A dynamic offloading algorithm for mobile computing," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1991-1995, June 2012.
      678. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and W. Song, "Performance analysis of cognitive radio spectrum access with prioritized traffic," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1895-1906, May 2012.
      679. D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Cooperative transmission for meter data collection in smart grid," IEEE Communications, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 90-97, April 2012.
      680. S. Chaisiri, B. S. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Optimization of resource provisioning cost in cloud computing," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 164-177, April-June 2012.
      681. K. Zhu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Dynamic spectrum leasing and service selection in spectrum secondary market of cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1136-1145, March 2012.
      682. N. Kayastha, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "Applications, architectures, and protocol design issues for mobile social networks: A survey," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, no. 12, pp. 2130-2158, December 2011.
      683. Y. Xiao, G. Bi, and D. Niyato, "A simple distributed power control algorithm for cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 3594-3600, November 2011.
      684. T. Guo, C. H. Foh, J. Cai, D. Niyato, and Eric W. M. Wong, "Performance evaluation of IPTV over wireless home networks," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1116-1126, October 2011.
      685. K. Akkarajitsakul, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, "Distributed Resource allocation in wireless networks under uncertainty and application of Bayesian game," IEEE Communications, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 120-127, August 2011.
      686. X. Zhou, D. Niyato, and A. Hjorungnes, "Optimizing training-based transmission against smart jamming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 2644-2655, July 2011.
      687. K. Akkarajitsakul, E. Hossain, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Game theoretic approaches for multiple access in wireless networks: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 372-395, Third Quarter 2011.
      688. D. Niyato, P. Wang, W. Saad, and A. Hjorungnes, "Controlled coalitional games for cooperative mobile social networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1812-1824, May 2011.
      689. Y. Xiao, G. Bi, and D. Niyato, "Game theoretic analysis for spectrum sharing with multi-hop relaying," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1527-1537, May 2011.
      690. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A novel spectrum scheduling scheme for multi-channel cognitive radio network and performance analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1849-1858, May 2011.
      691. D. Niyato, X. Lu, and P. Wang, "Machine-to-machine communications for home energy management system in smart grid," IEEE Communications, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 53-59, April 2011.
      692. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and P. Wang, "Optimal channel access management with QoS support for cognitive vehicular networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 573-591, February 2011.
      693. W. Saad, A. Hjorungnes, Z. Han, D. Niyato, and E. Hossain, "Coalition formation games for distributed cooperation among roadside units in vehicular networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 48-60, December 2010.
      694. D. Niyato, P. Wang, E. Hossain, W. Saad, and A. Hjorungnes, "Exploiting mobility diversity in sharing wireless access: A game theoretic approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 3866-3877, October 2010.
      695. H. Yu, Z. Shen, C. Miao, C. Leung, and D. Niyato, "A survey of trust and reputation management systems in wireless communications," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 1755-1772, October 2010.
      696. P. Phunchongharn, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and S. Camorlinga, "An EMI-aware prioritized wireless access scheme for e-Health applications in hospital environments," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1247-1258, September 2010.
      697. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A unified framework for optimal wireless access for data streaming over vehicle-to-roadside communications," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 3025-3035, July 2010.
      698. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A microeconomic model for hierarchical bandwidth sharing in dynamic spectrum access networks," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 865-877, July 2010.
      699. P. Wang, D. Niyato, and H. Jiang "Voice-service capacity analysis for cognitive radio networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1779 - 1790, May 2010.
      700. P. Phunchongharn, D. Niyato, S. Camorlinga, and E. Hossain, "A cognitive radio system for e-health applications in a hospital environment," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 20-28, February 2010.
      701. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Relay-centric radio resource management and network planning in IEEE 802.16j mobile multihop relay networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 6115-6125, December 2009.
      702. D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Optimization of the mobile router and traffic sources in vehicular delay-tolerant network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 5095-5104, November 2009.
      703. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and D. I. Kim, "Joint admission control and antenna assignment for multiclass QoS in spatial multiplexing MIMO wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 4855-4865, September 2009.
      704. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and Z. Han, "Dynamics of multiple-seller and multiple-buyer spectrum trading in cognitive radio networks: A game-theoretic modeling approach," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 1009-1022, August 2009.
      705. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and S. Camorlinga, "Remote patient monitoring service using heterogeneous wireless access networks: Architecture and optimization," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 412-423, May 2009.
      706. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Dynamics of network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks: An evolutionary game approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 2008-2017, May 2009.
      707. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and Z. Han, "Dynamic spectrum access in IEEE 802.22-based cognitive wireless networks: a game theoretic model for competitive spectrum bidding and pricing," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 16-23, April 2009.
      708. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Cognitive radio for next generation wireless networks: An approach to opportunistic channel selection in IEEE 802.11-based wireless mesh," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 46 - 54, February 2009.
      709. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A game theoretic analysis of service competition and pricing in heterogeneous wireless access networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 5150-5155, December 2008.
      710. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Spectrum trading in cognitive radio networks: A market-equilibrium-based approach," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 71-80, December 2008.
      711. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Competitive pricing in heterogeneous wireless access networks: Issues and approaches," IEEE Network, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 4-11, November-December 2008.
      712. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Market-equilibrium, competitive, and cooperative pricing for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks: Analysis and comparison," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 11, Part 1, pp. 4273 - 4283, November 2008.
      713. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Competitive spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks: A dynamic game approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 7, 2651-2660, July 2008.
      714. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A noncooperative game-theoretic framework for radio resource management in 4G heterogeneous wireless access networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 332 - 345, March 2008.
      715. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Competitive pricing for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks: Dynamic game, inefficiency of Nash equilibrium, and collusion," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 192-202, January 2008.
      716. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Radio resource management in MIMO-OFDM-mesh networks: issues and approaches," IEEE Communications, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 100-107, November 2007.
      717. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and V. K. Bhargava, "Scheduling and admission control in power-constrained OFDM wireless mesh routers: Analysis and optimization," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 3738-3748, October 2007.
      718. D. Niyato, M.M. Rashid, E. Hossain, and V.K. Bhargava, "Wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting technologies: A game-theoretic approach to optimal energy management," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 90-96, August 2007.
      719. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Integration of IEEE 802.11 WLANs with IEEE 802.16-based multihop infrastructure mesh/relay networks: A game-theoretic approach to radio resource management," IEEE Network, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 6-14, May-June 2007.
      720. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Wireless Broadband Access: WiMAX and Beyond - Integration of WiMAX and WiFi: Optimal Pricing for Bandwidth Sharing," IEEE Communications, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 140-146, May 2007.
      721. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A novel analytical framework for integrated cross-layer study of call-level and packet-level QoS in wireless mobile multimedia networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 322-335, March 2007.
      722. D. Niyato, E. Hossain and A. Fallahi, "Sleep and wakeup strategies in solar-powered wireless sensor/mesh networks: Performance analysis and optimization," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 221 - 236, February 2007.
      723. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and J. Diamond, "IEEE 802.16/WiMAX-based broadband wireless access and its application for telemedicine/e-health services," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 72-83, February 2007.
      724. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Radio resource management games in wireless networks: An approach to bandwidth allocation and admission control for polling service in IEEE 802.16 [Radio Resource Management and Protocol Engineering for IEEE 802.16]," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 27-35, February 2007.
      725. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Service differentiation in broadband wireless access networks with scheduling and connection admission control: A unified analysis," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 293-301, January 2007.
      726. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Call-level and packet-level quality of service and user utility in rate-adaptive cellular CDMA networks: A queuing analysis," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 1749-1763, December 2006.
      727. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A queuing-theoretic and optimization-based model for radio resource management in IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 1473-1488, November 2006.
      728. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Adaptive fair subcarrier/rate allocation in multirate OFDMA networks: Radio link level queuing performance analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1897-1907, November 2006.
      729. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Queue-aware uplink bandwidth allocation and rate control for polling service in IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 668-679, June 2006.
      730. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Call admission control for QoS provisioning in 4G wireless networks: issues and approaches," Special Issue of IEEE Network on "4G Network Technologies for Mobile Telecommunications," vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 5-11, September-October 2005.

