How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants (2024)

Crops need fertilizers to attain optimum growth and provide a good yield. This is because, as opposed to most natural ecosystems, the nutrients present in the soil of cultivated farms and lawns are not enough to support the proper growth of the constantly rotating plants.

The addition of fertilizers in such type of soil ensures that the fundamental nutrients that plants require are readily present in the soil.

However, using too much fertilizer or using the wrong type of fertilizer may result in an exact opposite condition known as fertilizer burn. A plant cannot limit the intake of nutrients and when present in excess, the plant will intake more than what it needs and can use.

This is reflected in several visible as well as invisible signs and symptoms of fertilizer burn, all of which lead to a reduction in yield. As a farmer or a gardener, it is absolutely vital to understand it; mainly its identification, the reasons behind its occurrence, and the ways to treat fertilizer burns.

What does fertilizer burn look like? Signs of over-fertilized plants

There are several ways in which the over-fertilized plants show signs and symptoms of fertilizer burn. It has different appearances in different settings. In a grass lawn, the most common fertilizer burn appears in the form of patches of dead grass that have turned yellowish or brownish.

This clearly demarcates the area of the field in which fertilizer has been added in excess. In a container plant, you may see its initial occurrence in the form of salt crusts over the soil. This will slowly cause the leaves and stem to change colors, rot, and die. In most plants, the leaves generally turn brown.

On a farm or a garden, you need to look out for wilting in plants, the discoloration of leaves, and also leaves being detached from the stem and falling on the ground.

Fertilizer-burn on plants

The symptoms of fertilizer burn mentioned above are very similar to conditions that generally occur in any problematic plant-like pesticide injuries.

How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants (1)

So, to easily identify over-fertilized plants as the cause, when it is actually the case, you need to have a proper record of the type and volume of fertilizer used in your plants and shouldn’t ignore other probable causes as well.

When you use an excessive amount of fertilizer on plants, initially the plants achieve high foliage growth, but blossoming will be significantly reduced. This is the sign of fertilizer burn in plants even before visible signs like discoloration and wilting occur.

Moreover, the discoloration starts from the margin of the leaves and moves inwards. The foliage growth will now halt and the growth will be stunted. While all these are effects we can see, the main event is happening underground at the plant’s roots as fertilizer root-burn.

Fertilizer root-burn

If you pull your plants out of the ground and the roots are blackened or brown and limp, it can be caused by either excess water or excess fertilizer. If the soil water content is not higher, then it is most likely a case of fertilizer root burn.

How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants (2)

Fertilizer root burn occurs because when fertilizer is present in excess in the soil surrounding the root, the root cannot properly obtain water from the soil because of the lack of osmotic pressure.

Causes of fertilizer burn

The major cause of fertilizer burn is the excess use of fertilizer for your plants. However, there is more to it than what catches the eye. The effects of high fertilizer usage in your plants can be exacerbated when fertilization is not performed under appropriate conditions.

Using even a slight excess amount of fertilizer can be serious when fertilization is carried out:

  • to soil containing low moisture content
  • on a high-temperature day or when plants are stressed due to excessive heat
  • to leaves that are wet
  • in the daytime when the sun is direct
  • very near to the seeds on pits

Moreover, besides the conditions or methods of fertilizer application, there are other common reasons behind it:

Misjudged lawn area: Quite frequently, people tend to make errors while calculating the amount of fertilizer that their lawn or garden needs because they have already made a mistake while determining the area. Only include the area where fertilizer is intended to be used and not the whole area of the.

Using the wrong fertilizer combination: One of the most common reasons behind it is the lack of attention to detail when applying more than one fertilizer. If you apply two fertilizers that have a common compound, you could inadvertently take too much of the same compound which will result in fertilizer burn because of that specific compound.

While these are common actions or mistakes that may cause fertilizer burn in your plants, the science behind the occurrence of fertilizer burn due to excess fertilizer is quite simple as well. The key is the dehydration of plants.

This is because most of the fertilizers are highly-soluble salts and when present in excess, they increase the osmotic pressure of the soils. In normal conditions, plants’ uptake of water is caused by the difference in osmotic pressure between the soil (low salt concentration) and roots (high salt concentration).

As a result, the addition of excessive salts in the form of fertilizers reverses the flow of water and causes dehydration in plants resulting in wilting and yellowing of leaves.

How to treat over-fertilized plants?

Fertilizer burn is a serious issue and it should be treated as soon as possible after proper diagnosis. Proper diagnosis is important because it is very easy to misjudge fertilizer burn with excess water or too little water or even pesticide and insecticide damage. Some of the ways to treat fertilizer-burn on plants are listed below:

Watering: Watering the over-fertilized plants serves two purposes. First of all, it helps to increase the amount of water available for roots fertilizer-burn has occurred due to dry soils. More importantly, water helps to treat it by a process known as leaching.

Leaching is the downward flow of nutrients by the action of water. By water, the accumulated excess drugs can be leached down to lower soil horizons making the root-zone safe for the roots. However, it is important to make sure that waterlogging doesn’t occur which may further make the matters worse.

