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Conversation 25

  • Sheba2011
  • 3 weeks ago

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National Sunglasses Day happens each year on June 27 as a day to inform people about the dangers of UV exposure. Wearing sunglasses is more than to just a fashion statement. Wearing sunglasses is also about protecting your eyes from harmful elements.

The history of sunglasses can be traced back to the Inuit tribes in the Arctic regions. In order to maintain vision from the glare of the snow and water reflections, the Inuits created an eye covering with slits in front of the pupils to control exposure to brightness. Made from bone or wood, the Inuit eye coverings were the inspiration for contemporary goggles.

It’s unclear who invented the first pair of sunglasses. We do know as eyeglasses improved, so did the idea of sunglasses. In fact, the initial design of glasses was has been the same since the 1760s–frames sitting on the bridge of the nose with “arms” resting over the ears. It wasn’t until the 1900s when sunglasses became a fashion accessory after movie stars began wearing them on movie sets.

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Sunglasses Through the Years

Prada Model SPR07F
Most known for their appearance in the 1963 Academy Award-winning Italian film 8 ½, these glasses are anything but old-fashioned. Prada first introduced the design as Prada model SPR07F, but the design has undergone some changes since the 60s. Regardless, these sunglasses might be one of the only designs that can not only be worn with a suit, but that makes a suit look so good.

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Persol 714

The original folding glasses, the Persol 714 sunglasses debuted in the 1960s when the iconic actor Steve McQueen wore them in the film The Thomas Crown Affair. These glasses were based on the Persol 649 model. However, the adaptations included 10 additional manufacturing steps to allow them to fold. In 2006, a pair of Persol 714s from McQueen’s personal collection were auctioned off at nearly $70,000. Get suave with a—perhaps less expensive—pair for National Sunglasses Day.

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Ray-Ban Wayfarer

At their introduction in 1956, Ray-Ban’s Wayfarers revolutionary plastic frame made the design almost instantly popular. The design was a distinct diversion from the metal-framed sunglasses that were popular at the time. The sunglasses popularity continued throughout the ‘50s and ‘60s but then slumped until the late 2000s when artists like Katy Perry and Bruno Mars wore them in their music videos.

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Round and Oversized

Often known today simply as Jackie O’s, these sunglasses were popularized by former First Lady and fashion icon Jackie Kennedy during the years that her husband was president. They are instantly recognizable by their large round shape and still serve to make quite a fashion statement when worn today. It’s hard to wear these sunglasses and not channel some of the grace, style, and elegance that Jackie was so famous for.

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Conversation 25

  • Sheba2011
  • 1 month ago

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (8)


Today is June 14 and National Cucumber Day at National Day Calendar and we are enjoying fresh cucumbers all day long! Join us as we crunch on this crisp summer favorite and enjoy the fruits of summer.

You can almost taste the crisp, watery goodness of a cucumber during the summer months. With fresh fruits and vegetables at our fingertips, we feel very little guilt indulging in this salad favorite. Whether we grow them in our garden or purchase them at a local farmers market, we love the freshness a cucumber adds to our diets.

Most people think cucumbers are a vegetable. In fact, they are actually a fruit in the watermelon family Cucurbitaceae. Cucumbers are normally a long and have a cylindrical shape, and are grown in different sizes. There are also around 100 different types of cucumbers around the world.

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Conversation 25

  • Sheba2011
  • 1 month ago

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (10)


We are celebrating National Dragonfly Day on the second Saturday in June to bring awareness to one of nature’s most beautiful insects. Join us today as we buzz around learning facts about the big-eyed bug also known as the dragonfly.

Evidence shows dragonflies are nearly 300 million years old. Paleontologists have discovered dragonfly fossils with 3-foot wingspans. Interestingly, some scientists say dragonflies may have been just as large as the size of an eagle today. Let’s celebrate National Dragonfly Day together and learn why this beautiful insect is one of nature’s most wonderful bugs.