      731. S. Liang, M. Yin, G. Sun, J. Li, H. Li, J. Wang, D. Niyato, V. C. M. Leung, "Cooperative Communication via Automated Guided Vehicle and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Distributed Collaborate Beamforming Method," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted.
      732. D. M. Doe, J. Li, D. Niyato, Y. Hu, J. Li, Z. Gao, X.-P. Zhang, and Z. Han, "Harnessing Tullock Contests and Signaling Games: A Novel Weight Assignment Strategy for Ethereum 2.0," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, accepted.
      733. L. U. Khan, M. Guizani, I. Yaqoob, D. Niyato, A. Al-Fuqaha, and C. S. Hong, "A survey on metaverse-empowered 6G wireless systems: A security perspective," Elsevier Internet of Things, accepted.
      734. Z. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Yi, H. Xiao, D. Niyato, and B. Ai, "Effective Degree of Freedom for Near-Field Plane-Based XL-MIMO with Tri-Polarization," Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,accepted.
      735. D. M. Doe, J. Li, D. Niyato, Y. Hu, J. Li, Z. Gao, X.-P. Zhang, and Z. Han, "Blockchain-aided Secure Semantic Communication for AI-Generated Content in Metaverse," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, accepted.
      736. C. Shang, D. T. Hoang, M. Hao, D. Niyato, and J. Yu, "Energy-Efficient Decentralized Federated Learning for UAV Swarm with Spiking Neural Networks and Leader Election Mechanism," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted.
      737. F. Solat, J. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Split Federated Learning-Empowered Energy-Efficient Mobile Traffic Prediction Over UAVs," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted.
      738. S. Al-Maliki, A. Qayyum, H. Ali, M. Abdallah, J. Qadir, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and A. Al-Fuqaha, "Adversarial Machine Learning for Social Good: Reframing the Adversary as an Ally," IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, accepted.
      739. M. J. M. Chowdhury, N. U. Hassan, W. Tushari, D. Niyato, T. K. Saha, H. V. Poor, and C. Yuen, "Blockchain-enabled Circular Economy: Collaborative Responsibility in Solar Panel Recycling," IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, accepted.
      740. J. Yao, Z. Y, W. Xu, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Imperfect CSI: A Key Factor of Uncertainty to Over-the-Air Federated Learning," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepted.
      741. I. Ilahi, M. Usama, J. Qadir, M. U. Janjua, A. Al-Fuqaha, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Challenges and Countermeasures for Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, accepted.
      742. S. Al-Maliki, A. Qayyum, H. Ali, M. Abdallah, J. Qadir, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and A. Al-Fuqaha, "Adversarial Machine Learning for Social Good: Reframing the Adversary as an Ally," IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, accepted.
      743. Z. Zhang, J. An, N. Ye, D. Niyato, and K. Yang, "Prompting and Tuning: In-Band Interference Segmentation Using Segment Anything Model," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 2065-2069, Aug. 2024.
      744. G. Bansal, V. Chamola, A. Hussain, M. Guizani, and D. Niyato, "Transforming Conversations with AI - A Comprehensive Study of ChatGPT," Cognitive Computation, 2024.
      745. H. Wei, W. Ni, W. Xu, W. Jiang, D. Niyato, and P. Zhang, "Semantic Communications for Multi-View Generation," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1308-1312, June 2024.
      746. Y. Zhang, W. Ni, Y. Mao, B Ning, S. Xiao, W. Tang, and D. Niyato, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Covert Communications," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1685-1689, June 2024.
      747. L. U. Khan, M. Guizani, D. Niyato, A. Al-Fuqaha, and M. Debbah, "Metaverse for Wireless Systems: Architecture, Advances, Standardization, and Open Challenges," Internet of Things: Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems, vol. 25, April 2024.
      748. C. Ren, C. Zou, Z. Xiong, H. Yu, Z. Y. Dong, and D. Niyato, and X. You, "Achieving 500X Acceleration for Adversarial Robustness Verification of Tree-based Smart Grid Dynamic Security Assessment," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 800–802, Mar. 2024.
      749. J. Kang, J. Chen, M. Xu, Z. Xiong, Y. Jiao, L. Han, D. Niyato, Y. Tong, and S. Xie, "UAV-assisted Dynamic Avatar Task Migration for Vehicular Metaverse Services: A Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 430-445, February 2024.
      750. X. Chen, Z. Chang, M. Liu, N. Zhao, T. Hamalainen, and D. Niyato, and X. You, "UAV-IRS Assisted Covert Communication: Introducing Uncertainty via Phase Shifting," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 103-107, Jan. 2024.
      751. X. Tian, K. Xiong, R. Zhang, P. Fan, D. Niyato, and K. Letaief, "Sum Rate Maximization in Muti-cell Muti-user Networks: An Inverse Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 4-8, Jan. 2024.
      752. Y. Lin, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Nie, J. Zhang, Y. Cheng, and Z. Yang, "Blockchain-aided Secure Semantic Communication for AI-Generated Content in Metaverse," IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 4, pp. 72-83, 2023.
      753. V. T. Truong, L. B. Le, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain Meets Metaverse and Digital Asset Management: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 26258-26288, 2023.
      754. Q. Luo, H. Zhang, M. Xu, B. Di, A. Chen, S. Mao, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "An Overview of 3GPP Standardization for Extended Reality (XR) in 5G and Beyond," Cognitive Computation, GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 10 - 17, November 2023.
      755. D. M. Doe, J. Li, D. Niyato, Z. Gao, J. Li, and Z. Han, "Promoting the Sustainability of Blockchain in Web 3.0 and the Metaverse through Diversified Incentive Mechanism Design," IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 4, pp. 171-184, 2023.
      756. Y. Lu, P. Fan, B. Ai, Z. Zhong, Z. Ding, and D. Niyato, "Outage Constrained Sum-rate Maximization for MISO Interference Channels with Multiple RISs," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2238-2242, Dec. 2023.
      757. Y. Yan, Y. Wang, W. Ni, and D. Niyato, "Joint Beamforming Design for Multi-Functional RIS-Aided Uplink Communications," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 2697-2701, Oct. 2023.
      758. H. Wei, W. Ni, W. Xu, F. Wang, D. Niyato, and P. Zhang, "Federated Semantic Learning Driven by Information Bottleneck for Task-Oriented Communications," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 2652-2656, Oct. 2023.
      759. W. Wang, W. Ni, H. Tian, Y. Eldar, and D. Niyato, "UAV-Mounted Multi-Functional RIS for Combating Eavesdropping in Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1667-1671, Oct. 2023.
      760. A. Bisht, A. K. Das, D. Niyato, and Y. Park, "Efficient Personal-Health-Records Sharing in Internet of Medical Things Using Searchable Symmetric Encryption, Blockchain, and IPFS," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , vol. 4, pp. 2225-2244, 2023.
      761. J. Yao, Z. Yang, W. Xu, M. Chen, and D. Niyato, "GoMORE: Global Model Reuse for Resource-Constrained Wireless Federated Learning," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1543-1547, September 2023.
      762. Q. Tan, Y. Jiang, L. Zhang, Y. Cui, D. Niyato, F.-C. Zheng, and X. You, "Secretive Coded Caching with Nonuniform Demands in Fog Radio Access Networks," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 2252-2256, Aug. 2023.
      763. N. T. Hao, L. V. Huy, B. D. Son, N. C. Luong, and D. Niyato, "Dynamic Offloading for Edge Computing-assisted Metaverse Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1749-1753, July 2023.
      764. A. Chen, S. Mao, Z. Li, M. Xu, H. Zhang,D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "An Introduction to Point Cloud Compression Standards," ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, vol. 27, no. 122, pp. 11–17, May 2023.
      765. D. M. Doe, J. Li, D. Niyato, L. Wang, and Z. Han, "Incentive Mechanism Design for Mitigating Frontrunning and Transaction Reordering in Decentralized Exchanges," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 26258-26288, 2023.
      766. H. Zhang, S. Mao, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Location-dependent Augmented Reality Services in Wireless Edge-enabled Metaverse Systems," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , vol. 4, pp. 171-183, 2023.
      767. N. Zhao, W. Du, F. Ren, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Joint Task Offloading, Resource Sharing and Computation Incentive for Edge Computing Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 258-262, January 2023.
      768. W. Viriyasitavat‬ and D. Niyato, "Applications of Blockchain in Business Processes: A Comprehensive Review," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 118900-118925, 2022.
      769. L. Chang, Z. Zhang, P. Li, S. Xi, W. Guo, Y. Shen, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X. Qiao, and Y. Wu, "6G-enabled Edge AI for Metaverse: Challenges, Methods, and Future Research Directions," Journal of Communications and Information Networks, vol. 7, no. 2, June 2022
      770. G. Bansal, K. Rajgopal, V. Chamola, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Healthcare in Metaverse: A Survey On Current and Future Metaverse Applications in Healthcare," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 119914-119946, 2022.
      771. J. Lee, D. Kim, and D. Niyato, "A Novel Joint Dataset and Incentive Management Mechanism for Federated Learning over MEC," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 30026-30038, 2022.
      772. N. C. Luong, T. T. Anh, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Joint Time Scheduling and Transaction Fee Selection in Blockchain-and Backscatter-aided IoT System," Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 214, September 2022.
      773. N. Q. Hieu, T. T. Anh, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and E. Elmroth, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning Network," IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 137-141, September 2022.
      774. Y. Liu, R. Zhao, J. Kang, A. Yassine, D. Niyato, and J. Peng, "Towards Communication-efficient and Attack-Resistant Federated Edge Learning for Industrial Internet of Things," ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp 1–22, August 2022.
      775. Y. Cheng, J. Lu, D. Niyato, B. Lyu, J. Kang, and S. Zhu, "Federated Transfer Learning With Client Selection for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 552-556, March 2022.
      776. N. Zhao, A. Wu, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Spatial-Temporal Aggregation Graph Convolution Network for Efficient Mobile Cellular Traffic Predictiong," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 587-591, March 2022.
      777. K. Zhu, L. Xu and D. Niyato, "Distributed Resource Allocation in RF-Powered Cognitive Ambient Backscatter Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1657-1668, Dec. 2021.
      778. N. Hieu, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal Power Allocation for Rate Splitting Communications with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 2820-2823, Dec. 2021.
      779. N. V. Tam, N. Q. Hieu, N. T. T. Van, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Adaptive Task Offloading in Coded Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 3878-3882, Dec. 2021.
      780. F. Wu, R. Tan, C. Zhang, W. Fan, X. Chen, D. Niyato, Y. Liu, "Mixed Numerology Interference Recognition Approach for 5G NR," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 2135-2139, Oct. 2021.
      781. R. A. Dziyauddin, D. Niyato, N. C. Luong, A. A. A. M. Atan, M. A. M. Izhar, M. H. Azmi, and S. M. Daud, "Computation offloading and content caching and delivery in Vehicular Edge Network: A survey," Computer Networks, vol. 197, 9 October 2021.
      782. M. Wazid, B. Bera, A. K. Das, S. Garg, D. Niyato, and M. S. Hossain, "Secure Communication Framework for Blockchain-Based Internet of Drones-Enabled Aerial Computing Deployment," IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 120-126, September 2021.
      783. M. Montazeri, H. Kebriaei, B. N. Araabi, and D. Niyato, "Optimal Contracting in Sponsored Content Service Market," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 3051-3054, September 2021.
      784. G. Li, J. Liu, X. Lu, P. Zhao, Y. Shen, and D. Niyato, "Decentralized Online Learning with Compressed Communication for Near-Sensor Data Analytics," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2958-2962, September 2021.
      785. D. Zhang, Q. Wu, M. Cui, G. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Throughput Maximization for IRS-Assisted Wireless Powered Hybrid NOMA and TDMA," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1944-1948, September 2021.
      786. M. Raj, S. Gupta, V. Chamola, A. Elhence, T. Garg, M. Atiquzzaman, and D. Niyato, "A survey on the role of Internet of Things for adopting and promoting Agriculture 4.0," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 187, August 2021.
      787. M. Shi, X. Gao, A. Meng, and D. Niyato, "Coverage and Area Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Dense Terahertz Networks in Finite Region," China Communications, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 120-130, May 2021.
      788. Y.-J. Seo, J. Lee, J. Hwang, D. Niyato, H.-S. Park, and J. K. Choi, "A Novel Mobile Cache Management Scheme for Energy-Efficient Mobile Augmented Reality Service in Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1061-1065, May 2021.
      789. M. M. Moghaddam, M. H. Manshaei, M. N. Soorki, W. Saad, M. Goudarzi, and D. Niyato, "On coordination of smart grid and cooperative cloud providers," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 672-683, March 2021.
      790. T. The Anh, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Backscatter-Assisted Relay Communications," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 166-169, Jan. 2021.
      791. H. Nguyen, H. Dinh, L. Nguyen, and D. Niyato, "iRDRC: An Intelligent Real-time Dual-functional Radar-Communication System for Automotive Vehicles," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 2140-2143, December 2020.
      792. N. Zhao, Z. Ye, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Spatial-temporal attention-convolution network for citywide cellular traffic prediction," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 2532-2536, November 2020.
      793. B. Lyu, D. T. Hoang, S. Gong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "IRS-based wireless jamming attacks: When jammers can attack without power," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1663-1667, Oct. 2020.
      794. Y. Liu, X. Yuan, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Federated learning for 6G communications: Challenges, methods, and future directions," China Communications, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 105-118, September 2020.
      795. X. Wang, L. Li, J. Li, C. Yang, L. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Traffic-aware multiple association in ultradense networks: A state-based potential game," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 4356-4367, September 2020.
      796. M. Chen, K. Zhu, R. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Active learning based fault diagnosis in self-organizing cellular networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1734-1737, Aug. 2020.
      797. T. Zhang, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "A generative adversarial learning based approach for cell outage detection in self-organizing cellular networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 171-174, Feb. 2020.
      798. X. Gao, D. Niyato, P. Wang, K. Yang, and J. An, "Contract design for time resource assignment and pricing in backscatter-assisted RF-powered networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 42-46, Jan. 2020.
      799. X. Lu, D. Niyato, H. Jiang, E. Hossain, and P. Wang, "Ambient backscatter-assisted wireless-powered relaying," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1087-1105, Dec. 2019.
      800. T. A. Tran, N. Luong, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and L.-C. Wang, "Efficient training management for mobile crowd-machine learning: A deep reinforcement learning approach," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1345-1348, Oct. 2019.
      801. Y. M. Saputra, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Distributed deep learning at the edge: A novel proactive and cooperative caching framework for mobile edge networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1220-1223, Aug. 2019.
      802. A. Talukder, M. G. R. Alam, N. H. Tran, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Threshold estimation models for linear threshold-based influential user mining in social networks," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 105441-105461, 2019.
      803. C. T. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, D. Niyato, H. T. Nguyen and E. Dutkiewicz, "Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanisms for future blockchain networks: Fundamentals, applications and opportunities," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 85727-85745, 2019.
      804. Z. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Strategic access and pricing in Internet of Things (IoT) service with energy harvesting," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 34655-34674, 2019.
      805. Z. Liu, N. C. Luong, W. Wang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Y.-C. Liang, and D. I. Kim, "A Survey on Blockchain: A Game Theoretical Perspective," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 47615-47643, 2019.
      806. Y. Chang, X. Yuan, B. Li, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Machine-learning-based parallel genetic algorithms for multi-objective optimization in ultra-reliable and low-latency WSNs," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 4913-4926, 2019.
      807. W. Wang, D. T. Hoang, P. Hu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Y. Wen, and D. I. Kim, "A survey on consensus mechanisms and mining management in blockchain networks," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 22328-22370, 2019.
      808. A. Talukderm, M. G. R. Alam, N. H. Tran, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Knapsack-based reverse influence maximization for target marketing in social networks," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 44182-44198, 2019.
      809. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. Ye and D. I. Kim, "Incentivizing Consensus Propagation in Proof-of-Stake Based Consortium Blockchain Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 157-160, February 2019.
      810. A. Ndikumana, N. H. Tran, T. M. Ho, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and C. S. Hong, "Joint incentive mechanism for paid content caching and price based cache replacement policy in named data networking," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 33702-33717, 2018.
      811. S. M. A. Kazmi, N. H. Tran, T. M. Ho, A. Manzoor, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "Coordinated Device-to-Device Communication With Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in Future Wireless Cellular Networks," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 39860-39875, 2018.
      812. A. K. Bairagi, S. F. Abedin, N. H. Tran, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "QoE-Enabled Unlicensed Spectrum Sharing in 5G: A Game-Theoretic Approach," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 50538-50554, 2018
      813. Y. Chang, X. Yuan, B. Li, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "A joint unsupervised learning and genetic algorithm approach for topology control in energy-efficient ultra-dense wireless sensor networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 2370-2373, November 2018.
      814. N. V. Huynh, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal time scheduling for wireless-powered backscatter communication networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 820-823, October 2018.
      815. X. Liu, W. Wang, D. Niyato, N. Zhao, and P. Wang, "Evolutionary game for mining pool selection in blockchain networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 760-763, October 2018.
      816. S. Maghsudi and D. Niyato, "On power-efficient planning in dynamic small cell networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 304-307, June 2018.
      817. S. Maghsudi and D. Niyato, "On transmission mode selection in D2D-enhanced small cell networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 618-621, October 2017.
      818. A. E. Shafie, D. Niyato, R. Hamila, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Impact of the wireless network's PHY security and reliability on demand-side management cost in the smart grid," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 5678-5689, 2017.
      819. H. Guo, Z. Cao, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, M. Seshadri, and U. Fastenrath, "Routing multiple vehicles cooperatively: Minimizing road network breakdown probability," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 112-124, April 2017.
      820. D. T. Hoang, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and E. Hossain, "Charging and discharging of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems: A cyber insurance-based model," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 732-754, 2017.
      821. A. E. Shafie, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Security of an ordered-based distributive jamming scheme," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 72-75, January 2017.
      822. A. E. Shafie, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Security of rechargeable energy-harvesting transmitters in wireless networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 384-387, August 2016.
      823. A. E. Shafie, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Artificial-noise-aided secure MIMO full-duplex relay channels with fixed-power transmissions," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1591-1594, August 2016.
      824. A. El Shafie, D. Niyato, and N. Al-Dhahir, "Enhancing the PHY-layer security of MIMO buffer-aided relay networks," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 400-403, August 2016.
      825. Y. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Gu, D. Niyato, M. Pan, and Z. Han, "Offloading in software defined network at edge with information asymmetry: A contract theoretical approach," Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 241-253, May 2016.
      826. A. M. El-Hajj, D. Niyato, and Z. Dawy, "A DEC-MDP model for joint uplink/downlink resource management in OFDMA-based networks," Physical Communication, vol. 17, pp. 107-117, December 2015.
      827. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Deferrable load scheduling under imperfect data communication channel," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 15, no. 17, pp. 2049-2064, December 2015.
      828. E. Hossain, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Evolution and future trends of research in cognitive radio: A contemporary survey," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1530-1564, August 2015.
      829. Y. Li, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and W. Zhuang, "A hierarchical framework of dynamic relay selection for mobile users and profit maximization for service providers in wireless relay networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1113-1126, August 2014.
      830. N. Kayastha, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and Z. Han "Smart grid sensor data collection, communication, and networking: A tutorial," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1055-1087, August 2014.
      831. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Medium access control for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks: Analysis under uncertainty," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 526-540, April 2014.
      832. D. T. Hoang, C. Lee, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "A survey of mobile cloud computing: Architecture, applications, and approaches," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 13, no. 18, pp. 1587-1611, December 2013.
      833. L.M. Vaquero, S.Sae Lor, J.M.Alcaraz-Calero, D. Niyato, S.Clayman, D.Audsin, and R.Nadarajan "On Measuring Disturbances in the Force: Advanced Cloud Monitoring Systems," Future Generation Computer Systems,vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 2007-2008, 2013.
      834. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Channel status prediction for cognitive radio networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 862-874, July 2012.
      835. R. Kaewpuang, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Decomposition of stochastic power management for wireless base station in smart grid," IEEE Wireless Communications Letter, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 97-100, April 2012.
      836. K. Zhu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, E. Hossain, and D. I. Kim, "Mobility and handoff management in vehicular networks: A survey," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 459-476, April 2011.
      837. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "QoS-aware bandwidth allocation and admission control in IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access networks: A noncooperative game theoretic approach," Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 3305-3321, August 2007.


      1. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (4) W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, J. Zhang, Z. Xiong, and X. S. Shen, Realizing the Metaverse: A Communications and Networking Perspective, Wiley-IEEE Press, September 2024
      2. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (5) J. Li, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, Cryptoeconomics: Economic Mechanisms Behind Blockchains, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
      3. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (6) D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, C. T. Nguyen, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks: Applications, Technologies, and Approaches, Wiley-IEEE Press, October 2023.
      4. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (7) D. T. Hoang, N. V. Huynh, D. N. Nguyen, E. Hossain, and D. Niyato, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Communications and Networking: Theory, Applications and Implementation, Wiley-IEEE Press, June 2023.
      5. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (8) W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, Federated Learning Over Wireless Edge Networks, Springer, 2023.
      6. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (9) X. Wang, C. Qiu, X. Ren, Z. Xiong, V. C. M. Leung, and D. Niyato, Integrating Edge Intelligence and Blockchain: What, Why, and How, Springer, 2022.
      7. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (10) Y. Jiao, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, and S. Gong, Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Internet of Things Services Market, Springer, 2022.
      8. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (11) X. Gao, K. Yang, D. Niyato, and S. Gong, Resource Allocation in Backscatter-Assisted Communication Networks, Springer, 2021.
      9. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (12) D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, N. V. Huynh, and S. Gong, Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
      10. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (13) X. Wang, Y. Han, V. C. M. Leung, D. Niyato, X. Yan, and X. Chen Edge AI: Convergence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2020.
      11. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (14) D. Niyato, N. C. Luong, P. Wang, and Z. Han, Auction Theory for Computer Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
      12. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (15) Z. Han, D. Niyato, W. Saad, and T. Basar, Game Theory for Next Generation Wireless and Communication Networks: Modeling, Analysis, and Design, Cambridge University Press, 2019.
      13. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (16) D. Niyato, E. Hossain, D. Kim, V. Bhargava, L. Shafai, Wireless Powered Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
      14. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (17) L. Song, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and E. Hossain, Wireless Device-to-Device Communications and Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
      15. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (18) E. Hossain, L. B. Le, and D. Niyato, Resource Management in Multi-Tier Cellular Wireless Networks, Wiley, 2013.
      16. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (19) Z. Han, D. Niyato, W. Saad, T. Basar, and A. Hjorungnes, Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and Applications, Cambridge University Press 2011.
      17. Dusit (Tao) Niyato, SCSE, NTU, Singapore (20) E. Hossain, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management in Cognitive Radio Networks, Cambridge University Press 2009.

      Book Chapter

      1. Y. M. Saputra, D. T. Hoang, D. Nguyen, E. Dutkiewicz, and D. Niyato, "Wireless Edge Caching for Mobile Social Networks," invited chapter in Wireless Edge Caching: Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization, (Eds. T. X. Vu, E. Baştuğ, S. Chatzinotas, and T. Q. S. Quek), Cambridge University Press, June 2021.
      2. X. Lu, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Power management for wireless base station in smart grid environment: Modeling and optimization," invited chapter in Green Radio Communication Networks, (Eds. E. Hossain, V. K. Bhargava, and G. Fettweis), Cambridge University Press, 2012.
      3. N. Kayastha, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and E. Hossain, "Communication networks in smart grid: An architectural view," invited chapter in Smart Grid Communications and Networks, (Eds. E. Hossain, Z. Han, and H. V. Poor), Cambridge University Press, 2012.
      4. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and T. Issariyakul, "An adaptive WiFi/WiMAX networking platform for cognitive vehicular networks," invited chapter in Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (CR-MANETs), (Eds. F. R. Yu and H. Tang), Springer, 2011.
      5. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and M. Hassan "Game-theoretic models for vehicular networks" invited chapter in Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking, (Eds. Y. Zhang and M. Guizani), Auerbach Publications, CRC Press 2010.
      6. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Subchannel allocation and connection admission control in OFDMA-based IEEE 802.16/WiMAX-compliant infrastructure wireless mesh networks," invited chapter in Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs, (Eds. Y. Xiao and Y. Pan), Wiley, April 2009.
      7. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Medium access control protocols for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks: A survey," invited chapter in Cognitive Radio Networks, (Eds. Y. Xiao and F. Hu), Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, December 2008.
      8. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Adaptive resource allocation in cellular wireless networks under time-varying traffic: A transient analysis-based approach," invited chapter in Adaptive Signal Processing in Wireless Communications: vol. 2 Adaptive Techniques in Wireless Networks, (Ed. M. Ibnkahla), CRC Press, August 2008.
      9. D. Niyato E. Hossain, and J. Diamond, "Fourth generation heterogeneous wireless access networks for eHealth services: Architecture and radio resource management," invited chapter in Mobile Telemedicine: A Computing and Networking Perspective, (Eds. Y. Xiao and H. Chen), Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, June 2008.
      10. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Connection admission control in OFDMA-based WiMAX networks: Performance modeling and analysis," invited chapter in WiMax/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology, (Ed. Y. Xiao), Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, December 2007.
      11. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Microeconomic models for dynamic spectrum management in cognitive radio networks," invited chapter in Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks, (Eds. V.K. Bhargava and E. Hossain), Springer-Verlag, November 2007.
      12. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Resource allocation and admission control using fuzzy logic for OFDMA-based IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks," invited chapter in Handbook of WiMAX, (Eds. S. Ahson and M. Ilyas), Taylor and Francis Group, October 2007.


