Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (2024)

How to make protein bars at home in 5 delicious flavors – with NO baking required!

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (1)

Easy Homemade Protein Bars

Oil Free

Gluten Free

Vegan Options

Just FOUR ingredients!

If you’re still buying protein bars at the store, this quick and simple vegan protein bar recipe might completely change your life…

You’ll honestly never need to buy another packaged protein bar ever again!

Also try these Overnight Oats – 15 Recipes

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (3)

Reasons To Make Your Own Protein Bars

– The best reason to make your own? YOU get full control of what protein bar ingredients to include.

Even if you use real sugar (no erythritol, stevia, or monk fruit), each bar has under 3 grams of sugar, with 12 grams of protein!

– The flavor possibilities are endless, and you can choose to make them soy free, dairy free, keto, paleo, low carb, nut free, or sugar free to fit your own personal dietary requirements.

– It’s both much cheaper and more environmentally-friendly to make your own protein bar recipe at home. Think of all the wrappers you’ll save.

Many so-called healthy protein bars on the market, even ones you can find at a health food store, are filled with processed ingredients such as corn syrup solids, maltodextrin, sucralose, sugar alcohols, GMO soy isolate, and so much added sugar and oil that it’s hard to believe they could possibly pass for a health food.

With this recipe, you get anentire panof homemade protein bars for not much more than you would’ve paid for just one bar at Whole Foods.

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Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (5)

Protein Bar Flavors

Chocolate Protein Bars: Replace 2 tbsp of the protein powder with cocoa powder. Stir a handful of mini chocolate chips into the dough. You can also use a chocolate flavored nut butter if desired.

Peanut Butter Protein Bars Recipe: Use peanut butter in the base recipe below. Feel free to dip in chocolate like I did, fora protein bar that tastes like a Reeses peanut butter cup!

Banana Bread Bars:Omit the maple syrup and use 1/4 cup overripe mashedbanana instead. Add a pinch of cinnamonand frost with melted coconut butter if you wish.

Cookie Dough Protein Bar Recipe: Stir mini chocolate chips into the batter, and add 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract and 1/8 tsp baking soda (this gives it a cookie dough flavor). I especially like to use cashew butterin this version.

Protein Bars Without Protein Powder: Use the base recipe below, with 1 cup oat flour in place of the 3/4 cup protein powder, and increase the sweetener to 1/3 cup. Even a small oatmeal protein bar (1/16th of the total recipe) made with peanut butter will still have 7 grams of protein.

Do you have a favorite protein bar flavor?

Other versions for this recipe that I haven’t yet tried include cinnamon roll, cake batter, lemon cookie, fudge brownie, caramel, peppermint, pumpkin pie, cookies’n cream, coffee, vanilla, maple, s’more’s, blueberry, white chocolate, Nutella, and coconut.

You may also like: Keto Brownies – No Flour

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (7)

What Kind Of Protein Powder?

At the grocery store, you can find bars made from all sorts of different protein powders,such asbrown rice protein, pea protein, whey protein, pumpkin seed, egg whites, hemp protein, collagen, casein, and soy protein.

Popular brands include Perfect Bars, Clif Bars, Luna Bars, RXBAR, Quest Bars, Kind, Think, Pure, One, Gatorade protein bars… the list goes on and on.

In this recipe, I’ve found that unsweetened protein powder is best, because the barsare sweet enough on their own without adding extra sugar or artificial sweetenersfrom the powder.

However, if you have a specific brand of flavored protein powder that you love, feel free to experiment (possibly cutting back on the sweetener in the recipe?), and let me know how it goes if you do!

Depending on the type of protein powder you choose, each of the bars in this healthy protein bar recipe will have around 10-12 grams of protein, or over 20 grams of protein if you make them into larger (60-gram) bars.

Leftover peanut butter? Make Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (9)

The Best Protein Bar Recipe

People eat protein bars for a variety of different reasons including muscle gain, weight loss, as a post workout portable snack or meal replacement, to curb hunger or help them feel full longer, as an easy way to add protein to their diet, or simply because they like the taste.

When I became a vegetarian in high school, I initially relied on energy bars as a convenient way to replace protein from meat.

Recently, I’ve started to make my own because I prefer bars made with sugar over erythritol or monk fruit and have been seeing fewer of those options available (or some that are available taste too sweet).

The best part about making your own protein bars is that you get to choose every single ingredient – Try one of the flavors above, or throw a handful of shredded coconut, chia seeds, or chopped dark chocolate into the dough to make your own custom flavor!

Above – watch the video how to make protein bars!

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (11)

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Protein Bars

An easy protein bar recipe with just a few ingredients, and you can can customize it for different flavors!

Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (13)

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Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Total Time 5 minutes minutes

Yield 10 – 16 protein bars

5 from 1277 votes


  • 1 1/2 cup peanut butter, or allergy-friendly sub
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened protein powder of choice (90g)
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, honey, or agave (or try these Keto Protein Bars)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 4 oz melted chocolate chips, optional
  • See earlier in this post for five protein bar flavor ideas


  • Stir all ingredients except optional chips to form a dough. Either shape into bars with your hands or smooth into a lined 8×8 pan, refrigerate until chilled, then cut into bars. For the optional chocolate coating, spread the melted chocolate over the pan before chilling. (I usually stir 2 tsp oil into the melted chocolate for a smoother sauce, but it's not required.) Or you can dip the bars into the chocolate sauce individually and then chill to set.