Dragonflies are a common summertime insect living in areas of wetlands where you can see them sliding on the surface of the water and then lifting away. They vary in color, ranging from bright metallic to light pastel colors. Their wings are large making them the fastest of all insect species. However, dragonflies must warm up their muscles in order to fly properly.

Dragonflies are expert fliers in comparison to any other insect. The average dragonfly has the ability to fly like a helicopter. In fact, they fly straight up or down, forward, and even hover keeping perfectly level. In addition, the dragonfly is extremely fast and agile. The fastest speed ever documented was 35 mph. Their flying skills and speed help them catch food for survival. If a dragonfly cannot fly, it does not survive.

6 Unusual Facts About Dragonflies

Most adult dragonflies live for only a few weeks, but some do live up to a year.
The average dragonfly has nearly 30,000 eye facets. In fact, they have 360-degree vision, including the ability to see behind them.
Dragonflies help control the mosquito population, eating up to 100 mosquitos per day.
Dragonflies can live in the winter but are normally small and stumpy in size.
Dragonflies use their feet to catch their food.
Dragonflies can live for years underwater.
The dragonfly has symbolic meaning in almost every part of the world. In fact, many cultures believe this insect symbolizes good luck. Because dragonflies have such short lifespans, they also represent new beginnings and change, especially for strength, growth, courage, and happiness. A few ancient cultures say dreaming about a dragonfly indicates you are in a powerful transition in your life.

5 Symbolic Dragonfly Beliefs
Asian culture believes the dragonfly represents good luck, prosperity, and new beginnings.
Native Americans believe a dragonfly symbolizes life transformations.
South American cultures believe the dragonfly symbolizes good luck and prosperity. In fact, artists include the dragonfly in their pieces
Africans believe dragonflies are a sign of spirits and bring good luck. Africans also hold dragonflies in high regard because they are water gods who bring rain.
European cultures see the dragonfly as a symbol of change and adaptability. Unsurprisingly, you can find dragonflies included in many European folklore stories and beliefs.
There are around 5,000 species of dragonflies around the world. A dragonfly is classified as an Odonata, which is a family of flying insects that includes dragonflies and damselflies. Though insects are considered unpopular, dragonflies tend to be watched with fascination because of their beauty.

What are the 3 classifications of dragonflies?

Aeshnidae Super Family is the first classification of dragonflies.
Cordulegastridae Super Family are also known as the Flying Adders and have yellow, black, or brown bodies.
Libellulidae Super Family is the most commonly seen dragonfly. This classification is the largest family of dragonflies and is often referred to as the skimmer dragonfly.

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Conversation 25

  • Sheba2011
  • 1 month ago

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (12)


June 6 is National Eyewear Day on the National Day Calendar and we clearly see the importance of bringing awareness to eye health and comprehensive eye exams. Join us as we share why taking care of your eyes is important to you health.

Spectacles have been around for about seven centuries, but early versions were only worn by monks and scholars. In fact, the first pair of eyeglasses consisted of two magnifying glasses that were set into bone with a hinge on the nose.

These first glasses were invented in Northern Italy around the late 13th century where eyeglasses were monks who used the spectacles to copy religious manuscripts. They wore them to read as well. Unfortunately, monks and other scholars who wore these eyeglasses had a hard time keeping them on their face.

In 1452, the invention of the printing press caused the demand for eyeglasses to soar. Many manufacturers came up with ways to make them more wearable. However, it wasn’t until 1730 that an optician from London added rods to the frames so that they could rest on the ears. About 22 years later, hinges were added to the rods. Through the years, there have been many eyeglass innovations.

5 Eyewear Innovations
Bifocals were invented in the 1760s. These eyeglasses made it possible to see objects both close up and far away.
Monocles were developed in the late 18th century and were worn around the neck. Interestingly, monocles were mainly worn by aristocrats.
Pince-nez were invented in the late 19th century. These eyeglasses were held in place by a spring-clip between the lenses instead of frames.
Sunglasses are a kind of dark eyeglasses that became popular in America around 1929. Eventually, sunglasses became an essential fashion item still in use today.
Ray-Ban are also knowns as “Aviators.” First developed for pilots in the 1930s, Ray-Ban eyeglasses were are now especially popular with celebrities.
In addition, plastic would change eyewear forever. Since the 1940s, plastic has made it possible to develop frames in a wide range of colors and styles. Some of the most popular eyeglass styles made from plastic have included cat-eye, round-rimmed, and oversized frames.