      1. X. Chen, H. Liu, Z. Zhou, Xi. Sun, W. Zhang, H. Du, D. Zhang, X. Liu, H. Zhou, D. Niyato, Q. Huang, C. Wu, and K. Ren, "Phantom: Virtualizing Switch Register Resources for Accurate Sketch-based Network Measurement ," in Proceedings of The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 30 March - 3 April 2025.
      2. Z. Liu, C. Qiu, X. Ren, X. Wang, Z. Xiong, H. Yao, and D. Niyato, "FluE: A Resource Fluid Equilibrium Strategy for AIGC Within Evolving Computing Power Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      3. F. Liu, H. Chen, J. Miao, T. Zhang, C. Zhang, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Energy Efficiency Optimization for UAV-Assisted Cellular Networks: A Periodic Clustering-Based MATD3 Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      4. S. Tang, C. Liu, Q. Yang, S. He, and D. Niyato, "Secure Semantic Communication for Image Transmission in the Presence of Eavesdropper," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      5. H. Zhang, J. Du, X. Hou, C. Jiang, J. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Convergence Analysis of Hierarchical Split Federated Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      6. L. Xia, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, and M. A. Imran, "Hybrid Semantic/Bit Communication Based Networking Problem Optimization," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      7. M. Tian, Z. Liu, C. Qiu, X. Wang, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "Enabling Collaborative and Green Generative AI Inference in Edge Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      8. J. Wen, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, W. Zhong, X. Huang, L. Liu, and D. Niyato, "Learning-based Big Data Sharing Incentive in Mobile AIGC Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      9. W. Men, J. Du, J. Wang, X. Hou, Y. Ren, and D. Niyato, "Design of ISAC Waveform and Multiple-Access Interference Suppression Receiver for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      10. W. Xie, G. Sun, J. Li, X. Wang, J. Wang, H. Du, and D. Niyato, "IRS-enabled Wireless Power Transfer and Data Collection in UAV-assisted IoT," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      11. D. Niyato, "One-shot-but-not-degraded Federated Learning" in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (MM), Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024.
      12. D. Niyato, "One-shot-but-not-degraded Federated Learning" in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (MM), Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024.
      13. B. Guo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Multi-Path Transmission of Real-Time Remote Sensing Data Via Heterogeneous LEO Inter-Satellite-Links" in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), Seoul, South Korea, 23-25 September 2024.
      14. C. Gu, S. Shen, C. Zhang, C. Qiu, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A Quantum-Inspired Paradigm for Task Scheduling Optimization in Mobile Edge Computing" in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), Seoul, South Korea, 23-25 September 2024.
      15. Y. Yu, D. Li, B. Wang, Z. Yang, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "NOMA-ISAC via IRS: A Joint Beamforming and Reflecting Optimization Approach" in Proceedings of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Hangzhou, China, 7-9 August 2024 .
      16. Y. Cheng, Z. Xiong, Z. Wang, D. Niyato, W. Y. B. Lim, and B. Li, "Performance Analysis of Jammer-Assisted Covert Rate-Splitting Multiple Access" in Proceedings of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Hangzhou, China, 7-9 August 2024 .
      17. H. Ruan, Y. Shao, Q. Yang, L. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Point Cloud Compression with Implicit Neural Representations: A Unified Framework" in Proceedings of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Hangzhou, China, 7-9 August 2024 .
      18. Y. Zhao, W. Zhang, E. Hu, Q. Yan, C. Xiang, K. J. Tseng, and D. Niyato, "BatSort: Enhanced Battery Classification with Transfer Learning for Battery Sorting and Recycling" in Proceedings of IEEE Annual Congress on Artificial Intelligence of Things (IEEE AIoT), Melbourne, Australia, 24-26 July 2024.
      19. R. Gu, W. Xu, Z. Yang, X. You, and D. Niyato, "Self-Supervised Learning Enabled Task-Oriented Semantic Communication Using Limited Labels" in Proceedings of Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 25-26 October 2024.
      20. J. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Du, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and B. Ai, "Predicting Cascading Failures with a Hyperparametric Diffusion Model" in Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication (Ucom), Xi'an, China, 5-7 July 2024.
      21. B. Xiang, B. Cautis, X. Xiao, O. Mula, D. Niyato, and L. V. S. Lakshmanan, "Predicting Cascading Failures with a Hyperparametric Diffusion Model" in Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Barcelona, Spain, 25-29 Aug 2024.
      22. J. Zhang, S. Gong, W. Lu, C. Xing, N. Zhao, D. W. K. Ng, and D. Niyato, "Dual-Functional Waveform Design for STAR-RIS Aided ISAC via Deep Reinforcement Learning" in Proceedings of Task-Oriented and Pragmatic Communications for 6G Workshop - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, 2-5 September 2024.
      23. Q. Huang, Z. Song, Z. Xiong, G. Xu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Beamforming and Trajectory Design for Active IRS-Assisted UAV Relaying Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, 2-5 September 2024.
      24. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, G. Gui, S. Cui, and J. Ren, "Scalable Federated Unlearning via Isolated and Coded Sharding" in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Jeju, Korea, 3-9 August 2024.
      25. H. Du, G. Liu, Y. Lin, D. Niyato, J. Kanag, Z. Xiong, and D. I. Kim, "Mixture of Experts for Intelligent Networks: A Large Language Model-enabled Approach" in Proceedings of International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 27–31 May 2024.
      26. F. Quazi, A. Vazquez-Castro, D. Niyato, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Building Delay-Tolerant Digital Twins for Cislunar Operations using Age of Synchronization" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC - Workshop on Cooperative Communications and Computations in Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      27. C. Li, H. Zhu, Y. Xiao, Y. Li, D. Niyato, S. Sun, and W. Saad, "Optimizing Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Distributed Wireless Sensing" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      28. A. Chen, S. Mao, Z. Li, M. Xu, H. Zhang, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Multiple Description Coding for Point Cloud" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      29. Z. Yang, J. Miao, T. Zhang, X. Tang, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "QoE Maximization for Video Streaming in Cache-Enable Satellite-UAV-Terrestrial Network" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      30. Z. Ye, Y. Gao, Y. Xiao, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowered Activity-Aware Dynamic Health Monitoring Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      31. C. Ren, M. Xu, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, Z. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Variational Quantum Circuit and Quantum Key Distribution-based Quantum Federated Learning: A Case of Smart Grid Dynamic Security Assessment" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      32. J. Shen, W. Yang, Z. Chu, J. Fan, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "Effective Intrusion Detection in Heterogeneous Internet-of-Things Networks via Ensemble Knowledge Distillation-based Federated Learning" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      33. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, Y. Xu, and D. Niyato, "Scalable Blockchain Oracle for AIGC Services" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      34. Y. Liu, G. Feng, H. Du, Z. Qin, Y. Sun, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Straggler-aware Federated Learning based on Adaptive Clustering to Support Edge Intelligence" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      35. G. Xie, R. Xie, X. Zhang, J. Nie, Q. Tang, Q. Chen, and D. Niyato, "Enhancing Vehicular Edge Intelligence through Distributed Collaborative Generative AI Inference" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      36. J. Zhang, J. Xu, W. Lu, N. Zhao, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Robust Secure Transmission for IRS-Assisted UAV-ISAC Networks without Eavesdropping CSI" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      37. Y. Lian, T. Zhang, C. Xu, W. Dong, M. Xu, Z. Xiahao, J. Kang, J. Liu, and D. Niyato, "DRL-enabled Moving Target Defense for Multicast in Software-Defined Satellite Networks" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      38. W. Wei, X. Pang, C. Xing, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Joint Beamforming Design for Secure Transmission in STAR-RIS Aided ISAC" in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, 9-13 June 2024.
      39. C. Chen, S. Zhao, S. Gong, B. Gu, W. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "A Hierarchical Learning Approach for Capacity Enhancement via Access Mode Selection in Wireless Powered Networks" in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Singapore, 24-27 June 2024.
      40. H. Cai, Y. Xiao, Y. Li, Y. Zhou, D. Niyato, and S. Sun, "Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions in Federated Edge Intelligence" in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Singapore, 24-27 June 2024.
      41. N. H. Sang, N. D. Hai, N. D. D. Anh, N. C. Luong, S. Gong, and D. Niyato, T. Q. S. Quek, and C.-Z. Xu, "Joint Energy Harvesting, Semantic Transmission Selection, Channel Allocation and Power Control for Resource-Constrained IoT Networks" in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Singapore, 24-27 June 2024.
      42. W. Wei, X. Pang, X. Qin, S. Gong, C. Xing, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, T. Q. S. Quek, and C.-Z. Xu, "Joint Design for Cramér-Rao Bound and Secure Transmission in Semi-IRS Aided ISAC Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Singapore, 24-27 June 2024.
      43. B. Lu, X. Huang, Y. Wu, L. Qian, D. Niyato, T. Q. S. Quek, and C.-Z. Xu, "Digital Twin Aided Predictive Scheduling and Bandwidth Allocation for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Perception Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Singapore, 24-27 June 2024.
      44. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, and X. Liu, "Incentive and Dynamic Client Selection for Federated Unlearning" in Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), Singapore, 13-17 May 2024.
      45. C. Wang, Z. Xiong, M. Zheng, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "IRS-Assisted Covert Communication via Joint Prior Probability and Noise Power Design" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      46. J. Zhang, W. Wang, G. Yuan, W. Lu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "STAR-RIS Assisted Covert Multicasting with Hardware Impairment" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      47. Y. Yao, J. Miao, T. Zhang, X. Tang, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Towards Secrecy Energy-Efficient RIS aided UAV Network: A Lyapunov-guided Reinforcement Learning Approach" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      48. G. Xie, R. Xie, X. Zhang, J. Nie, Q. Tang, W. Y. B. Lim, and D. Niyato, "GIoV: Achieving Generative AI Services in Internet of Vehicles via Collaborative Edge Intelligence" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      49. W. C. Ng, H. Du, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Stochastic Resource Allocation for Semantic Communication-aided Virtual Transportation Networks in the Metaverse" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      50. I. Lotfi, M. Qaraqe, A. Ghrayeb, and D. Niyato, "Enhancing Trust and Security in the Vehicular Metaverse: A Reputation-Based Mechanism for Participants with Moral hazard" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      51. N. C. Luong, S. Feng, S. Gong, and D. Niyato, "Dynamic Network Selection for URLLC and eMBB Applications in Sub-6GHz-mmWave-THz Networks" in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024.
      52. H. Du, G. Liu, D. Niyato, J. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, B. Ai, and D. I. Kim, "Generative AI-aided Joint Training-free Secure Semantic Communications via Multi-modal Prompts" in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, 14-19 April 2024.
      53. W. Y. B. Lim, D. Lim, H. Jiang, W. C. Ng, and D. Niyato, "The Real Estate Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Demo, Vancouver, Canada, 20-23 May 2024.
      54. L. He, G. Sun, Z. Sun, P. Wang, J. Li, S. Liang, and D. Niyato, "An Online Joint Optimization Approach for QoE Maximization in UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, Canada, 20-23 May 2024.
      55. Y. Zhao, C. Qiu, X. Shi, X. Wang, D. Niyato, and V. C. M. Leung, "Cur-CoEdge: Curiosity-Driven Collaborative Request Scheduling in Edge-Cloud Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, Canada, 20-23 May 2024.
      56. J. Li, G. Sun, Q. Wu, S. Liang, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Two-Way Aerial Secure Communications via Distributed Collaborative Beamforming under Eavesdropper Collusion," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, Canada, 20-23 May 2024.
      57. Z. Q. Liew, M. Xu, W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "AI-Generated Bidding for Immersive AIGC Services in Mobile Edge-Empowered Metaverse," in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 17-19 January 2024.
      58. S. Feng, X. Lu, D. Niyato, Y. Wu, and W. Wang, "System-Level Security Solution for Heterogeneous D2D-Underlaid Cellular Network," in Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hangzhou, China, 2-4 November 2023.
      59. J. Xu, D. Li, Z. Zhu, Z. Yang, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "Aerial IRS Aided Anti-Jamming Scheme for ISAC," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023.
      60. B. Du, H. Du, M. Qi, D. Niyato, and Y. Tang, "Efficient Digital Twins Construction with YOLO-based Semantic Communications," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023.
      61. J. Fan, M. Xu, Z. Liu, H. Ye, C. Gu, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "A Learning-based Incentive Mechanism for Mobile AIGC Service in Decentralized Internet of Vehicles," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023.
      62. H. L. N. Thi, H. L. Hoang, N. C. Luong, T. H. Nguyen, and D. Niyato, "Coded Distributed Computing For Vehicular Edge Computing With Dual-Function Radar Communication," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023.
      63. T. Do-Duy, V. T. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, and D. Niyato, "SWIPT-enabled Cell-free Millimeter-wave MIMO with Multiple IRSs," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM - Workshop on Emerging Topics in 6G Communications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      64. T. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, S. Feng, K. ElBassioni, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Joint Rate Allocation and Power Control for RSMA-Based Communication and Radar Coexistence Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      65. X. Yu, J. Xu, N. Zhao, X. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication Aided by IRS-UAV," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      66. Z. Chen, X. Ren, C. Qiu, X. Wang, T. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Bi-Meta: Bi-Alternating Resource Provisioning and Heterogeneous Auction for Mobile Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      67. N. C. Luong, S. H. Nguyen, A. D. D. Nguyen, S. Feng, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Edge Computing For Metaverse: Incentive Mechanism versus Semantic Communication," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      68. S. Zhang, M. Xu, W. Y. B. Lim, and D. Niyato, "Sustainable AIGC Workload Scheduling of Geo-Distributed Data Centers: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      69. L. Zhang, M. Das, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, and X. Yuan, "Prompt-based Transceiver Cooperation for Semantic Communications with Domain-Incremental Background Knowledge," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      70. G. Liu, H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and B. H. Soong, "Vision-based Semantic Communications for Metaverse Services: A Contest Theoretic Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      71. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. I. Kim, and B. H. Soong, "Performance Analysis of Free-Space Information Sharing in Full-Duplex Semantic Communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      72. L. Zhou, S. Leng, Z. Li, H. Du, and D. Niyato, "Graph Learning Enhanced UAV Swarms Based Multiple Targets Tracking," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      73. Y. Zhang, W. Ni, W. Tang, Y. C. Eldar, and D. Niyato, "Robust Transceiver Design for ISAC With Imperfect CSI," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      74. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, D. Niyato, and J. Wang, "Verifiable and Efficient Semantic Blockchain," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      75. M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Joint Foundation Model Caching and Inference of Generative AI Services for Edge Intelligence," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      76. X. Zhang, Z. Lin, S. Gong, B. Gu, and D. Niyato, "Multiagent Reinforcement Learning with an Attention Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in LoRa Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      77. A. Aboulfotouh, Z. M. Fadlullah, M. M. Fouda, M. Ismail, and D. Niyato, "Benchmarking the User-Centric Clustering and Pilot Assignment Problems in Cell-Free Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      78. Y. Cao, S.-Y. Lien, C.-H. Yeh, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Efficient Communication-Computation Tradeoff for Split Computing: A Multi-Tier Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.
      79. W. Ma, Y. Zhao, W. Sun, Y. Liu, B. Guo, and D. Niyato, "Towards Energy-efficient Resource Allocation for Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing," in Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems (AIoTSys), Xi'an, China, pp. 257-264, October 2023.
      80. Z. Ye, Y. Gao, Y. Xiao, M. Xu, H. Yu and D. Niyato, "Smart Healthcare with Hybrid Mobile Edge-Quantum Computing: Dynamic Computation Offloading for Latency Improvement," in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Fall, Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023.
      81. Y. Cao, S. -Y. Lien, Y. -C. Liang, D. Niyato, and X. S. Shen, "Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Optimization in Non-Terrestrial Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 05-08 September 2023.
      82. J. Wen, J. Kang, M. Xu, H. Du, Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Freshness-aware Incentive Mechanism for Mobile AI-Generated Content (AIGC) Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Dalian, China, 10-12 August 2023.
      83. W. Wang, W. Ni, H. Tian, Z. Yang, C. You, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Functional RIS for Sum-Rate Maximization in Rate-Splitting Multiple Access Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Shanghai, China, 25-28 September 2023.
      84. Y. Lin, Z. Gao, H. Du, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain-aided AI-Generated Content Services: Stackelberg Game-based Content Caching Approach," in Proceedings of International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), Chicago, IL, USA, 2-8 July 2023.
      85. J. Zhang, J. Nie, J. Wen, J. Kang, M. Xu, X. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Learning-based Incentive Mechanism for Task Freshness-aware Vehicular Twin Migration," in Proceedings of International Workshop on Social and Metaverse Computing and Networking (SocialMeta), Hong Kong, China, 18 July 2023.
      86. R. Kaewpuang, M. Xu, S. J. Turner, D. Niyato, H. Yu and D. I. Kim, "Entangled Pair Resource Allocation Under Uncertain Fidelity Requirements," in Proceedings of Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC), Montreal, QC, Canada, pp. 25-30, 4-7 July 2023.
      87. A. Nanetti, P. Benussi, A. Erboso, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain Technology for Participatory Publication of Archival Documents. Marco Polo’s Diplomatic Codex as a Showcase," in Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 14035, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-28 July 2023.
      88. J. Fan, K. -Y. Lam, and D. Niyato, "Differentiated Security in the Age of Cognitive Internet of Things (CIoT)," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Hong Kong, pp. 965-966, 18-21 July 2023.
      89. Y. Wang, Y. Hu, H. Du, T. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Covert Semantic Communications over Wireless Networks" in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 4-10 June 2023.
      90. B. Xiang, J. Elias, F. Martignon, E. D. Nitto, and D. Niyato, "Game Theoretic Resource Planning and Request Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing Networks," in Proceedings of IFIP Networking Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 June 2023.
      91. X. Tan, W. Y. B. Lim, Y. Han, and D. Niyato, "Reputation-Aware Opportunistic Budget Optimization for Auction-Based Federation Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Queensland, Australia, 18-23 June 2023.
      92. Y. Han, W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, C. Leung and C. Miao, "Edge-enabled Consumer Digital Twins in Industrial Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      93. J. Zheng, J. Zhang, H. Du, D. Niyato, and B. Ai, "Cell-free massive MIMO Enabled URLLC Communication for the Green Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      94. Q. Zhang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhu, W. Yang, D. Niyato, and S. Gao, "Ownership Tokenization and Incentive Design for Learning-based User-Generated Content in Blockchain-Driven Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      95. J. Wen, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, H. Du, Y. Jiao, and D. Niyato, "Task Freshness-aware Incentive Mechanism for Vehicle Twin Migration in Vehicular Metaverses," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      96. M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Zhang, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, S. Mao, and Z. Han, "Generative AI-empowered Effective Physical-Virtual Synchronization in the Vehicular Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      97. H. Yue, W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Towards a Frictionless Customer Relationship Management in the Metaverse: Edge-enabled Consumer Digital Twins," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      98. V. H. Tan, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain for Decentralized Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) Pipelines in the Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      99. Y. Jiang, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X. Ge, Z. Xiong, M. Xu, and R. Deng, "Joining Edge-Enabled Metaverse Services with Network Externality: A Stackelberg Game Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023.
      100. J. Chen, J. Kang, M. Xu, Z. Xiong,D. Niyato, and Y. Tong, "Multiple-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Avatar Migration in Vehicular Metaverses," in Proceedings of WWW Companion: Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 Proceedings (Workshop), Austin, Texas, USA, April 30-May 4, 2023.
      101. Y. Wang, Y. Hu, H. Du, T. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Covert Semantic Communications over Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 4-10 June 2023.
      102. H. Bao, K. Xiong, R. Zhang, P. Fan, D. Niyato, and K. B. Letaief, "User Cooperation with Power Control for Federated Learning in CFmMIMO Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC - Workshop on Edge5GMN - Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      103. C. Liang, X. Deng, Y. Sun, R. Cheng, L. Xia, D. Niyato, and M. A. Imran, "VISTA: Video Transmission over A Semantic Communication Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC - Workshop on ULMC6GN - Ultra-high speed, Low latency and Massive Communication for futuristic 6G Networks, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      104. Y. Lu, Y. Jiang, L. Zhang, M. Bennis, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Meta Reinforcement Learning-Based Computation Offloading in RIS-aided MEC-enabled Cell-Free RAN," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      105. Y. Cheng, D. Niyato, H. Du, J. Kang, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Interest-Based Semantic Information Transmission With RSMA in Smart Cities," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      106. H. Zhang, J. Nie, Y. Yu, Z. Xiong, W. Jiang, and D. Niyato, "Performance Analysis for STAR-RIS Assisted SWIPT System over Rayleigh Fading Channel," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      107. M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, and M. Chen, "Learning-based Sustainable Multi-User Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge-Quantum Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      108. P. Li, G. Cheng, J. Kang, R. Yu, L. Qian, Y. Wu, and D. Niyato, "FAST: Fidelity-Adjustable Semantic Transmission over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      109. J. Ji, L. Cai, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Rate Splitting Enabled Uplink-Downlink Decoupled Association in UAV-assisted Cellular Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      110. L. Xia, Y. Sun, D. Niyato, K. Ma, J. Kang, and M. A. Imran, "Knowledge Base Aware Semantic Communication in Vehicular Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      111. J. Lu, J. Nie, J. Li, W. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and W. Jiang, "SIC-STIA-IS: An Interference Management Scheme for the UAV-Assisted Heterogeneous Network," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      112. S. Feng, X. Lu, S. Sun, D. Niyato, and E. Hossain, "Doubly Securing Large-Scale D2D Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      113. H. Du, J. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhang, and X. S. Shen, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Time Allocation and Directional Transmission in Joint Radar-Communication," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 26-29 March 2023.
      114. N. H. Chu, D. N. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, K. T. Phan, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and T. Shu, "Dynamic Resource Allocation for Metaverse Applications with Deep Reinforcement Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 26-29 March 2023.
