Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (2024)


Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (1)

General Info

Liquid Rennet

Rennet Tablets

Powdered Rennet

This guide will help you learn about the different types of rennet, how to use them, and when to add rennet to milk when making cheese. In most cheese making recipes, milk is first ripened with cultures, then rennet is added. This makes the proteins, found in milk, to form into solid curd. The amount of rennet added will vary depending on the type of cheese being made. Some types of cheese need a firmer curd than others. Once the curd is cut, liquid whey is able to drain properly from the curd.


Rennet is an enzyme used to coagulate milk, in order to form a thick curd.

Rennet begins working at temperatures between 85-105F, even at higher temperatures it will not be deactivated until it reaches 140F.

Rennet continues setting milk within the correct temperatures. So, when the recipe states, it is time to cut the curds, it is important to do so in a timely manor. Otherwise, the curd can become too firm for the cheese you are trying to make.

Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (2)

Different Types of Rennet

Liquid and paste rennet is the easiest to work with, because it can be measured more precisely. However, tablet and powdered rennet can be stored for longer periods of time and survive better in warmer climates.

Calf rennet is considered to be the best choice for longer aged cheese, because some of its residual components help to complete the breakdown of proteins. Some of the complex proteins in vegetable rennet can impart a slightly bitter taste after 6 months of aging.

Animal rennet is derived from the stomach of a calf, lamb or goat while their diets are still limited to milk, this is typically 90% pure chymosin.

Vegetable rennet is made from a type of mold (Mucur Miehei). However, even though it is derived from mold, there is no mold contained in the final product. It is an equivalent to chymosin and works equally, but is not animal derived.

In addition, we have recently added a thistle rennet to our shop.

Salt in Rennet

The small amount of salt found in rennet is used as a preservative. When adding rennet only 1/4 tsp is added to each gallon of milk, and much of the rennet runs off with the whey during draining. So, the amount of salt left in the cheese is virtually impossible to measure. If you are interested in making cheese with no salt, fresh cheese including Mozzarella and Ricotta are a good choice. Aged cheese requires a slight amount of salt to slow bacterial activity.

Junket Rennet

Rennet for cheese making is 80% chymosin and 20% pepsin. Junket is 80% pepsin, so it weaker than rennet used for cheese making. Even if you use more junket to compensate, the added pepsin in junket increases protein breakdown and can cause problems when aging cheese.

Junket was originally made for custards and contains many additives. In spite of this, and despite the price of junket, not inexpensive, there are many recipes online for making cheese with junket. We think this originated when cheese making supplies were hard to find for home cheese making. Cheese making supplies are now widely available, so there is less reason to use junket.

Homemade Rennet

The techniques for making calf rennet used to be handed down from generation to generation. Cheese makers knew what to expect from this process. Today, some cheese makers create their own rennet, but figuring out the specific amount to add to cheese can be difficult because the strength can vary. It can take many years to standardize the process.

Some cheese makers also make their own vegetable rennet from nettles, figs, etc. This can work for sheep milk and soft cheese, but not for aged, hard cheese.

If you make rennet, you will not be able to sell cheese in the US, because regulations stipulate the use of prepared, standardized rennet.

How to Test Rennet

When using a good quality milk, this is a way to check the performance of your rennet. If the milk has been processed above 168F, the milk will not coagulate as expected.

  • Heat one cup (8 oz) of milk to 90F
  • Dissolve 1/4 rennet tablet or 1/4 tsp liquid rennet in 1/2 cup cool, non-chlorinated water and stir well
  • From this diluted rennet solution take 2 tablespoons and add it to the heated milk
  • Stir gently from to to bottom for 30 seconds
  • If rennet is working, the milk surface will begin to firm or form a slight film after two minutes. After six minutes, it will have formed a curd that will hold a knife cut

How Long Diluted Rennet Lasts

Once diluted, rennet should be used within 30 minutes for the best results.

Non-GMO Rennet

All of our rennet is Non-GMO, we have taken a strong stand against genetic modification.

