Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2024)


(365)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (1)


(365)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2)

Mexican restaurant

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (3)


+31 70 204 4233


SuSunday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

MoMonday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

TuTuesday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

WeWednesday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

ThThursday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

FrFriday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

SaSaturday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

Vlamingstraat 35, 2511 BA Den Haag, Netherlands

Thursday: 11AM–10PM

SuMoTuWeThFrSaShow times

SuSunday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

MoMonday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

TuTuesday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

WeWednesday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

ThThursday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

FrFriday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

SaSaturday: 11:00 AM–10:00 PM

Hide times

People typically spend 20 min to 45 min here

+31 70 204 4233

Why you should go


  1. Enjoy a delicious variety of menu options at reasonable prices
  2. 2

  3. Try flavorful tacos and combos with creative combinations
  4. 3

  5. Experience quick service with warm deliveries through UberEats

Menu and popular items

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (4)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (5)

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (6)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (7)

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (8)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (9)

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (10)Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (11)

Highlighted reviews

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I ordered using ubereats and it was quick and arrived warm. Loved all the things that i ordered. They called me because an item was unavailable and I replaced it with sth else. They sent an extra quesadilla to me which was super nice. One item was missing from the order, the taco but it was fine as i got a refund from uber. Overall recommended quesadilla that are full of flavors and the crunchwrap was delicious too. Bean burrito was a good option too

Ik kom net thuis en heb dit gevonden, ik heb voor niets bijna 30 euro gegeven zodat het allemaal leeg is en weggegooid is het niet meer waard ik ga hier mijn geld niet meer aan uitgeven, totdat dit verbetert neem ik het over van de slechtste plaatsen van eten, ik heb bijna 30 euro uitgegeven voor niets, ik zal een grote klacht indienen over het misbruik, iemand komt naar hun plek om van het eten en alles te genieten en we eindigen met deze ellende Ik ben super overstuur 😡(Translated by Google)I just got home and found this, I gave almost 30 euros for nothing so it's all empty and thrown away it's not worth it anymore I'm not going to spend my money on this anymore, until this improves I'll take it from the worst places of food, I spent almost 30 euros for nothing, I will make a big complaint about the abuse, someone comes to their place to enjoy the food and everything and we end up with this misery I'm super upset 😡

⭐⭐⭐⭐Taco Bell at Spui offers a delicious variety of menu options at reasonable prices. While locating the restaurant might be a bit challenging, the effort is worth it once you taste their flavorful tacos and combos. The menu has something for everyone, from classic choices to creative combinations, paired with refreshing sodas. The taste and quality are impressive, though the tables could use a bit more attention during busy times. Despite this, Taco Bell at Spui is a great choice for a satisfying meal that won't break the bank. Give it a try! 🌮

I ordered using ubereats and it was quick and arrived warm. Loved all the things that i ordered. They called me because an item was unavailable and I replaced it with sth else. They sent an extra quesadilla to me which was super nice. One item was missing from the order, the taco but it was fine as i got a refund from uber. Overall recommended quesadilla that are full of flavors and the crunchwrap was delicious too. Bean burrito was a good option too

Ik kom net thuis en heb dit gevonden, ik heb voor niets bijna 30 euro gegeven zodat het allemaal leeg is en weggegooid is het niet meer waard ik ga hier mijn geld niet meer aan uitgeven, totdat dit verbetert neem ik het over van de slechtste plaatsen van eten, ik heb bijna 30 euro uitgegeven voor niets, ik zal een grote klacht indienen over het misbruik, iemand komt naar hun plek om van het eten en alles te genieten en we eindigen met deze ellende Ik ben super overstuur 😡(Translated by Google)I just got home and found this, I gave almost 30 euros for nothing so it's all empty and thrown away it's not worth it anymore I'm not going to spend my money on this anymore, until this improves I'll take it from the worst places of food, I spent almost 30 euros for nothing, I will make a big complaint about the abuse, someone comes to their place to enjoy the food and everything and we end up with this misery I'm super upset 😡

⭐⭐⭐⭐Taco Bell at Spui offers a delicious variety of menu options at reasonable prices. While locating the restaurant might be a bit challenging, the effort is worth it once you taste their flavorful tacos and combos. The menu has something for everyone, from classic choices to creative combinations, paired with refreshing sodas. The taste and quality are impressive, though the tables could use a bit more attention during busy times. Despite this, Taco Bell at Spui is a great choice for a satisfying meal that won't break the bank. Give it a try! 🌮

See all reviews

We gathered reviews from Google and Tripadvisor, and summarized helpful tips as well as commonly mentioned things others might find useful.