      115. R. Kaewpuang, M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, and J. Kang, "Stochastic Qubit Resource Allocation for Quantum Cloud Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Miami, FL, USA, 8-12 May 2023.
      116. R. Kaewpuang, M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, and S. X. Shen, "Adaptive Resource Allocation in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for Federated Learning," in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 20-22 February 2023.
      117. N. C. Luong, C. K. Le, A. D. D. Nguyen, S. H. Nguyen, S. Feng, V.-D. Nguyen, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal Auction for Effective Energy Management for UAV-assisted Metaverse Synchronization System," in Proceedings of IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 8-11 January 2023.
      118. Z. Q. Liew, H. Du, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and H. Yu, "Economics of Semantic Communication in Metaverse: An Auction Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 8-11 January 2023.
      119. S. Zeng, Z. Li, H. Yu, Y. He, Z. Xu, D. Niyato, and H. Yu, "Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Grouped Sequential-to-Parallel Training," in Proceedings of International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, vol. 13246, pp. 455-471, 11-14 April 2022.
      120. R. Xu, W. Liu, J. Nie, X. Deng, Z. Xiong, W. Jiang, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "AIS Data-Based Efficient Ship Trajectory Clustering," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 December 2022.
      121. J. Fan, L. K. Shar, J. Guo, W. Yang, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "Differentiated Security Architecture for Secure and Efficient Infotainment Data Communication in IoV Networks," in Proceedings of International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS), Denarau Island, Fiji, 9-12 December 2022.
      122. R. Kaewpuang, M. Xu, D. Niyato, H. Yu, and Z. Xiong, "Resource Allocation in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.
      123. C. Wang, C. Xinying, J. An, Z. Xiong, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "IRS-Assisted UAV Covert Communication via Location and Power Optimization," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing, China, 14-17 October 2022.
      124. D. Li, Z. Yang, N. Zhao, Z. Wu, Y. Li, and D. Niyato, "Joint Precoding and Jamming Design for Secure Transmission in NOMA-ISAC Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing, China, 14-17 October 2022.
      125. Y. Wang, Y. Jiang, F. -C. Zheng, D. Niyato and X. You, "Cooperative Edge Caching via Federated Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Learning in Fog-RANs," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 371-376, 4-8 December 2022.
      126. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, T. Luo, and D. Niyato, "Optimization of Image Transmission in Semantic Communication Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 4-8 December 2022.
      127. Y. Gao, Z. Ye, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, Y. Xiao, and D. Niyato, "Multi-Resource Allocation for On-Device Distributed Federated Learning Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      128. Y. Gong, H. Yao, Z. Xiong, S. Guo, R. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Computation Offloading and Energy Harvesting Schemes for Sum Rate Maximization in SAG Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      129. Y. Cheng, J. Lu, D. Niyato, B. Lyu, M. Xu, and S. Zhu, "Performance Analysis of Jammer-Aided Covert RIS-NOMA Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      130. H. Du, D. Niyato, J. Kang, D. I. Kim, and C. Miao, "Optimal Targeted Advertising Strategy For Secure Wireless Edge Metaverse" in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      131. M. Xu, W. C. Ng, D. Niyato, H. Yu, C. Miao, D. I. Kim, and S. Shen, "Stochastic Resource Allocation in Quantum Key Distribution for Secure Federated Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      132. Y. Liu, S. Qin, G. Feng, D. Niyato, Y. Sun, and J. Zhou, "Adaptive Quantization based on Ensemble Distillation to Support FL enabled Edge Intelligence," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      133. Y. Long, W. Zhang, S. Gong, X. Luo, and D. Niyato, "AoI-aware Scheduling and Trajectory Optimization for Multi-UAV-assisted Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      134. X. Jiang, M. Sheng, N. Zhao, J. Liu, D. Niyato, and R. Yu, "UAV-Assisted Networks With Underlaid Ambient Backscattering: Modeling and Outage Analysis," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      135. H. Han, Y. Cao, M. Sheng, J. Kiu, N. Zhao, and D. Niyato, "IRS-Aided Secure MISO-NOMA Networks Towards Internal and External Eavesdropping," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-8 December 2022.
      136. J. Qu, R. W. Liu, J. Nie, X. Deng, Z. Xiong, Y. Zhang, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Edge Computing-Enabled Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Intelligent Surveillance in Maritime Transportation Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic & Secure Computing (DASC), Calabria, Italy, 12-15 September 2022.
      137. J. Kang, D. Ye, J. Nie, J. Xiao, X. Deng, S. Wang, Z. Xiong, R. Yu, and D. Niyato, "Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for Industrial Metaverses: Incentive Scheme With Optimal AoI," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Espoo, Finland, 22-25 August 2022.
      138. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, W. Mahanan, J. Thanyaphongphat, and R. Kaewpuang, "Intern-Organization Interview Matching Framework: An Optimization Approach," in Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), phu*ket, Thailand, 5-8 July, 2022.
      139. K. S. H. Ong, D. Niyato, and T. Friedrichs, "Drift-Aware Edge Intelligence for Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Industrial Internet of Things," in Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), phu*ket, Thailand, 5-8 July, 2022.
      140. Y. Tan, Y. Long, S. Zhao, S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Energy Minimization for Wireless Powered Data Offloading in IRS-assisted MEC for Vehicular Networks," in Proceedings of International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 30 May - 3 June, 2022.
      141. H. Yang, A. Asheralieva, J. Zhang, M. M. Karim, D. Niyato, and K. A. Raza, "User-Centric Blockchain for Industry 5.0 Applications," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC - Workshop on Scalable, Secure and Intelligent Blockchain for Future Networking and Communications, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      142. J. Wang, Z. Tian, X. Yang, M. Zhou, J. Huang, and D. Niyato, "Dynamic Target Acceleration Estimation Using CSI," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 June 2022.
      143. I. Lotfi, D. Niyato, S. Sun, D. I. Kim, M. Erol-Kantarci, and C. Miao, "Semantic Information Market For The Metaverse: An Auction Based Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Montreal, Canad, 12-14 October 2022.
      144. Z. Q. Liew, Y. Cheng, W. Y. B. Lim, D. Niyato, C. Miao, S. Sun, "Economics of Semantic Communication System in Wireless Powered Internet of Things," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Singapore, 22-27 May 2022.
      145. H. Du, D. Niyato, Y. Xie, Y. Cheng, J. Kang, and D. I. Kim, "Covert Communication for Jammer-aided Multi-Antenna UAV Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      146. J. Tang, J. Nie, W. Y. B. Lim, Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and M. Guizani, "Intelligent Edge-Aided Network Slicing for 5G and Beyond Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      147. W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Unified Resource Allocation Framework for the Edge Intelligence-Enabled Metaverse," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      148. J. Li, Z. Xiong, W. Feng, W. Jiang, and D. Niyato, "Retrospective Interference Regeneration Schemes for Relay-Aided K-user MIMO Broadcast Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      149. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, J. Nie, Q. Hu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Evolutionary Model Owner Selection for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Privacy Budgets," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      150. J. S. Ng, W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "UAV-assisted Wireless Power Charging for Efficient Hybrid Coded Edge Computing Network," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      151. Y. Han, D. Niyato, C. Leung, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for Synchronizing Metaverse with IoT Service and Data," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      152. M. Xu, D. Niyato, J. Kang, Z. Xiong, C. Miao, and D. I. Kim, "Wireless Edge-Empowered Metaverse: A Learning-Based Incentive Mechanism for Virtual Reality," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, South Korea, 16-20 May 2022.
      153. J. Lee, Y. Cheng, D. Niyato, Y. L. Guan, and D. Gonzalez G., "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Time Allocation and Directional Transmission in Joint Radar-Communication," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Austin, TX, USA, 10-13 April 2022.
      154. J. S. Ng, W. Y. Bryan Lim, Z. Xiong, S. Garg, D. Niyato, and C. Leung, "An Incentive Mechanism for Resource Allocation in Coded Distributed Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE 15th International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE), Shenyang, China, 2021.
      155. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, J. Nie, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, C. Miao, M. Guizani, "A Serverless Hierarchical Federated Learning Framework for Smart City Applications," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conferences on Smart City (SmartCity), Haikou, Hainan, 20-22 December 2021.
      156. Z. Li, R. Wang, K. Zhu, C. Yi, L. Liu, and D. Niyato, "Joint Energy and Computation Workload Management for Geo-Distributed Data Centers in Smart Grid," in Proceedings of International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing (GPC), Haikou, 17-19 December 2021.
      157. Z. Zhang, S. Ma, J. Nie, Y. Wu, Q. Yan, X. Xu, and D. Niyato, "Semi-Supervised Federated Learning With Non-IID Data: Algorithm and System Design," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Haikou, Hainan, 17-19 December 2021.
      158. Y. Guo, W. Liu, J. Nie, L. Lyu, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, H. Yu, and D. Niyato, "DADFNet: Dual Attention and Dual Frequency-Guided Dehazing Network for Video-Empowered Intelligent Transportation," in Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), AI for Transportation Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22 February - 1 March, 2022.
      159. X. R. Z. Ho, W. Y. B. Lim, H. Jiang, J. S. Ng, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Dynamic Incentive Mechanism Design for COVID-19 Social Distancing," in Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), Demonstrations Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22 February - 1 March, 2022.
      160. D. Feng, C. Helena, W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, H. Jiang, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, H. Yu, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "CrowdFL: A Marketplace for Crowdsourced Federated Learning," in Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), Demonstrations Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22 February - 1 March, 2022.
      161. S. Zhu, M. M. Karim, A. Asheralieva, D. Niyato, and A. Khuhawar, "Secure Federated Learning Based on Coded Distributed Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM - Workshop on Robust, Low-Latency and Efficient Federated Learning for 6G-Enabled Internet of Things , Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      162. W. Ni, A. Asheralieva, C. Maple, M. M. Karim, D. Niyato, and Q. Yang, "Throughput-Efficient Blockchain for Internet-of-Vehicles," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM - Workshop on Scalable, Secure and Intelligent Blockchain for Future Networking and Communications , Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      163. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, X. Deng, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and C. Leong, "A Hierarchical Incentive Mechanism for Coded Federated Learning," in Proceedings of International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN), Exeter, UK, 13-15 December 2021.
      164. X. Pang, N. Zhao, J. Tang, D. Niyato, and K.-K. Wong, "Joint Trajectory and Beamforming Optimization for Secure UAV Transmission Aided by IRS," in Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Changsha China, 20-22 October 2021.
      165. H. Wang, R. Wang, H. Xu, Z. Kun, C. Yi, and D. Niyato, "Multi-objective Mobile Charging Scheduling on the Internet of Electric Vehicles: a DRL Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      166. I. Lotif, D. Niyato, S. Sun, and D. I. Kim, "Social Welfare Maximization Auction in Joint Radar Communication Systems for Autonomous Vehicles," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      167. W. C. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, S. Sawadsitang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Optimal Stochastic Coded Computation Offloading in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Network," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      168. X. Chen, M. Sheng, N. Zhao, W. Xu, and D. Niyato, "Finite-Blocklength Multi-Antenna Covert Communication Aided By A UAV Relay," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      169. W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, S. Garg, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Dynamic Edge Association in Hierarchical Federated Learning Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), Shenyang, China, 20-22 October, 2021.
      170. D. H. Son, T. T. T. Quynh, T. V. Khoa, D. T. Hoang, N. L. Trung, N. V. Ha, D. Niyato, D. N. Nguyen, and E. Dutkiewicz, "An Effective Framework of Private Ethereum Blockchain Network for Smart Grid," in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14 - 16, October, 2021.
      171. S. H. K. Ong, W. Wang, T. Friedrichs, and D. Niyato, "Augmented Human Intelligence for Decision Making in Maintenance Risk Taking Tasks using Reinforcement Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Melbourne, Australia, 17 - 20 October 2021.
      172. E. A. Seo, D. Niyato, and E. Elmroth, "Auction-based federated learning using software-defined networking for resource efficiency," in Proceedings of International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Izmir, Turkey, 25-29 October 2021.
      173. H. Z. C. Teng, H. Jiang, X. R. Z. Ho, W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "Predictive Analytics for COVID-19 Social Distancing," in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) - Demonstrations Track, Montreal, Canada, 21-26 Aug. 2021.
      174. A. Z. H. Yapp, H. S. N. Koh, Y. T. Lai, J. Kang, X. Li, J. S. Ng, H. Jiang, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Communication-efficient and Scalable Decentralized Federated Edge Learning," in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) - Demonstrations Track, Montreal, Canada, 21-26 Aug. 2021.
      175. E.-J. J. Lee, D. Niyato, Y. L. Guan, and D. I. Kim, "Learning to Schedule Joint Radar-Communication Requests for Optimal Information Freshness," in Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 11-15 July 2021.
      176. S. H. Ong, D. Niyato, C. So-in, and F. Thomas, "Accelerating Low-Cost Edge-Based Real-Time Video Analytics Using Task Scheduling," in Proceedings of IEEE World Forum on The Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2021), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 14 June - 31 July 2021.
      177. Y. Han, C. Leung, D. I. Kim, and D. Niyato, "Opportunistic Coded Distributed Computing: An Evolutionary Game Approach," in Proceedings of International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Harbin, China, June 28 - July 2, 2021.
      178. Y. Liu, M. Wang, J. Xu, S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Boosting Secret Key Generation for IRS-Assisted Symbiotic Radio Communications," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring, 25-28 April 2021.
      179. D. Jin, Y. Xiao, Y. Li, G. Shi, and D. Niyato, "Optimizing Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Base Station Association for Mobile Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June 2021.
      180. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, S. Garg, D. Niyato, and C. Leung, "Deep-learning Based Auction Resource Allocation in Coded Computation Offloading for Internet-of-Things," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC Workshop on 5G and Beyond Wireless Security (IEEE Wireless-Sec 2021), Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June 2021.
      181. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, S. Garg, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, M. Guizani, and C. Leung, "Collaborative Coded Computation Offloading: An All-pay Auction Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June 2021.
      182. R. Zhang, X. Pang, W. Lu, N. Zhao, M. Liu, Y. Chen, and D. Niyato, "Cooperative UAV-Assisted Secure Uplink Communications With Propulsion Power Limitation," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June 2021.
      183. X. Chen, Z. Chang, J. Tang, N. Zhao and D. Niyato, "UAV-Aided Multi-Antenna Covert Communication Against Multiple Wardens," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Montreal, Canada, 14-23 June 2021.
      184. L. Zeynalvand, T. Luo, E. Andrejczuk, D. Niyato, S. G. Teo, and J, Zhang, "A blockchain-enabled quantitative approach to trust and reputation management with sparse evidence," in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), 3 May 2021.
      185. I. Lotif, D. Niyato, S. Sun, H. D. Thai, D. I. Kim, and Y.-C. Liang, "Jamming Mitigation in JRC Systems via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Backscatter-supported Intelligent Deception Strategy," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), UESTC, Chengdu, China, 23-26 April 2021.
      186. Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, W. Zhai, S. Sun, D. Niyato, and K.-Y. Lam, "A Survey of 6G Wireless Communications: Emerging Technologie," in Proceedings of Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), pp. 150-170, April 2021.
      187. W. Wang, N. Zhao, C. Li, X. Liu, Y. Chen, and D. Niyato, "Time-Efficient Uplink Data Collection for UAV-assisted NOMA networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 2021.
      188. J. Nie, J. Luo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Game-based Incentive Scheme for Socially-Aware Mobile Crowdsensing," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 2021.
      189. Y. Deng, Y. Zou, S. Gong, B. Lyu, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Robust Beamforming for IRS-assisted Wireless Communications under Channel Uncertainty," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 2021.
      190. M. Hadji, M. I. Khaledi, S. E. Elayoubi, and D. Niyato, "Optimization of Function Chaining on the Edge for IoT applications," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 2021.
      191. H. Jiang, W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, H. Z. C. Teng, H. Yu, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and C. Miao, "AI-empowered decision support for COVID-19 social distancing," in Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21), Demonstrations Program, Virtual Conference, Feburary 2021.
      192. W. Y. B. Lim, J. S. Ng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, S. Guo, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Dynamic resource allocation for hierarchical federated learning," in Proceedings of International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN), Tokyo, Japan, December 2020.
      193. W. Y. B. Lim, J. Huang, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, X-S. Hua, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Multi-dimensional contract-matching for federated learning in UAV-enabled Internet of vehicles," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      194. J. S. Ng, W. Y. B. Lim, D-N. Dai, Z. Xiong, J. Huang, D. Niyato, X-S. Hua, C. Leung, C. Miao, "Communication-efficient federated learning in UAV-enabled IoV: A joint auction-coalition approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      195. Y. Liu, N. Kumar, Z. Xiong, W. Y. B. Lim, J. Kang, and D. Niyato, "Communication-efficient federated learning for anomaly detection in industrial Internet of Things," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      196. J. Lee, W. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Demand-Side Scheduling Based on Multi-Agent Deep Actor-Critic Learning for Smart Grids," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Tempe, AZ, USA, 2020, pp. 1-6.
      197. H. Yang, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, Q. Wu, M. Tornatore, and S. Secci, "Intelligent reflecting surface assisted anti-jamming communications based on reinforcement learning," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      198. T. Mai, H. Yao, Z. Xiong, S. Guo, and D. Niyato, "Multi-agent actor-critic reinforcement learning based in-network load balance," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      199. Y. Gao, C. Yong, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Y. Xiao, and J. Zhao, "Resource allocation for intelligent reflecting surface aided cooperative communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      200. A. Ji, R. Wang, K. Zhu, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "Peer effect-based demand response in smart grid: A game theoretical approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      201. Y. Gao, C. Yong, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Y. Xiao, and J. Zhao, "A stackelberg game approach to resource allocation for IRS-aided communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      202. H. Yang, Y. Zhao, Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, K-Y. Lam, and Q. Wu, "Deep reinforcement learning based intelligent reflecting surface for secure wireless communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      203. X. Chen, Y. Jiang, B. Fan, F-C. Zheng, D. Niyato, and X. You, "Hierarchical Cooperative Caching in Fog Radio Access Networks: A Brain Storm Optimization Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      204. X. Jia, J. Zhao, X. Zhou, and D. Niyato, "Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Backscatter Communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      205. J. Ji, K. Zhu, C. Yi, R. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Joint Resource Allocation and Trajectory Design for UAV-assisted Mobile Edge Computing Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      206. J. Lin, Y. Zou, X. Dong, S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Beamforming in IRS-assisted Wireless Communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2020.
      207. W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, J. Kang, D. Niyato, Y. Zhang, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "An incentive scheme for federated learning in the sky," in Proceedings of ACM MobiCom Workshop on Drone Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond (DroneCom), London, UK, September 2020.
      208. J. Nie, J. Luo, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Incentive mechanism for socially-aware mobile crowdsensing: A bayesian stackelberg game," in Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), Qingdao, China, September 2020.
      209. T. Mai, H. Yao, X. Zhang, Z. Xiong, and D. Niyato, "A distributed reinforcement learning approach to in-network congestion control," in Proceedings of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Chongqing, China, 9-11 August 2020
      210. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, C. Jiang, Y. Liu, S. Guo, Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, C. Leung, and C. Miao, "Scalable and communication-efficient decentralized federated edge learning with multi-blockchain framework," in Proceedings of International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems (BlockSys), Dali, China, 6-7 August 2020
      211. W. Y. B. Lim, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, J. Huang, X.-S. Hua, and C. Miao, "Incentive mechanism design for federated learning in vehicular ad hoc networks," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 4-7 October 2020.
      212. Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, J. Kang, D. Niyato, R. Deng, and S. Xie, "Towards the future data market: Reward optimization in mobile data subsidization," in Proceedings of EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Wireless Networks (6GN), Tianjin, China, April 2020.
      213. Y. Zhu, S. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Niyato and J. J. Q. Yu, "Robust Federated Learning Approach for Travel Mode Identification from Non-IID GPS Trajectories," in Proceedings of IEEE 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), pp. 585-592, 2020.
      214. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Z. Cao, and A. Leshem, "Training task allocation in federated edge learning: A matching-theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, 10-13 January 2020.
      215. K. Suankaewmanee, P. S. Ng, and D. Niyato, "Distributed, scalable, and transparent data management framework for energy market: A blockchain approach," in Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), Sydney, Australia, 21-24 April 2020.
      216. S. H. Ong, D. Niyato, and C. Yuen, "Predictive maintenance for edge-based sensor networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach," in Proceedings of IEEE World Forum on The Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2020), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 5-9 April 2020.
      217. H. T. Nguyen, N. C. Luong, J. Zhao, C. Yuen, and D. Niyato, "Resource allocation in mobility-aware federated learning networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach," in Proceedings of IEEE World Forum on The Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2020), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 5-9 April 2020.