    View Nutrition Facts


Readers also love this Protein Ice Cream.

Make sure you like the taste of the protein powder you use. I’ve only tried the recipe with unsweetened, but feel free to play around with flavors. And if you’re a visual person, be sure to check out the recipe video above.

Have you made this recipe?

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Protein Bars Recipe – Just 4 Ingredients! (2024)


Is it healthy to eat 4 protein bars a day? ›

One or two protein bars a day are well within the recommended intake. But remember: the more protein-rich fruit and nut bars you eat, the more calories you're getting – something to bear in mind if you want to stick to a balanced diet.

What are the main ingredients in protein bars? ›

The protein sources for bars can come from either plant or animal origins and vary depending on the manufacturer. Popular sources include wheat, rice, soy, pea, and whey. However, some more novel sources of protein include algae, pumpkin, sunflower, and hemp.

What ingredients should not be in protein bars? ›

Avoid any bars with palm oil or kernel oil (often included in bars coated with chocolate) Sugar. If sugar, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup is the main ingredient, don't buy it.

What are the ingredients in my protein bar? ›

Ingredients: Protein Blend (22%) (Hydrolysed Whey Protein (Milk), Milk Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk), Soya Protein Isolate), Sweetener (Maltitol), Humectant (Glycerol), Chicory Root Fibre, Milk Chocolate Flavour Coating (10%) (Sweetener (Maltitol), Palm Kernel, Skimmed Milk Powder, Sweet Whey ...

What to eat instead of a protein bar? ›

Real Food Options
  • Lowfat yogurt and fruit.
  • Lowfat cottage cheese and fruit.
  • Snack size can of tuna and whole grain crackers.
  • Ready-to-eat whole grain cereal and milk.
  • Dried fruit and nut mix.
  • Whole grain bread spread with peanut or almond butter.
  • Hummus with vegetables or whole grain pita.
  • Homemade fruit smoothie.

Is it cheaper to make your own protein bars? ›

Is it cheaper to make your own Protein Bars? Absolutely! Making your own protein bars is much cheaper. Initially, the ingredients will cost more upfront, but with the amount you can make with those ingredients, homemade bars will end up much cheaper.

How long do homemade protein bars last? ›

Homemade protein bars don't keep as long as the ones you buy. If stored in a non-airtight container, homemade protein bars will be past their best after about 3 days.

Why are protein bars high in fat? ›

Protein bars will typically contain 5-10 grams of fat and these can be from natural protein sources such as nuts and seeds. Some highly processed bars can contain fat from highly processed oils such as palm or canola oil and can bump up the calorie intake of the bar too – as much as 350-400 calories per bar.

What makes a bad protein bar? ›

Protein bars might not immediately come to mind when you think of unhealthy foods, but some aren't as beneficial as they seem. Many bars sold today contain large amounts of ultra-processed ingredients, artificial sweeteners and added sugars.

What are bad ingredients in protein? ›

10 Protein Powder Ingredients to Avoid
  • Casein + WPC. These are also known as whey protein concentrate and sodium caseinate. ...
  • Gluten. ...
  • Dextrins/Maltodextrin. ...
  • Artificial sweeteners. ...
  • Skim milk powders/milk solids. ...
  • Soy protein. ...
  • Vegetable oils and fats. ...
  • Thickeners and gums.

What are the symptoms of too many protein bars? ›

Protein bars often contain compounds called sugar alcohols, which are lower in calories than traditional sugars. Sugar alcohols are associated with multiple gastrointestinal side effects including abdominal pain, bloating, and gas.

What are the ingredients in protein bars? ›

Many protein bars may be made from dates and dried fruit, nuts and seeds, and whole grains like oats or quinoa. The average protein bar contains 5–10 grams of fat, 25–35 grams of carbs, and 5–10 grams of fiber ( 1 ).

What is the ingredient criteria for the best protein bars? ›

Most of the protein bar's calories should come from protein. In terms of macronutrient split, a good rule of thumb is to find a protein bar that contains: (Friendly reminder) 15 to 20 grams of protein. 15 to 20 grams of energy-giving carbohydrates (this includes added sugars and dietary fiber)

How do I make my own protein bar brand? ›

  1. Conduct market research. ...
  2. Develop a recipe. ...
  3. Research all of the labeling, health and nutritional guidelines to ensure you are complying with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations. ...
  4. Develop packaging and marketing materials. ...
  5. Source ingredients. ...
  6. Decide on a distribution and sales strategy. ...
  7. Market your product.

How many protein bars can I have in a day? ›

Generally speaking, it is recommended that an individual consumes one to two protein bars a day to meet their nutritional goals. For individuals looking to gain muscle, consuming 2-3 protein bars a day can be beneficial since muscle-building requires more protein than fat loss.

Is 4 protein shakes a day too much? ›

To be clear, there is no hard-and-fast rule about drinking protein shakes, and having too many of them in one day likely won't have any long-term detrimental effects. For most people, anywhere from one to three protein shakes per day should be plenty to help them meet their nutritional needs.

Is 4 scoops of protein a day ok? ›

In short, it's advised to limit yourself to about 2 single-serving scoops of protein powder per day, depending on how active you are.

Do protein bars help build muscle? ›

For people looking to build muscle, protein bars are an excellent addition to their diet. But it's not just for weightlifters! Endurance athletes can also benefit from eating protein bars. For example, after a long run protein can help your muscles rebuild and repair with more efficiency.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.