7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (2024)

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (1)

Container gardening continues to soar in popularity. After all, it’s a great way to grow your produce, regardless of how much space you own.

However, like any other type of gardening, container gardening requires a certain level of care and attention to ensure plants grow healthy and strong. Otherwise, you’ll be disappointed in the results, particularly with your yields.

Unfortunately, people make mistakes that cost them those yields. Here are seven common container gardening mistakes. Better still, here’s how you can correct them.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (2)

Mistake #1: Selecting the Wrong Gardening Container

Choosing the wrong container size leads to many problems, including poor plant growth, root-bound plants, and dry soil.

For example, the soil dries slowly if your planting box is too large. That leaves your plant roots in wet soil because they can’t absorb all the moisture, making them more susceptible to root rot.

Conversely, the soil dries quickly in gardening containers that are too small. And that leads to you constantly having to water your plants. By the way, clay and terracotta planters have a similar impact. For instance, their porous nature causes the soil to dry more rapidly than a plastic planting box.

You need a planter box that’s both deep and wide enough for plant roots to get sufficient growing space. The more your plant’s roots can spread in the gardening container, the more they can access moisture and essential nutrients from the soil.

Focus on the Depth of Your Container

Ensure your planting box is at least 8 inches deep when growing vegetables. Generally, the deeper your planting box, the larger your reservoir of moist soil. Equally important, the more room your plants will have for root growth.

Eight inches of depth accommodates a variety of vegetables, including garlic, onions, lettuce, brussels sprouts, strawberries, herbs, and radishes.

Sub-irrigated planters are the exception. SIP planters have a water reservoir below the planting area to provide moisture for the plants. For example, EarthBox vegetable planting boxes include this self-watering feature to remove some guesswork from container gardening.

You’ll need an even deeper gardening container (10 inches more) for beets, broccoli, potatoes, beans, sweet corn, peas, squash, eggplants, and carrots.

Bigger is Better When it Comes to Planting Boxes

Regarding the length of your planting box, leave a planting space at least two inches wider than the plant’s diameter. Always err on the side of too large so that your plants have adequate space to spread.

Because plants come in all sizes, you’ll need to determine the mature size of the plant and limit yourself to a number that will fit comfortably in the gardening container.

There are plenty of resources online that provide placement charts for plant spacing. For instance, EarthBox offers placement charts for its planting boxes.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (3)

Mistake #2: Failing to Consider Plant Requirements

The reality is that most vegetables grow perfectly fine in gardening containers. Still, knowing which plants grow best in your climate is essential. When in doubt, talk to someone at your local garden center or utilize your local Cooperative Extension. Some container gardening companies also have growing guides to show you what grows best in your climate zone.

Equally important, you’ll need to place your gardening containers in an area that provides at least six hours of sunlight – most vegetables require full sun. Without appropriate sunlight, your yields will suffer.

That said, pay attention during sweltering summer months. Consider moving your plants into a shaded area for part of the day. At the very least, pay close attention to watering needs.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (5)

Mistake #3: Overlooking Plant Compatibility

First, don’t overplant. Placing too many plants in a container garden stunts their growth.

Second, you should also pay attention to companion planting. Some plants work well together and benefit each other. Others, not so much.

In some instances, one type of plant may produce biochemicals that hinder the growth of another plant. For example, beans don’t work well with onion family members. However, they do work well with carrots.

In other instances, one plant may become flavored by another plant. For example, herbs like rosemary and basil can impact the flavor of cucumbers.

Garlic also impacts some plants negatively. For example, when planted with lettuce, it produces chemicals that wilt the lettuce.

You can learn more about companion planting here.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (7)

Mistake #4: Over or Underwatering Plants in Your Container Garden

Here’s where many novice gardening enthusiasts mess up. And typically, the results are the same whether you water too much or too little – your plants wilt and die. Or if they survive, your yields are poor.

Underwatering leads to dry soil and stunted growth. Over-watering leads to root rot and other concerns.

Remember that water is lost much faster from gardening containers than from the ground. And, as mentioned, some containers are naturally porous, where moisture evaporates from the sides. By lining terracotta planters or using non-porous planting boxes, you can reduce that concern.

Water also evaporates from the soil surface in containers. So use mulch or gravel to limit the evaporation and minimize your watering requirements.

Checking for Moisture in Your Planting Box

You can check the soil’s moisture by inserting your finger into it. If it feels dry, it’s time to water.