Maintain Heat After Adding Rennet

Maintaining a consistent temperature, after adding rennet should not be difficult. Because, after adding rennet, the heat should be turned off. The temperature may increase slightly from residual heat on the bottom of the pot, typically a few degrees, which is not an issue.

Once curds are cut, you can begin heating while stirring very slowly. The heat will gradually transfer from the whey to the curd. If heated too rapidly, there can be a large difference between the whey and curd temperature.

We recommend stopping the heat a degree or two before reaching the final temperature.

Non-chlorinated Water

When diluting rennet, we recommend using non-chlorinated water because it can deactivate rennet. You can usually call your town water department to find out if your water is chlorinated. If you are unsure, simply use distilled water. Most filters remove 97% of the chlorine, which is fine for cheese making.

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Liquid and paste rennet is the easiest to work with, because it can be measured more precisely. They do have a shorter shelf life than tablet and powdered rennet but are still the top shoice for many cheese makers.

Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (9)

Shelf Life

Store liquid rennet in the refrigerator, each variety of liquid rennet will have a unique best used by date.

When stored in the refrigerator, rennet will not go bad. Even past the ‘best by date’ it will simply loose potency over time. So, if your rennet is a few weeks past the ‘best by date’ add slightly more rennet than normal.

Dilute Before Using

Liquid rennet should always be diluted in cool, non-chlorinated water before it is added to milk. Because such a small amount of rennet is used to make cheese, diluting rennet will help it be dispersed more evenly.

Double Strength Vegetable Rennet

Our liquid vegetable rennet is double-strength and our organic liquid vegetable rennet is slightly more than double strength. So, use half as much as the cheese making recipe calls for.

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Tablet rennet is the hardiest choice, with a long shelf life and little affect by warm weather. Our vegetable rennet tablets will last for one year without refrigeration. Or up to five years, when stored in the freezer.

Our cheese making kits containing rennet have vegetable rennet tablets. This provides a better shelf life and insures all kits are suitable for vegetarian cheese making.

Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (16)

How to Cut and Dilute

To cut the rennet tablets, you can use a pill cutter. Or, a quick rap on the back with a sharp knife placed on the score marks of the rennet tablet.

Once cut, the portion being used will need to be crushed. You can use a pill crusher, mortar and pestle or the flat side of a knife. After crushed, dilute the rennet tablet in 1/4 cup cool, non-chlorinated water. Mix well to resolve the rennet, then let sit for 10-30 minutes before adding to milk.

Conversion Tablet vs Liquid

Here is the amount of tablet rennet to use when substituting liquid rennet for cheese making.

  • 1/4 teaspoon of liquid rennet equals approximately 1/4 vegetable rennet tablet

Here is a use guide for recipes calling for 1/8 tsp of liquid rennet

  1. Dissolve 1/4 rennet tablet in 1/2 cup cool, non-chlorinated water
  2. Use half of this solution if the recipe calls for 1/8 tsp liquid rennet

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Like rennet tablets, powdered rennet can be stored for longer periods of time than liquid rennet. It will also survive better in warmer climates. Like liquid rennet, powdered rennet is easy to measure which makes it a top choice for cheese makers in hot climates.

Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (21)

Dilute Before Using

Powdered rennet should always be diluted in cool, non-chlorinated water before it is added to milk. Because such a small amount of rennet is used to make cheese, diluting rennet will help it be dispersed more evenly.

How to Store Powdered Rennet

For the longest shelf life, store powdered rennet in the freezer.

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Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ (2024)


What happens if you use too much rennet when making cheese? ›

Too much rennet was used or too much butterfat, left your cheese during the process. Rubbery cheese can happen when an excess amount of rennet is used, too much rennet equals a rubber ball, too little, soup!

What temperature kills rennet? ›

Rennet is an enzyme used to coagulate milk, in order to form a thick curd. Rennet begins working at temperatures between 85-105F, even at higher temperatures it will not be deactivated until it reaches 140F.