      218. R. Xia, Y. Xiao, Y. Li, D. Niyato, and M. Krunz, "A generative learning approach for spatio-temporal modeling in connected vehicular network," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      219. J. Li, D. Niyato, C. S. Hong, K.-J. Park, L. Wang, and Z. Han, "A contract-theoretic cyber insurance for withdraw delay in the blockchain networks with shards," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      220. Y. Gao, C. Yong, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Y. Xiao, and J. Zhao, "Reconfigurable intelligent surface for MISO systems with proportional rate constraints," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      221. J. Ji, K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and R. Wang, "Joint cache and trajectory optimization for secure UAV-relaying with underlaid D2D communications," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      222. H. Han, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, M. D. Renzo, and Q.-V. Pham, "Intelligent reflecting surface aided network: Power control for physical-layer broadcasting," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      223. S. Idrees, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and D. Niyato, "A retrodirective wireless power transfer scheme for ambient backscatter systems," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      224. N. Zhao, Y. Cheng, Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Deep reinforcement learning for trajectory design and power allocation in UAV networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020.
      225. Y. Zou, S. Gong, J. Xu, W. Cheng, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Joint energy beamforming and optimization for intelligent reflecting surface enhanced communications," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC-Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 6-9 April 2020.
      226. Y. Zou, Y. Xie, C. Zhang, S. Gong, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Optimization-driven hierarchical deep reinforcement learning for hybrid relaying communications," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Seoul, South Korea, 6-9 April 2020.
      227. Z. Xiong, W. Y. Lim, J. Kang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and C. Miao, "Incentive mechanism design for mobile data rewards using multi-dimensional contract," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Seoul, South Korea, 6-9 April 2020.
      228. X. Gao, D. Niyato, K. Yang, and J. An, "A coalition game for backscatter-aided passive relay communications in wireless-powered D2D networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Seoul, South Korea, 6-9 April 2020.
      229. S. Feng, D. Niyato, X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Memory-affecting Network Selection in Next Generation HetNets," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring, Antwerp, Belgium, 25-28 May 2020.
      230. H. Yu, Z. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Chen, M. Cong, X. Weng, D. Niyato, and Q. Yang, "A Fairness-aware Incentive Scheme for Federated Learning," in Proceedings of the 3rd AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES-20), 2020.
      231. N. Ngoenriang, S. Nutanong and D. Niyato, "Joint Task Allocation and Data Delivery Framework for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Aerial Plant Inspection," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2019, pp. 1-5.
      232. Z. Xiong, J. Zhao, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Design of contract-based sponsorship scheme in Stackelberg game for sponsored content market," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      233. Y. Zou, J. Xu, S. Gong, Y. Guo, D. Niyato, and W. Cheng, "Backscatter-aided hybrid data offloading for wireless powered edge sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      234. H. Feng, Y. Jiang, D. Niyato, F.-C. Zheng, and X. You, "Content popularity prediction via deep learning in cache-enabled fog radio access networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      235. Y. Pei, S. Hu, F. Zhong, D. Niyato, and Y.-C. Liang, "Blockchain-enabled dynamic spectrum access: Cooperative spectrum sensing, access and mining," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      236. D. T. Hoang, M. A. Alsheikh, S. Gong, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and Y.-C. Liang, "Defend jamming attacks: How to make enemies become friends," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      237. Y. Xie, Z. Xu, S. Gong, J. Xu, D. T. Hoang, and D. Niyato, "Backscatter-assisted hybrid relaying strategy for wireless powered IoT communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      238. S. H. R. Khezri, P. A. Moghadam, M. K. Farshbafan, V. Shah-Mansouri, D. Niyato, and H. Kebriaei, "Deep reinforcement learning for dynamic reliability aware NFV-based service provisioning," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
      239. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, J. Zhao, B. Lin, and D. I. Kim, "Task allocation and mobile base station deployment in wireless powered spatial crowdsourcing," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Beijing, China, 21-24 October 2019.
      240. K. S. H. Ong, Y. Zhang, and D. Niyato, "Cognitive radio network throughput maximization with deep reinforcement learning," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 22-25 September 2019.
      241. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, K. Suankaewmanee, P. S. Tan, "Re-route package pickup and delivery planning with random demands," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 22-25 September 2019.
      242. Y. Zou, S. Feng, J. Xu, S. Gong, D. Niyato, and W. Cheng, "Dynamic games in federated learning training service market," in Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim), Victoria, B.C., Canada, 21-23 August 2019.
      243. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, H. Yu, Y.-C. Liang, and D. I. Kim, "Incentive Design for Efficient Federated Learning in Mobile Networks: A Contract Theory Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), SUTD, Singapore, August 2019.
      244. T. Sanguanpuak, D. Niyato, N. Rajatheva, M. Bennis, and M. Latva-aho, "Resource virtualization with edge caching and latency constraint for local B5G operator," in Proceedings of International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 27-30 August 2019.
      245. Z. Huang, K. Suankaewmanee, J. Kang, D. Niyato, and P. S. Ng, "Development of reliable wireless communication system for secure blockchain-based energy trading," in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand, 10-12 July 2019.
      246. Y. Zou, S. Feng, D. Niyato, Y. Jiao, S. Gong, and W. Cheng, "Mobile device training strategies in federated learning: An evolutionary game approach," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Atlanta, USA, 14-17 July 2019.
      247. X. Gao, S. Feng, D. Niyato, and K. Yang, "Dynamic service selection in backscatter-assisted RF-powered cognitive networks: An evolutionary game approach," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Atlanta, USA, 14-17 July 2019.
      248. S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Y.-C. Liang, "Joint service pricing and cooperative relay communication for federated learning," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Atlanta, USA, 14-17 July 2019.
      249. J. Li, T. Liu, D. Niyato, P. Wang, J. Li, and Z. Han, "Contract-based approach for security deposit in blockchain networks with shards," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Atlanta, USA, 14-17 July 2019.
      250. S M Zafaruddin, I. Bistritz, A. Leshem, and D. Niyato, "Multiagent autonomous learning for distributed channel allocation in wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Cannes, France, 2-5 July 2019.
      251. N. Ngoenriang, S. Sawadsitang, C. Leangsuksun, D. Niyato, and P. S. Tan, "Joint vehicle routing and loading in delivery planning: A stochastic programming approach,"in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 April - 1 May 2019.
      252. J. Kang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Incentivizing secure block verification by contract theory in blockchain-enabled vehicular networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, 20-24 May 2019.
      253. L. Zhang, J. Tan, Y.-C. Liang, G. Feng, and D. Niyato, "Deep reinforcement learning for modulation and coding scheme selection in cognitive HetNets," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, 20-24 May 2019.
      254. Z. Ni, W. Wang, D. I. Kim, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Evolutionary game for consensus provision in permissionless blockchain networks with shards," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, 20-24 May 2019.
      255. J. Tan, L. Zhang, Y.-C. Liang, and D. Niyato, "Deep reinforcement learning for the coexistence of LAA-LTE and WiFi systems," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, 20-24 May 2019.
      256. S. Feng, W. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and P. Wang, "Dynamic sensor renting in RF-powered crowdsensing service market with blockchain," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-18 April 2019.
      257. X. Luo, J. Xu, Y. Zou, S. Gong, L. Gao, and D. Niyato, "Collaborative relay beamforming with direct links in wireless powered communications," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-18 April 2019.
      258. T. T. Anh, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, Y.-C. Liang, and D. I. Kim, "Deep reinforcement learning for time scheduling in RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Marrakech, Morocco, 15-18 April 2019.
      259. N. C. Luong, T. T. Anh, H. T. Thanh Binh, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim and Y. -C. Liang, "Joint Transaction Transmission and Channel Selection in Cognitive Radio Based Blockchain Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 8409-8413.
      260. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, P. S. Tan, P. Wang and S. Nutanong, "Multi-Objective Optimization for Drone Delivery," 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2019, pp. 1-5.
      261. S. Feng, W. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and P. Wang, "Competitive data trading in wireless-powered Internet of Things (IoT) crowdsensing systems with blockchain," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Chengdu, China, 19-21 December 2018.
      262. T. Sanguanpuak, N. Rajatheva, D. Niyato, and M. Latva-aho, "Network slicing with mobile edge computing for micro-operator networks in beyond 5G," in Proceedings of International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 25-28 November 2018.
      263. Y. Zou, W. Liu, S. Gong, K. Zhu, and D. Niyato, "Joint optimization of wireless power transfer and collaborative beamforming for relay communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops: Wireless Energy Harvesting Communication Networks, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      264. J. Nie, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and J. Luo, "A socially-aware incentive mechanism for mobile crowdsensing service market," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      265. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, A. Leshem, and Y. Zhang, "Game theoretic analysis for joint sponsored and edge caching content service market," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      266. N. Zhao, Y.-C. Liang, D. Niyato, Y. Pei, and Y. Jiang, "Deep reinforcement learning for user association and resource allocation in heterogeneous networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      267. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, S. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Cyber risk management with risk aware cyber-insurance in blockchain networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      268. H. V. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, D. N. Nguyen, E. Dutkiewicz, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Reinforcement learning approach for RF-powered cognitive radio network with ambient backscatter," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      269. J. Li, J. Xu, S. Gong, C. Li, and D. Niyato, "A game theoretic approach for backscatter-aided relay communications in hybrid radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 December 2018.
      270. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Competitive security pricing in cyber-insurance market: A game-theoretic analysis," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Chicago, USA, 27-30 August 2018.
      271. S. Sawadsitang, D. Niyato, P. S. Tan, and P. Wang, "Supplier cooperation in drone delivery," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Chicago, USA, 27-30 August 2018.
      272. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, A. D. Domenico, and E. C. Strinati, "Optimal cross slice orchestration for 5G mobile services," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Chicago, USA, 27-30 August 2018.
      273. X. Gao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, K. Yang, and J. An, "An auction-based time scheduling mechanism for backscatter-aided RF-powered cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Halifax, 30 July - 03 August 2018.
      274. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, P. Wang,D. Niyato, and A. Leshem, "Evolving risk management against advanced persistent threats in fog computing," in CloudNet, Tokyo, 2018, pp. 1-6,2018.
      275. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Optimal pricing-based edge computing resource management in mobile blockchain," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      276. X. Lu, D. Niyato, N. Privault, H. Jiang, and S. Wang, "A cyber insurance approach to manage physical layer secrecy for massive MIMO cellular networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      277. H.-B. Kong, I. Flint, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, and N. Privault, "Wireless caching helper networks: Ginibre point process modeling and analysis," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      278. W. Wang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and A. Leshem, "Decentralized caching for content delivery based on blockchain: A game theoretic perspective," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      279. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and Z. Xiong, "Social welfare maximization auction in edge computing resource allocation for mobile blockchain," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      280. N. C. Luong, Z. Xiong, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Optimal auction for edge computing resource management in mobile blockchain networks: A deep learning approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      281. X. Lu, G. Li, H. Jiang, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Performance analysis of wireless-powered relaying with ambient backscattering," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, 20-24 May 2018.
      282. N. Khoi, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, N. N. Diep, and E. Dutkiewicz, "Cyberattack detection in mobile cloud computing: A deep learning approach," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      283. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Competition and cooperation analysis for data sponsored market: A network effects model," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      284. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, S. Wang, N. N. Diep, and E. Dutkiewicz, "A stochastic programming approach for risk management in mobile cloud computing," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      285. N. Mharsi, M. Hadji, D. Niyato, W. Diego, and R. Krishnaswamy, "Scalable and cost-efficient algorithms for baseband unit (BBU) function split placement," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      286. S. Feng, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, S. Wang, "Joint pricing and security investment for cloud-insurance: A security interdependency perspective," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      287. Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and J. Jin, "Joint optimization of information trading in Internet of Things (IoT) market with externalities," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April 2018.
      288. C. Gu, R. Tan, X. Lou, and D. Niyato, "One-hop out-of-band control planes for low-power multi-hop wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI, USA, 15-19 April 2018.
      289. K. Suankaewmanee, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, S. Sawadsitang, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Performance analysis and application of mobile blockchain," in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Maui, Hawaii, USA, March 5-8, 2018.
      290. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Economic analysis of network effects on sponsored content: A hierarchical game theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      291. Z. Xiong, S. Feng, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Network effect-based sequential dynamic pricing for mobile social data market," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      292. M. Asghari, S. Yousefi, and D. Niyato, "Mobile network operators decision for partnership with zero-rating Internet platforms," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      293. Y. Zhang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and J. Jin, "A game-theoretic analysis of complementarity, substitutability and externalities in cloud services," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      294. A. Ndikumana, K. Thar, T. M. Ho, N. H. Tran, P. L. Vo, D. Niyato, and C. S. Hong, "In-network caching for paid contents in content centric networking," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      295. L. Dong, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and D. T. Hoang, "A joint scheduling and content caching scheme for energy harvesting access points with multicast," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      296. W. Wang, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "A hierarchical game with strategy evolution for mobile sponsored content/service markets," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
      297. S. Sawadsitang, J. Siwei, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal stochastic package delivery planning with deadline: A cardinality minimization in routing," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 September 2017.
      298. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal cost-based cyber insurance policy management for mobile services," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 September 2017.
      299. X. Lu, H. Jiang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and P. Wang, "Analysis of wireless-powered device-to-device communications with ambient backscattering," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 September 2017.
      300. S. Sawadsitang, R. Kaewpuang, J. Siwei, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal stochastic delivery planning in full-truckload and less-than-truckload delivery," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 June 2017.
      301. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal time sharing in RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017.
      302. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and L. B. Le, "Overlay RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio networks: A game theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017.
      303. H.-B. Kong, I. Flint, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, and N. Privault, "Modeling and analysis of wireless networks using Poisson hard-core process," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017.
      304. H.-B. Kong, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Performance analysis of wireless sensor networks with Ginibre point process modeling," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017.
      305. Y. Jiao, P. Wang, D. Niyato, M. A. Alsheikh, and S. Feng, "Profit maximization auction and data management in big data markets," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, San Francisco, CA, 19-22 March 2017.
      306. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, N. H. Tran, and Z. Han, "Multi-dimensional payment plan in fog computing with moral hazard," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Shenzhen, China, 14-16 December 2016.
      307. A. Rahmati, V. Shah-Mansouri, and D. Niyato, "Price-based resource allocation in spectrum-sharing OFDMA femtocell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington, DC USA, 4-8 December 2016.
      308. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "The tradeoff analysis in RF-powered backscatter cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington, DC USA, 4-8 December 2016.
      309. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Opportunistic energy scheduling in wireless powered sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Fall, Montreal, Canada, 18?1 September 2016.
      310. D. Niyato, M. A. Alsheikh, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Market model and optimal pricing scheme of big data and Internet of Things (IoT)," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      311. D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, P. Wang, and M. Bennis, "Joint admission control and content caching policy for energy harvesting access points," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      312. D. Niyato, X. Lu, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Distributed wireless energy scheduling for wireless powered sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      313. D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, P. Wang, and L. Song, "A novel caching mechanism for Internet of Things (IoT) sensing service with energy harvesting," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      314. Y. Xiao, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and L. DaSilva, "Full-duplex machine-to-machine communication for wireless-powered Internet-of-Things," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      315. A. Eldosouky, W. Saad, and D. Niyato, "Single controller stochastic games for optimized moving target defense," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      316. H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, S. Bu, D. Niyato, F. R. Yu, and Z. Han, "Fog computing in multi-tier data center networks: A hierarchical game approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      317. Z. Zheng, L. Song, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Resource allocation in wireless powered relay networks through a Nash bargaining game," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      318. H.-B. Kong, I. Flint, D. Niyato, and N. Privault, "On the performance of wireless energy harvesting networks in a Boolean-Poisson model," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      319. T. Sanguanpuak, S. Guruacharya, N. Rajatheva, M. Bennis, D. Niyato, and M. Latva-aho, "Multi-operator spectrum sharing using matching game in small cells network," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-27 May 2016.
      320. D. T. Hoang and D. Niyato, "Information service pricing competition in Internet-of-Vehicle (IoV)," in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, February 15-18, 2016.
      321. Y. Xiao, Z. Xiong, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Distortion minimization via adaptive digital and analog transmission for energy harvesting-based wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GlobalSIP, Orlando, FL, USA, 14-16 December 2015.
      322. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal service auction for wireless powered Internet of Things (IoT) device," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2015.
      323. J. Chase, D. Niyato, and S. Chaisiri, "Bring-Your-Own-Application (BYOA): Optimal stochastic application migration in mobile cloud computing," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2015.
      324. Y. Xiao, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and L. A. DaSilva, "Joint optimization for power scheduling and transfer in energy harvesting communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2015.
      325. H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, L. X. Cai, D. Niyato, L. Song, and Z. Han, "A hierarchical game approach for multi-operator spectrum sharing in LTE unlicensed," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2015.
      326. Y. Liao, B. Di, K. Bian, L. Song, D. Niyato, and Z. Han, "Cross-layer protocol design for distributed full-duplex network," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2015.
      327. M. A. Alsheikh, S. Lin, H. P. Tan, and D. Niyato, "Toward a robust sparse data representation for wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 26-29 October 2015.
      328. S. Chaisiri, R. Ko, and D. Niyato, "A joint optimization approach to security-as-a-service allocation and cyber insurance management," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom), Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 August, 2015.
      329. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Content messenger selection and wireless energy transfer policy in mobile social networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      330. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, and W. Saad, "Finding the best friend in mobile social energy networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      331. D. Niyato, F. Adachi, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Competitive cell association and antenna allocation in 5G massive MIMO networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      332. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, Z. Han, and X. Lu, "Game theoretic modeling of jamming attack in wireless powered communication networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      333. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, Z. Han, and C. M. Teo, "User's deception mechanisms against jammers in wireless energy harvesting networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      334. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and N. T. Hung, "Optimal energy allocation policy for wireless networks in the sky," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      335. Y. Xiao, Z. Han, D. Niyato, and C. Yuen, "Bayesian reinforcement learning for energy harvesting communication systems with uncertainty," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, London, UK, 8-12 June 2015.
      336. D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. I. Kim, Z. Han, and X. Lu, "Performance analysis of delay-constrained wireless energy harvesting communication networks under jamming attacks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
      337. X. Lu, I. Flint, D. Niyato, N. Privault, and P. Wang, "Performance analysis of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer with ambient RF energy harvesting," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
      338. X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Hierarchical cooperation for operator-controlled device-to-device communications: A layered coalitional game approach," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
      339. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and X. Lu, "Optimizing content relay policy in publish-subscribe mobile social networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