When you water, focus on saturating the soil. Less frequent waterings where you soak the soil are better than more frequent waterings where you only dampen the soil. Check for water from the drainage holes to know when you’ve saturated the soil.

Speaking of drainage holes, they’re essential. Without drainage holes, water accumulates in the soil. Eventually, it will lead to root rot. If your planting box doesn’t have drainage holes, create some.

You have a couple of solutions if you aren’t sure about when to water or not. One is a moisture meter. The other is a sub-irrigated gardening container.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (8)

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (9)

Mistake #5: Using Poor Quality Soil

Feeding your plants properly starts with the soil. You must use quality soil that’s preferably designed for gardening containers.

Some folks grab a shovel, scoop some ground up from somewhere in their yard, and use that for their containers. That’s a disaster. The soil will clump and suffocate your plants.

You want to use soil that drains well while holding nutrients and providing oxygen to your plants. First, it should be light and fluffy. Second, it should include peat moss which helps with water retention. Third, it should consist of perlite or vermiculite, which creates air space.

You can amend the soil with compost, dried manure, slow-release fertilizer, or other essential nutrients to get your plants off to a good start.

You can also save yourself some time by getting a planting kit. For example, EarthBox offers a custom-blended organic potting mix specifically designed for planting boxes. It also includes fertilizer.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (10)

Mistake #6: Failing to Feed Your Plants Regularly

Even if you mix something like composted manure into your soil before planting, that fertilizer will last only a few weeks. In addition to your plants consuming the nutrients, some will drain from the container.

Consequently, it’s essential to fertilize your vegetable planting boxes every two to four weeks. Some plants require even more frequent feeding. For example, fruiting plants like tomatoes and peppers benefit from feeding every week. You can even dilute the fertilizer and feed them every day.

Your two best options for fertilizer are granular or liquid fertilizer. The former has slow-release granules that absorb into the soil when you water.

You mix liquid fertilizer with water. Then, you can pour it into the planter. You can also spray some on the plant’s foliage as they will absorb the fertilizer.

A word of caution. If you spray fertilizer on the plant’s leaves, do it in the morning. That way, the plants can dry out before cooler night temperatures hit. Wet foliage invites fungal diseases. That’s why it’s also best to water in the morning.

Don’t Forget These Initials – N, P, K

They stand for nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Each is critical for your plant’s health. When first planting, using a balanced fertilizer with equal parts N-P-K is fine. You’ll often see notation like 10-10-10 to represent the percentage of each nutrient.

After planting, focus on incorporating nutrients essential to your grown vegetables. For example, leafy vegetables like lettuce require nitrogen.

Fruiting plants like tomatoes and peppers like phosphorous, while root crops like carrots and potatoes thrive on potassium.

This is another reason to focus on companion planting. In addition, you’ll benefit by having plants needing the exact fertilizer requirements.

Depending on the gardening container you use, the manufacturer may have specific fertilizer and soil recommendations. Always follow those to avoid guesswork and to guarantee your gardening success.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (11)

Mistake #7: Failing to Thin and Support Plants

Keep your plants confined to space requirements. There’s nothing wrong with pruning or thinning plants. However, your plants will grow better and face fewer disease concerns because they’ll have better airflow.

In addition to thinning plants, you’ll also want to ensure you support plants that tend to sprawl or that produce heavy fruits – cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. They can quickly take over a space.

Moreover, fruited plants can contact the ground without staking, leading to spoilage or bug concerns. You also run the risk of the plant’s stems cracking.

It’s also best to consider staking when you initially plant. Otherwise, you’ll have to force the plant’s stems to fit the trellis. That leads to breakage, where you can lose budding fruits and cut production.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (12)

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (13)

EarthBox Helps Avoid Container Gardening Mistakes

One of the best ways to avoid container gardening mistakes is by using EarthBox products. We’ve developed complete gardening systems to help ensure your success. It’s why we’ve been a top-rated and trusted provider since 1994.

Commercial farmers developed our planting boxes. They’re tested and proven in the lab. So you get superior results whether you have a green thumb or not.

Our maintenance-free system controls soil conditions and watering and eliminates the guesswork. As a result, you’ll get double the yields of a conventional garden. So whether you’re planting tomatoes, herbs, vegetables, or strawberries, you’ll get superior yields.

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (14)

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (15)

7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox (2024)


7 Container Gardening Mistakes – EarthBox? ›

The container must take up either one-third or two-thirds of the eventual total height of the container and the plants together. And the plants must take up the remaining two-thirds or one-third, respectively, of the planting.