Manual removal: This method is applicable only in cases of container plants where the white crust of excess fertilizers that is formed over the soil can be manually removed which prevents it from further adding nutrients to the lower soil.

Removal of the affected plant part: Since there is little to no scope for the recovery of the affected leaves or other plant parts, they should be removed so that the rest of the plant can grow properly by making optimal use of the limited energy.

After stopping additional input of fertilizer into the soil and trying out each of the above-mentioned options, you now need to track the progress of your plants over the next few days and weeks depending on the severity.

If the plants do not recover, and there is an extreme case of root rot as well as foliage damage, you may need to remove the entire plants and replant only after treating the bare soil with water or by using mechanical treatment.

However, it is not recommended to use chemical methods of adding further chemicals to balance out the level of nutrients available in the soil, as you would do to deal with high or low pH soil. The most effective method is to flush out the excess nutrients by the use of water.

How to prevent fertilizer burn

As it goes without saying that prevention is always better than cure. So preventing it from occurring in the first place is the best option to optimize plants’ health as well as crop yield. Some of the ways of preventing fertilizer burn are as follows:

How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants (3)

To state the obvious, the best way of dealing with fertilizer burn is to only use as much fertilizer as the plant needs. It is always a better option to use less than the required amount rather than greater in case of any confusion because you can always add more fertilizer if needed.

There are two ways to balance the amount of fertilizer that a plant gets over its growth period. First, you can divide the application of fertilizers into small amounts over equal periods instead of adding them all at once. Secondly, slow-release fertilizers are a great choice that adds nutrients to the soil gradually.

When applicable, liquid fertilizers must be preferred to solid ones because liquid fertilizers distribute evenly in the soil itself while solid particles require additional irrigation. Irrigate your soil adequately after fertilizing.

While organic fertilizers can also cause fertilizer burn in plants, the chances are significantly lower. So, composting and organic fertilizers can help prevent it.

The conditions of the soil and the environment while fertilizing should be optimum in the sense that droughts and dry soil should not be present. To control this you should take soil sampling.

Finally, since different species of plants require different levels of nutrients for optimum growth and yield, the type and amount of fertilizer should be properly tailored to the needs of your plants.

Fertilizer burn is a serious issue that can be mistaken for other issues like overwatering and excess nitrogen. So, a proper review of the signs and symptoms should be done for an accurate diagnosis. While it is primarily caused by the excessive use of fertilizers for your plants, there may be underlying causes to its severity.

Also, it should be treated as soon as possible and nutrient leaching with the help of water is the best option to do so. Finally, whenever planting crops, gardening, or managing your lawn, it should be seriously considered and prevented by limiting the amount of fertilizer you will use.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you over fertilize plants?

No, you can not over fertilize plants. When excess fertilizer is applied, it can lead to nutrient imbalances and harm the plant’s health. Over-fertilization can cause leaf burn, stunted growth, and even plant death.

2. Will over fertilized plants recover?

Yes, over fertilized plants can recover with proper care. To help them recover, you should flush the soil with water to remove excess nutrients. Adjusting the watering schedule and providing adequate sunlight can also aid in the recovery process.

3. Can you over fertilize with organic fertilizer?

No, you cannot over fertilize with organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources, they contain nutrients that can be excessive if applied in large quantities. Over-application of organic fertilizers can lead to nutrient imbalances and potential harm to plants.

4. What happens to the roots of a plants if you add too much fertilizer to the soil?

Adding too much fertilizer to the soil can have negative effects on plants. Excessive fertilizer can lead to nutrient imbalances, causing nutrient toxicity and burning of the plant’s roots and foliage.

5. Can i fertilize my lawn every 2 weeks?

Fertilizing your lawn every two weeks is not recommended. Frequent fertilization can lead to an excessive build-up of nutrients, which can harm the grass and disrupt its natural growth patterns. It’s best to follow a regular fertilization schedule based on the specific needs of your lawn, typically ranging from once every 6-8 weeks.

Applying fertilizer in moderation and according to recommended guidelines will help promote healthy and balanced lawn growth. Additionally, factors such as climate, soil conditions, and grass type should also be considered when determining the appropriate fertilization frequency.

6. What is 16-16-16 fertilizer used for?

A 16-16-16 fertilizer is a balanced fertilizer that contains equal proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). It is commonly used as an all-purpose fertilizer for various plants and crops.

The balanced nutrient ratio promotes overall plant growth, including root development, flowering, and fruit production. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants, gardens, lawns, and agricultural applications.

However, it’s important to consider specific plant requirements and adjust fertilizer ratios accordingly for optimal results.


    What is soil regeneration?What is the best type of fertilizer?How to prevent waterlogging in agricultureHow to identify nutrient deficiencies in plants?Soil conservation practices for maintaining fertilityWhat is the difference between organic and synthetic fertilizers?


How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants (2024)


How to Save Over-Fertilized Plants? ›

Don't worry, most over fertilized plants can be saved by a few simple steps. Remove visible fertilizer from the plant and soil, and leach away the fertilizer by allowing water to run through the roots. Then, remove damaged foliage and wait about a month before feeding your plant again.