      340. H. Zhang, D. Niyato, L. Song, T. Jiang, and Z. Han, "Equilibrium analysis for zero-determinant strategy in resource management of wireless network," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, LA, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
      341. M. A. Alsheikh, S. Lin, H. Tan and D. Niyato, "Area coverage under low sensor density," 2014 Eleventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), Singapore, 2014, pp. 173-175.
      342. H. Zhang, F. Li, D. Niyato, L. Song, T. Jiang and Z. Han, "Zero-determinant strategy for power control of small cell network," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, Macau, 2014, pp. 41-45.
      343. T. Truong-Huu, C. K. Tham, and D. Niyato, "To offload or to wait: An opportunistic offloading algorithm for parallel tasks in a mobile cloud," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Singapore, 15-18 December 2014.
      344. T. Truong-Huu, C. K. Tham, and D. Niyato, "A stochastic workload distribution approach for an ad-hoc mobile cloud," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Singapore, 15-18 December 2014.
      345. H. Zhang, D. Niyato, L. Song, T. Jing, and Z. Han, "Zero-determinant strategy in cheating management of wireless cooperation," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA, 8-12 December 2014.
      346. I. Flint, X. Lu, N. Privault, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Performance analysis of ambient RF energy harvesting: A stochastic geometry approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA, 8-12 December 2014.
      347. R. Kaewpuang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, Z. Han, and R. Lu, "Optimal decentralized security software deployment in multihop wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA, 8-12 December 2014.
      348. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Performance analysis of cognitive radio networks with opportunistic RF energy harvesting," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA, 8-12 December 2014.
      349. D. Niyato, P. Wang, P. H. J. Chong, Z. Han, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal energy management policy of a mobile cloudlet with wireless energy charging," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Venice, Italy, 3-6 November 2014.
      350. D. Niyato, Y. Zhang, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal wireless energy charging policy for a mobile node in smart grid environment," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Venice, Italy, 3-6 November 2014.
      351. D. I. Kim, D. Niyato, and D. Hwang, "Wireless energy harvesting communications: Beamforming and stochastic optimization," in Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), pp. 760-762, 22-24 October 2014.
      352. Z. Cao, H. Guo, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, and U. Fastenrath, "A data-driven method for stochastic shortest path problem," in Proceedings of International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 2014.
      353. H. Guo, Z. Cao, J. Zhang, D. Niyato, and U. Fastenrath, "Routing multiple cars in large scale networks: Minimizing road network breakdown probability," in Proceedings of International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 2014.
      354. M. A. Alsheikh, P. K. Poh, S. Lin, H. P. Tan, and D. Niyato, "Efficient data compression with error bound guarantee in wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), Montreal, Canada, 21-26 September, 2014.
      355. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and L. B. Le, "Simulation-based optimization for admission control of mobile cloudlets," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      356. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato P. Wang, and C. K. Tham, "Dynamic offloading algorithm in intermittently connected mobile cloudlet systems," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      357. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Optimal decentralized control policy for wireless communication systems with wireless energy transfer capability," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      358. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Channel selection in cognitive radio networks with opportunistic RF energy harvesting," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      359. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, "Admission control policy for wireless networks with RF energy transfer," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      360. J. Chase, R. Kaewpuang, Y. Wen, and D. Niyato, "Joint virtual machine and bandwidth allocation in software defined network (SDN) and cloud computing environments," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      361. D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Competitive wireless energy transfer bidding: A game theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      362. Y. Li, P. Wang, D. Niyato and Y. Zhang, "Contract-theoretic modeling for content delivery in relay-based publish-subscribe networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, 10-14 June 2014.
      363. B. Maham, H. Kebriaei, and D. Niyato, "Bandwidth price optimization for D2D communication underlaying cellular networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC - Workshop on Device-to-Device and Public Safety Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 April 2014.
      364. D. Niyato, P. Wang, W.-L. Yeow, and H. P. Tan, "QoS-aware data transmission and wireless energy transfer: Performance modeling and optimization," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 April 2014.
      365. C. Diaz, W. Saad, B. Maham, D. Niyato, and A. S. Madhukumar, "Strategic device-to-device communications in backhaul-constrained wireless small cell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 April 2014.
      366. H. Kebriaei, B. Maham, and D. Niyato, "Supply-demand function equilibrium for double sided bandwidth-auction games," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 April 2014.
      367. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Cooperative bidding of data transmission and wireless energy transfer," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 April 2014.
      368. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "An adaptive scheduling of PHEV charging: Analysis under imperfect data communication," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Canada, 21-24 October 2013.
      369. R. Wang, Y. Li, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Design of a V2G aggregator to optimize PHEV charging and frequency regulation control," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Vancouver, Canada, 21-24 October 2013.
      370. Y. Zhang, D. Niyato and P. Wang, "An auction mechanism for resource allocation in mobile cloud computing systems," in Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), Zhangjiajie, China, 7-10 August 2013.
      371. L. Le, E. Hossain, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Mobility-aware admission control with QoS guarantees in OFDMA femtocell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, 9-13 June 2013.
      372. Z. Feng, L. Song, Z. Han, D. Niyato, Z. Zhao, "Cell selection in two-tier femtocell networks with open/closed access using evolutionary game," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, China, 7-10 April 2013.
      373. J. Y. Koh, J. C. M. Teo, and D. Niyato, "Rate limiting client puzzle schemes for denial-of-service mitigation," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, China, 7-10 April 2013.
      374. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and Z. Han, "Deferrable load scheduling optimization under power price information attacks in smart grid," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, China, 7-10 April 2013.
      375. D. T. Hoang and D. Niyato, "Performance analysis of cognitive machine-to-machine communications," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Singapore, 21-23 November 2012.
      376. S. M. Perlaza, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and V. H. Poor, "On the decentralized management of scrambling codes in small cell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Singapore, 21-23 November 2012.
      377. Y. Li, R. Wang, P. Wang, D. Niyato, W. Saad, and Z. Han, "Resilient PHEV charging policies under price information attacks," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Tainan City, Taiwan, 5-8 November 2012.
      378. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and S. Gong, "Deferrable load scheduling of smart meter with intermittent communication connection," in Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm, Tainan City, Taiwan, 5-8 November 2012.
      379. K. T. Tran, S. Guruacharya, and D. Niyato, "Robust bandwidth allocation in wireless mesh network," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Anaheim, California, USA, 3-7 December 2012.
      380. R. Kaewpuang, S. Chaisiri, D. Niyato, P. Wang, and B. S. Lee, "Adaptive power management for data center in smart grid environment," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), Legan s, Madrid, 10-13 July 2012.
      381. Y. Li, R. Kaewpuang, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "An energy efficient solution: Integrating plug-In hybrid electric vehicle in smart grid with renewable energy," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Communications and Control for Sustainable Energy Systems: Green Networking and Smart Grids (INFOCOM WS - CCSES), Orlando, FL, USA, 30 March 2012
      382. L. Le, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and D. I. Kim, "Joint load balancing and admission control in OFDMA-based femtocell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Ottawa, Canada, 10-15 June, 2012.
      383. D. Niyato, P. Wang, E. Hossain, W. Saad, and Z. Han, "Game theoretic modeling of cooperation among service providers in mobile cloud computing environments," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, 1-4 April 2012.
      384. S. Guruacharya, D. Niyato, and D. I. Kim, "Access control via coalitional power game," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, 1-4 April 2012.
      385. D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal admission control policy for mobile cloud computing hotspot with cloudlet," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, 1-4 April 2012.
      386. Q. Dong, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Dynamic spectrum access for meter data transmission in smart grid: Analysis of packet loss," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, 1-4 April 2012.
      387. D. Niyato, "Optimization-based virtual machine manager for private cloud computing," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Athens, Greece, 29 November - 1 December 2011.
      388. K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Dynamic bandwidth allocation under uncertainty in cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX USA, 5-9 December 2011.
      389. X. Lu, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Payoff allocation of service coalition in wireless mesh network: A cooperative game perspective," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX USA, 5-9 December 2011.
      390. Y. Li, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and W. Zhang, "On hierarchical cooperation formation in mobile infostation networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX USA, 5-9 December 2011.
      391. M. Bennis, S. Guruacharya, and D. Niyato, "Distributed learning strategies for interference mitigation in femtocell networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX USA, 5-9 December 2011.
      392. S. Chaisiri, R. Kaewpuang, B. S. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Cost minimization for provisioning virtual servers in Amazon elastic compute cloud," in Proceedings of International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOT), Singapore, July 2011.
      393. D. Niyato, X. Zhou, A. Hjorungnes, P. Wang, and Y. Li, "Hierarchical coalition formation game of relay transmission in IEEE 802.16m," in Proceedings of International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets), Shanghai, China, 16-18 April 2011 (invited paper).
      394. D. Niyato K. Zhu, and P. Wang, "Cooperative virtual machine management for multi-organization cloud computing environment," in Proceedings of International Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks (Gamecomm), Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Paris, France, 16 May 2011.
      395. D. Niyato, K. Zhu, and A. V. Vasilakos, "Resource and revenue sharing with coalition formation of cloud providers: Game theoretic approach,'' in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Newport Beach, CA, USA, 23-26 May 2011.
      396. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Performance analysis of cognitive radio spectrum access with prioritized traffic,'' in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011.
      397. X. Zhou, A. Hjorungnes, and D. Niyato, "How much training is needed against smart jamming?,'' in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011 Best Paper Award.
      398. P. Phunchongharn, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and S. Camorlinga, "Robust transmission scheduling and power control for dynamic wireless access in a hospital environment," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011.
      399. D. Niyato, P. Wang, W. Saad, Z. Han, and A. Hjorungnes, "Coalition formation games for relay transmission: Stability analysis under uncertainty," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.
      400. D. Niyato, P. Wang, E. Hossain, and Z. Han, "Impact of packet loss on power demand estimation and power supply cost in smart grid," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.
      401. F. Rozario, Z. Han, and D. Niyato, "Optimization of non-cooperative P2P network from the game theory point of view," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.
      402. Y. Li, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Optimal power allocation for secondary users in cognitive relay networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.
      403. Z. Yuan, D. Niyato, H. Li, and Z. Han, "Defense against primary user emulation attacks using belief propagation of location information in cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.
      404. Y. Li, P. Wang, D. Niyato, and W. Zhuang, "A dynamic relay selection scheme for mobile users in wireless relay networks," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (mini-conference), Shanghai, China, 10-15 April, 2011.
      405. C. T. Ching, D. Niyato, and C.-K. Tham, "Evolutionary optimal virtual machine placement and demand forecaster for cloud computing," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Singapore, March 2011.
      406. S. Chaisiri, B. S. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Robust cloud resource provisioning for cloud computing environments," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), Perth, Australia, December 2010.
      407. S. Gong, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "Optimal power control in interference-limited cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 17-20 November 2010, Singapore (invited paper).
      408. Y. Xiao, G. Bi, and D. Niyato, "Distributed optimization for cognitive radio networks using Stackelberg game," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 17-20 November 2010, Singapore.
      409. M. Bennis and D. Niyato, "A Q-learning based approach to interference avoidance in self-organized femtocell networks," in IEEE International Workshop on Femtocell Networks (FEMnet) in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM, Miami, FL, USA, 6 December 2010.
      410. D. Niyato, P. Wang, E. Hossain, and Y. Li, "Optimal content transmission policy in publish-subscribe mobile social networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, Miami FL USA, 6-10 December 2010.
      411. D. Niyato, Z. Han, W. Saad, and A. Hjorungnes, "A controlled coalitional game for wireless connection sharing and bandwidth allocation in mobile social networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, Miami FL USA, 6-10 December 2010.
      412. D. Niyato, P. Wang, W. Saad, and A. Hjorungnes, "Coalition formation games for improving data delivery in delay tolerant networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, Miami FL USA, 6-10 December 2010.
      413. S. Guruacharya, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and D. I. Kim, "Hierarchical competition in femtocell-based cellular networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, Miami FL USA, 6-10 December 2010.
      414. K. Zhu, D. Niyato, and P. Wang, "Optimal bandwidth allocation with dynamic service selection in heterogeneous wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'10, Miami FL USA, 6-10 December 2010.
      415. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "An opportunistic spectrum scheduling for multi-channel cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE VTC2010-Fall, Ottawa, Canada, 6-9 September 2010.
      416. B. Shrestha, E. Hossain, D. Niyato, S. Camorlinga, and R. Krishnamoorthy, "An optimization-based GTS allocation scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC with application to wireless body area sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May 2010.
      417. V. K. Tumuluru, P. Wang, and D. Niyato, "A neural network based spectrum prediction scheme for cognitive radio," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May 2010.
      418. D. Niyato, "Competitive traffic rate control in MIMO-based wireless relay networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010.
      419. K. Zhu, D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks: Evolution with incomplete information," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010.
      420. D. Niyato and P. Wang, "Credit-based spectrum sharing for cognitive mobile multihop relay networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010.
      421. D. Niyato, P. Wang, W. Saad, and A. Hjorungnes, "Coalition formation games for bandwidth sharing in vehicle-to-roadside communications," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, 18-21 April 2010.
      422. D. Niyato, S. Chaisiri, and B. S. Lee, "Economic analysis of resource market in cloud computing environment," in Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), Singapore, December 2009.
      423. S. Chaisiri, B. S. Lee, and D. Niyato, "Optimal virtual machine placement across multiple cloud providers," in Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), Singapore, December 2009.
      424. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and P. Wang, "Competitive wireless access for data streaming over vehicle-to-roadside communications," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'09, Honolulu, Hawaii, 30 November-4 December 2009.
      425. S. Chieochan, E. Hossain, T. Issariyakul, and D. Niyato, "Opportunistic network coding and dynamic buffer allocation in a wireless butterfly network," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM'09, Honolulu, Hawaii, 30 November-4 December 2009.
      426. D. Niyato, S. Chaisiri, and B.S. Lee, "Optimal power management for server farm to support green computing," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Shanghai, China, May 2009.
      427. P. Wang, D. Niyato, and H. Jiang, "Voice service support over cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
      428. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Joint optimization of placement and bandwidth reservation for relays in IEEE 802.16j mobile multihop networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
      429. D. Niyato, P. Wang, and C. M. Teo, "Performance analysis of the vehicular delay tolerant network," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 April, 2009.
      430. B. Shrestha, D. Niyato, Z. Han, and E. Hossain, "Wireless access in vehicular environments using BitTorrent and bargaining," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LO, 30 November-4 December 2008.
      431. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and L. B. Le, "Competitive spectrum sharing and pricing in cognitive wireless mesh networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2008, Las Vegas, NV, 31 March-3 April 2008.
      432. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Modeling user churning behavior in wireless networks using evolutionary game theory," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2008, Las Vegas, NV, 31 March-3 April 2008.
      433. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Optimal price competition for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio: A dynamic game-theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., 26-30 November, 2007.
      434. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Equilibrium and disequilibrium pricing for spectrum trading in cognitive radio: A control-theoretic approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., 26-30 November, 2007.
      435. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A game-theoretic approach to competitive spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong, 11-15 March, 2007.
      436. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Hierarchical Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio: A Microeconomic Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong, 11-15 March, 2007.
      437. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A hierarchical model for bandwidth management and admission control in integrated IEEE 802.16/802.11 wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong, 11-15 March, 2007.
      438. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, K.C. Wavegedara, and V.K. Bhargava, "Radio link level performance in multi-rate MIMO wireless networks: Analysis and optimization," in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong, 11-15 March, 2007.
      439. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, K.C. Wavegedara, and V.K. Bhargava, "Queue-aware power allocation for space-time block coded MIMO systems," in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) , Hong Kong, 11-15 March, 2007.
      440. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Bandwidth allocation in 4G heterogeneous wireless access networks: A noncooperative game theoretical approach," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Fransico, CA, November-December 2006.
      441. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Admission control in power constrained OFDM/TDMA wireless mesh networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, San Fransico, CA, November-December 2006.
      442. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A game theoretic approach to bandwidth allocation and admission control for polling services in IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks," in Proceedings of QShine (Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 7-9, 2006.
      443. D. Niyato, E. Hossain and A. Fallahi, "Solar-powered OFDM wireless mesh networks with sleep management and connection admission control," in Proceedings of IWCMC (International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference), Vancouver, Canada, July 3-6, 2006. (won the Best Student Paper Award)
      444. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A predictive call admission control framework for multiservice cellular mobile networks," in Proceedings of ICNEWS 2006, January 2006.
      445. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Adaptive bandwidth allocation in cellular mobile networks under markov call arrival process and phase-type channel holding time distribution," in Proceedings of ICNEWS 2006, January 2006.
      446. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A cooperative game framework for bandwidth allocation in 4G heterogeneous wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      447. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A radio resource management framework for IEEE 802.16-based OFDM/TDD wireless mesh networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      448. D. Niyato, E. Hossain and A. Fallahi, "Analysis of different sleep and wakeup strategies in solar powered wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      449. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Delay-based admission control using fuzzy logic for OFDMA broadband wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      450. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Joint bandwidth allocation and connection admission control for polling services in IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      451. T. Issariyakul, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and V. Krishnamurthy, "Packet-level performance statistics in a wireless network using amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June, 2006.
      452. D. Niyato, R. Palit, S. Kota, and E. Hossain, "Call-level and packet-level performance analysis of call admission control and adaptive channel allocation in cellular wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      453. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Queue-aware uplink bandwidth allocation for polling services in 802.16 broadband wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      454. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Call-level and packet-level performance modeling in cellular CDMA networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      455. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Connection admission control algorithms for OFDMA wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      456. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Queueing analysis of OFDM/TDMA systems," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      457. D. Niyato, J. Diamond and E. Hossain, "On optimizing token bucket parameters at the network edge under generalized processor sharing (GPS) scheduling," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      458. T. Issariyakul, D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and A. S. Alfa, "Exact distribution of access delay in IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC," in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      459. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and A. S. Alfa, "Performance analysis and adaptive call admission control in cellular mobile networks with time-varying traffic," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, Korea, May 2005, USA, 28 November-2 December 2005.
      460. D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "Analysis of fair scheduling and connection admission control in differentiated services wireless networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Seoul, Korea, May 2005.
      461. D. Niyato, E. Hossain, and A. S. Alfa, "Performance analysis of multi-service cellular wireless networks with MMPP call arrival patterns," in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Dallas, TX, USA, November-December 2004.
      462. D. Niyato and C. Srinilta, "Load balancing algorithms for Internet video and audio server," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), Bangkok, Thailand, October 2001.