3 Reasons National Eyewear Day Matters
National Eyewear Day is a reminder for everyone to take good care of their eyes. Here are 3 reasons National Eyewear Day is important:

The day reminds everyone to get yearly comprehensive routine eye exam.
Today is a good day to remind us to keep our prescriptions updated to prevent serious eye problems.
National Eyewear day is also a reminder to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays with a pair of sunglasses.
Today, eyewear continues to not only improve our vision, plus adds elements of style and personality. Imagine John Lennon without his iconic round frames. Would Maverick be Top Gun without his aviators? No one would recognize Harry Caray without his trademark face-covering frames. Can you imagine seeing a picture of Teddy Roosevelt without his frameless glasses?

Eyewear defines, outlines, and punctuates a personality, too. Eyewear can be a little covert. For example, who is Clark Kent without his frames? Though many may have tried, no one wore the dark tortoise shells better than Audrey Hepburn.

3 Fun Fact About Eyewear
About 64% of the adult population wears prescription eyewear.
61% of people who need eyewear are nearsighted and 31 percent are farsighted.
Over 12 million Americans need vision correction, but don’t have any eyewear.
Clearly, eyewear plays a significant role in our lives. From improving vision and protection to providing a variety of style options, it certainly is something to celebrate on National Eyewear Day.

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Conversation 25

  • Sheba2011
  • 2 months ago

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (14)


National Paperclip Day on May 29th each year celebrates a small but handy invention. Yes, even the paperclip has its own day of honor. The day celebrates the well-known piece of curved wire that keeps our papers together and helps us stay organized.

While many may have claimed earlier invention of the paperclip, according to the Early Office Museum, Samuel B. Fay received the first patent for a “bent wire paper clip” in the United States in 1867. The original intention of Fay’s clip was to attach tickets to fabric. However, U.S. patent 64,088 recognized that paperclips could also hold papers together.

As many as 50 others received patents for similar designs before 1899. One other notable name receiving a patent for his paperclip design in the United States was Erlman J. Wright in 1877. At that time, he advertised his clip for use in fastening newspapers.

The Gem paperclip, which was most likely in production in Britain in the early 1870s by The Gem Manufacturing Company, was never patented. It is the most common type of wire paperclip and is still in use today. It was introduced to the United States around 1892, and in 1904, Cushman & Denison registered a trademark for the “Gem” name in connection with paperclips. Paperclips are still sometimes called Gem clips.

Today, paperclips come in various sizes, shapes, and colors and can make your paperwork look more fun and lively.

Paperclips are not just for holding papers together. There are many other things that you can do with them!

Replace a zipper tab
Unclog a spray bottle
Unclog a single-serve coffee maker
Hem holder
Emergency hooks for broken necklaces

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (15)

Hosts changing outfits

  • angie0215
  • 2 months ago

I just think she is trying to show us as many outfits as possible. I wish she would say to all the designers do you mind making Petites in everything because half the time it looks like the clothes are wearing her.
I am shorter and thinner than Marlo and 80% of what they sell I don’t like, and it would not fit correctly at all.
Changing outfits is what all the hosts do, and I like it because u get to see how it looks on as many shapes and sizes as possible.
They need a lot of new designers like Susan Graver, Kim Gravel and Isaac they make 90% in Petites & Talls, and they are of Higer quality than bargain basem*nt HSN
All the new designers are , Jacqueline Smith is o.k but NO PETITES & TALLS.

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Conversation 24

  • Sheba2011
  • 2 months ago

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (17)


Each year on May 10th, National Shrimp Day recognizes America’s favorite seafood. Americans eat moreshrimp than any other seafood, and this is the day to celebrate this delicious seafood.