What is the rule of thumb for container gardening? ›

The container must take up either one-third or two-thirds of the eventual total height of the container and the plants together. And the plants must take up the remaining two-thirds or one-third, respectively, of the planting.

What is a disadvantage to container gardening? ›

#1: Container Gardens Need to Be Watered More Often

With such a limited soil volume, plants in containers need frequent watering. It is critical to check your soil weekly to determine hydration levels. Keep an eye open for the following telltale signs: Shriveled, brittle, or dead leaves.

How deep does soil need to be for container gardening? ›

12" to 18" for moderate depth vegetables: eggplant, peppers, beets, broccoli, carrots (short varieties), cauliflower, celery, chard, kale, peas. 18" to 24" for deep rooted vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, winter squashes, beans, corn, cucumbers.

What are the four main issues with container grown plants? ›

The 5 most common mistakes you'll make when you're growing vegetables in containers
  • Too many plants in one container. This is one of those mistakes that's so easy to make. ...
  • No drainage. ...
  • Not enough water. ...
  • Mixing bad companion plants. ...
  • Soil quality.
May 7, 2024

What is #1 container in gardening? ›

The actual number refers to the approximate size of the container and how much soil it holds. For example, a number-one (#1) container holds approximately one gallon of soil.

Should plant pots be raised off the ground? ›

Air circulation under a container also contributes to the health of the plant's roots. So, even on stone, tile, or concrete, where you're not concerned about rot, lifting your pots a few inches is important.

What is the best container for growing vegetables? ›

Plastic or clay pots, buckets, baskets, and wooden boxes are suitable for most vegetables. Plastic tubs and garbage barrels provide space for roots of rank-growing vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

Should I use potting soil for container gardening? ›

Using good potting soil is a simple way to get your outdoor container gardens off to a great start. Quality potting soil will help your container plants thrive.

Which shape of container works the best for container gardening? ›

Square containers

A square pot also gives more volume for the same height, as well as more surface area for planting, than a round pot. This means there is more space to pack in potting soil and nutrients. Having this extra space is great if you want to grow rows of flowers or you are cultivating herbs for consumption.

Should I put anything in the bottom of my planter? ›

One of the best things to put at the bottom of a planter for drainage is broken pieces of pot. You can use any unwanted plant pots or chipped crockery for this – simply smash them up into small to medium-sized pieces. Adding a layer of broken pieces of pot like this will prevent compost loss out of the drainage holes.

What is the best potting mix for container vegetables? ›

Soil substitutes consisting of mixtures of peat moss and sand or perlite or vermiculite, amended with lime and fertilizer, work very well. One good recipe includes 1 bushel each of vermiculite and peat moss, 1¼ cups of dolomitic lime, ½ cup 20% superphosphate and 1 cup 5-10-5 fertilizer.

What is the best food for container plants? ›

As a general rule, pots and containers should be fed at least once a week from spring until the autumn. At the start of its growth, Gro-Sure All Purpose Plant Food is ideal (unless your plant is acid loving in which case use Westland Ericaceous High Performance Liquid Plant Food.

What is a number 3 container plant? ›

#3. Tree Height: 8-48″ Container Size: ~3 gallons.

What happens if you plant flowers too close together in pots? ›

If you plant flowers too close together, the plants get stressed and are prone to diseases, Kole says. If air can't properly circulate and the plants can't dry out between waterings, fungus sets in. Roots can rot. And once plants are weakened from stress, insects move in.

How do you layout a garden container? ›

You can assemble the container in any way you see fit, but it's helpful to plant the biggest plant, the thriller, first so you don't have to make room for it later. Then add the fillers around the base of the thriller, followed by the spillers trailing over the edge of the pots.

What is the best mix for container gardening? ›

2 parts compost. 2 parts peat moss. 1 part perlite or vermiculite.

What is the best size for container garden? ›

What is the optimum planter size?
  • Plant a 10-inch container with small fruits and small herbs:
  • Plant a 14-inch container with leafy vegetables and larger herbs:
  • Plant a 16-inch container with larger fruit plants and small trees:
May 4, 2024

How do you calculate what will fit in a container? ›

Multiply the length, width and height of your container to determine the volume available for your items. For instance, from our dimensions above, a 20-foot container would offer approximately 1,173 cubic feet. Measure each individual box, bin, pallet or crate to determine the volume of each shipping unit.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.