      1. (German Patent, filed) A Method For Calculating A Route For A Land Vehicle (DE 102015223824 A1), U. Fastenrath, Z. Cao, H. Guo, D. Niyato, and J. Zhang
      2. (German Patent, filed) Routing Multiple Cars In Large Scale Networks: Minimizing Road Network Breakdown Probability (DE 102015205901 A1), U. Fastenrath, Z. Cao, D. Niyato, H. Guo, and J. Zhang
      3. (US Patent, granted) System And Method For Remote And Mobile Patient Monitoring Service Using Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks (US 9007908 B2), D. Niyato, E. Hossain, S. G. Camorlinga
      4. (US Patent, granted) Method And System For Allocation Guaranteed Time Slots For Efficient Transmission of Time-Critical Data in IEEE 802.15.5 Wireless Personal Area Networks (US 8976763 B2), B. Shrestha, E. Hossain, S. Camorlinga, R. Krishnamoorthu, and D. Niyato

      Professional Activities

      • Chair/Co-Chair/Editor
        • Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE)(2025-2028)
        • Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST) (2021-present)
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        • Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Magazine (2025), Special Issue on "Applications of Large Language Models in Internet of Things"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Vehicular Technology (VT) Magazine (June 2025), Special Issue on "Integrating Generative AI into Future Internet of Vehicles (IoV)"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2025), Special Issue on "Generative AI for Next-Generation Networks and Communication: Challenges and Solutions"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (April 2025), Special Issue on "Integration of Generative AI and Internet of Things"
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        • Guest Editor, China Communications (October 2025), Feature Topic on "Non-Terrestrial Network: Architecture, Technologies and Applications"
        • Guest Editor, China Communications (July 2025), Feature Topic on "Convergence of 6G-enable Edge Intelligence and Generative AI: Theories, Algorithms, and Applications"
        • Liaison Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (August 2024), special issue on "Mobile AI-Generated Content (AIGC) in 6G Era"
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        • Liaison Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (April 2024), special issue on "Wireless Communications Over Near-Field Channels"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Network (November 2023), special issue on "Advanced Networking and Applications for Metaverse and Web 3.0"
        • Liaison Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (October 2023), special issue on "Green Technologies for the Sustainable Metaverse and Web 3.0"
        • Liaison Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (August 2023), special issue on "Semantic Communications for the Metaverse"
        • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Communications and Networks Journal (January 2023), special issue on "6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Based Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (December 2022), special issue on "Coexistence of Drone and Terrestrial Networks"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (July 2022) - Special Issue on Rate Splitting for Future Wireless Networks
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (May-June 2023) - special issue on The Nexus Between Edge Computing and AI for 6G Networks
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing - special issue on "Cloud-Edge-End Orchestrated Computing for Smart Grid" 2020
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2020) - special issue on "Special Issue on Blockchain and Edge Computing Techniques for Emerging IoT Applications"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2020) - special issue on "Internet of Things for Smart Ocean"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (March 2019) - special issue on "Contactless Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (October 2017), special issue on "Dynamic Spectrum Management for 5G"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Communications (February 2017), special issue on "Practical Perspectives on IoT in 5G Networks: From Theory to Industrial Challenges and Business Opportunities"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications (April 2016), special issue on "Wireless-Powered Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocol Designs, and Standardization"
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, special issue on "Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks", 2015
        • Guest Editor, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), special issue on "Cloud Monitoring Systems", 2013
        • Guest Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, special issue on "Cognitive Radio Networking & Communications", 2013
        • Guest Editor, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), special issue on "Communications and Networking for Smart Grid", 2012
        • Area editor of "Game Theory in Wireless Network", Springer Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks (2017-2018)
        • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Computer Systems, Communications and Networking (2010-)
        • Editor, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley) (2011-2016)
        • Editor, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) for Radio Resource Management (Networks and Services Area, Division III), 2009-2012

        • Award Committee Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), August 2025, Wuhan, China
        • Co-Chair, Key Technologies for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Communications and Networking, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information (ICAI), 25-29 October 2024, Xi'an, China
        • Symposium Co-Chairs, Semantic Communication and Networked Intelligence , International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 24-26 October 2024, Hefei, China
        • General Chair, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems (AloTSys), October 2024, Hangzhou China.
        • Track Chair, Workshop on Explainable and Responsible AI/GenAI for 6G Networks (6GBRAIN), IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), July 2024, Madrid, Spain.
        • Tutorial Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 7-9 August 2024, Hangzhou, China
        • Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) 2024, Melbourne, Australia
        • Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2025, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
        • International Honorary Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Radio Frequency and Antenna Technologies (iWRF&AT) May-June 2024, Shenzhen, China
        • Track Chair - Emerging Technologies, Standards, and Applications, International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication (UCOM) 2024, Xi'an, China
        • Technical Program Committee Co-chair, IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), 18-20 October 2024, Chengdu, China
        • General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom) 2024, Japan

        • Workshop Organizer - Digital Twins over NextG Wireless Networks - IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
        • Workshop Organizer - Intellicise (intelligent-concise) Network: Model-driven Learning and Communication Co-design - IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
        • Workshop Organizer - Information Security in Space-Aerial-Terrestrial Integrated Networks - IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
        • Workshop Steering Committee Member - Intelligent and Reconfigurable Antennas for Future Wireless Communication and Sensing - IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
        • Workshop Organizer, Empowering Wireless Communications and Networking with Generative AI - IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 7-9 August 2024, Hangzhou, China
        • Track Co-Chair, Networking and MAC - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2-5 September 2024, Valencia, Spain
        • Program Committee Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) - Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 August 2024
        • Workshop Organizer, International Workshop on Integrating Edge Intelligence and Big Model in Next Generation Networks (IEIBM) - in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2024
        • Workshop Organizer, International Workshop on DroneCom: Drone-Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond - in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2024
        • General Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), Wuhan, Hubei, China, 21-24 December 2023
        • Technical Program Vice-Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), Hong Kong, 10-13 October 2023
        • Honorary Chair, International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems (Blocksys), Haikou, China, 8-10 Augest 2023
        • Workshop Organizer, International Workshop on DroneCom: Drone-Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond - in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2023
        • General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 June 2023
        • TPC Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Dalian, China, 11-13 August 2023
        • Symposium Chair, International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Nanjing China - Optical wireless communications, 14-17 October 2022
        • Track Chair, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2022 - Networking and MAC
        • General Co-Chair, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC) 2022, Chongqing, China
        • General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI) 2022, 28 October 2022
        • General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC) 2022, Wuhan, China, October 2022
        • TPC Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) 2022.
        • Steering Committee Member, Workshop on Block6G: Intelligent, Scalable, and Efficient Blockchain for 6G Networking and Communications, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing System (ICDCS), 10-13 July 2022, Bologna, Italy
        • Program Chair, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Melbourne, Australia, 6-8 December 2021
        • Track Chair, International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE) 2021 - Intelligent Internet of Things: Theory to Application
        • Steering Committee Member, IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 - Workshop on Scalable, Secure and Intelligent Blockchain for Future Networking and Communications
        • Workshop Organizing Committee Member - DroneCom: Drone-Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond, ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) 2021
        • Honorary Chair of International Conference on Cybersecurity, Cybercrimes, and Smart Emerging Technologies (CCSET2021)
        • Co-Chair/Organizaer, ICCC 2019 Workshop on Ambient Backscatter Communications for Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient IoT Networks
        • General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain 2019
        • Track Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Fall 2019 - Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks
        • Track Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Fall 2018 - Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks
        • Program Chair, IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2018)
        • Track Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Spring 2018 - Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks
        • Symposium Co-chair, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018 - Selected Areas in Communications: Social Networks
        • Symposium Co-chair, IEEE Global Communications (GLOBECOM) Conference 2017 - Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium
        • Track Co-chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-Spring 2017 - Wireless Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks
        • TPC Co-chair, IEEE Global Communications (GLOBECOM) Conference 2016 - Selected Areas in Communications: Smart Grid and Power Line Communications
        • Co-chair, Device-to-Device Communication for 5G Systems (WD2DC) in European Wireless 2016
        • TPC Co-chair, IEEE Workshop on Wireless Powered Communication Networks (WPCNets) 2016
        • Track Co-chair, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) - MAC and Cross Layer Design, 2016
        • Local Arrangement Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), 2015
        • Workshop Co-chair, International Workshop on Device-to-Device Communication for 5G Systems, European Wireless 2015
        • Symposium Co-chair, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2017 - Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications (MCVC) symposium
        • Symposium Co-chair, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2016 - Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications (MCVC) symposium
        • Symposium Co-chair, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2015 - Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications (MCVC) symposium
        • Symposium Co-chair, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2014 - Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation (NAPE) symposium
        • Track co-chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2014 - Ad-hoc, Mesh, Machine-to-Machine and Sensor Networks track, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 2014
        • Technical Program Chair - Japan International Workshop on Smart Wireless Communication (SmartCom) 2014
        • Symposium Chair, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 2014 - Mobile Social Networks
        • TPC Co-chair, IEEE SmartgridComm 2013 - "Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing" Symposium
        • TPC Co-chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) 2013
        • TPC Co-chair, IEEE Global Communications (GLOBECOM) Conference - Cognitive Radio and Networks Symposium, 2013
        • Track Co-chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2012 - Cooperative communications, distributed MIMOs and relaying track
        • Publicity Chair, International ICST Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets) 2012
        • Chair, Mobile Computing Symposium, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011
        • Co-chair, Next Generation Mobile Networks Symposium, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2010
        • Co-chair, Next Generation Mobile Networks Symposium, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2009
        • TPC Co-chair, International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Wireless Networks (in junction with IEEE International Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT) 2009)
      • Other activities
        • Member, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China 2024, Best Paper Award Committee
        • Advisor - IEEE SIG on Artificial General Intelligence, Models, and Agents (AGILE), 2024
        • Fellow - Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), 2024
        • Reviewer, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)-AL Saqer Endowment Funds Program (April 2024)
        • Member, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) - AdHoc Committee on AI in Wireless Communications
        • External Member, Ph.D. Thesis Committee, University of Thessaly, Greece
        • Workshop Organizer, IEEE MeditCom 2024 Workshop on Explainable and Responsible AI/GenAI for 6G Networks (6GBRAIN)
        • Steering Committee Member, Digital-Twin-Enabled 6G Multi-tier Distributed Computing Systems Workshop in IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2024, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA (16 July - 19 July 2024)
        • Advisor, special interest group (SIG) in IEEE Technical Committees on Big Data (TCBD), 2024
        • Keynote Speaker, IEEE Cybermatics Congress, Hainan, China (December 17-21, 2023)
        • Chair, Edge Intelligence for Internet of Things Workshop - International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Cyprus, 27-31 May 2024
        • Member, Advisory Committee, International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, China (December 8-11, 2023)
        • Tenure Reviewer, College of Engineering, University of Hawaii Manoa (October 2023)
        • Chair, Strategic and Operational Plans Committee (SOPC), IEEE IoT Technical Community (TC)(2023-)
        • Member, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2023, Best Paper Award Committee
        • Founding Member, Global Technology of Information Industry Association (GTI) (September 2023)
        • Tenure Evaluator, College of Engineering at the University of Michigan (September 2023)
        • Panelist, Workshop on "Native AI and Semantic Communications", IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications5–8 September 2023 // Toronto, ON, Canada
        • External evaluator, Promotion and Tenure, Tsinghau University (August 2023)
        • Assessor, Promotion and Tenure, ShanghaiTech University (August 2023)
        • Member, Paper Award Committee, IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) (September 2023)
        • Member, IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) Publication Award Committee (2023-2024)
        • Speaker, ShanghaiTech SIST Distinguished Colloquium Series
        • Proposal Reviewer - 2023 U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
        • Member, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Best Paper Award Committee
        • Reviewer - 2023 Mustafa(pbuh) Prize
        • International Panel Member - Global 6G Conference
        • Advisor, IEEE Special Interest Group (SIG) on Ethical AI for Future Networks and Digital Infrastructure (Ethical-FNDI)
        • ASEAN-China Scholar., ASEAN-Chinna Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering and Technology Universities (ACNET-EngTech), Tianjin University(2022-2023)
        • Cluster Director, Multi-Energy Systems & Grids​, Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)(2020-2022)
        • Research Project Academic Consultant, Macau University (2022)
        • Member, IEEE ComSoc TCCN Election Nomination and Election (N&E) Committee (2022)
        • Advisor, Special Interest Group (SIG) on Metaverse (META), Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (MMTC), IEEE Communication Society
        • Chair, IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) Publication Award Committee (2021-2022)
        • External Assessor, Promotion and Tenure Review, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (August 2022)
        • Reviewer, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) (July 2022)
        • Nanyang Technological University Senator (2022)
        • External Reviewer, FNR Luxembourg National Research Fund (June 2022)
        • Best Paper Award Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) 2022
        • External Reviewer, Promotion and Tenure Review, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (2022)
        • External Reviewer, Promotion and Tenure Review, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) (2022)
        • External Assessor, Academic Promotions Process, University of Sydney (2022)
        • External Reviewer, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (February 2022)
        • Book proposal reviewer, Cambridge University Press (February 2022)
        • Adjunct Professor, School of Information Science and Technology (IST), Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand (2021-)
        • Mentor, Science Mentorship Programmes (SMP), Ministry of Education, Singapore, "Project: Distributed Machine Learning for Singaporean Handwritten Digit Classification" (2021-2022)
        • Member, IEEE Communications Society, Fellow Evaluation Committee (2022-2024)
        • Feature Editor of TCCN Newsletter (Issue Nov 2021), with the feature topic of "Federated Learning over Wireless Networks"
        • Search Committee member, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2022)
        • Technical Committee Member of Singapore Blockchain Innovation Platform, SBIP (2020)
        • Member, Selection Committee for the 2020 IEEE ComSoc Europe, Middle East, andAfrica Region (EMEA) Region Distinguished Service Award
        • Member, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Fellow Evaluation Committee (2017-2019)
        • SIMTech Associate, Singapore (March 2017 - March 2019)
        • Senior advisor, Special Interest Group (SIG) Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) - IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) (2017-2018)
        • Reviewer, Czech Science Foundation (2017)
        • Vice-Chair of IEEE Special Interest Group on Energy Harvesting Communication Networks (2015-2016)
        • ComSoc representative to Newsletter committee of the IEEE Smart Grid Initiative (2014-2015)
        • Faculty Associate of Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore (July 2013 - June 2015)
        • Chair of Interest Group on Cross-layer design for multimedia communications (CLDMC) for IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee (MMTC), 2012-2014
        • Co-chair of Interest Group (IG) on Cross-layer design for multimedia communications in IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee (MMTC), 2010-2012
        • Contributor, IEEE Best Readings on Cognitive Radio
        • Committee member: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Singapore (SG) Chapter
        • External reviewer: National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) of the Chilean Government Commission for Scientific and Technological Development (CONICYT)
        • External assessors, Promotion Assessment, University of Sydney (2018)
        • External evaluator, Promotion Evaluation, American University of Beirut (AUB) (2017)
      • Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for
        • International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimisation (NETGCOOP) 2018
        • International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets) 2018
        • International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) 2017
        • CSI Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Systems and Technologies (RTEST) 2018
        • International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) 2017
        • International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2016
        • International Wireless Distributed Networks Workshop on Cooperative and Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (WDN-CN) 2015
        • International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT), 2014-2015
        • IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2014
        • International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC) 2014
        • International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol, and OPtimization (NetGCoop), 2014
        • IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 2009, 2013
        • IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2014 - Green Computing and Communications Symposium
        • IEEE International Workshop on Emerging COgnitive Radio Applications and aLgorithms (CORAL 2013)
        • IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) 2013 - Optimization and/or Analysis in Communications, Computing, and Smart Grids track
        • International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP 2012), Wireless Networking Symposium
        • Computing, Communications and Applications Conference (ComComAp 2012), Engineering/IT applications (EITA) symposium
        • IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2011, 2012
        • IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2007-2015
        • IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2008-2015
        • IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008-2015
        • IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2011, 2012
        • International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Cognitive Computing and Networking Symposium (ICNC - COG) 2012
        • IEEE Globecom'11 Workshop - SG-COMNETS (IEEE International Workshop on Smart Grid Communications and Networks)
        • IEEE Asia Pacific Wireless Communication Symposium (APWCS) 2011
        • IEEE INFOCOM 2011 Workshop On Cognitive & Cooperative Networks
        • Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference
        • International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom) 2011
        • IEEE International Performance Computing and Communication Conference (IPCCC) 2010
        • International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 2011
        • International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2010)
        • IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) 2010
        • IEEE VTC-Spring and Fall 2010, VTC-Spring 2011 (Cognitive Radio and Cooperative Communications and Wireless Access Tracks)
        • International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) 2010 (MAC Track)
        • Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2009, 2010
        • IEEE IWCMC 2008, 2009 (General Symposium)
        • IWCMC 2008 (Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs Symposium, General Symposium)
        • ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine) 2008
        • 3rd IEE Mobility Conference 2006, 4th IEE Mobility Conference 2007