We use the word “prawn” loosely to describe any large shrimp, sometimes known as “jumbo shrimp.” Some countries use the word “prawn” exclusively for all shrimp.

Preparing the shrimp for consumption usually involves removing the head, shell, tail, and “sand vein.” There are many ways to cook shrimp. Standard methods of preparation include baking, boiling, broiling, sauteing, frying, and grilling. Cooking time is delicate for shrimp, and they are at their best when not overcooked.

Ahealthy food, shrimp, is low in calories and high in omega-3, calcium, iodine, and protein levels. Shrimp is also known to be considered good for the circulatory system.

Popular North America Shrimp Dishes:
Seafood Gumbo: A stew or soup that probably originated in southern Louisiana during the 18th century. Seafood gumbo typically consists of a strongly-flavored stock, shrimp and crab meat (sometimes oysters), a thickener, and seasoning vegetables. Cooks categorize Gumbo by the type of thickener used: okra, the Choctaw spice, file powder (dried and ground sassafras leaves), or roux, the French base made of flour and fat.
Shrimp co*cktail: The Golden Gate served shrimp co*cktails before any other restaurant. Their menu listed shrimp co*cktails for .50 cents in 1959. It is now a Las Vegas cliché. Called the “Original Shrimp co*cktail” on the menu, it is a favorite among tourists and the locals. The original Shrimp co*cktail consists of a regular-sized sundae glass filled with small salad shrimp and topped with a dollop of co*cktail sauce.
Shrimp DeJonghe: A specialty of Chicago, it is a casserole of the whole, peeled shrimp blanketed in soft, garlic, sherry-laced bread crumbs. Restaurants often serve it as an appetizer or a main course. It originated in the late 19th or early 20th century at the DeJonghe’s Hotel and Restaurant.

Shrimp Scampi: This dish has its own day onApril 29,and it is cooked in butter, garlic, lemon juice, and white wine.

Shrimp and other shellfish are among the most common food allergens.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (18)

Fast Talkers

  • Susanne31
  • 2 months ago

I agree with all the above and would like to add how is it that almost all the hosts can fit into an extra small. Really? It’s a real eye roll for me. Give me a break, an extra small should only be for someone who’s like a little stick. Size 2. If Suzanne and Marlo are wearing an extra small the sizing cannot be correct. It’s just so irritating when you’d like to get some accurate sizing.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (19)

Fast Talkers

  • 2 months ago

What gets me is when the show hosts act like they’re devastated when an item sells out. Isn’t that the point?
I have to agree when it comes to Amy. Maybe the plastic surgery has affected her personality. She never shuts up and is constantly gazing into the camera at herself while telling everyone over and over what a small size she is wearing. Vanity has a grip on her for sure.
Yes, mute buttons can be a Godsend when watching HSN.
As far as Nicole goes, I don’t catch her shows that often. She was on this morning and looked quite glamorous with her hair up.
Yes, I do enjoy Callie’s shows. She is likeable and not overbearing. On cooking shows she is always willing to taste the food that is being made like a normal person would. Certain hosts (and we all know who they are) take the tiniest bites for fear of gaining weight.
I’m looking forward to watching Debbie D’s show with Katy Perry in a few days. That should be fun to watch.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (20)

No Petite Sizes

  • BeachBabe
  • 2 months ago

Posted in Forum: Fashion

What’s the deal with some designer’s not offering petite clothing, especially pants, dresses, and skirts? Guiliana Rancic is guilty for example. HSN is not the only shopping channel with this common issue. Why are we in this demographic snubbed? Seems to me that customer sales income for petite clothing revenue must not be important. I see lots of items that I would like to purchase; but, I can’t get or won’t…I refuse to hem anything.
Anyone else with me?

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (21)

Conversation 24

  • Sheba2011
  • 04.27.24 4:37 PM

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (22)


Gummi bears are a sweet treat that brings joy to people of all ages. On April 27, let’s celebrate National Gummi Bear Day and the memorable treat of childhood that’s timelessly fun.