What happens if you use too little rennet? ›

Too little rennet and you won't form curd. Too much rennet an you'll over-set your cheese, giving it an undesired texture. Too little calcium and the curd won't have the right texture – or even form at all. Too much calcium and the texture, hardness, and melting prosperities, can be wrong.

Which rennet is best for cheese making? ›

Calf rennet contains two enzymes, chymosin and pepsin, in a natural ratio that is suitable for our style of cheese. (Chymosin causes coagulation, pepsin has impacts on the aging process.) This traditional rennet has more reliable results in yield, as well as flavor profile, leading to less defective cheese.

How much rennet for 1 gallon of milk? ›

Quantity: 10 rennet tablets. Make a total of 40 batches of cheese when 1/4 tablet is used. Notes: 1/4 tablet will set up to 2 gallons of milk. The recipes in our kits typically call for 1/4 tablet for 1 gallon of milk.

How do I know if my rennet is still good? ›

One way to test your rennet to see how active it still is is to take a tablespoon of warm milk (35° C) and add a drop of Calcium Chloride and a drop of rennet. It should set in 5 minutes or less. If it doesn't set in 5 minutes, take another tablespoon of warm milk and add 2 drops.

Does rennet go bad if not refrigerated? ›

Rennet has a limited shelf life – liquid rennet lasts for 7-8 months when refrigerated and tablets last for up to 5 years when stored in the freezer (2 years at room temp). If you are unsure how old your rennet is or whether or not it is still effective, you can do the following test: Heat one cup of milk to 90F.

Can you add more rennet to cheese? ›


Give it a few more minutes. If it is still not right, you can add more rennet in half or a quarter of the amount that you used the first time.

How long to leave rennet in milk? ›

This differs from coagulation time which is the point where flecks of curd first appear on a spatula or slide dipped into the milk. Coagulation time is about half that of setting time, so typically, coagulation using single strength rennet requires 15-20 minutes followed by setting at 30-40 minutes.

Why does my homemade cheese not melt? ›

As the milk heats, the acid curds become closer to one another, and the water content decreases. Without the calcium glue, the cheese will continue to solidify and will not melt.

Why is my homemade cheese rubbery? ›

Mozzarella is Dry and Rubbery

You may have stretched the curds too much. Simply let the cheese fall on its self a few times and put it in your container. It loses a lot of moisture during the stretching process.

Can I use lemon instead of rennet? ›

The lemon juice, vinegar and citric acid can coagulate the milk without rennet but frequently work best with hot milk. The use of rennet allows to separate the milk before the acidification of the milk is too high and helps form hard curds and can be used at moderate milk temperature for an extended time.

What cheese has no rennet? ›

What Kinds of Cheese are Vegetarian? Younger, soft cheeses like mozzarella, cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta, goat, and provolone often are not made with rennet.

What is a substitute for rennet in cheese making? ›

Pig pepsin and chicken pepsin were used previously, however, not now. All successful rennet substitutes are aspartyl proteinases. Proteinases from Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus, Cryphonectria parasitica, Aspergillus oryzae and Irpex lactis are used for commercial cheese production.

Can you use vinegar instead of rennet? ›

NOTE: Classic cheesemaking uses ingredients like citric acid and rennet. But white distilled vinegar works too! It turns out a little different but still amazing. If you would like to go the more classic route you can pick up a cheesemaking kit that has everything you need minus the dairy of course.

How much rennet is used to make cheese? ›

Also, different types of cheese need different setting times. Some of my recipes state that you use 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) of single strength rennet to set 10 litres and others state to use 5 ml (1 teaspoon) to set the same amount.

What happens if you use too much culture in cheese? ›

The culture helps create the acidic environment necessary for cheese curds to form, and for yogurt to set up properly. If you use too much culture, the milk will become too acidic and kill off the lacto-bacteria. And when the environment is too acidic, cheese curds won't form and yogurt won't set up as it should.

What happens if you overheat milk when making cheese? ›

Milk that has been heat treated at high temperatures shows longer coagulation times and forms weaker, finer curd which retains more water than normal.

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