      • PI: National Research Foundation (NRF), Future Communications Research & Development Programme (FCP) - "5G C-V2X Joint Radar and Communication for Connected Intelligence" (31 August 2023 - 30 August 2024) - FCP-ASTAR-TG-2022-003 S$90,000.00
      • Co-PI: National Research Foundation (NRF) - "Fusion Science for Clean Energy" (01 August 2023 - 31 July 2028) - S$11,611,900.00 (S$675,000)
      • Co-PI: Algorand Centre of Excellence at Nanyang Technological University - "Blockchain-Empowered Decentralized Machine Learning for Financial Data Management" (2022 - 2027) - S$5,750,000 (S$200,000)
      • PI: National Research Foundation (NRF), Future Communications Research & Development Programme (FCP) - "Towards Real-time, Seamless, and Ubiquitous Edge Intelligence-empowered Metaverse" (01 June 2022 - 31 May 2025) - FCP-NTU-RG-2021-014 $384,615.00
      • Co-PI: National Research Foundation - "DesCartes: Intelligent Modelling for Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems" (01 October 2021 - 30 September 2026)- S$24,998,550 (S$572,500)
      • PI: National Research Foundation (NRF) - "Sustainable Tropical Data Centre Test bed (WP1: Air-Cooled Tropical Data Centre 2.0)" (01 April 2021 - 31 March 2024) - $1,618,800.00 (144,000)
      • Co-PI: AI Singapore Research Programme - "TrustFUL: Trustworthy Federated Ubiquitous Learning" (01 April 2021 - 31 March 2025) - AISG2-RP-2020-019 S$6,883,200.00 (S$926,800.00)
      • PI: Seitee Pte Ltd - "Algorithm Design Of Mobile Decentralized Computing Systems" (October 2018 - December 2024) - SEITEE S$46,729
      • PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Reputation-driven Optimized Worker Selection for Collaborative Distributed Learning" (31 March 2023 - 29 December 2024) - RG87/22 S$99,999.99

      • Co-PI: AI.R-NISTH AI for Good Research Grant - "Mapping Artificial Intelligence Practices in Educational Setting through Federated Learning Application: An Interdisciplinary Multifaceted Project" (01 August 2021 - 31 August 2024) - S$45,000.00
      • PI: EDB IPP (Bosch Singapore) - "Deep Q-Learning Optimization For Sensing Data Collection And Analysis" (August 2018 - July 2023) - S$108,000
      • PI: Alibaba - "Deep Learning for Buried-Point Detection in Cloud Computing" (25 Nov 2020 - 21 Nov 2021) - AN-GC-2020-001 S$136,104.00
      • PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Resource Allocation in Backscatter Communications Networks" (2 Feb 2021 - 1 Aug 2022) - RG16/20 S$99,999.99
      • PI: The NTU-WeBank Joint Research Centre on FinTech Grant - "Blockchain and Federated Learning for Reliable and Privacy-preserved Mobile Personal Financial Data Management" (16 July 2020 - 15 July 2021) - NWJ-2020-004 S$100,000
      • Co-PI: Singapore NRF National Satellite of Excellence, Design Science and Technology for Secure Critical Infrastructure - "Design and Reinforcement Security on Smart Grids Against Cyber-Physical Attack" (October 2019 - March 2022) - S$977,460
      • PI: Energreen Technologies Pte Ltd - "Vertical Solar Data Acquisition and Monitoring Analysis" (14 August 2019 - 31 December 2021) - CA-LIC 2019-0065 S$3,600
      • Co-PI: NTU EdeX Grants - "Innovative Assessment for Listening Comprehension in Foreign Language Learning Using 360o VR Video" (March 2019 - September 2021) - S$39,900
      • Co-PI: A*STAR-NTU-SUTD AI Partnership Grant - "AI-based Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion for MRO" (January 2019 - February 2021) - RGANS1906 S$453,201 (S$195,201 for NTU)
      • PI: EMA Energy Resilience - "Distributed, Scalable, and Transparent Data Management Framework for Energy Market: A Blockchain Approach" (April 2018 - October 2020) - S$2,358,000
      • PI: NTU-WASP - "Management beyond the Edge" (March 2018 - February 2021) - S$257,000
      • PI (sub-project): Smart Multi-Energy System (SMES) NRF - "Sensor Fusion and Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) - Intelligent Multi-Energy Management Systems" (March 2016 - March 2021) - S$718,000
      • PI: NTU - "Strategic Capability Building For IoT Research" (September 2016 - September 2020) - S$500,000
      • PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Stochastic Resource Optimization for Energy-Aware Mobile Services" (May 2018 - October 2019) - S$100,000
      • PI: Joint NRF-ISF Research Program - "Game Theoretic Techniques for Wireless Networks Management" (February 2017 - January 2020) - S$253,800
      • PI: MERLION Project - "Integrated of Mobile and Cloud Computing in Future Virtualized 5G Networks"(January 2017 - December 2018) - S$22,670
      • PI: MOE Tier 2 - "Determinantal Point Process for Modelling RF Energy Harvesting Networks" (April 2015 - September 2018) - S$628,036
      • PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Resource Management for Mobile Cloud Computing" (March 2014 - August 2017) - S$150,000
      • Co-PI: MOE Tier 2 - "Optimal Resource Allocation in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Networks " (April 2014 - March 2017) - S$468,125
      • Co-PI: BMW NTU - "Future Mobility Research Lab" (August 2013 - July 2017) - S$410,880
      • Collaborator: A*STAR Future Data Center Technology (FDCT) Programme - "Large Scale Hybrid Storage System" (August 2011 - January 2015) - S$898,272
      • PI: A*STAR TSRP - "Design and Analysis of Cloud Computing for Data Value Chain: Operation Research Approach" (August 2010 - October 2012) - S$746,664
      • PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Protocol Design and Application of IEEE 802.22-Based Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN)" (March 2009 - August 2012) - S$127,000
      • Co-PI: MOE Tier 1 - "Radio Resource Management over Cognitive Radio Networks" (March 2009 - February 2013) - S$150,000
      • PI: NTU Start-Up Grant - "Heterogeneous Wireless Network: Optimization Model and Applications" (August 2008-July 2012) - July 2012) - S$120,000

      Ph.D. Students

      • Jiun Yeu LIM (2024-) " "
      • Changyuan ZHAO (2023-) " "
      • Yinqiu LIU (2023-) " "
      • Hanwen ZHANG (2023-) " "
      • Guangyuan LIU (2022-) " "
      • Minrui XU (2021-) "Mechanism Design for Multimedia Services in Intelligent Edge Market"
      • Hongyang DU (2021-) "Semantic-Aware Resource Management in Wireless Edge Networks" (Recipient of "the 202 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Aborad" by China Scholarship Council)
      • Wei Chong NG (2020-) "Stochastic Resource Allocation in the Metaverse" (LLM researcher, Huawei Singapore - 2024)
      • Ziqin LIEW (2020-2024) "Towards Effective and Efficient Semantic Communications" (Senior Engineer, Shopee Singapore - 2024)
      • Lotfi ISMAIL (2019-2023) "Secure and Reliable Resource Allocation in Multi-Function Wireless Systems"
      • Shen Hoong Kevin ONG (2018-2022) "A Predictive Maintenance Framework for Data Analysis in Industrial IoT" (AIoT Applied Scientist, Robert Bosch ASEAN - 2022)
      • Yue HAN (2020-2023) "Application of Game Theory to Recent Resource Allocation Problems in Edge Networks" (Manager - Data Science at American Express - 2023)
      • Joash En-Jie LEE (2019-2022) "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in Joint Radar Communication"
      • Shaohan FENG (2016-2020) "The Application of Cyber-insurance in Computer Networks" (Associate Professor - School of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhe- jiang Gongshang University)
      • Zehui XIONG (2016-2020) "Game Theoretic Sponsored Content Management in Mobile Data Market" (Recipient of "the 2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Aborad" by China Scholarship Council; Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) - 2021 )
      • Suttinee SAWADSITANG (2016-2020) "Stochastic Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assisted Package Delivery Planning" (Data Scientist, HP Enterprise - 2020; Lecturer, Chiang Mai University, Thailand - 2020)
      • Yutao JIAO (2016-2020) "Mechanism Design for Internet of Things Services Market" (Assistant Professor, College of Communications Engineering, Army Engineering University, Nanjing - 2020)
      • Mohammad Abu Alsheikh (2013-2017) "A Framework for Big Sensor Data Collection and Trading" (Post doc, MIT - 2017; Lecturer, University of Canberra - 2018)
      • Jonathan CHASE (2012-2017) "Investigating Applications of Optimization Techniques in Mobile Cloud Computing" (Research Scientist, Unicen Lab, Singapore - 2020; Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University (SMU) - 2022)
      • Dinh Thai Hoang (2012-2016) "Performance Optimization for Cognitive Radio Networks with RF Energy Harvesting Capability" (Lecturer, University Technology, Sydney - 2018)
      • Yang ZHANG (2010-2015) "Stochastic Optimization for Mobile Energy Management" (Assistant professor, Wuhan University of Technology - 2015)
      • Sudarshan GURUACHARYA (2009-2013) "Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", Algorithm Engineer, Echodyne - 2022
      • Qiumin DONG (2009-2014) "Reliability Analysis and Performance Optimization of Wireless Networks and Its Applications" (Data analyst, Alibaba.com - 2014)
      • Kun ZHU (2008-2012) "Dynamic Games and Applications in Wireless Communication Networks" (Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - 2015)


      • Xin TANG (2024-2025)
      • Geng SUN (2024-2025)
      • Xiangwang Hou (December 2023 - December 2024)
      • Shizhao He (December 2023 - December 2024)
      • Saw Nang PAING (November 2023)
      • Zhe WANG (November 2023 - November 2024)
      • Zhang LIU (November 2023 - November 2024)
      • Jingyang CAO (October 2023 - October 2024)
      • Jiakang ZHENG (2023-2024)
      • Yunting XU (2023-2024)
      • Dongdong YE (2023-2024)
      • Jie ZHENG (2022-2023)
      • Xiaoming YUAN (2022-2024)
      • Jing YAO (2022-2023)
      • Wanli NI (2022-2023)
      • Yudong HUANG (2022-2023)
      • Xiaoxu REN (2022-2023)
      • Yijing LIN (2022-2023)
      • Ruichen ZHANG (2022-2023)
      • Napat NGOENRIANG (2022-2023)
      • Chunmei XU (2022)
      • Yijing LIU (2022-2023)
      • Yuan-Ai XIE (2021-2022)
      • Yining WANG (2021-2022)
      • Yuna JIANG (2021-2022)
      • Zonghang LI (2021-2022)
      • Jiacheng WANG (2021-2022)

      Other Supervision of Highly Qualified People

      • Ruichen ZHANG (October 2023-): Post Doc
      • Bin XIANG (January 2023-): Post Doc
      • Jiacheng WANG (December 2022-): Post Doc
      • Xiuyu ZHANG (August 2022-): Research Assistant
      • Wei Yang Bryan LIM (August 2022-): Post Doc
      • Rakpong KAEWPUANG (March 2022-September 2023, December 2010-January 2011): Research Associate
      • Jiangtian NIE (October 2020-): Post Doc
      • Yanyu CHENG (April 2021-May 2023): Post Doc
      • Jiawen KANG (July 2018-August 2021): Post Doc
      • Xuandi LI (June 2019-July 2021): Project Officer
      • Zhuoxian Perlic HUANG (Aug 2018-Oct 2020): Research Engineer
      • HUY T. Nguyen (July 2019-September 2020): Post Doc
      • HIEU Nguyen (April 2019-October 2021): Project Officer
      • Pei Sin Jas NG (July 2018-October 2020): Research Engineer
      • Kongrath SUANKAEWMANEE (December 2016-October 2020): Project Officer
      • Wenbo WANG (November 2016-June 2020): Post Doc
      • Cong LUONG Nguyen (June 2015 to December 2019): Research Associate
      • HUYNH Nguyen Van (May 2017 to April 2018): Project Officer
      • Nipendra KAYASTHA (August 2009 to August 2011): Research Associate

      Conference Tutorials

      • D. Niyato, G. Sun, H. Du, J. Wang, R. Zhang, and J. Kang, ''Empowering Networks with GAI: Fundamentals, Methodologies, and Applications," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024.
      • D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, and D. T. Hoang, ''Empowering Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) with Mobile Edge Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, 9–13 June 2024.
      • D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, W. Y. B. Lim, and D. T. Hoang, ''Empowering the Metaverse with Edge Intelligence and Generative AI," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 - 8 December 2023.
      • D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, W. Y. B. Lim, and D. T. Hoang, ''Towards Edge Intelligence for the Metaverse: A Tutorial," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, 28 May - 01 June 2023.
      • E. Hossain, D. Niyato, D. T. Hoang, and S. Gong, "Distributed Machine Learning for 6G Networks: A Tutorial," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4 - 8 December 2022.
      • D. Niyato, Z. Xiong, and W. Y. B. Lim, "Realizing the Metaverse with Edge Intelligence: A Tutorial," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4 - 8 December 2022.
      • E. Hossain, D. Niyato, D. T. Hoang, and S. Gong, "Distributed Machine Learning for 6G Networks: A Tutorial," half-day tutorial in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Austin, TX, USA, 10-13 April 2022.
      • Z. Han, J. Li, D. Niyato, L. Zhang, and S. S. Kanhere, "Blockchain and Cryptoeconomics for Cyber-physical System and Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      • E. Hossain, D. Niyato, D. T. Hoang, and S. Gong, "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning for Future Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, 7-11 December 2021.
      • D. T. Hoang, S. Gong, and D. Niyato, "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Its Applications in Future Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE World Forum Internet of Things (WF-IoT), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 14 June-31 July 2021.
      • Y.-C. Liang and D. Niyato, "Symbiotic Radio: Cognitive Backscatter Communications for Future Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, 14 June 2021.
      • E. Hossain, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, and S. Gong, "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Its Applications in Future Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, 14 June 2021.
      • Y.-C. Liang and D. Niyato, "Cognitive Backscatter Network: A New Paradigm of Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient IoT Communications," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, 20 May 2019.
      • D. I. Kim and D. Niyato, "Wireless Powered Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications," half-day tutorial in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, 30 August 2015.
      • D. Niyato and E. Hossain, "A Crash Course on Mobile Cloud Computing," half-day tutorial in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, France, 1 April 2012.
      • D. Niyato, Rose Q. Hu, E. Hossain, and Y. Qian "Communications and Networking for Smart Grid Systems," half-day tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Houston, Texas, USA, 5-9 December 2011.
      • E. Hossain and D. Niyato, "Game Theory for Multiple Access and Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks," half-day tutorial in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Cancun, Mexico, 28-31 March 2011.

      Other Presentations

      • Semantic Communication and Resource Allocation (Summer School on Artificial Intelligence 2022), December 2022
      • A Full Dive into Realizing the Edge-enabled Metaverse: Visions, Enabling Technologies, and Challenges (Technology Innovation Institute - Telecom Seminar Series), November 2022
      • Reputation-Based Worker Selection in Mobile Federated Learning (5G WIN - Wireless Intelligent Networks), April 2022
      • Reliable Federated Learning for Mobile Networks (International Workshop on Trustable, Verifiable and Auditable Federated Learning in Conjunction with AAAI 2022 (FL-AAAI-22), March 2022
      • Metaverse Virtual Service Resource Allocation (Tianjin University), Febuary 2022
      • Metaverse Virtual Service Management: Game Theoretic Approaches (Sun Yat-Sen University), Febuary 2022
      • Internet of Things: Wireless Communications and Networks (Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), January 2022


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      Author: Kieth Sipes

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      Author information

      Name: Kieth Sipes

      Birthday: 2001-04-14

      Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

      Phone: +9663362133320

      Job: District Sales Analyst

      Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

      Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.