How to save over-fertilized plants? ›

What to do now
  1. Carefully remove all yellow or severely damaged leaves from your plant.
  2. Rinse the soil thoroughly with water (put the plant under a tap and let water run through the pot). Remove any remaining fertilizer residue.
  3. Cut back on fertilizing for a while to allow your plant the chance to recover.

What happens if you give your plants too much fertilizer? ›

Too much fertilizer (applied too often or too much) can burn or desiccate roots, ultimately killing the plant. Too much fertilizer can also be harmful to the environment.

How to fix fertilizer burn on plants? ›

The success also depends on the root health. If plant roots are severely damaged, chances to revive the crops are poor. Fix fertilizer burn by flushing excessive nutrients out with water for about a week. Excessive nutrients will leach below the root zone, making the soil environment safer for crops.

How to repair a lawn after too much fertilizer? ›

If that's impossible, spread it out and thoroughly water the area. Watering: Dilute the excess fertilizer by watering your lawn daily for a week. Ensure you saturate the grass with at least an inch of water. Delay Mowing: Let your grass grow a bit longer than usual.

Can you put too much Miracle-Gro on plants? ›

MG is so strong that if used incorrectly, the fertilizer will actually burn the leaves and roots of your plants (you may have already experienced this). Imagine what it's doing to the healthy bacteria, fungi and other soil microbes that are working so hard to provide the nutrients your plants need.

How to wash fertilizer out of soil? ›

A good watering with a drip cleaner in your irrigation system can move many types of fertilizer from the soil. Saturate your garden with a volume of water equivalent to the cubic area of the fertilized area. Repeat this step every few days until your plants show signs of recuperation.

How to tell if a plant is over fertilized? ›

Symptoms and signs of over-fertilization
  1. Crust of fertilizer on soil surface.
  2. Yellowing and wilting of lower leaves.
  3. Browning leaf tips and margins.
  4. Browned or blackened limp roots.
  5. Defoliation.
  6. Very slow or no growth.
  7. Death of seedlings.
Jul 5, 2023

Can you water fertilizer too much? ›

Watering to the appropriate levels after a fertilizer application is important. Too much and you can have run-off and diluted products. Too little and the fertilizer will just sit on the very surface of the ground and will not provide ideal conditions for the grass to take up the nutrients.

What does fertilizer burn look like? ›

When you apply too much fertilizer or spill some by accident, the salt buildup can cause fertilizer burn. So, you'll see brown, yellow or streaked grass. This happens more often with quick-release fertilizers, which flood lawns with nutrients all at once.

How long does it take for plants to recover from fertilizer burn? ›

To repair grass that has been burnt by fertilizer, first, thoroughly water the affected area to flush out excess salts. Wait for a few weeks to see if the grass begins to recover naturally. If damage persists, consider overseeding the area with appropriate grass seed, and keep it consistently moist.

Is fertilizer burn permanent? ›

Shortly after a fertilizer application, lawn grasses or garden plants start to discolor and look scorched from "fertilizer burn." Depending on the damage, plants may bounce back — or not.

Can plants recover from nutrient burn? ›

The leaves that were damaged by nutrient burn will not recover and turn fully green again, so do not use those leaves as a sign that you have fixed the problem.

How do you recover plants from over fertilizing? ›

Yes, over fertilized plants can recover with proper care. To help them recover, you should flush the soil with water to remove excess nutrients. Adjusting the watering schedule and providing adequate sunlight can also aid in the recovery process.

How do you get rid of excess fertilizer? ›

How to Reverse Over-fertilization
  1. Remove the Fertilizer. Start by clearing away any visible fertilizer by scooping it up with a small shovel. ...
  2. Remove the Dead Leaves. ...
  3. Remove the Soil's Top Layer. ...
  4. Drain the Excess Nutrients. ...
  5. Water Heavily. ...
  6. Avoid Fertilizer.
Apr 6, 2023

How much is too much fertilizer? ›

To avoid over-fertilizing, applying a fertilizer every two weeks is not recommended. Fertilizing as often as every two weeks will likely lead to problems such as lawn burn, excessive grass growth, as well as polluted water that can lead to toxic algae growth.

How to tell if plants are over fertilized? ›

Symptoms and signs of over-fertilization

Crust of fertilizer on soil surface. Yellowing and wilting of lower leaves. Browning leaf tips and margins. Browned or blackened limp roots.

What to do after fertilizing plants? ›

You should water granular fertilizer immediately after it is applied to your plants. Granular fertilizer needs the help of water for it to activate, so it will have no effect on your garden if you forget to water after adding it. For liquid fertilizer, you should wait longer before watering your plants.

How do you fix over-fertilized tomato plants? ›

In pots, it is simple. Just take some of the top soil out of the pot and get some demineralised or rain water, and wash the plants in the pots twice or so, and that should be it. In the ground, just leave them be. They might do well, in spite of overfertilizing.

How do you save a plant from transplant shock? ›

How do I treat transplant shock?
  1. Keep it well watered: During the growing season, newly planted and transplanted trees require supplemental water besides just rain. ...
  2. Mulch: Organic mulch helps soil retain moisture, keeps weeds away, and provides trees with nutrients.
Apr 14, 2022

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