Few treats are as cute and sweet as gummi bears. Fruity and fun, these colorful chews have been charming us since 1922. That’s right, the gummi bear is 100 years old! HARIBO® founder Hans Riegel started the company in 1920 from his home kitchen. Two years later he created the world’s first gummi bear. Today, they’re known as Goldbears® are an iconic treat all over the world.

While chewing on that bit of information, remember gummi bears are also the perfect treat to share. The bite-sized pieces mean everyone can join the fun and celebrate National Gummi Bear Day together!

Inspire joy in friends and family with the gift of gummi bears.
Share how and why gummi bears bring you joy.
Join the conversation by using #NationalGummiBearDay on social media.
Treat yourself and enjoy some gummi bears today!

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (23)

Conversation 24

  • 04.22.24 2:39 AM


I was home yesterday and today and did not see hubby. After shopping yesterday, I ventured into the den to look at the lake. In so doing I noticed one of our roof areas was hanging by a nail. Rather than contact the roofers who initially repaired our roof, decided on someone new to us. This business comes well recommended and has over 30 years experience. I tried to reach this group when we lost our lanai and an area in our den became a skylight. This group had a waiting period and I chose to find someone else. Long story short, they had an email and I sent a note stating our problem. I hope to hear something by tomorrow. Guess the story when it rains it pours. The new homes being built in Florida today will be able to withstand hurricane strength winds up to 200 mph. Of course, nothing really can withstand the winds of a tornado., unless, maybe, concrete.

Hopefully, I will be able to be with hubby most of the afternoon tomorrow. I have some real good food items for him and they are all low in calories. I have a parfait of fruit mixed in with yogurt, fresh fruit bowl which is soft. I also picked up cheesecake which I will cut into a sliver and then add ice cream on top. He has also asked for my winter melon soup. I thought I would make some tomorrow, but, alas, I forgot to purchase the winter melon. That I will do on Tuesday before getting the van. There is something actually called winter melon. It is in the squash family and has no real taste.. You can purchase this in any Asian market. I found that honeydew works better and actually adds a sweet taste to the soup. Also, our Asian markets are able to cut the pork ribs into bite size pieces. Unfortunately, I will need to do that part myself. I remembered the carrots, bok choy, and dragon fruit. By the way, I use the whole stalks of t he bok choy. That includes the leafy part. Nothing goes to waste. I usually cut two or three stalks of the bok choy into bite size pieces and I do the same for the lettuce part of the stalk. When I was a youngster (that was yesterday) I asked the owner of an Asian restaurant what the green part was in the wonton soups. I thought it was a spinach leaf, but when he mentioned what it was, I’ve been using it ever since. The one thing Asians do is use the whole veggie and that includes the tops and the roots. And for people who do not use pork, chicken, fish, or beef can be substituted. I use a chicken broth as a base. Hubby also asked for homemade spaghetti with meatballs. I will be trying to get him out and about this week. If it succeeds, I will be doing this a few times during the week. Someday he will get a surprise when i bring him home permanently. First, though, he needs to take off a few pounds so that the therapy can resume again. I am also thinking that the YMCA may be able to help as well and I will be contacting them about therapy in their pool. I think they may be equipped to take a person from wheelchair to pool using a sling. I just have a feeling that this may help with his mobility.

The weather here has been in the low to mid 80s during the day and in the 60s at night. We are expecting some thunderstorms tomorrow and as yet have no idea if any will be serious. I know there will be wind which means sinuses will be at the forefront. My headache was awful today and that is the result of a low forming. Also the main reason for not venturing out. Hope you had a beautiful Sunday. I would take a look at the weather for the next ten days before planting. Have a great walk with the moon and Poppy. Stay safe.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (24)

Marlo Smith – LET THE VENDOR SPEAK!!!!