  1. Visit during off-peak hours to avoid long wait times
  2. Consider ordering via UberEats for quicker delivery and potential extras
  3. Check your order before leaving to ensure accuracy


Taco Bell in The Hague has received mixed reviews, with some customers expressing disappointment over cold and poorly filled food items, while others praise the delicious variety of menu options at reasonable prices. One reviewer highlighted the flavorful tacos and combos available but noted that tables could use more attention during busy times. Despite negative experiences like cold food, long wait times, and disrespectful staff behavior reported by some visitors, others appreciated the quick service, warm delivery through UberEats, and extra quesadilla sent as a nice gesture. While there are concerns about portion sizes and quality consistency compared to other Taco Bell locations worldwide, patrons have found satisfaction in the decent amount of food served at this branch.

Review score


out of 5

365 reviews

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (12)From Google

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star


I ordered using ubereats and it was quick and arrived warm. Loved all the things that i ordered. They called me because an item was unavailable and I replaced it with sth else. They sent an extra quesadilla to me which was super nice. One item was missing from the order, the taco but it was fine as i got a refund from uber. Overall recommended quesadilla that are full of flavors and the crunchwrap was delicious too. Bean burrito was a good option too

1/5Ashly Elizabeth

Ik kom net thuis en heb dit gevonden, ik heb voor niets bijna 30 euro gegeven zodat het allemaal leeg is en weggegooid is het niet meer waard ik ga hier mijn geld niet meer aan uitgeven, totdat dit verbetert neem ik het over van de slechtste plaatsen van eten, ik heb bijna 30 euro uitgegeven voor niets, ik zal een grote klacht indienen over het misbruik, iemand komt naar hun plek om van het eten en alles te genieten en we eindigen met deze ellende Ik ben super overstuur 😡(Translated by Google)I just got home and found this, I gave almost 30 euros for nothing so it's all empty and thrown away it's not worth it anymore I'm not going to spend my money on this anymore, until this improves I'll take it from the worst places of food, I spent almost 30 euros for nothing, I will make a big complaint about the abuse, someone comes to their place to enjoy the food and everything and we end up with this misery I'm super upset 😡

4/5Sunand Sharrma

⭐⭐⭐⭐Taco Bell at Spui offers a delicious variety of menu options at reasonable prices. While locating the restaurant might be a bit challenging, the effort is worth it once you taste their flavorful tacos and combos. The menu has something for everyone, from classic choices to creative combinations, paired with refreshing sodas. The taste and quality are impressive, though the tables could use a bit more attention during busy times. Despite this, Taco Bell at Spui is a great choice for a satisfying meal that won't break the bank. Give it a try! 🌮

1/5Yoshu Driver

Quesadilla bevat zo goed als geen kaas, terwijl het gerecht daar om draait. Daar betaal je juist voor. je eet ik feite droog brood ter waarde van 10 cent. Zie de eerste foto hieronder van de kaastortilla: buitenrand is royaal overgeslagen tijdens het beleggen en in het midden zit een klein beetje kaas en een vieze saus die geen kaas is om het soort van op te vullen. Het hele gerecht smaakt dus niet naar kaas.De burrito's zijn klein en nauwelijks gevuld. Zit vooral rijst in en ene lepeltje bonen. Zogenaamd cheesy, maar de kaas was vrij beperkt.Denk dat het tijd is om een melding te doen bij de Amerikanen zodat zij weten wat een potje ervan wordt gemaakt hier in Nederland.(Translated by Google)Quesadilla contains virtually no cheese, even though that's what the dish is all about. That's exactly what you pay for. you are actually eating dry bread worth 10 cents. See the first photo below of the cheese tortilla: outer edge was generously skipped during filling and in the middle there is a little bit of cheese and a nasty non-cheese sauce to sort of fill it up. So the entire dish does not taste like cheese.The burritos are small and barely filled. It mainly contains rice and a spoonful of beans. Supposedly cheesy, but the cheese was quite limited.I think it's time to report it to the Americans so that they know what the fuss is about here in the Netherlands.

1/5Rokia None

Mijn ervaring met Taco Bell was echt balen. Kreeg m'n eten koud, omdat de bezorger eerst ergens anders moest wezen. Daarna alleen maar ellende: buikpijn, diarree, en helemaal geen trek meer. En dat gedoe bleef maar dagen hangen. Ik ben niet de enige die dit heeft meegemaakt; staan zat slechte reviews online. Even een heads-up voor wie daar wil bestellen: denk twee keer na!(Translated by Google)My experience with Taco Bell really sucked. My food was cold because the delivery person had to be somewhere else first. Then only misery: stomach ache, diarrhea, and no appetite at all. And that stuff just hung around for days. I'm not the only one who has experienced this; there are plenty of bad reviews online. Just a heads-up for those who want to order there: think twice!

Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (18)

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Taco Bell, The Hague, The Netherlands - Reviews, Ratings, Tips and Why You Should Go – Wanderlog (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

Last Updated:

Views: 5737

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.