  • happy-walks
  • 04.12.24 5:38 AM

I have not watched since last Monday but I can imagine how bad it was knowing how much Marlo Smith loves to hog the camera as if she is the star. I thought that their job as host was to introduce the product and let the vendor representative do the presentation. I know that they have sycophants that feed their egos on social media and that makes them feel like stars instead of sales people.

HSN/QVC should just let the vendors have a block of time to run it the way they want to and bring in an assistant and models of their choosing if they want instead of letting HSN have so much control over how their products are marketed. HSN and QVC hosts are almost like amateur hour and last chance jobs for wash outs in other areas like radio and television. I believe that some of them do lines before they go on the air. Adam freeman is a drama queen, Runyun is manic, how many times do they have to say to check out now and not wait! Your color will be gone if you don’t buy now! Those are con men phrases. When home shopping started it was before the internet and Amazon and was novel, they seem to be in the last days and seem very desperate.

The last order that I placed on HSN was before COVID and it took 2 1/2 weeks for the ring to arrive without any documentation and looked like it had been handled, it was a size smaller than what I ordered, I have several jewelers ring sizing kits and it I know exactly what size that they sent me, they wanted $25 dollars to return it. I have ordered many rings on Amazon that arrived in 2 days sealed and fit perfectly, so you know where I get my jewelry from.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (25)

Being untruthful about sizing

  • krissyann85
  • 04.05.24 5:09 PM

Posted in Forum: Fashion

Am I the only one who gets upset when HSN hosts are untruthful about what size they are wearing? I feel like the models are always honest, but the hosts aren’t. For example, I would bet every dollar I own that Helen is not a medium, especially in pants. I rely on what the hosts say in addition to the size chart when shopping on HSN. I feel like it’s so misleading.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (26)

Conversation -23

  • 03.31.24 5:35 AM


Hi. I see you are kind of late. Hope all is well. I did leave a message for you earlier in last night ‘s post. Not sure if you saw it.

Yes, I made it to the Farmer’s Market. I was surprised that I was able to find a parking spot. They were busy, but not as expected. I surmise most did their shopping during the week. I was surprised to see fresh turkey for Easter. I found a small one and will make it on Monday. Looking forward to bringing hubby a complete meal for a change. They also had Reuben sandwiches and bought one for dinner. It was delicious. But, the prices on their vegetables were out of sight. Tomatoes were $1.49/lb. The yellow tomatoes were soft at $1.79/lb. Bok Choy (which I love) was $2.99 ea. Talk about inflation. And there were apologies all over. I purchased Stone Plums (they have the coloring of Pluots, but are larger. Probably normal size for plums). Most were too soft to purchase. Found 3 and brought them to hubby who devoured them. Hubby was in a good mood today. I did inquire about the bathroom and was told that the aids bring him in the wheelchair. With the aid of the bars he is able to lift himself up from the chair and get to the throne. They leave him alone, but do check to make sure he doesn’t fall. Actually they stand next do the door that is slightly ajar. So there are some things he can do for himself. The nurse did mention that I will be taught how to handle this situation if needed. However, they think with time he will be able to do this on his own. I will probably do what xango did for herself and that is purchase bars that attach to the toilet to enable a person to use the throne. I need to redo that bathroom and will add whatever is needed.

Tomorrow I will need to weed the front area which is now overgrown. Unfortunately, because of my sinuses, I have been unable to do this sooner. Probably will need to mask up and pray that there is no wind. Will do what needs to get done and do the side after the delivery of the dishwasher. We have pickup on weeds, tree limbs, plants, etc. on Wednesdays

Hubby is looking forward to a day away from Rehab.. I thought for sure he would like to see the new Farmer’s Market. No. Not the first choice. Probably the second or third. He wants to go to Costco and end up with the hotdog. I was and still am in shock!!!! I need to find the transportation for the handicapped and wonder if they will be able to help him use the electric cart. It would be a great outing for him and Costco is about 5 miles from the Rehab. The outing will give him the lift that is sorely needed to keep his spirit up there.

On this last note I am wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter and a great brunch. Nice to get together with family, even though it is a small group.

SEARCH RESULTS FOR "get ring size" (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.